Laura Pezzulich

Locks of Love

Have you ever heard of an organization called Locks of Love? Well they are here to help needy children by providing them with donations to get them through the next years of their lives. People need to raise awareness, give these children confidence, and donate any form of assistance to the organization. So one may be wondering what Locks of Love actually is. Locks of Love is a non-profit organization helping Alopecia areata patients, mostly children, through their everyday life. Volunteers lend much more than a hand to assist financially burdened families by providing hairpieces to their disadvantaged children. Through this, the organization achieves its goal of helping such patients. As mentioned, mMost of these young boys and girls have unfortunately lost most, if not all, of their hair due to Aalopecia areata. It is a medical condition with no known cause or cure and leaves its victims feeling like their usual selves. Or end the sentence at the word “cure” and add this: The condition has far-reaching and strenuous effects, with which the patients must involuntarily put up with. The job of a volunteer for this organization is to give back all the personality and self-assurance to the kids receiving the ponytail donations. The hairpieces made for these kids are not just made to restore their self-esteem. They are also what give them the confidence to be ready for any kind of hardship. They can face the world standing tall with a smile on their face. There are plenty of ways to lend a hand to Locks of Love. Not only is donating your hair an option. This organization and hospitals are always searching for people to talk to the kids suffering from this illness. You do not have to have gone through the same disease as these children do. They just want to know someone cares so by talking to them they deeply appreciate that. You can make a difference, change a life. Get involved! After someone donates hair, they feel a sense of relief that they could help. Think of what these unlucky children have had to suffer through and then think about how you can give. It is an incredible feeling to provide such admirable possessions to these young individuals. More and more children are becoming struckdiagnosed with this awful illness every yearAlopecia areata each year. Everyone should do their part to raise awareness and , donate their help, and donate their haiboth their help and their hair.r. Not only will these kids be ecstatic over these selfless donations, but , the families of the victims could not be more gratefulwould be extremely grateful, too. You have a good start here, just try and wrap it up with a little more strength.