JH Gunn Core Values
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Core Beliefs
1 - All students can learn, achieve, and succeed Excellence
2 - Students learn best when they have an opportunity for success Excellence
9 - Curriculum and instruction are based on developmentally appropriate learning activities Excellence
12 - Challenging expectations increases individual student performance Excellence
3 - Students learn in different ways Individual Difference
13 - Exceptional children require special services and resources Individual Differences
7 - Each individual is valued with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs Differences
4 - A safe, orderly, and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning Safe and Healthy environment
5 - Positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff enhance a student’s self-esteem and learning potential Collaboration
6 - Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process Collaboration
10 - Teachers, parents, and the community share the responsibility for the support of the school’s mission Collaboration
11 - Cultural diversity increases students understanding of different peoples and cultures Cultural Diversity/differences
14 - Heterogenity enriches student learning and the teaching environment Cultural Diversity/differences
8 - The health and nutrition of students affects their readiness and ability to learn Is this necessary? 15 - There is room for improvement for our school CMS Vision and Mission (from http://www.cms.k12.nc.us/mediaroom/aboutus/Pages/default.aspx) Vision: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and productive life. Mission: The mission of CMS is to maximize academic achievement by every student in every school.
J.H. Gunn Elementary School Mission Statement: (from http://www.indistar.org/app/Guest.aspx)
Current Mission: To develop and produce literate, critical thinkers who are lifelong learners and respectful, responsible and contributing citizens.
Suggested Mission: To cultivate literate, critical-thinkers who, as responsible citizens, embrace a lifetime of learning.
Suggested JH Gunn Core Values
Encouraging Excellence
Our school is committed to teaching students to be thoughtful, invested learners who think critically and passionately about their studies and the world they live in. Staff and students are held to high expectations and supported in reaching their goals through empirically based, data driven teaching strategies and professional development opportunities. By supporting an environment rich in intellectual excitement, innovative instruction, and personal growth, we ensure the future success of JH Gunn family.
Fostering Collaboration and Communication
Collaboration is supported and encouraged as a means of learning and growth. Team work and effective communication are expected of staff and students to ensure success within and outside of the classroom. Collaborative relationships within our learning community and with parents, friends, and community members are sought and nurtured in order to support and fulfill our mission.
Respecting Human Differences
We embrace the diversity of the JH Gunn community and work to maintain an environment of equality and respect for all who grace our hallways. Individual differences are valued while also promoting the commonalities we all share. While promoting a safe environment in which students can question and challenge, we cultivate an appreciation for different perspectives, cultures, and experiences.
JH Gunn Objectives - NC Indicators of Effective Practice Indicators outlined in JH Gunn’s Comprehensive Plan (http://www.indistar.org/app/Reports/SchoolCompPlan.aspx?GroupID=SE&gn=North%20Carolina %20Indicators%20of%20Effective%20Practice&sl=)
A02 - The school’s Leadership Team regularly looks at school performance data (disaggregated by subgroups) and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs.(3061)
o Supported by Values of Excellence and Collaboration
B01 - Instructional Teams develop standards-aligned units of instruction for each subject and grade level.(88)
o Supported by Values of Excellence and Collaboration
B02 - Instructional Teams review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to make decisions about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of tutoring or extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of objectives).(109)
o Supported by Values of Excellence, Collaboration, Respecting Human Differences