Career Research Project

 Objective: Obtain information about a career which is of interest to you and present that information in pamphlet form.  Method: Utilize Internet search engines, books, magazines, encyclopedias, interviews

The entire project will take place over three weeks and will include the following:  Proper use of the almanac along with worksheets  Dictionary usage, one worksheet  Review of correct works cited entry, one worksheet  Internet research for magazine article about career  Personal interview of someone in the field (if possible)  Search of career books to obtain information about the chosen field  All information compiled into pamphlet

* Save all notes, prewriting, rough drafts, etc.--all this material will count * Don't be a victim of plagerism (using more than three words together without using quotation marks or using information from research without giving credit to the author). Plagerism is cheating. If you choose to plagerize, a zero will result.

All students will receive a sample works cited page along with a sample pamphlet. These should be used as guides in completing the project. A scoring guide will also be distributed which details the point value of each part of the assignment. This may serve as a checklist while completing the project.

Project overview: Front Cover: contains the job title, a creative slogan, and an illustration Organization/body: o History of career--job description, etymology of career name, as well as when, where, and how the career began. o Outlook of career--the current and predicted number of jobs in the field, expected salary, benefits (insurance, 401K, travel, etc.), expected changes in the field especially relating to technology o Requirements--what type of education is required for employment in the selected field including technical and on-the-job training; also note any physical requirements (working in cold/hot conditions, heavy lifting, etc.) o Excerpts from the experts—3 quotes from biographical sources including a personal interview if possible, correctly punctuated and cited o Works cited—list of sources used following the correct format. . Must use a minimum of five sources/6 for advanced (magazine, encyclopedia, career book, interview, plus one additional source) . Sources must be--alphabetical with correct punctuation, capitalization, and indentation Citations--citations throughout the pamphlet must match the works cited entries; there must be at least one citation per section. (Citations follow MLA style – author’s last name and page # in parentheses. If no author, editor’s last name and page number; no editor, then title and page number. If not page numbers, write NP) Overall effort/quality--followed directions, neatness, resourcefullness, level/quality, effort/used time wisely