Swanke Resume1
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A. Present University Department or Unit
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville College of Arts and Sciences Department of Social Work
B. Office Address
I. Box 1450 Edwardsville, IL 62026
II. Email: [email protected]
C. Professional Licensure
Certified Alcohol and Other Drugs of Addiction Counselor 2006-Present
Ph.D. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 2009
The Rehabilitation Institute Rehabilitation Administration and Services
M.S.W. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 2006
School of Social Work Health and Mental Health Emphasis
B.S.W. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 2004
School of Social Work
A. Academic Teaching Experience
2012-2013 Assistant Professor Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Department of Social Work
Undergraduate Courses Taught: Macro Practice
Graduate Courses Taught: Communities and Neighborhoods
2010-2011 Visiting Professor University of St. Francis, Joliet, IL Department of Social Work
Courses Taught: Human Behavior & the Social Environment Health Care Systems Introduction to Social Work Readings in Social Work Macro Practice
2009-2010 Adjunct Instructor Illinois Central College, Peoria, IL Drug and Alcohol Counselor Training Program
Courses Taught: Introduction to Psychology Foundations of Addiction Addiction Counseling I Addiction Counseling II Pharmacology
2006-2009 Graduate Assistant Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL School of Social Work
Undergraduate Courses Taught: Case Management Practice, Evaluation, & Policy Substance Abuse Practice, Evaluation, & Policy Statistics for Social Workers
2 Graduate Teaching Assistant Courses: Generalist Practice I Psychosocial Disorders Rehabilitation Case Management
B. Post-Doctoral Fellowship
2011-2012 Post-Doctoral Scholar University of South Florida, Tampa, FL School of Social Work Florida Kinship Center
C. Field Practice Experience
Feb.-Aug. 2010 Intake Specialist Chestnut Health Systems, Bloomington, IL Adult Chemical Dependency Unit
2006-2009 Substance Abuse Clinician H-Group, Marion, IL Substance Abuse Services
July-Nov. 2006 Substance Abuse Counselor Illinois Impact Incarceration Program, Du Quoin, IL Substance Abuse Services
2005-2006 Intern Union County Counseling Services, Anna, IL Outpatient Mental Health Counseling Services
Aug.-Dec. 2004 Intern Carbondale Police Department, Carbondale, IL Crime Victim Advocacy Services
IV. RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY A. Research Interests and Specialties
1. Teaching Effectiveness in Social Work Education 2. Employment among ex-criminal offenders 3. Mental Health and Health Care Policy 4. Addiction Studies 5. Parents and Parenting 6. Child Welfare 7. Kinship Care 8. Administrative Policy 9. Leadership
3 B. Publications in Refereed Journals
1. Dreuth Zeman, L., Swanke, J., & Doktor, J. (2011). Measurable successes for children with ASD: Perspectives from Mothers’ Virtual Journals. School Social Work Journal, 36(1), 61-78.
2. Swanke, J., & Dreuth Zeman, L. (2011). Parity, not perfect: Making sense of substance addiction equity for case managers. Care Management Journals: Journal of Case Management, 12(3), 101-107.
3. Dreuth Zeman, L., Swanke, J., & Doktor, J. (2011). Strengths classification of social relationships among cybermothers raising children with autism spectrum disorders. School Community Journal, 21(1), 37-52.
4. Buila, S. M., & Swanke, J. R. (2010). Patient-centered mental health care: Encouraging caregiver participation. Care Management Journals, 11(3), 146- 150.
5. Swanke, J. R., and Buila, S. M. (2010). Gatekeeper training for caregivers and professionals: A variation on suicide prevention. Advances in Mental Health, 9(1), 98-104.
6. Swanke, J., Dreuth Zeman, L., & Doktor, J. (2009). Discontent and activism among mothers who blog while raising children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Maternal Health and Well-being, 11(1), 199-210.
7. Swanke, J., & Dreuth Zeman, L. (2009). Family medical leave as a resilience resource for family caregivers. Case Management Journals, 10(1), 8-13.
8. Dreuth Zeman, L., & Swanke, J. (2008). Classification of consumer determination in state advance mental health directive goals and statutes in a national reform context. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 6(4), 484-493.
9. Dreuth Zeman, L., & Swanke, J. (2007). Integrating social work practice and technology competencies: A case example. Social Work Education, Special Edition on Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching, 27(6), 601-612.
C. Publications Under Review
1. Dixon, D. L., Strozier, A. L., & Swanke, J. R. (2012). Children who die of abuse: An examination of the effects of perpetrator characteristics on fatal versus non-fatal child abuse. Manuscript submitted for publication.
4 2. Littlewood, K., Swanke, J. R., Strozier, A., & Kondrat, D. (2012). Measuring social support among kinship caregivers: Validity and reliability of the Family Social Support Scale. Manuscript submitted for publication.
D. Invited Book Chapters
1. Doktor, J., Dreuth Zeman, L., & Swanke, J. (2010). Integrating mothers’ views of resources that foster growth for children with ASD into policy. In Emily Douglas, Current Trends in Child and Family Policy. New York: Littlefield.
E. Published Conference Preceedings
1. Doktor, J., Zeman, L.D., & Swanke, J. (2009-10-14). Web Journal Policy Analysis of Mothers of Children with ASD: Adequacy, Accommodations, Availability, and Accessibility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the MWERA Annual Meeting, Sheraton Wesport Chalet Hotel, St. Louis, MO Online
F. Organizational Papers
1. Shlonsky, A., Dennis, J., Swanke, J., & Singh, J. P. (2012). Risk of child maltreatment: A systematic review of the predictive validity of instruments. Protocol for the Campbell Collaboration.
G. Current Research Projects
1. Evaluation of Teaching Methods Utilized in an Undergraduate Social Work Statistics Class.
2. Evaluation of Title IV-E Waver Implementation in the Florida Child Welfare System
3. Social Support for Kinship Caregivers: Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Scale
4. Blogging Towards Recovery
5. Child Welfare Risk Assessment Systematic Review
5 H. Papers and Presentations at Professional Meetings
1. Swanke, J. R., Littlewood, K., & Strozier A. (November, 2012). Social Support among Kinship Caregivers: Psychometric Properties of the Family Support Scale. The 2012 Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Washington D.C. 2. Swanke, J. R. (October, 2012). Blogging Towards Recovery: An Introduction to Virtual Recovery Support. The 2012 Fall IAODAPCA Conference, Rend Lake, IL.
3. McGrew, L., Strozier, A., & Swanke, J. (March, 2012). Understanding the Needs and Strengths of Children in Kinship Care. The 25th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research & Policy Conference, Tampa, Florida.
4. Doktor, J., Dreuth Zeman, L., and Swanke, J. (October, 2009). Web Journal Policy Analysis of Mother’s of Children with ASD: Adequacy, Accommodations, Availability, and Accessibility. Mid-Western Educational Research Association, St. Louis, Missouri.
5. Swanke, J. (October, 2009). Evaluation of Teaching Methods Utilized in an Undergraduate Social Work Statistics Class. Mid-Western Educational Research Association, St. Louis, Missouri.
6. Dreuth Zeman, L., Doktor, J., and Swanke, J. (November, 2008). Social Niches of Mothers Raising Children in the Autism Spectrum, Poster Presentation. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Lenses on Family, Little Rock, Arkansas.
7. Swanke, J. and Dreuth Zeman, L. (July, 2008). Resources that Support Mother Caregivers of Children in the Autism Spectrum. Paper Presentation. First National Research Conference on Child and Family Programs and Policy, Bridgewater State College.
8. Swanke, J. and Dreuth Zeman, L. (June, 2008). Blogging Activism: Anti- hegemonic Expression of Mothers Raising Children in the Autism Spectrum. Paper presentation. National Women Studies Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 2008.
9. Dreuth Zeman, L. and Swanke, J. (October, 2007). puttingonahappyface: Web Images of Mothering Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Paper presentation. Association for Research on Mothering, Maternal Health and Well-Being Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
10. Swanke, J. and Dreuth Zeman, L. (April, 2007). Family Medical Leave as a Resilience Resource for Caregivers. Paper Presentation, 2007 Illinois Council
6 on Family Relations, Understanding and Supporting Family Resilience. Urbana, Illinois.
11. Swanke, J. and Dreuth Zeman, L. (February, 2007). Integrating Social Work Practice and Technology Competencies through WebCt. Paper Presentation, American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 10th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas Nevada.
G. Invited Presentations
1. Swanke, J. (November, 2011). Blogging Towards Recovery: An Analysis of Themes, Postdoctoral Research Colloquium, Tampa, Florida.
2. Swanke, J. (April, 2011). Employment Issues among Meth Involved Clients. Southern Illinois Methamphetamine Conference, Carterville, Illinois.
3. Swanke, J., Buila, S. (April, 2009). Suicide Prevention: An Evaluation of a Community Response to a Community Problem. Southern Illinois Research Town Square, Carbondale, Illinois.
4. Swanke, J. (April, 2009). Suicide Statistics. Community Base Suicide Prevention Seminar, John A. Logan College, Carterville, Illinois.
A. Learning Management System Search Committee, University of St. Francis, 2011
B. BSW Curriculum Committee, University of St. Francis, 2010-2011
C. Rehabilitation Teacher of the Year Committee, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2007
D. College of Education and Human Service Curriculum Committee, Southern Illinois University, 2005-2006
E. Council on Social Work Education, 2012-2013
F. National Rehabilitation Association, 2007-2011
A. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa, 2011-2012
B. District 709 School Supply Drive, 2011
7 C. Apostolic Christian Restmor Ice Cream Social, 2011
D. AmeriCorps Playground Build, 2011
E. Fundraising for USF Department of Social Work Scholarship, 2011
F. Jackson County Summit of Hope, 2011
G. Southern Illinois Methamphetamine Conference, 2009
H. Fundraising for Juvenile Diabetes, 2002-2008
I. Habitat for Humanity, 2002-2007
J. Book in Every Home, 2002-2005