Service of Introduction

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Service of Introduction

ORDER of WORSHIP June 9, 2013 – 9:30 A.M.

SERVICE OF INTRODUCTION Prelude: Dot Faasse, organist Welcome *God’s Greeting *Mutual Greeting *Praise Time: “When Morning Gilds the Skies” ~ Blue Hymnal #215:1&2 “Blessed Be Your Name”

SERVICE OF FAITH Call to Confession Prayer of Confession: (in unison) Almighty and merciful God, we confess that instead of praising You for Your mercies, we blame You for our circumstances. Instead of thanking You for Your patience, we demand that You respond to us immediately. Help us to trust You and to allow Your grace to sustain us and Your love to redeem us. In Your precious name, Amen. Assurance of Pardon Ministry of Music: Kingdom Kids ~ “Above All (Holy)” Milestone Moment ~ Celebrating God’s Work in our High School Graduates Congregational Prayer

SERVICE OF THE WORD Children’s Message ~ Mrs. Nancy Johnston Scripture: Job 42 (pp.841) Message: “The Mystery of God and Suffering” ~ Pastor Chris Pedersen Prayer of Response *Song of Response: “When Trials Come” (see bulletin insert) SERVICE OF GRATITUDE Announcements Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Roots DC Offertory Prayer

SERVICE OF DISMISSAL *God’s Blessing *Doxology: “When Morning Gilds the Skies” ~ Blue Hymnal #215:4 *Postlude

*You are invited to stand.

In reverence and respect to God, Kindly turn off all cell phones and electronic devices during the worship service. Thank you. Sermon Outline: Job—very likely set during the time of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (the patriarchs). The central question is, how can God be good when the world is full of suffering?

Job 1-2: The catastrophes hit Job. Job 3: Job laments his birth. Job 4-37: Talking it over with friends.

Job’s Friends—Chapters 4-37 +Eliphaz is a man of dogma and reason. +Bildad, is a jurist and will defend God’s justice to the end. +Zophar is a philosopher. +Elihu comes off as a know-it-all and represents the sure fact that youthfulness has no deeper knowledge of God than anyone else.

Job 38-42:6 God joins the conversation. *What questions might God ask us in prayer? *God can handle you—God desires intimacy, which includes negative emotions.

Job 42:7-17 Restoration(?) for Job -Is life fair? Is grace fair? -The God of the “Whirlwind” is also the God who suffers.

Need a summer read on suffering? Holding on To Hope—Nancy Guthrie Where is God When It Hurts—Phillip Yancey A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows Through Loss—Jerry Sittser Seeing Through the Fog: Hope When Your World Falls Apart—Ed Dobson Notes: Litany for Milestone Moment: When our children are baptized, their parents promise to instruct them in the truth of God’s Word, to pray for them and teach them to pray, and to instruct them by word and example in the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. At that time, the body of believers promises to assist parents by praying for these children, encouraging them, and helping to nurture them in their faith. Today, we join together in taking important steps toward fulfilling these promises as we celebrate a milestone in the lives of our high school seniors. As they graduate from high school, our seniors will be stepping out into new ventures. Some will go to college, others will enter the workforce. We commemorate this new beginning by presenting them with a handcrafted blanket. The blankets we are presenting to you this morning are a reminder that, just as you were once brought to baptism wrapped in a blanket, now wherever you go, God’s love and the love of your Cedar Hill family will still be wrapped around you. (presentation of blankets) Charge to the Congregation: Pastor: Members of this congregation, do you promise to continue your commitment to lift up these young people in prayer, to encourage them, and to help nurture them in their faith? Congregation: We do, God helping us. Congregational Prayer (in unison): Gracious God, bless these young people as they begin new ventures as faithful servants of You. Speak your Word to them, so that they may know the promise of Your love, trust the goodness of Your grace, follow the way that leads from darkness into light, and live as Your children, now and forever. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

WELCOME Welcome to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC. We are glad you are here with us this morning. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church. Please fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center. WORSHIP HIGHLIGHTS June 9 ~ 9:30 A.M.: Pastor Chris will give a message on Job, “The Mystery of God and Suffering.” 6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches at Midland Park CRC. June 16 ~ 9:30 A.M.: Next Sunday is Father’s Day. Please be in prayer this week as we anticipate celebrating the Lord’s Supper at morning worship. 6 P.M.: Joint worship with our sister churches here at Cedar Hill CRC.

WORSHIP SERVICE INFORMATION This Week – June 9, 2013 OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Roots DC GREETERS: Welcome Team #2 USHERS: Marilyn Chickey, Joe Chickey, Rob Dyer NURSERY: Infant: Nancy Bruining, Esther Dyksen Toddler: Marilyn Bushman, Laura Laauwe CH. CHURCH: Barbie Resch/Raegan Heerema, Brenda Strasser JR. CHURCH: Marcia Heerema/Cindy Borduin Next Week – June 16, 2013 OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Building Fund, PM: Campus Crusade GREETERS: Welcome Team #3 USHERS: AM: Bill Bushman, Sally Haven, Henry Van Heemst PM: Walter Shurminsky, Robert Dykstra, John Borduin, Sr. NURSERY: Infant: Marge Faber, Jan Englishmen Toddler: Nancy & Rebecca Martin CH. CHURCH: Sara Heerema/Mary Beth & Allie Steiginga JR. CHURCH: Kathryn Post/Jenna Dyksen CEDAR HILL CHURCH PASTOR NOTES Sign up for a date with Pastor Tithing envelopes: Tithing Chris & Kim! They would like to envelopes for the new fiscal year are get to know you—and for you to get available for pick up in the nursery to know them. Monday mornings hallway. and Tuesday evenings are available. Financial Update of June 1: Call the office to schedule your Income - $403,500 time. Expenses - $392,326 Interview with an atheist: Take Budget - $429,750 a moment to read the Banner article Please consider your about Pastor Chris’ interview with contributions as we end the budget atheist Michael Jacobsen. year this month. COUNCIL NOTES COUNCIL NOTES The Council invites the Potluck Picnic Schedule: Pastor congregation to a congregational Chris and Kim, along with the meeting on Tuesday, June 18th, at Council, are organizing potluck 7:30 PM, to discuss the proposed picnics by household groups. The 2013-2014 budget and the schedule will be as follows: restructuring of the church’s debt. June 9 ~ HH 1&2 Please review the material in your June 23 ~ HH 3&4 mailboxes. At this meeting, the July 14 ~ HH 5&6 following new council members for July 21 ~ HH 7&8 the 2013-2016 term will be July 28 ~ HH 9&10 affirmed. We are thankful that the following men have agreed to serve. MISSIONARY NEWSLETTER Elders The June issue of the missionary Steve Bruining newsletter is available at the Henry Rozema welcome center. Keith Post WED. MORNING PRAYER TIME Pete Spalt Join us for a meaningful time of Deacons prayer this Wednesday at 6:15 AM Harrison Bruining in the Youth Room. Bring your own Rob Dykstra Paul Laauwe coffee. Bob Minnaard

ANNOUNCEMENTS MEALS FOR THE FABERS DEACON NOTES If you would like to gift the Faber NEW HOPE FOOD PANTRY family with a hot, home-cooked New Hope has a new position meal as Ellen recovers from surgery, available—Community Outreach that would be much appreciated. Director. This individual’s core task Visit will be coordinating the Women of Last name: Faber, password: Hope group. Important ellenfaber. qualifications include being BOXTOPS AND LABELS bilingual (English/Spanish) and Looking for an easy way to being familiar with the support Eastern Christian Haledon/Prospect Park community. Schools? Collecting Campbell’s Send resume and cover letter to UPC’s and “Boxtops for NHCM, 331 North 11th Street, Education” helps obtain school Prospect Park, NJ 07508 or contact equipment for Eastern Christian Michele at 973-942-4059 Schools. Put them in the labeled box in the Deacons’ Room. Not YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS sure what to save? The box has a list of products YouthQuest wishes everyone a MISSIONARY NEWSLETTER wonderful and safe summer! See you in the fall. The June issue of the missionary newsletter is available at the LINC: (High School): welcome center. West Virginia Mission Trip: For those going on the West Virginia Mission trip, if you haven’t submitted your forms or payments, turn them in as soon as possible. Thanks.

A CULTURE OF PRAYER ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge…You, O God, are strong…You, O Lord, are loving.” Psalm 62:8, 11-12 June 9, 2013 PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING ~ John Dyk and family would like to thank Bill Peters and Hank Schuurman for their support and visits during Doris’ illness. John would also like to thank the congregation for their prayers during this difficult time. Doris is now in heaven with her heavenly Father after running the race. It is good to belong to the family of God. PRAYER FOR HEALING AND GOOD HEALTH ~ Pray for healing and renewed strength for Marie Meenan, who continues physical therapy at the Christian Health Care Center. A cousin of Walter and Debbie Shurminsky has an elderly family member, Doris, who is currently in the hospital and has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Keep Doris and her family in your prayers as they seek treatment. Pray for Edith Sybesma, who was admitted to St. Joe’s Hospital in Wayne this week for pneumonia. Pray for complete healing and progress for Helen Van Heemst as she continues physical therapy at the Christian Health Care Center after knee replacement surgery. Pray for Judy Van Heemst who is facing new developments in cancer which caused paralysis of a vocal chord. Pray that it can be corrected. Pray for our expecting moms and their families: Keith & Mandi Post (7/31/13), Pablo & Laura Laauwe (10/15/13); pray for good health for these women and their babies. ONGOING CONCERNS ~ Kassie Borduin Ellen Faber Gert Troast OUR HOMEBOUND & THEIR CAREGIVERS ~ Marge Moses Emma Schuil Genevieve Smith Rachel Smith Don Kreil Tena Stavinga

Burden God with what burdens you. Pray for Mission Outreach


Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions

Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for Roots DC in Washington, DC and Pastor Bryan Berghoef. And pray for Global Vision Church of Edison, New Jersey, and Pastor Eunboem Kim. New City Kids Church: New City has been performing concerts each year in ECHS and in Jersey City. This year’s concert, Breakthrough, and was filled with original songs and praise to God. Pastor Trevor is the director and Pastor Linda director Clinical Services. There are 16 others on staff and what a wonderful ministry they have with 130 kids at the After School Center. May God continue to bless these New City Kids. Prayer for Synod: The congregations of the CRC in North America are asked to remember the synodical assembly in intercessory prayers on Sunday, June 9. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will equip the delegates to serve in faith and obedience and will lead the CRC into new and challenging areas of ministry. May we experience the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace as we strive to know and to do the will of the Lord. EMBRACE AIDS, EMBRACE LIFE WITH WORLD RENEW: Thank you for embracing AIDS and LIFE through World Renew! May God use our gifts and prayers from last week to bless and encourage people living with AIDS and those who love them. Thank you for remembering to “put AIDS back on the agenda” through World Renew’s Embrace AIDS, Embrace LIFE Sunday in 2013. World Renew: This Father’s Day, please remember people like Ahmed, a hard- working father whose life changed when his family fled the violence in Syria. They and many Syrian families like them are now living in make-shift shelters. Please consider helping the thousands of Syrian fathers who have lost everything due to conflict. Visit or mail your check marked “Syria Conflict” to World Renew, 2850 Kalamazoo SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated each Friday afternoon with the latest on our congregational needs. You can also to check our denominational prayer requests: 888-CRC-PRAY or

This week at Cedar Hill Church June 9 ~ June 15, 2013

SUNDAY 9:30 AM ~ Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12:30 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) 6:00 PM ~ Joint Worship (at Midland Park CRC) MONDAY 7:00 PM ~ Deacon Meeting (Deacon Room) 7:00 PM ~ Cedar Hill Stitchers (Library) 7:30 PM ~ Elder Meeting (Council Room) 8:00 PM ~ Barbershop Chorus (Fellowship Hall) TUESDAY 7:00 PM ~ Youth Quest Executive Meeting (Deacon Room) 8:45 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) WEDNESDAY 6:15 AM ~ Morning Prayer Time - All are welcome. (Youth Room) THURSDAY 7:00 PM ~ Bergen Career Networking Group (Fellowship Hall) FRIDAY 8:00 PM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) SATURDAY 6:30 AM ~ NJ Faith Church (Sanctuary) 9:00 AM ~ Piano Recital (Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall) CEDAR HILL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 422 Cedar Hill Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481 Rev. Christian Pedersen, Pastor A Family of Christ Where You Belong ~ where everyone is encouraged to grow in their walk with Christ daily, to live intentionally in the Holy Spirit as they go, and so create a culture where people are served, invited, and enfolded into the Kingdom. Sunday Worship: 10:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.* (See calendar for location of evening service.) Church Office: 201-652-4277 Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM Bulletin Announcement Deadline: Wednesday 12:00 Noon Prayer Line: 201-652-4277, extension 2; Fax Line: 201-652-3245 Worship Service for Sick & Homebound: 201-447-5300 Pastor Chris email: [email protected] Church office email: [email protected] Website:

2012 ~ 2013 Council Members Elders Deacons Peter Steensma, Vice President (HH #7) Craig Borduin (HH #1) Ron Steiginga, Clerk (HH #9) Skip Bruining, Secretary (HH #2) Roy Heerema (HH #1) Bob Dyksen, Comptroller (HH #3) Harold Kuipers (HH #3) Mike Heerema (HH #6) Hank Schuurman, President (HH #8 & 10) Kevin Post, Chairman (HH #10) Jerry Tanis (HH #5) Roger Van Valkenburgh, Treasurer (HH #4) Rick Botbyl (HH #2) Mark Anema (HH #7) Paul Heerema (HH #4) David Den Hollander (HH #8) Jeff Steiginga, Assistant Clerk (HH #6) Craig Faber, Assistant Comptroller (HH #9) Jack Steiginga (HH #5)

Child Care (Year-round)  Nursery for infants and toddlers available during all services. Main floor, library corridor.  Children’s Worship (Ages 3 ~ Pre-K) meets on the lower level during the morning service. (Contact Jo-Ann Angelucci at 973-427-5443 with any questions.)  Junior Church (Kindergartners and 1st graders) meets in the lower level. Children are dismissed as a group following the Children’s Message in the morning service. (Contact Denise Post at 201-612-9605 with any questions.) Christian Education Hour ~ 9 AM (September ~ May)  Sunday School (Preschool ~ Grade 8) meets in lower level classrooms.  Catechism (Grades 9 ~ 12) meets in the lower level classrooms.  Adult Sunday School meets in the Youth Room, main level. (Contact Wendy Post at 201-612-1383 with any questions.) Prayer Time ~ Wednesday 6 ~ 7 AM (Youth Room ~ Year Round) & Tuesday 7 ~ 8 PM (Library ~ September to June) Join us as we pray for our church, community, and nation. Fellowship ~ Tuesday Night Connection (September ~ April): 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 6 PM, begins with a family dinner with various youth and adult activities following. Worship Aids ~ Tape Ministry: The Tape Ministry Table provides audio/video tapes of all services, main lobby. Assistive-Listening Devices, Large Print Bibles, and Orders of Worship are available in main lobby. **Our ushers or greeters will gladly assist you with any questions or if you need direction**

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