Pre-AP/GT Physics Summer Assignment

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Pre-AP/GT Physics Summer Assignment

Pre-AP/GT Physics Summer Assignment

We hope you are excited to take Physics next year, as we are very excited to teach you! Physics is an amazing branch of science that involves the study of the physical world: energy, matter, and how they are related. In order to be fully prepared for this rigorous and exciting course you will need to complete this summer assignment. It must be submitted ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL August 27, 2014. This will count as a test grade worth 100 points so make sure you start off the year strong. Any late assignments will be graded based on MISD’s late work policy. If you are having problems completing your packet, go to your school web site and e-mail [email protected] . He will assist you the week before school starts. Good luck with your packet and we can’t wait to share the incredible journey that will be your next year in Pre-AP/GT Physics. ***Any student entering the district after the first day of school is still accountable for the packet with five days to complete. YOUR SUMMER ASSIGNMENT HAS MULTIPLE PARTS. BE SURE TO COMPLETE THEM ALL!!!! A. Scientific Method B. Real World Examples C. Measurement/Metric D. Significant digits E. Exponential notation F. Solving for Variables G. Physics Math H. SI System I. Angles J. Rates of Graphing

Physic is a difficult course for many students. This is a Pre-AP/GT course that is fast paced and rigorous, so it is important that students do their homework and get it in ON TIME.

DO YOUR BEST!!! A) Scientific Method Review

Directions: Complete the following problems using resources (Ex. Computer) for help. These are topics that will be on the test and it is important that you answer them correctly and study this often!

1. Define the Scientific Method:


2. Put the steps of the Scientific Method in the correct order: Some resources will give you anywhere from 5-7 steps. Either is fine as long as they are in order.








4. Define Hypothesis: ______

5. An independent variable is the thing that ______

6. A dependent variable is the thing that ______

7. A controlled variable is the thing that ______

8. Underline the independent variable, and circle the dependent variable:

a. If Mr. Hasson takes a vitamin pill every day, then he won’t get sick for an entire year.

b. If Mrs. Piper waters her garden two times a day, then all of the plants will grow three

inches in two weeks.

c. If Mr. Monahan runs three miles every morning, then he will lose seven pounds in a month.

9. An experiment is ______

10. How many things should be changed during an experiment? ______

11. How can a scientist make sure that the results of an experiment are not a mistake?

12. Name three tools that can be used to collect data:




13. Name two things that should be used to analyze data:



14. To make a conclusion, you should compare your ______to your ______

a. What happens if they match? ______


b. What should you do if they do not match? ______


15. Define Observation: ______

a. A ______observation is when you describe something.

b. A ______observation is when you count something. 16. Write “QL” for Qualitative and “QT” for Quantitative

a. ______The sky is blue.

b. ______There are 13 clouds in the sky.

c. ______Mr. Hasson’s tie is smooth.

d. ______The guinea pig smells bad.

e. ______There are 20 students in the class.

17. An ______is your best guess as to what caused the thing that you observed.

18. Write “I” for Inference or “O” for Observation

a. ______When I rang the doorbell, no one answered.

b. ______The hamburger was hot.

c. ______Jamal must be very popular.

d. ______The sun set at 7:18 pm.

e. ______That sounded like a mean dog. B) For each topic in the space provided to the right, determine a real world example and how that topic relates to your everyday life. Topics Covered Real World Examples Measurement & Metric System

Classification of Matter

States and Changes in Matter

Atomic Structure

Mechanics – Motion and interaction between objects

Thermodynamics – Heat and temperature

Vibrations and waves

Optics – light



Relativity – Particles moving at high speeds

Quantum mechanics – behavior of atomic particles.

Work and energy



Electric circuits C) Measurement, the metric system and conversions Directions: Read the information on the left side of the page, and then use it to answer the questions on the right side of the page.

In science, it is very important to make  1 lb (pound) = 0.45 kg measurements to describe the observations that  Degrees Celsius (°C) = (°F – 32) x 5/9 you make. Quantitative observations help us make  Kelvins (K) = °C + 273 use of our observations by making sense out of the  1 gallon (gal) = 4.55 L (liter) patterns that we see. It is also very important to  1 L = 1000 mL = 1000 cc (cubic have a common system of measurement for the centimeters) collaboration of people from around the world. The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement that was originally based on the mètre des archives and the 1) What unit would be used to measure each of the kilogramme des archives introduced by France in following: 1799. Over the years, the definitions of the meter a) The distance from your home to school: and kilogram have been refined and the metric system has been extended to incorporate many b) How much you gained after eating more units. Although a number of variants of the thanksgiving dinner: metric system emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the term is now often c) Describing how long it would take you to used as a synonym for "SI" or the "International get ready in the morning: System of Units"—the official system of d) Describing how hot or cold it is on a measurement in almost every country in the world. warm summer day: The variation of the metric system we use is the “MKS” which stands for Meter, Kilogram and e) Explaining how many molecules there are Second in a gallon of gasoline:  m; the meter for length  kg; the kilogram for mass  s; the second for time 2) Using the conversion table/facts, convert the along with; following measurements;  A; the ampere for electric current a) 6 foot tall person in meters.  K; the Kelvin for temperature  mol; the mole for amount of substance  cd; the candela for luminous intensity b) A 26.2 mile marathon in kilometers. Unfortunately, the United States is one of the few countries in the world that do not use the metric c) Your weight in pounds in kilograms. system. This means that you must be able to make conversions from the English system to the SI d) A 20 gallon gas tank in liters. system. e) A warm summer day (90°F ) in Kelvins. Common English to metric conversion factors.  1 ft (foot) = 0.305 m  1 mi (mile) = 1.61 km (kilometers) f) 55 miles per hour in kilometers per hour

D) Significant digits/figures & rounding Directions: Read the information on the left side of the page, and then use it to answer the questions on the right side of the page. Significant digits/figures are the digits in any When Y = 5, measurement that are known with certainty, plus If X is odd, increase X by 1 one digit that is uncertain. These digits are based on If X is even, don’t change X the precision of the measuring instrument used. 1) How many significant digits are in each of the Rule 1: In numbers that do not contain zeros, all the following measurements? In second column, digits are significant. make  3.1428 [5] some up of your own.  3.14 [3] Measurement Sig. Measuremen Sig. fig.  469 [3] fig. t Rule 2: All zeros between significant digits are 26.2 mi significant. 105 °F  7.053 [4] 0.00538 m  7053 [4] 1.00 kg  302 [3] 5.65 x 10-7 Rule 3: Zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit nm serve only to fix the position of the decimal point 6.02 x 1023 and are not significant. atoms  0.0056 [2]  0.0789 [3]  0.0000001 [1] 2) Round the number π (3.14159265359) to: Rule 4: In a number with digits to the right of a a) 1 sig. fig. = decimal point, zeros to the right of the last nonzero b) 2 sig. fig. = digit are significant. c) 3 sig. fig. =  43 [2] d) 4 sig. fig. =  43.0 [3] e) 5 sig. fig. =  43.00 [4] f) 6 sig. fig. =  0.00200 [3]  0.40050 [5] SIGNIFICANT DIGITS IN OPERATIONS Rule 5: In a number that has no decimal point, and 3) Add or subtract as indicated and state the answer that ends in zeros (such as 3600), the zeros at the with the correct number of significant digits. end may or may not be significant (it is ambiguous). (Your To avoid ambiguity express the number in scientific answer will have the same number of notation showing in the coefficient the number of significant significant digits. digits to the right of the decimal as the number  3.6 x 103 contains two significant digits with the least amount of digits to the right of the decimal.) a) 85.26 cm + 4.6 cm GENERAL RULES FOR ROUNDING: b) 1.07 m + 0.607 m XY------> X c) 186.4 g - 57.83 g When Y > 5, increase X by 1 d) 60.08 s - 12.2 s When Y < 5, don’t change X e) 4,285.75 - 520.1 - 386.255 f) 72.60 m + 0.0950 m b) (0.0167 km) (8.525 km) c) 2.6 kg ÷ 9.42 m3 4) Multiply or divide as indicated and state the d) 0.632 m ÷ 3.8 s answer with the correct number of significant digits. e) (8.95) (9.162)/(4.25) (6.3) (Your answer will have the same number of f) 0.0045 mm2 ÷ 0.90 mm significant digits as the number with the least amount of digits.) a) (5.5 m) (4.22 m) = (calc. says 23.210) = 23

E) Scientific/exponential notation Directions: Read the information on the left side of the page, and then use it to answer the questions on the right side of the page.  deci- (d-) 10-1 1 tenth Scientific notation is a way of writing  centi- (c-) 10-2 1 hundredth numbers that are too big or too small to be  milli- (m-) 10-3 1 thousandth conveniently written in decimal form. Scientific  micro- (μ-) 10-6 1 millionth notation has a number of useful properties and is  nano- (n-) 10-9 1 billionth commonly used in calculators and by scientists, mathematicians and engineers. In scientific notation all numbers are written in the form of a x 10b (a times ten raised to the power of b), where the exponent “b” is an integer, and the coefficient “a” is any real number. Correct scientific notation has only one number to the left of the decimal and retains the proper number of significant figures. Standard decimal Normalized scientific notation notation 1) Change the following into or out of scientific notation. 0 2.0 2.0 × 10 a) 50000 0.2 2 × 10-1 300 3 × 102 6,720,000,000 6.72 × 109 b) 0.000197 0.000 000 007 51 7.51 × 10−9

Prefixes c) 5 x 10-6 Along with the basic units of measurement in the metric system we use prefixes to express very large or very small numbers in science. Some commonly d) 4 x 103 used prefixes in the sciences are listed below. ( 2) Using the metric prefixes, name the following  exa- (E-) 1018 1 quintillion numbers;  tera- (T-) 1012 1 trillion a) 6.02 x 1023  giga- (G-) 109 1 billion  mega- (M-) 106 1 million  kilo- (k-) 103 1 thousand b) 1000 b) 2.8 L into mL

c) 0.036 c) 26 cm into mm

d) 2.36 x 10-6 d) 2.3 x 107 nm into mm

3) Using the metric prefixes, change the following numbers appropriately a) 450mL into L

Scientific/exponential notation arithmetic Directions: Read the information on the left side of the page, and then use it to answer the questions on the right side of the page. Now add the numbers. To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, multiply the coefficients (M&N) and add (5.4 + 0.80) x 103= 6.2 x 103 the exponents (A&B). Follow the same rule when you subtract MA X NB = (MxN)A+B numbers expressed in scientific notation.

For example, (3x104) x (2x102) = (3x2)x10(4+2) =6 x (3.42 x 10-5) - (2.5 x 10-6) = 106. (3.42 x 10-5) - (2.5 x 10-6→0.25 x 10-5) = (3.42-0.25) x 10-5 = 3.17 x 10-5 To divide numbers written in scientific notation, divide the coefficients (M&N) and subtract the exponent in the denominator from the exponent in the numerator.

For example, 1. Using the rules to the left, complete the following = x 10(5-2) =0.5x103=5.0x102 operations and record your answer in proper scientific notation If you want to add or subtract numbers e) (4.8x102) x (2.101x103) expressed in scientific notation and you are not using a calculator, then the exponents must be the same. f) (1.260 x 10-3)x (3.32 x 108) For example, suppose you want to calculate the sum of 5.4 x 103 + 8.0 x 102.

First, rewrite the second number so that the g) (2.6 x 105)x (2.1 x 10-1) exponent is a 3.

(5.4 x 103) + (8.0 x 102→0.80 x 103) h) i)

j) 2.48x102 + 9.17x103

k) 4.07x10-5 + 3.966x10-4

l) 7.70x10-9 – 3.95x10-8

m) 3.456x106 – 1.01x107 F) Equations/Solving for variables Directions: Read the information on the left side of the page, and then use it to answer the questions on the right side of the page. Many relationships in chemistry can be expressed You would need to subtract both sides by 32 simple algebraic equations. However, the equation and then divide both sides by 1.8. given is note always in the form that is most useful =°C There is one slight change for division, you in figuring out a particular problem. In such a case, need to first move your unknown to the numerator you must first solve the equation for the unknown if it is in denominator. quantity; this is done by rearranging the equation so that the unknown is on one side of the equation, and 1) Solve the following for x: all the known quantities are on the other side. a) 14x+12=40

An equation is solved using the laws of equality. The laws of equality are summarized as b) + 8 = 11 follows: If equals are added to, subtracted from, multiplied by, or divided by equals, the results are equal. In other words, you can perform any of these c) kx = a + by mathematical operations on an equation and not destroy the equality, as long as you do the same thing to both sides of the equation. The laws of d) 2y - 2x = 38 equality apply to any legitimate mathematical operation, including squaring, taking square roots, and taking the logarithm. e) 5x – 2 = 8

Consider the following equation relating the Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales. 2) Solve the following for x1: K = °C + 273 a) 3x1+ 5y1 = 2x2 + 8y2 If we need to solve this equation for °C we need to get °C by itself on one side of the equation. This means we need to move 273 to the other side. b) y1x1 - k2 x2: = 0 To do this we need to do the opposite of the operation that is attaching °C and 273, the opposite of addition is subtraction. So we need to subtract 3) Solve the following equation PV = nRT both sides by 273. a) For P: K - 273 = °C + 273 – 273 The 273 will cancel on the right side of the equation. b) For V: K - 273 = °C + 273 – 273 Leaving: K - 273 = °C c) For n: If they were attached by subtraction you would need to use addition to separate them. d) For R: The same thing goes for if the numbers are attached by multiplication. °F = (1.8 x °C) +32 e) For T: G) Physics Math 1. The following are example physics problems. Place the answer in correct scientific notation, when appropriate and simplify the units. Work with the units, cancel units when possible, and show the simplified units in the final answer. Make sure your calculator is in degree mode when dealing with angle measurements.

2. For each of the following equations, solve for the variable in bold print. Be sure to show each step you take to solve the equation for the bold variable

H) SI system (System Internationale). KMS stands for kilogram, meter, and second. These are the fundamental units of choice in physics. The equations in physics depend on unit agreement.

I) Angles Examine the right triangles pictured below. Remember a right triangle has a 90° angle and that the sum of all of the angles in any triangle is equal to 180°. The two short sides of this right triangle have been labeled A and B. The longest side of a right triangle is known as the hypotenuse. The right angle is marked and the other two angles are marked with ‘a’ and ‘b’. Notice that the right angle is opposite to the hypotenuse and that angle ‘a’ is opposite to side A and angle ‘b’ is opposite to side B. Also, side B is adjacent (next to) side A. We use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the length of any side of a right triangle when the length of the other two sides is known. We use trigonometric relationships to calculate the length of any side of a right triangle when the length of one side and one angle is known. These relationships are easy to remember if you learn this silly phrase, “Oscar had a heap of apples”. The first letter of each word in the phrase helps you remember the sin, cos, tan relationships in that order. This is the same order as the buttons appear on a scientific calculator so that also simplifies the memory task!

Using the right triangle above, solve for the following. Your calculator must be in degree mode.

a. a = 55o and hypotenuse = 22 m, solve for A and B. ______

b. a = 45o and A = 15 m/s, solve for B and hypotenuse. ______

c. B = 18.7 m and a = 65o, solve for A and hypotenuse. ______d. A = 9 m and B = 9 m, solve for a and hypotenuse. ______

J) Rates and Graphing We often create a graph to describe the motion of an object. Remember that when we state two variables using the “versus” terminology that we always state what is being graphed as a y-axis variable versus the x-axis variable. You have already learned that the slope of a position vs. time graph for a moving object is the object’s velocity and that a straight line on that graph represents constant velocity. You have also learned that if a position vs. time graph is a curve, that the object is changing its velocity which means it is experiencing an acceleration. Additional specific features of the motion of objects are demonstrated by both the shape and the slope. In the graphed examples the y intercepts and slopes would depend on where the problem started and on how fast the rate is changing. • The slope of a position vs. time graph = velocity.

• The slope of a velocity vs. time graph = acceleration.

• Slope is calculated as

• If the graph shows a horizontal straight line, the object is moving at constant velocity with acceleration = zero.

• If the graph shows a sloped straight line, the object’s velocity is changing, thus the object is accelerating. Importance of Area under the Curve

Velocity is the area under the acceleration versus time graph. Displacement is the area under the velocity versus time graph.

Work is the area under the force versus distance curve.

Impulse is the area under the force versus time curve. 1. Which of the graphs involve a time interval where the velocity of an object was held constant?

2. Which of the graphs involve a time interval where the acceleration of an object was held constant?

3. Calculate the acceleration of the object for any graph(s) you chose as answers to question 2. Show all work in the space provided paying particular attention to units and significant digits.

4. Which of the graphs involve an object that was negatively accelerating?

5. Which of the graphs involve an object that came to a stop? 6. Which of the graphs involve an object that changed direction?

7. Analyze Graph F. For which of the time intervals was the object experiencing the greatest positive acceleration?

8. Calculate the net displacement for the object in Graph B.

9. Calculate the net displacement for the object in Graph D.

10. Calculate the displacement for the object in Graph F for the time interval t = 0s to t = 4 s.

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