Performance Indicators Youth Support Services
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Data and Performance Indicators for Young People’s Partnerships (Most recent full year reporting period)
General Source Indicator All Wales/ average Data Total population Census (Mid 145,811 2,993,880 year estimate (145,811) 2007) Population 11-25 Census 24,583 Population 11-13 Census 4,723 Population 13-19 year olds Census 11,519 Population 11-25 year olds Census 24,583 Population 14-19 Census 9,922 Population 20-25 Census 9,938 Population born in Wales Census 92,399 Welsh speakers Census 26,200 Ethnicity Census 2.5% % with disability (11-25) DWP 2006 7% 6% Young People in receipt of severe disablement allowance Overall unemployment (JSA claimants) InfobaseCymr 3,326 78043 Number of working age people who are u claiming Jobs seekers allowance - July July09 2009 Nos not in education, employment and Careers Wales Y11 145 training (NEET) as at 31/10/08 9.6% 7.1% Y12 11 4.42% 3.31% Y13 08 3.79% 5.63% Nos of looked-after children @ 31 March Safeguarding 131 2009 and Support
General Source Indicator All Wales/ average Performance Indicators Unemployment 16-24 as 4.3% percentage of whole population (11-25) % of working age people InfobaseCymru 4.1% 4.3% who are claiming Jobs seekers allowance - July 2009 Number of people aged InfobaseCymru 1080 26910 17-24 who are claiming Jobs seekers allowance - July 2009 % of people claiming Jobs InfobaseCymru 32.5% 34.5% seekers allowance who are aged 17-24 - July 2009
1 General Source Indicator All Wales/ average Performance Indicators
No of young people LEA PIs 01 permanently excluded from school as at 08-09 Exclusions for last full LEA data Ymlaen Service (ACC) 1 month-school by school – Bryn Alyn High School 2 June2009 St Christopher's School 2 Ysgol y Grango 3 St . Josephs C& A High Sch 4 Ysgol Clywedog 7 Ysgol Morgan Llwyd 9 Maelor School 11 Darland High School 12 Ysgol Rhiwabon 17 Rhosnesni High School 35 Exclusions for last full LEA data 103 month-whole authority June2009 (Secondary) Free school meals LEA PIs Primary 12.45% entitlement Secondary 14.3% (as at Jan 08)
Secondary 16.3% (as at Jan 09) % of total population ONS Annual 16.1% 15.4% without qualifications Population survey 2007 Nos 16 to 25 without Career Wales and qualifications LEA data 5 or more GCSEs grade LEA PIs 52% 56% A*-C 5 or more GCSEs grade LEA PIs 87% 86% A*-G Nos of young people 11 - LEA data Nil 15 who spend more then half their week other than at host school or PRU Teenage conceptions Health PIs Figure not published as so under 16 small (under 5) Nos of teenage parents Health PIs (2007) 111 under 19 (Rate 44.1) (Rate 44.9) Nos of homeless young LA no of Aged 16/17 63 people 16-25 homelessness Aged 18/24 193 decisions 08/09 Nos of crimes committed YJS/Community 455 by young people aged Safety PIs under 18 Nos of young people YOT PIs 807 referred to YOT
2 General Source Indicator All Wales/ average Performance Indicators Nos of young people with Community Safety ABCs 08 Anti Social Behaviour PIs ASBO NIL Order or Acceptable Behaviour Contract Nos of young people LA data, Voluntary 124 accessing counselling Sector data services No of drop-in interviews LA data, Voluntary 9,625 giving impartial advice Sector data and guidance undertaken with young people 16-25 Nos of pupils permanently LEA data NIL excluded from LEA maintained schools as a result of drugs-related incidents per 1,000 pupils General for health/ drug Health PIs
Nos of young people Youth Service data 3,539 accessing health advice in non-formal settings No of arts events for LA PIs young people per annum 1,350 ( no separate stats for Total number of 11-25 years) participants (C&YP) in out of school hours programmes in 2008/09 (performing & visual arts) 1,630 (no separate stats for Total number of WCB 11-25 years). pupils/students (Foundation / KS1&2 / KS3&4) who visit LLC Dept premises, events and activities or receive a learning programme delivered at school in 2008/09
General Source Indicator All Wales/ average YPP Data Number of full (or management) meetings YPP data 04 per year Number of community and vol orgs Extrapolate 0 working with 11-25s receiving from LA data financial support from LA
3 General Source Indicator All Wales/ average YPP Data Nos of dedicated health professionals Health data working in youth support services expressed as FTE Nos of staff providing support for young FE/HE data - people in FE (and HE) settings expressed as FTE Performance Indicators for the Local Authority Youth Service Youth Service Core Budget Youth Service £1,134,817 Audit 2009 Unit cost of provision per 11-25 year old 46.37 reached (not including contracted work with and grants to voluntary sector) Youth Service Spend 11-25 year olds per 46.16 head of population Number of Youth Officers Youth Service 05 Audit 2008 Number of full-time Youth Wkrs Youth Service 29 – 10 of which Audit 2008 are core funded. The remainder are grant funded. Number of part-time Youth Wkrs Youth Service 78 Audit 2008 Number of Volunteers Number of individual young people in Youth Service 7,798 contact with the Youth Service (not Audit 2008 This includes including voluntary sector) contact with services delivered via grant funding
Number of contacts with young people Youth Service 77,773 Audit 2008 Contact ratio 1:10 Proportion of the budget spent on 0 voluntary sector Proportion of budget spent on in-service 3.45% training Participation rates 11-25 year olds 32% reached
4 General Source Indicator All Wales/ average YPP Data Participation rates 13-19 year olds Youth Service No.s of young reached Audit 2008 people registered shows only a and participating non- in activities: aggregated figure. We 11-12 yrs – 1182 estimate the 13-18 yrs – 6130 following: 19-25 yrs – 48
Improved data collection in future years once QES in place
Population 13-19 year olds See page 1 11,519 Population 11-25 year olds See page 1 24,583
Youth Service – other grants Cymorth YWiE Scheme Cymorth data £276,256 Cymorth Town Centre Project Cymorth data £16,725 Wrexham Youth Forum Cymorth data £27,867 Cymorth Subs Misuse Service Cymorth data £72,224 Other Grants (see attached spreadsheet) 639,220 Total grant funding to YS 1,032,292 No full-time Youth Wkrs from grants 15 No part-time Youth Wkrs from grants 18 Number of Volunteers 0 Number of individual young people in 13,000 contact with the Youth Service via grant- Number of Young funded projects (not including voluntary People in contact. sector) Number of contacts with young people Contact ratio from grants
Attainments by young people aged 11-25 across the whole Partnership area Awarding Body No of No of Credits Wales YP GCSE via 5 A*-C 52.1% 55.8% mainstream 5 A*-G 87% 86% school provision (2007/8) 1 or more 94% 93% GSCE A*-G ( stopped being collected in 2006/7)
5 Attainments by young people aged 11-25 across the whole Partnership area Awarding Body No of No of Credits Wales YP Pupils leaving 2 0.1% 1.5% education and work based learning and training without qualification GCSE via Youth A*-C No data N/A Access Initiative A*-G No data N/A A Level via Level 3 95.8% 2008 94.2% mainstream Threshold 2008 school provision 97.4% 2009 (Prov)
A Level via FE 97.94% 2009 (Prov) ASDAN awards No of Credits No of Units Bronze 29 Silver 05 Gold COPE L1 07 COPE L2 27 Level Up 04 Youth Award OCN awards No of Credits No of Units Entry Entry Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Basic Skills qualifications No of Credits No of Units Not a number Youth Entry Entry Work Level 2 02 Level 2 In Level 3 Level 3 Educat ion Mayor’s Awards Duke of Edinburgh Award No of Credits No of Units Bronze 101 Silver 32 Gold 16 Princes Trust XL
NVQs NVQs Data not available, changing data collection systems from this year but
6 Attainments by young people aged 11-25 across the whole Partnership area Awarding Body No of No of Credits Wales YP NVQs entered through school or college not project based Millennium Vols’ Award No of Credits No of Units Sept 07/Aug 08 18 100 hours (using this year to 10 200 hours compare data with academic year) John Muir Award 6 Others Total