Comberton 6Th Form
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Comberton 6 th Form
AS Level Spanish
Scheme of Work In Post-16 MFL, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate their understanding of material written in the foreign language, drawn from a wide range of everyday, topical, technical, business, literary, social and historical sources, and can respond appropriately to it. • Understand language spoken at speed on radio, television, cassette or film, by native speakers or others on a variety of themes and in a range of styles. • Can translate or interpret from one language to another effectively, accurately and idiomatically. • Speak the language accurately, confidently and fluently, and react spontaneously to complex questions and unfamiliar language. • Speak with good pronunciation and intonation and use different registers appropriate to the context of the discussion or dialogue. • Engage readily in conversation, discussion or debate, and present, develop or sustain a logical argument in the foreign language, while taking account of the views of others. • Show extensive knowledge of the countries, customs and culture of the people whose language they are learning. • Have detailed knowledge and understanding of the themes and topics they have studied and the issues facing contemporary society. • Have developed mature and well-informed views on topical or controversial issues, and can present these in a logical, coherent and accurate way in speech or writing. • Write accurately in a variety of styles appropriate to context, using an increasingly wide range of complex, sophisticated and topic-specific language. • Demonstrate a high level of grammatical accuracy.
The following Scheme of Work is based around:
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Student’s Book (referred to below as Edexcel)
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Teacher’s Resource Book (referred to below as Edexcel TB)
Animo 1, AS and A2 Grammar Workbook . OUP, 2008, ISBN 13 978 019 915323 7 (referred to below as Animo)
Edexcel Spanish for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 – Dynamic Learning Network Edition
Edexcel Spanish Grammar for A Level, Hodder Education, 2008 This Scheme of Work for GCE Spanish AS (Year 12) is based on two terms (26 teaching weeks), with the remaining time to be used for examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, and the AS examinations.
Throughout Term 1 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:
• Using a bilingual dictionary • Learning and recording vocabulary • Organising work • Writing a brief description • Expressing opinions • Reading for gist • Pronunciation • Taking notes in English and in the target language when listening • Writing summaries in English and in the target language • Speaking from notes • Understanding and interpreting statistics • Pronunciation of more difficult sounds • Structuring a debate • Adapting a text • Translating into English • Structuring an oral presentation • Encourage self-evaluation and correction Teacher 1 (RHa) Teacher 2 (GH)
Week Content Learning Exemplar activities Content Learning Exemplar activities outcomes outcomes
Students build on Reading: Go through summer work Students will build Oral: their prior Edexcel p. 2 “La familia de Iñaki” and Lifestyle, Fitness & on their GCSE Brainstorm all sports known Youth Culture and p.3/4 Una familia madrileña Health: 1 knowledge of vocabulary and Concerns: family vocabulary knowledge of sports Activity to introduce new sports e.g. Sport and exercise La familia and descriptions Listening: intro to language laboratory and look at new matching pictures and names as quiz and “la familia de Eva”- Edexcel p. 3 Spanish sports (bull (transition from fighting, la pala Watch video (diez Temas)/Youtube clip of GCSE) Teacher assesses Oral: students interview each other about vasca) either bull fighting or la pala vasca. individuals themselves and their families and draw Alternatively look at pictures from Internet competence in comparisons Teacher assesses of controversial sports listening and grammatical reading skills Writing: Paragraph on difference awareness and Discuss and debate: ¿un deporte o una between your family and Lucia’s (Una competence by fiesta? Students learn familia madrileña p3) going through different ways to Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: grammar work set Reading: Edexcel p. 38 “un tenista talk about their over the summer mallorquín” and p39/40 “Rafa y sus fans” families and Exam practice Nouns – gender, compare with The present tense Listening: video “España en el Mundial plurals, suffixes others (incl reflexive 2010) – Q Sport and Exercise (Chapter 2 p9-11) verbs) (Chapter 47 (Chapter 14 p81/82 Writing: write an imaginary interview of a famous Spanish sports personality e.g. p251/252) and Chapter 15 Rafael Nadal. (see Edexcel p. 38) – if p86/87) possible ask assistant to check and practice. Workbook p5/6 Students can also record and watch each other’s. The present continuous Exam practice “El salario altísimo de los futbolistas causa crisis” – Oral June 2010 Workbook p32-35 Listening – interview with a golfer – Sample assessment materials qu- 4
Listening – “Entrevista con Rafael Nadal” – June 2009 qu. 4
Listening – “Eurocopa” June 2010 qu.2
Listening – “Cristina Sánchez” June 2010 qu.4
Listening – “El surf” Jan 2011 qu.3
Listening – Alberto Contador Jan 2011 qu.4
Reading – “Prefiero ser única que la mejor” Jan 2010 qu.7
Youth Culture and Students learn and Reading: Edexcel p. 5 “Una conexión Lifestyle, Fitness & . Listening : 2 use vocabulary generacional” Concerns: Health Students will discuss relating to other the need for a relatives (e.g. Listening: Edexcel p. 4-5 “¡Qué suerte la Oral: El deporte para healthy lifestyle and La familia - relationships with mía! And “Los domingos con el abuelo” El deporte, ¿es esencial para una vida sana? mantenerse en how to keep fit and (transition from grandparents) ¿Qué deberías hacer para mantenerte en GCSE) forma healthy forma? Oral: Students discuss family life and Students talk about traditions Mente sana, cuerpo Students will look at family life sano the link between Sample assessment material – Lifestyle simple stimulus 1 (p. 32 eSPEC) “el ejercicio Additional Activities sport and keeping fisico” Blockbusters (vocab)– repaso la familia – healthy Q Relationships
Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Reading: “Los jóvenes españoles, entre los Exam practice que más deporte practican de la Definite and “la Barrera generacional” – Oral June Ser and estar UE” and “la obesidad en los 2010 jóvenes españoles” – Q Sport and indefinite articles (Chapter 30 p166- Exercise (Chapter 2 p11-13) 169)
Workbook p7/8 Gustar Additional tasks/homework: (Chapter 26 p141- Prepare a mind map of link between sport and healthy living (useful for practising oral 143) exam - section B)
Reading: read through pages: Edexcel, p43- Workbook p35-36 45 and note what foods Spanish people eat ready for quiz next week
Exam practice “El ejercicio físico” – Oral – Sample assessment materials
“El ejercicio entre los jóvenes” – Oral Jan 2010
Youth Culture and Students will Lifestyle, Health Students will study Oral: ¿Qué comen los españoles? 3 Concerns: consider how family Reading: “Una familia española” Edexcel the traditional diet Stimulus card 1 Summer 2009 “la comida life in other p13 and “Una familia cubana” p14 and Fitness in Spain lenta” La familia Spanish-speaking countries may Reading: Edexcel p43/44 Los productos Listening: “un domingo en familia” Food and diet (La differ from their típicos de España Edexcel p6/7 dieta own Edexcel p46 “Las verduras” mediterránea) Writing: Edexcel p. 15 “Familias que Listening: Edexcel p43 ¿Qué comen los buscan la tranquilidad rural” españoles? (See also tips for writing Edexcel p. 37)
Exam practice Exam practice “los jóvenes y la dieta mediterránea” – Oral Jan 2011 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus:
Possessive Negatives adjectives and (Chapter 39 pronouns p215/216) (Chapter 8 p42-44) Workbook p36/37 Workbook p8 and p28 Youth Culture and Lifestyle, Health Students will learn Oral: discussion of eating times and a 4 Students discuss Oral: Class brainstorms what the modern about the typical day in Spain v England Concerns: changes in the family is like, issues that it faces and how and Fitness traditional structure composition of “the these differ from the past of the Spanish day Family issues Reading: Edexcel p49 “Lo que desayunan los family” and the and how mealtimes españoles” fit into this issues that face the Eating habits and modern family Reading: Edexcel p9 /10 “Nuevos tiempos timings in Spain para las familias” and p11 “Padres a Edexcel p53 “Tapas y raciones” jornada completa” Listening: Edexcel p49 “el desayuno y las Listening: Edexcel p11 ¿Cómo afecta el horas de comer en España” trabajo a la vida familiar” and p12 “Despedido por ser padre” Edexcel p 53 “El tapeo”
Additional Activities Additional tasks: Grammar Focus: Trabajo y familia – ¿cómo compaginarlos? Grammar Focus: June 2005 Texto 1 – el desayuno (Reading) – Q Realationships Exam practice Adjectives – El concepto de la familia y cada vez más The perfect tense “La comida lenta” – Oral June 2009 agreement, amplio (video and questions) – Q (Chapter 23 “Comer en familia” – Oral Jan 2010 apocopation, Relationships p125/126)
position Exam practice Listening – “Las tapas” – June 2010 qu.1 (Chapter 3 p17-20) Workbook p38
Workbook p9/10
Youth Culture and Oral: Discuss discipline and patterns of Lifestyle, Health Students will Reading: Edexcel p57 “Nuevos hallazgos 5 Students consider behaviour in children/young people and Fitness consider the sobre el sueño” Concerns: the behaviour of tradition of the “siesta” and the young people in Reading :”Dar un cachete, ¿sí o no? (1) Las chicas que beben tienen más riesgo de La siesta and la impact of late modern society Edexcel p19 padecer cáncer de mama – Q La salud Family issues vida nocturna – nights and social life lifestyle choices on their health Students practise Listening: :”Dar un cachete, ¿sí o no? (2) June 2005 Texto 4 – la siesta. Edexcel p20 writing skills Students will look at other health issues Writing: “Para terminar” p20 June 2006, Texto 3- vivir sin dormir in modern society – Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: stress, cancer etc Exam practice “El estrés en la vida moderna” – Oral Jan Additional tasks/homework: The preterite tense Comparatives and Writing: “Unas familias salvadoreñas sin 2009 (Chapter 21 p117- superlatives vivienda” Edexcel p18 “Los jóvenes y el cáncer de piel” – Oral Jan 119) (Chapter 5 p29-31 2011 Reading: “Una familia española dará la and Chapter 6 vuelta al mundo” Edexcel p16/17 Workbook p39/40 p34/35)
Exam practice Workbook p11/12
Youth Culture and Lifestyle: Health Students will Listening: Edexcel p. 47 “Los españoles 6 Students will look consider how the rechazan la dieta mediterránea” Concerns: at what the lives Reading: Students carry out a class survey and fitness: Spanish diet and and values of young - they write the 3 things that they value lifestyle are Reading: Unit 1 June 2004 Texto 1 – niños Los vida y los people and most, without consulting anyone, on 3 changing obesos; valores de los compare with post-its. Edexcel p. 22 “¿Cómo son los jóvenes de “Ronald McDonald es hora de jubilarse” Q- jóvenes young Spanish hoy en día?”. A Comparison can be made la Salud students at the end. Exam practice “la publicidad de la comida basura” – Oral – Listening: Edexcel p23 “Cuando salíamos Sample assessment materials Grammar Focus: los fines de semana” Grammar Focus: “la obesidad infantil” – Oral Jan 2009 Oral: comparison of the Spanish values Demonstrative The imperfect and and the English – students discuss and adjectives and create summaries of similarities and imperfect pronouns differences continuous tenses
(Chapter 7 p38/39) Writing: Students can write their own (Chapter 19 versions of “los valores de los jovenes p109/110 and ingleses” (based on Edexcel, p. 22) Workbook p12 and Chapter 20 28/29 Exam practice p114/115) “Los jóvenes y la felicidad” – Oral -sample assessment materials Workbook p41-43 Reading – “El consultorio” – June 2009 qu.5 Youth Culture and Students will look Students will Reading: Edexcel p52: Reading “El aceite de 7 at how young consider ways to oliva” Concerns: people are viewed Reading: Edexcel p28/29 ¿Qué imagen Lifestyle: Health maintain a healthy in society tienen los jóvenes de sí mismos” and fitness: lifestyle and how Edexcel p54/55 “La paella valenciana” Los vida y los their diet can Edexcel “Los jóvenes y el hogar familiar” Edexcel p56 “Trucos para cocinar “light” valores de los Foods and healthy contribute to this p. 31 jóvenes eating Listening: Edexcel p57 “Hábitos Listening: ¿Crees que los jóvenes de hoy alimenticios” tienen valores? Edexcel p. 30 Writing: Prepare an email to a friend in Spain telling him/her if you live a healthy Exam practice life and why
Exam practice
Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus:
Interrogatives and Contrasting past exclamations tenses (Chapter 45 p242- (Chapter 22 p122) 244) Workbook p44
Workbook p13 Youth Culture and Reading: Lifestyle: Health Oral: Brainstorm ¿Los malos hábitos de los 8 Students will be Introduce the phenomena by asking Students will look at jóvenes? Concerns: Drink introduced to the students for words they know relating to and fitness: unhealthy habits idea of the the Botellón topic to start to build a mind amongst young Have our attitudes to smoking changed in “botellón” map (e.g. los jóvenes, el alcohol, la calle, Unhealthy living – people and others recent years? el supermercado, barato) el tabaco They will discuss Reading: Edexcel p. 59 la ley antitabaco Edexcel p. 25 “el botellón” whether we should ban smoking in Add new words to mind map (e.g. Las imágenes de advertencia llegan a las consimir/emborracharse etc.) public places cajetillas de tabaco españolas – Q La salud Listening ¿Está a favor o en contra de prohibir el Exam practice consumo de alcohol en la calle?” Edexcel, “la ley antitabaco en Argentina” – Oral June p. 36. 2009 Grammar Focus: Oral: Mini debate – small groups given Grammar Focus: roles (el turista, el dueño del bar, una persona mayor, un adolescente) to Adverbs, The pluperfect discuss the possible introduction of “La intensifiers and ley del botellón” in our town. Extension tense qualifiers (Chapter option: a more able student can be the (Chapter 24 4 p24-26) mayor and direct the meeting p129/130)
Exam Practice Workbook p45 Workbook p14/15
Youth Culture and Students will Oral: Lifestyle, Health Students will discuss Oral: Stimulus card 1 Summer 2009 “la 9 further consider Past Edexcel AS Stimulus card (Summer the use of drugs Concerns: Drink “botellón” 2009) - “el macro botellón” – either using and Fitness: amongst young legalización del cánnabis” a language assistant or in pairs students people. can be examiners/candidates Unhealthy living – Reading: Edexcel p60 “Un camello” la droga Students will be introduced to the Listening: “Los efectos de tomar drogas de Reading: Edexcel p. 35 “Y si format of Section A diseño “ Edexcel p. 61 molestamos….¿y qué? of the oral exam
Listening: Edexcel p34 listening “La Writing: Edexcel p. 63 task D “ noche es jóven” Exam practice Exam practice “La legalización” del cannabis – Oral June 2009 (as above) Grammar Focus: “El macro botellón” – Oral Jan 2009 (as Grammar Focus: above) “Los jóvenes y las drogas” – Oral Jan 2011
Prepositions Reading – drinking and driving – Sample Direct and indirect “El alcohol en Estados Unidos” – Oral June 2010 (Chapter 40 p219- assessment materials qu.5 speech 222) (Chapter 46 Listening – “el problema del alcohol” June 2009 qu. 2 p247/248) Workbook p18-20 Workbook p46/47
Youth Culture and Students will Oral: ¿Cuáles son los iconos importantes Youth Culture and Students will Oral: Discuss how students listen to music? 10 discuss what they de los jóvenes? Concerns : experience some How do they buy/access music? Is it Concerns/Lifestyle: consider to be new Discuss as a class and in pairs what they Lifestyle Spanish music and important to them? Why do we download technology and consider to be the important new think about the illegally? La tecnología compare with those technologies today and of their parents. Music importance of music in our lives of their parents . Compare and contrast and place in order Stimulus card, summer 2009, Youth Culture of importance and discuss advantages and Stimulus 2 “los jóvenes y la música” disadvantages How does technology affect our lives? What do they do each day that involves Listen to Spanish music and discuss their technology? What could they most/least opinions as well as similarities/ differences live without? in this and in what they listen to (La oreja de Van Gogh” – Q?) Exam practice Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Listening text: “La música blogspot” - Q “la seguridad de los niños en internet” -Oral Jan 2009 The immediate Reading: “la piratería”– Q the cost of Conjunctions future and future music, whether artists should make the “Comprar por internet” Oral – Jan 2010 amount of money that they do an whether tenses we can justify illegal copies/downloads Workbook p21 “las redes sociales y los menores” – Oral (Chapter 17 Jan 2011 “Hábitos musicales de la juventud en p98/99) España” – Q
Workbook p48/49 Exam practice “Los jóvenes y la música” – Oral June 2009 (as above)
Listening – film festival – Sample assessment materials qu.2
Listening – Blanca Romero Jan 2010 qu.4
Reading – “La piratería digital” Jan 2010 qu.6 Reading – “Hay que oír” Jan 2011 qu.5
Youth Culture and Students will learn Oral: Youth Culture and Students will Oral: discussion of what students like to 11 vocabulary to Students take out their mobiles and consider where wear, how much they are prepared to pay Concerns/Lifestyle: describe their own describe them and their features. Concerns/Lifestyle clothes come from for clothes and whether fashion is important mobile phones and related ethics to them La tecnología – los (features/contract/ In groups develop a list of advantages and Fashion móviles pay as you go)and disadvantages Reading:”Derechos laborales y moda” – Q discuss their Music and Fashion advantages and AS stimulus card from Edexcel sample disadvantages and assessment material “el lenguaje de los “Modelos malnutridas” – Q- Food and Diet their importance to móviles” them Debate: Can we live without the mobile “la moda rápida” – Q – Fashion phone? Additional activities Reading: Edexcel p26 “teléfonos con “La Moda” PPT – Q -Music and Fashion lenguaje propio” “La moda, una forma de expresión para Additional Activities unos, un signo de modernidad para otros” (Reading and video) – Q –Music and Fashion PPT- los móviles – Q – technology (Los móviles) Exam practice Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Mamá, necesito un móvil (Reading) – Q – “Los jóvenes y la ropa de diseño” – Oral technology (Los móviles) June 2010 Personal and The conditional Exam practice Listening- “Los tatuajes” Jan 2011 qu.1 reflexive pronouns tense “El lenguaje de los móviles” – Oral – (Chapter 18 p103- (Chapter 12 p64 Sample assessment material (as above) Reading – “llega la era de la moda rápida” 105) Jan 2011 qu.6 and p67) Reading – “Una adicción temprana” June 2010 qu.7 Workbook p52 Workbook p22 Youth Culture and Students will Reading: ‘Smshablantes’. Artículos de Test week Students will review Grammar test 12 Concerns: Lifestyle consider the impact all grammar studied of mobile phone prensa por la consejería de educación so far Reading and writing test La tecnología – los technology on their móviles lives and on s/pdf/enero08.pdf Students will society complete a writing Listening: “Los teléfonos moviles” and reading task Students will Edexcel, p. 27 relating to one of practise techniques the 2 units covered for the AS writing Writing: Guided past paper Legacy Unit 2 this term under test task task 5, 2004 “los colgados de los móviles” conditions or Sample assessment material – Unit Grammar Focus: 6SP02 Texto 8 (p. 54 eSpec)
Exam Practice Direct and indirect “Jóvenes y móviles” –Oral Jan 2010 object pronouns Writing – mobile phones- Sample (incl. order of assessment materials qu. 8 (as above) pronouns and pronouns after prepositions) (Chapter 12 p64- 69)
Workbook p23-26
Reading: Students learn and 13 La Navidad en Students will watch La Navidad en share experiences España España and learn about Listening - Film: UNESCO la comida of traditional traditional recipes navideña video about preparing some Christmases in Spain for Christmas traditional Christmas dishes from around and in Spanish Spanish (or have a cookery lesson if speaking countries access to kitchen is possible) Students will learn about other Christmas traditions Additional tasks/homework: such as “El gordo” and la nochevieja Christmas writing task based on guided writing from unit 2: students write about their experience of Christmas and compare it to the Spanish Revise all topic vocabulary and ideas from this General Topic Area
Throughout Term 2 of Year 12, teachers should work with students on the following:
• Writing a newspaper report or email • Structuring a written response • Checking and correcting written work • Strategies for extending vocabulary • Revision of vocabulary • General revision techniques • Continued pronunciation and spelling practice • Specific practice of unit 1 stimulus card responses • Guiding their choice of General Topic Area according to their individual strengths and interests
Teacher 1 (RHa) Teacher 2 (GH)
Week Content Learning Exemplar Activities Content Learning Exemplar Activities Outcomes outcomes
Education and Students will be Oral ¿En que trabajan los padres? ¿Sus Students will be Oral: Brainstorm - medios de transporte 14 introduced to the estudios fueron importantes? ¿Qué tipo de The World Around introduced to the new ¿Cómo viajas y por qué?( Pairwork, Employment new General educación has/han recibido? ¿Qué planes Us General Topic Area – Edexcel Task C, p. 66) Topic Area, tienes para el futuro? The World Around Us Debate: ¿Cuál es el mejor medio? Y ¿Por Educación – los building on their Transporte qué? buenos modales y GCSE experiences Listening: “De mala educación” Edexcel Students will revise tipos de escuelas p86 transport methods Sample assessment material, stimulus card Students will be and talk about how 2 – “Sudamérica en bicicleta” taught and discuss Reading: “La voz de mamá” Edexcel, p 86 they can/do travel the difference Introduce by asking what their Mum and issues where they Reading: Introduction. Edexcel p. 65/66 between “la usually tells them to do/not to do. live (e.g. congestion ¿Cuál es el mejor medio de transporte? educación” y “los charge in London, lack estudios “Entre las chicas y el latín” Edexcel p87/88 of buses in rural “Nuevas pantallas en los buses” Legacy areas) Edexcel exam paper - Unit 2 2008 p. 9/8 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Students will discuss Listening: “Te cuesta un ojo de la cara” Exam practice The present and debate what they Edexcel, p. 67/68 Relative pronouns “La vulelta al cole” – Oral June 2010 subjunctive – form feel is the best and use for method of transport “Chema el piloto y su bicicleta plagable” (Chapter 44 p237- Edexcel p69 hopes/wishes, 240) doubt/improbabilit y, influence, value Additional tasks/homework: Workbook p26/27 judgements Reading, Edexcel p. 67 – “los colores más (Chapters 33/34 seguros del coche” p185-194 )
Workbook p53/54 Exam practice “Sudamérica en bicicleta” – oral Sample Assessment Material
“la contaminación de tráfico en Madrid” – Oral Sample Assessment Material
Listening – “Viajar en avión” – June 2010 qu.3
Education and Students will Reading: “Isabel Allende, escritora The World Around Students will look at Reading: “Los afectados por la huelga de 15 learn about chilena” Edexcel p90/91 Us the different types of autobuses interurbanos” Edexcel p71 Employment education in Chile public transport and some key “Lo llevo en el corazón “Edexcel p92 El transporte available in Spain in “Servicios a bordo” Edexcel p72/73 La educación en el facts about the público en España more detail mundo hispano - country and its’ Listening: “Un recorrido por las costas de “Grietas y miedo al paso del AVE” Chile culture Chile” Edexcel p91 Edexcel p73/74
Listening: “El interrail: se sufre pero es Exam practice como una droga” Edexcel p76
Additional tasks/homework: “Tren de la fresa” Edexcel p75
“Bendito metro a la Terminal 4” Edexcel p74/75 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Exam practice “El metro de Barcelona” – Oral Jan 2010
Numerals/ The subjunctive – “Los problemas de tráfico en Madrid” – Oral Jan 2010 measures use for futurity and (Chapters 9/10 p uncertainty “la penalización del coche privado” – Oral 49-55) (Chapters35/36 Jan 2011 p195, 200-203) Listening – El AVE – June 2009 qu. 1
Workbook p57
Education and Students will Oral: Discuss the importance of The World Around Students will learn Oral: Stimulus card – Jan 2009 “El 16 consider the value education. What should it’s ultimate goal and use the desarrollo del turismo cultural” Employment of education – be? What should be taught in schools? Us vocabulary relating to what should its’ different types of Listening: “Por qué viaja la gente” Schooling goal be and what Reading: “la educación, otro frente Travel and tourism holidays and travel Edexcel p77 it should try to abierto en al mundo”Edexcel p94 achieve Reading: “Arranca la vuelta al mundo” Edexcel p77/78 Students will Listening: “¿Qué asignaturas deben ser learn about the obligatorias?” Edexcel p95 Past exam question from legacy Edexcel Spanish education AS - Viajar es mi prioridad” Unit 2 2008 system and Writing: Los niños también pueden p.6/7 compare this to arrimar el hombro” Edexcel p98 then UK Writing: Unit 2 June 2008 “Vacaciones Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Rotas, Maletas Perdidas”. Use a Exam practice framework to ensure students develop “Los uniformes escolares” – Oral June each bullet point fully and equally. Tener expressions 2009 The subjunctive – (Chapter 11 p56-63) use in expressions Additional tasks/homework: Reading – Chess in schools – Sample of purpose and “El avión de pasajeros más grande del Assessment Material qu. 7 mundo”” Edexcel p79 other conjunctions Listening – Las matemáticas” Jan 2010 which take the qu.2 Exam practice subjunctive “El desarrollo del turismo cultural” – Oral (Chapters 35&37 Jan 2009 (as above) p196-199, p204- 209)
Workbook p57
Education and Students will look Oral: Students discuss their favourite The World Around Students will learn Oral: Students discuss places in Spain they 17 at the importance subjects and preferred learning styles and Us about some popular have visited and discuss their experiences Employment of new technology whether they would like to be taught in tourist destinations in in their education single sex clases/schools Destinations in Spain and consider Brainstorm the needs of tourists and Spain the impact of tourism therefore the consequences of tourism for Teaching and Reading: “¿Te gusta aprender con Students will Spain learning internet?” Edexcel p95/96 discuss the advantages and Listening: “La educación y las nuevas Reading: “Barcelona” Edexcel p79/80 disadvantages of tecnologías” edexcel p96 single sex “Un coloso sin secretos” edexcel p81/82 education “la mejor manera de aprender un idioma” Edexcel p97 Listening: “En el Parador de Sigüenza” Edexcel p83
Exam practice Writing: “Oscar ha recorrido mucho “¿Colegios mixtos?” – Oral June 2010 mundo” Edexcel p80/81 Grammar Focus: Listening – text books in schools – Sample Grammar Focus: Assessment Material qu. 3 Exam practice Personal a Listening – los estudiantes y el estrés – The subjunctive – “Los turistas en Andalucía” – Oral June June 2009 qu. 3 2010 (Chapter 41 imperfect, perfect p224/225) Reading – “Las vacaciones escolares” – and pluperfect Jan 2011 qu.7 (Chapter 32 p179- 184)
Workbook p54/55/56
Education and Students will Reading: “Profesores, qué piensan de sus The World Around Students will learn Oral: Students discuss places in the 18 consider the role alumnos”? Edexcel p99/100 Us about some popular Spanish speaking world that they have Employment of teachers and tourist destinations in visited and discuss their experiences parents in Listening: “Los padres delegan en la Destinations in the the Spanish speaking Padres y profesores education escuela” Edexcel p101 Hispanic World world and consider Students identify Spanish speaking the impact of tourism countries on a map and discuss what kind “La escolarización de los gitanos” Edexcel of tourism they think they offer p104 Reading: Machu Picchu – Dynamic Learning Unit 4 Exam practice “Protesta de profesores en Cataluña” – Oral Jan 2009 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: Exam practice “Huracanes en Cuba” – Oral Jan 2009 Por & Para The imperative (Chapter 42 (Chapter 29 p160- p226/231) 165)
Workbook p60/61 Education and Students will Oral : read and discuss “Alumnos The World Around Students prepare a 19 discuss the issue conflictivos y maltratadores” Edexcel p93 Us presentation on an Exam practice Employment of violence and aspect of respect in schools Stimulus card, summer 2009 “ la Tourism in the tourism/destination in and consider intimidacion escolar” Hispanic World the Spanish speaking world to present to La violencia y el its’causes the class acoso escolar Reading: “La violencia en los colegios” Edexcel p101/102
Edexcel Legacy specification Unit 1, June 2004, Texto 3 – “la violencia en las aulas”
Listening: “En el patio de la escuela” Grammar Focus: Edexcel p102/103 Grammar Focus:
Varying use of Writing: “¿Por qué aprender por The passive and language (Chapter separado? P96 Ex A or p105, one of how to avoid it 50 p272-279) choices from Ex B (Chapter 31 p173- 178)
Workbook p62/63 Exam practice “La intimidación escolar” – Oral Jan 2009(as above)
“Violencia en las aulas” – Oral Jan 2011
Education and Students will Oral: students discuss where they hope to The World Around Students will identify Oral: Students brainstorm and discuss key 20 discuss their be in 2, 5 and 10 years time and Us and discuss the key environmental issues and what they do Employment hopes and brainstorm obstacles and benefits to environmental issues personally to help the environment concerns relating achieving these goals. Which is better, El medio ambiente which face modern Higher Education to University and education or employment? society Reading: “Medidas ambientales en el Higher Education aeropuerto de Barcelona” Edexcel Sample assessment material, stimulus 1 p149/150 They will learn “el trabajo ideal” about the system “Recicla tu árbol de Navidad” Edexcel of “oposiciones” p152/153 in Spain Reading: “Mi primer empleo” Edexcel p107 and “Los que ya tienen trabajo” “¿Qué se puede hacer” Edexcel p160/161 Grammar Focus: edexcel p107/108 Grammar Focus: Listening : “Los jóvenes verdes” Edexcel “Opositar: una inversión en el futuro” Infinitive p150 Desde & desde Edexcel p121/122 constructions (Chapter 27 p146- “El reciclaje” Edexcel p161/162 hace(Chapter 43 153 and Chapter 13 p232-236) Exam practice p74-80) “La oferta laboral para los estudiantes Exam practice Workbook p64/65 Workbook p67 universitarios” – Oral Jan 2011 “¿Cómo ahorrar agua?” – Oral June 2009 “Los examenes y el estrés” – Oral Jan “El reciclaje de las bolsas de plástico” – 2010 Oral June 2010
Listening – “El etanol” – Jan 2010 qu.1
Listening – “Ahorros domésticos” Jan 2011 qu.2
Reading- “Especies en peligro de extinción" – Jan 2010 qu.5
Reading – “Los Amigos del Mundo premian a los jóvenes más ecologistas” – June 2010 qu.6
Education and Students will Oral: Students will discuss their The World Around Students will learn Reading: “Los incendios de los bosques” 21 revise vocabulary experiences of work so far, how they got Us about environmental Edexcel p153/154 Employment: relating to the their job and whether it is/was something issues specific to world of work, they would like to continue in the future. El medioambiente Spain and how these “Cala invadida” Dynamic Learning unit 8 jobs, their work What is the best way to find your ideal en España are being addressed Looking for work “Huele mal pero no contamina” Edexcel experiences and job? p159/160 learn vocabulary related to “Mi CV habla excelente inglés” Edexcel Listening: “El oso del Pirineo” Edexcel searching for jobs p111 p155 leading to translation p158 and their ideal Grammar Focus: jobs in the future. Reading: “Buscar empleo entre conocidos Grammar Focus: y amigos” Edexcel p109 Exam practice If clauses (Chapter “Los incendios forestales” – Oral June Revision based on Listening: “Consejos para potenciar el 38 p210-214) 2009 networking” student need Workbook p58/59 Reading – Heatwave in Spain – Sample Assessment Material qu. 6 Exam practice Reading – el cambio climático en España – Listening – “Buscar empleo” – Jan 2010 June 2009 qu. 6 qu.3 Writing – “España es el Segundo país más Ruidoso del mundo” – June 2010 qu.8
Education and Students will Oral: “Mi jefe me deprime” Edexcel p112 The World Around Students will learn Oral: Create basic mind map on board 22 consider bullying Us and use the with “cambio climático” in the centre. Employment in the workplace Listening: “Lavamos viejitos por cuatro vocabulary relating to What words relating to this topic do they and whether euros la hora” + oral ex B Edexcel Weather/climate climate change know? Eg: “las temperatures suben”, etc. Discrimination in immigrants and p112/113 change Build this mind map further after the the disabled have reading and listening lessons the workplace equal rights in the Reading: “Dicen que soy discapacitado” workplace Edexcel p113/114 Reading: Edexcel p163/164 “Algunas consecuencias del cambio climático” plus translate texto 12 p165 Exam practice
Grammar Focus: Reading -“Cuando la diversidad llega a la Grammar Focus: Listening: Song on Youtube with words. orquestra” – June 2009 qu.7 “Amazonas” by Pedro Suarez Vertiz. Participles & Students listen and note all new vocab. Revision based on gerunds (Chapter student need 28 p154-159) dir.asp? URL= v=FZzS87wNL4c%26feature=related
Edexcel p167 “Podemos detener el cambio climático si las empresas y los ciudadanos colaboran”
Writing: Read the blogs on Edexcel p166 and students write their own with their personal opinions of how young people feel about climate change. Do they really care?
Exam practice Listening – weather forecast – Sample Assessment Material qu. 1
23 Students will Reading: “Bolivia” background info The World Around Students will consider Oral: stimulus card – June 2009 ¿Cómo Education and learn about Edexcel p114/115 Us how the issues ahorrar agua? If not already used Bolivia and the relating to climate Employment: lives of children “Crece la explotación laboral a menores Climate Change and change can be Brainstorm solutions who live on the en Bolivia” Edexcel p 115/116 renewable energy addressed and how Spain is tacking them Street children and streets Listening: “Trabajo voluntario en una Reading: “El Gobierno subastará las exploitation in They will also ONG” primeras zonas con una prima que duplica Bolivia discuss the la eólica terrestre” Edexcel p168/169 concept of Oral: students discuss whether they Listening: “Un parquet eólico marino en voluntary work would consider doing voluntary work and la costa de Cádiz” Edexcel p169 what type Writing: “Para terminar” Edexcel p170 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: qu. 3, 4 or 7 Exam practice Revision based on “El trabajo infantil” – Oral Jan 2010 Verbs that require student need different Exam practice constructions in “La Unión Europea y el cambio climático” Spanish – Oral Jan 2011
Workbook p66/67 Writing – “Ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto” Jan 2010 qu.8
Education and Students will Oral: “La situacion de las mujeres en tu The Media Students will consider Listening: “Anuncios de radio” Edexcel 24 learn and use the país” Edexcel, p117, task C the advertising p127 Employment vocabulary industry and how relating to the Look at gender of professions (see note p. Advertising products are sold “La prensa del corazón – Hola” Edexcel 118) La mujer y el description of The Press p131 trabajo stereotypical Students will learn Stimulus cards for employment: Sample attitudes towards about some of the key Reading:“La magia de las islas Canarias” assessment material, Stimulus 2 “Una certain jobs profesora habla de sus alumnos” publications in Spain edexcel p127/128
Students will Reading: “Hacía dónde van las españolas” “Las revistas del corazón…” edexcel p133 Grammar Focus: discuss if some Edexcel p116/117 Grammar Focus: jobs are more “El País y tejerazo” edexcel p134/135 Revision based on suited to men or Listening: “Habla una mujer” Edexcel p. Revision of student need women and if 118 reflexive verbs women really do (Chapter 16 p91- have equal rights 97) Exam practice in the work place today Exam practice “Una profesore habla de sus alumnos” – Oral Sample Assessment Material (as above)
Education and Students will Oral: students discuss the situation The Media Students will consider Oral: students discuss their favourite type 25 consider the amongst their own families and friends? the value of different of TV programme Employment issues surrounding Do their mothers work, how do they Radio & Television types of programme women and arrange childcare, do they feel this Reading: “Millonaria por una llamada de balancing the affects their children etc? Does society teléfono” Edexcel p137/138 La mujer y el world of work expect the mother to sacrifice a career in trabajo with a family order to bring up a family? “El ojo que todo lo ve” Edexcel p138
Students will Writing: “Madre, esposa, empleada” Listening: “Entrevista a Jordi Hurtado…” learn about the Edexcel p123 Edexcel p140 way women were treated under Franco and how Exam practice Exam practice this has affected Writing – “Teletrabajo desde tu casa” – the declining birth Jan 2011 qu.8 Grammar Focus: Grammar Focus: rate in Spain in recent years Revision based on Revision of modal student need auxiliaries (Chapter 25 p134-140_ Education and Students will Oral: introduction: students will explain The Media Students will consider Oral: students will discuss what they use 26 learn how to in Spanish their understanding of the the pros and cons of the internet for and who they think its Employment – describe the word “desempleo” written on board and The internet the internet main users are nature of a job others will give adjectives relating to how and what it you would feel or what life would be like. Reading: “El ciberespanglish” Edexcel p144 The reality of the involves Stimulus card 1 , summer 2009 “los world of work and “Los jóvenes de hoy se tecnocomunican” dealing with Students will jóvenes y el desempleo” – students see Edexcel p146 discuss their own text and guess what questions could be unemployment concerns about asked Listening: “El ordenador también tiene unemployment in Students prepare their answers to the 4 sexo” Edexcel p145 the context of the set Edexcel questions. Special focus on credit crunch and question 3 strategies for Exam practice coping with Listening: “De cajera en un Grammar Focus: unemployment supermercado” Edexcel p120 Grammar Focus:
Revision based on “En las cabinas de peaje” Edexcel p 121 Revision based on student need student need Reading: “Operadora en empresa de seguros” Edexcel p118/119
Exam practice “El trabajo ideal” – Oral Sample Assessment Material
“Los jóvenes y el desempleo” – Oral June 2009
Writing: “Internet se sube al tren” – June 2009 qu.8
Reading – “¿Cómo será mi futuro profesional” – June 2010 qu.5
Remaining time to be used for additional examination techniques and tips, revision, practice, working through past papers, any outstanding AS oral examinations and AS examination unit 2. APPENDIX – Exam questions to date
Oral Unit 1
Youth Culture and Concerns
“Los jóvenes y la felicidad” - Sample Assessment Material “ El lenguaje de los móviles” - Sample Assessment Material “El botellón” – Jan 2009 “La seguridad de los niños en Internet” – Jan 2009 “La legalización del canabis” – June 2009 “Los jóvenes y la música” – June 2009 “Comprar por internet” – Jan 2010 “Jóvenes y móviles” – Jan 2010 “La barrera generacional” – June 2010 “Los jóvenes y la ropa de diseño” – June 2010 “Las redes sociales y los menores” – Jan 2011 “Los jóvenes y las drogas” – Jan 2011
Lifestyle, Fitness and Health
“El ejercicio físico” – Sample Assessment Material “La publicidad y la comida basura” – Sample Assessment Material “la obesidad infantil” – Jan 2009 “El estrés en la vida moderna” – Jan 2009 “La comida lenta” – June 2009 “La ley antitabaco en Argentina” - June 2009 “Comer en familia” – Jan 2010 “El ejercicio entre los adolescentes” – Jan 2010 “El salario altísimo de los futbolistas causa crisis” – June 2010 “El alcohol en los Estados Unidos” – June 2010 “Los jóvenes y la dieta mediterránea” – Jan 2011 “Los jóvenes y el cácer de piel” – Jan 2011
The World around Us
“La contaminación del tráfico en Madrid” – Sample Assessment Material “Sudamérica en bicicleta” - Sample Assessment Material “El desarrollo del turismo cultural” – Jan 2009 “Huracanes en Cuba” – Jan 2009 “Los incendios forestales” – June 2009 “¿Cómo ahorrar agua” – June 2009 “El metro de Barcelona” – Jan 2010 “Los problemas de tráfico en Madrid” – Jan 2010 “Los turistas en Andalucía” – June 2010 “El reciclaje de las bolsas de plástico” – June 2010 “La penalización del coche privado” – Jan 2011 “La Unión Europea y el cambio climático” – Jan 2011
Education and Employment
“El trabajo ideal” - Sample Assessment Material “Una profesora habla de sus alumnos” - Sample Assessment Material “La intimidación escolar” – Jan 2009 “Protesta de profesores en Cataluña” – Jan 2009 “Los jóvenes y el desempleo” – June 2009 “Los uniformes escolares” – June 2009 “El trabajo infantil” – Jan 2010 “Los exámenes y el estrés” – Jan 2010 “¿Colegios mixtos?” – June 2010 “La vuelta al cole” – June 2010 “La oferta laboral para los estudiantes universitarios” - Jan 2011 “Violencia en las aulas” – Jan 2011
Unit 2
Sample Assessment Material 1- Weather forecast – L 2- Film festival – L 3- Text books in schools – L 4- Interview with a golfer – L 5- Drinking and driving – R 6- Heatwave in Spain – R 7- Chess in schools – R 8- Mobile phones – W
June 2009 1- El AVE – L 2- El problema del alcohol – L 3- Los estudiantes y el estrés – L 4- Entrevista con Rafael Nadal – L 5- El consultorio – R 6- El cambio climático en España– R 7- Cuando la diversidad llega a la orquestra – R 8- Internet se sube al tren – W
Jan 2010 1- El etanol – L 2- Las matemáticas – L 3- Buscar empleo – L 4- Blanca Romero – cantante/actriz – L 5- Especies en peligro de extinction – R 6- La piratería digital – R 7- Prefiero ser única que la mejor – R 8- Ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto – W
June 2010 1- Las tapas – L 2- Eurocopa – L 3- Viajar en avión – L 4- Cristina Sánchez – L 5- ¿Cómo sera mi futuro professional? – R 6- Los Amigos del Mundo pemian a los jóvenes más ecologistas – R 7- El móvil – una adicción temprana 8- España es el segundo país más Ruidoso del mundo – W
Jan 2011 1- Los tatuajes – L 2- Ahorros domésticos – L 3- El surf – L 4- Alberto Contador – L 5- Hay que oír – R 6- Llega la era de la “moda rápida” – R 7- Las vacaciones escolares – R 8- Teletrabajo desde casa” - W