Kelloggsville Board of Education s2

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Kelloggsville Board of Education s2

KELLOGGSVILLE BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting – February 17, 2014 Report No. 13-115

CONSENT AGENDA MINUTES OF MEETING Regular Meeting – February 03, 2014 ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Pomorski, Mrs. Sellers, Mr. Skinner, and Mrs. Ward Absent: Mrs. Reidzans (FRN Conference in Washington, D.C.) Also present: Samuel L. Wright, Interim Superintendent Scott Gunn, Assistant Superintendent Employees and Visitors

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER President Pomorski called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Board and Visitors recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

NEXT REGULARYLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS The next regularly scheduled board meetings will be held: February 17, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center March 03, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center March 24, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center April 21, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Board of Education Center


VISITORS President Pomorski welcomed visitors.  Ron Rathlein – KESSA President & Bus Driver; shared a picture with the Board of a bus with monster wheels, adding that there have been too many snow days and the district needs buses like these to make it through the weather conditions we have having lately!   Barb Windsor – Kindergarten Teacher; summarized a meeting she currently attended for the Friends of Kent County Schools which is a grassroots organization actively engage in the efforts to ensure quality educational experiences for all students. Three local legislators were in attendance, Tom Hooker, Lisa Posthumus-Lyons, and Ken Yonker. She highlighted some of the current educational topics that each spoke on and invited those present to meet with their local legislators on Capital Day which is scheduled for 03/06/14.

REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Consent Agenda It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve Consent Agenda items 13-101, 13-102, 13-103, and 13-104. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED 13-101 Approval of Organizational/Regular & Closed Meeting Minutes from 01/13/14 13-102 Approval of Personnel Report 13-103 Approval of Expenditure Report General Fund: $899,674.45 Food Service: $70,059.29 Child Care: $36.00 Regular Meeting February 03, 2014 Page Two

Ms. Lori Martin, Accounts Payable, reviewed the expenditures from the General Fund. 13-104 Approval of Model United Nations Conference Trip

FOR ACTION A. Approval of 6 th Grade Camp It was moved by Mrs. Ward, seconded by Mrs. Sellers, to approve Option “D” for 6th grade camp for the fall of 2014. Option Days Cost per Student Students Total Cost D 2 $40.00 150 $6,000 = BOE contribution 1 $17.00 150 $2,550 = Student Share

3 $57.00 150 $8,550 Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

B. Approval to Reinstate Alternative Education Program It was moved by Mr. Meyer, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve the alternative educational program to be reinstated at the Discovery site for the 2014-15 school year. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

C. Approval to Relocate Preschool and REI Programs It was moved by Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mrs. Sellers, to approve the relocation of the preschool program to the KECC building and the REI program to the age appropriate grade levels for the 2014-15 school year. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

D. Approval of 2013-14 Budget Amendments It was moved by Mrs. Ward, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve the 2013-14 budget amendments as presented. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED

E. Approval for High School Family Rocket Night It was moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Sellers, to approve a Family Rocket Night on 02/19/14 at KHS, which will coincide with P/T Conferences. Yeas: 6 Nays: 0 MOTION CARRIED


FOR INFORMATION A. Report: Middle School Family Rocket Night Mr. Reeves summarized the results of the Family Rocket Night held at KMS on 01/22/14. The event was very well attended with 269 students and their families coming through the door and 437 meals were served throughout the night. There was a variety of family activities available that included a showcase of service learning projects and several academic opportunities. Families were also invited to fill out a survey to share feedback and give input on a variety of topics in which Mr. Reeves briefly shared the results of with the Board.

B. Report: High School Achievement Center An update was given by Mrs. Savage on the transition of the Rocket Learning Lab to the Achievement Center (one possible name). Regular Meeting February 03, 2014 Page Three

She recapped the site visits that have taken place, shared that Edify training continues, and initial visits with staff from KHS and KMS have also taken place in an effort to gather as much information and feedback as possible. Board members were given a handout with included the information and feedback that was exchanged during those staff visits. She also shared information on a pilot model that Mr. Czarnecki is currently working on with staff from KMS. Moving forward the goal is to continue hands on work, training, and professional learning time with KHS staff on how this model will look and how it will benefit their current curriculum. Mrs. Savage shared a copy of a brochure that has been drafted to inform students, families and the community on which explains the expanded learning opportunities that this comprehensive program can provide for students. A proposal for this program will be brought to the Board for their approval in March.

C. Report: Professional Development Day Results Mrs. Savage summarized the results of the professional learning time that was held on 01/24/14. The goal was to provide differentiated learning time for staff and she highlighted several of the activities that took place. A literacy consultant from KISD lead the elementary staff through a workshop as they move through the implementation of Lucy Calkins. KMS staff took part in ENO Board training, the Achievement Center pilot model, Be Nice campaign discussions and grade level/department times. Department time to work on credit recovery items and discussions on the transition from RLL to the Achievement Center were the topics for the staff at KHS. Mrs. Savage also highlighted several other learning opportunities that staff participated in, all of which resulted in a very productive day.

D. Report: Human Resource Committee Mr. Gunn reviewed the committee’s goal: Goal #1: Communicate clear expectations to all staff on evaluation tools and process.

Desired Results: Ongoing awareness by staff of state standards including student growth, professional development, implementation and additional contributions.

Mr. Gunn shared that at the beginning of this year, staff were given guidelines and end- of-year timelines for their performance goals and self-evaluations. In addition, communication was sent that encouraged staff to become acquainted with the Michigan Revised School Code section 1249 Teacher Evaluation Guidelines which explains the details associated with evaluations, observations and performance goals.

Goal #2 : Implement the Affordable Healthcare Act for all employee groups.

Desired Results: 100% compliance with the Affordable Healthcare Act

Mr. Gunn explained that the more they research this new compliance, the more confusing it becomes. KPS is in compliance thus far by communicating the Market Place Notice Brochure and currently working to establish a timeframe for the measurement period.

Goal #3: Review and evaluate the new mentor program for all probationary staff.

Desired Results: Determine the program’s effectiveness and recommend any necessary changes. Regular Meeting February 03, 2014 Page Four

The committee has reviewed what is current practice for each building and determined that there is no consistency, each are doing their own program. A process is being established to develop a district-wide comprehensive mentor program for implementation.

Ongoing #3: Evaluate current staffing levels, both certified and support staff.

Desired Results: Compare to local norms to determine efficiency of current staffing levels in buildings and district.

Staffing levels for the 2014-15 school year are currently underway and a staffing plan will be brought to the Board sometime in March/April.

E. Report: Operations Goal #3 Committee Mr. Schilthuis reviewed the committee’s goal: Operations Goal #3: Identify district technology needs, including, but not limited to; network upgrades, single system security cameras, proper hardware for technology, etc., and funding options to address areas of need.

Desired Results: Develop a plan to identify technology needs to increase student achievement and what finance options will be used.

Mr. Schilthuis shared that the committee has been working to set up a tentative technology adoption plan and evaluate the current technology we have in the district and how it is being used to help come up with a strategy for future purchases. Mrs. Savage and Mr. Hoorn will be working on a rubric to survey existing pieces of technology and once that has been reviewed, that information will assist with getting further into the adoption plan. Board members were given a handout which was a draft of the Educational Technology Adoption Plan. Mr. Schilthuis reviewed the plan which ranges from the idea for technology implementation, training considerations, funding options, implementation plan, purchase recommendations, and an evaluation process. The committee will make another presentation to the board on 03/03/14.

OTHER MATTERS Mr. Wright highlighted renderings provided by the district’s architect firm, TowerPinkster, which show the most recent Concept #4 plans for KHS. He explained that this concept is a blend of the first three with classrooms filling in the current courtyard, the added Achievement Center and an expanded band room. Mr. Wright shard that things are moving more quickly at this time but it is a solid plan and this newest concept will be shared with KHS staff next week to get their input. In addition to that, both the Facilities Committee and the Bond Committee will also be meeting to review this plan as this process continues to move forward.

Mr. Gunn gave a brief update on the Community Coalition meeting that took place previously that morning. The meetings are open to members of Kentwood and Wyoming city and business officials with a purpose of sharing information and to keep everyone up to date on current issues. Discussion on the district’s bond millage was a topic on today’s agenda and support was expressed by the coalition. Regular Meeting February 03, 2014 Page Five

In addition to that, Mr. Wright added that Mr. Reeves is also the district’s representative at the Division Avenue Business Association meetings which also encompasses the new BRT Silverline coming soon. Mr. Reeves added that a Silverline Steering Committee meeting has been scheduled, with KPS as the host, on 2/24/14 @ 6:00 PM – all are welcome to attend.

INTRODUCTION OF MATTERS BY BOARD MEMBERS - Mr. Anderson – expressed a sincere apology to staff, parents, students and community on some previous decisions that the BOE has made, which were done with careful consideration of what was thought to have been what was best for kids, to later determine it wasn’t. He shared that the reversal of many of those decisions will help put the district back on the right track and stop the yo-yo effect. He is also excited to hear about the development of the Achievement Center, which sounds to be an amazing program; - Mr. Meyer – added to that the Board is willing to make decisions and changes to move the district in the right direction; - Mrs. Sellers – concurred with the statements of Mr. Anderson and Mr. Meyer. She also stated that both she and Mrs. Ward have attended Grassroots meetings in the past and that they have a list of KPS parents who have also expressed interest in this effort and may be interested in becoming more involved on behalf of the district. She was also very excited to see the return of the well attended Family Rocket Night, which is evident that Kville Pride has returned; - Mr. Skinner – echoed Mr. Anderson’s comments. He congratulated KHS for obtaining a $700 archery grant and also commended the Boys and Girls Bowling Teams for their recent victory; - Mrs. Ward – shared that as displayed by their actions tonight, it is apparent that the Board is doing what needs to be done to move the district in a good direction and she is looking forward to a renewed sense of achievement and purpose. She expressed appreciation for everyone’s patience and hard work as we all muddle through this together. She echoed Mrs. Sellers’ statement about the Family Rocket Night and was excited to see the Hydroponics service learning project and how that part of the building is being utilized for that purpose; - Mr. Pomorski – echoed all of the other board members’ comments;

ADJOURNMENT President Pomorski adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.

David Skinner, Secretary Beth A. Postma Kelloggsville Board of Education Recorder

VISITORS: Joyce Hansen, Tammy Savage, Jim Lafler, Lori Martin, Jim Alston, Eric Alcorn,Steve Brieve, Beth Travis, Lori Martinez, Barb Windsor, Eric Schilthuis, Paula Dykstra, Kelly Farkas, Terri Ricketson, Matt Hickson, Tim Reeves, Suzannce Schmier, and Ron Rathlien

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