Test in English (6th form of Secondary Schools – 2nd form of Grammar Schools) PART I. READING Task1: Choose the correct ending. Read this story carefully, and then read the sentences that follow it. Your task is to choose the correct answer (a, b, or c) that is nearest in meaning to what the story says. Write the letters in the white boxes next to the numbers. A computer game: The Lost Statue In this game you are in a small country called Neverland. It is a deserted place. The weather there is terrible. It rains a lot and there are strong winds. The only people there are two young brothers. They live alone in their small house on the beach. In the game, you are one of the boys – Josh or Frank. Josh loves the beach very much and he is good at windsurfing. Frank is interested in doing quizzes and playing guessing games. One day, they meet a strange man. He collects old things. He needs to find a small statue from the Stone Age and he asks the boys for help. You decide to help the man. First, you talk to the man and learn about the lost statue. Then, with your brother, organize a trip around Neverland to look for it. On the way you play games, answer questions, do quizzes, visit different places and talk to different people. Collect objects and souvenirs – they are very useful and help you find the lost statue and win the game. The Lost Statue is a great game! Discover the secrets of Neverland and learn about the old times. Play it now and have fun! 1 Neverland is a ) a big island. b) a deserted country. c ) an old city.

2 The weather in Neverland is a) warm and sunny. b) cold and cloudy. c) rainy and windy.

3 Frank and Josh live in a) a castle. b) a house on the beach. c) a motel.

4 In the game you are a) a boy. b) the strange man. c) the lost statue.

5 The strange man a ) collects old objects. b) organizes trips around Neverland. c) teaches history. 1 2 3 4 5

Points: 2X5 Your points: Task2: Read the text again, and then read the sentences that follow it. Your task is to decide whether the answer is True or False. Write the letter T (for True) or F (for False) in the white boxes next to the numbers. 6 _____ The two brothers live in a big house in the forest. 7 _____ Josh is good at quizzes. 8 _____ Frank’s hobby is playing guessing games. 9 _____ The man wants to find an ancient stone. 10 _____ Collecting different objects in the game helps the player to finish it. 6 7 8 9 10

Points: 2X5 Your points:

1 Task3: Read the passages carefully and make one text putting the paragraphs A-E into the correct order from 11-15 in your answer sheet.

A Finally, the wonderful school has the wonderful director, Ant de Boer. He wants his students to learn that it is very important to care for nature. The school motto says:Southern Cross aims to be a ‘School for the Planet’. And it really does!

B In one lesson, students apply the principles of mathematics to the study of local wildlife. Younger students count how many kinds of animals drank at the nearby river during the night. Older students measure how much water the animals drank. C Look around your classroom. Do you see students sitting at desks? Are teachers writing on a board and giving lectures? At Southern Cross School, near the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa, things are different. D After math, in language classes students usually talk. In one recent debate, students discussed an important question: should people give water to wild animals during a dry season? E Both the park and the school are home to wild animals such as giraffes, impalas, and wild pigs. Students at the school study the same subjects as other students in South Africa. But at Southern Cross the teachers and students go out into the wild to learn.

11 12 13 14 15

Points: 2X5 Your points:

PART II. USE OF ENGLISH Task1: Write the questions in the interview with a pop star.

16. A)______. B) I usually get up at seven o’clock 17. A) ______B) I always have an apple for breakfast 18. A) ______B) No, I don’t. I never drink coffee 19. A) ______B) Well, now I'm drinking water. I’m very thirsty. 20. A) ______B) My favourite food is fruit 21. A) ______B) No, I don’t like chocolate! 22. A)______B) Yes, I can. I like to cook when I'm not working 23. A) ______B) Yes, I have. I’ve got two cats 24. A) ______B) The cats’ names are Wiffy and Scrunch 25. A) ______B) Yes I do. I like them

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Points: 2X10 Your points:

2 Task2: For gaps 26-35 read the text below and decide which word (A, B or C) fits the space best. Write the answers in the white boxes. Nowadays a lot of people fly by plane. Flying by plane is fast and comfortable. How fast can you fly from France ______(26) England? In 2008, ‘Jet Man’ Yves Rossy made the ______(27) in only 13 minutes. He designed and used a special jet wing. With the jet wing on his back, he jumped from a plane 2,500 meters ______(28) the air. Rossy had to be very ______(29) as it was clear that ______(30) jet wing couldn’t ______(31) on water, but he came down safely on a ______(32) near the city of Dover. He worked on the jet wing for more ______(33) 15 years, and people ______(34) several countries shared ideas with ______(35). 26. A in B until C to 27. A trip B travel C way 28. A on B in C above 29. A polite B careful C responsible 30. A a B the C only 31. A land B landed C lands 32. A plain B plane C plate 33. A than B then C as 34. A of B from C with 35. A he’s B his C him

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Points: 1X10 Your points: Task3: Choose the best word to fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You must complete the text by matching the numbers with the correct letters. Write the answers in the white boxes.

a) animal b) elephant c) ship d) cub e)trunk f)money g) words h)mountain i)market j)ears k) owner l)actor

A circus owner once came to India. One day he went to the market. An Indian market is a wonderful place. You can buy there whatever you want. The man wanted to buy some unusual (36)______: a snake, a tiger (37)______or a peacock. But suddenly he saw an elephant. The elephant was big and grey with a very long (38)______and big (39)______. It was like a real (40)______! The man came to the seller: “How much is the elephant?” – “I don’t sell him”, said the man, “he is my friend. Now he is very old and can’t work. I am poor and he eats a lot. I don’t have enough (41)______to buy food for him.” “Then what do you want to do with him?” asked the circus owner. “I hope that someone would like to become his new (42)______and take care of him for the rest of his life”, answered the man. The circus owner thought for a while then he said: “I am a circus owner. I would like to take him with me. I think he will be a good (43) ______at my circus.” “Where is your circus?” asked the man. “I live far from here, in Europe. We’ll go there by (44)______. The ship is leaving tomorrow. If you want I may take you to Europe too.” The Indian man was surprised at such (45)______. But then he said: “I haven’t got a family. This elephant is my real friend and I would like to go with you.” The next morning they left for Europe. Ali (it was the name of the Indian man) lived with his elephant in the circus, took good care of him and in the evenings they took part in the performances together. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Points: 1X10 Your points: PART III. WRITING Task1: This is a part of a letter you have received from an English friend.

3 … My favourite hobby is collecting old dolls.

What hobbies do people in your country have and what is your hobby?

Now write a letter (100 words) answering your friend’s questions.

______Points: 20 Your points:

PART IV. LISTENING Task 1: Listen carefully to the conversation and decide which answer (a, b or c) is correct according to the conversation. Write your answers in the white boxes below. 1. According to the black cat, how often does Bolt (the dog) leave the movie set?

a) Two times a week b) Never c) Once a month

1. Are the cats really evil?

a) No, they're just pretending to be evil to have fun with Bolt

b) Yes, they are c) The skinny one is evil, but the fat one isn't

2. Who is the cats' boss?

a) The "green man" b) The "green eyed man" c) Bolt

3. The black cat thinks that Bolt's message to the "green eyed man"

a) is too long b) is not very nice c) is not necessary

4. What does the term "she's a goner" mean?

a) She is not around b) She is not reliable c) She's doomed

4 1 2 3 4 5

Points: 10 Your points:

Total: 100 Your total: