Instructor: Michael Alsin, Cheryl Myers Experiment 06: Ball Toss Joe Student Course: Physics Data collected: 15 SEP 2015 12th Block

Rubric: Read but do not edit. Font 14 Arial for headings, font 8 Arial for links, font 11 Arial for all other text. Use Cntrl-Enter to force a page break. Do not leave widows or orphans. Turned in via, not via email or G-Docs sharing. Procrastinating and then blaming computer, internet, etc. shifts the blame from where it belongs: your procrastination. Incomplete labs are not graded; thus complete and turn in late, receiving reduced credit due to the lateness. Prelab Header Objectives Preliminary Questions Blank Data & Calculations Table(s). Correct number of trials? Data Plots with Dialogue Boxes for first trial of each part. Collection Filled Data & Calc Tables & Analysis Example Calculations (for trial 1). Showing all steps legibly and logically. Analysis Correct, Complete, Ordered Questions English Language: subject-verb, pronoun-antecedent, spelling, complete sentences, clear/concise word choice. Prelim Q’s Go back and redo PQ’s that were wrong. Leave original answer, put new answer following in italics. Honor Signed via you typing your name.If not signed, report will not be graded and is considered incomplete. Pledge

Objectives: Verbatim from lab. Obviously exempt from the no-plagiarism pledge. ● Collect distance, velocity, and acceleration data as a ball travels straight up and down. ● ●

Preliminary Questions: Individual, not group. Do not retype the question. Answer makes question clear. Use Insert/Drawing. 1. For a ball moving up and down one time, in free fall, the following plots represent its motion.

a. Position vs. time:

b. Velocity vs. time: Post-lab:

2. Free Body Diagram [FBD] for a block being pulled: 1 of 5 Instructor: Michael Alsin, Cheryl Myers Experiment 06: Ball Toss Joe Student Course: Physics Data collected: 15 SEP 2015 12th Block

Questions to ask before data collection commences: Individual, not group. 1. When I push the block, how do I make sure the block travels linearly? 2.

2 of 5 Instructor: Michael Alsin, Cheryl Myers Experiment 06: Ball Toss Joe Student Course: Physics Data collected: 15 SEP 2015 12th Block

Plot(s): Can be group. Paste from LoggerPro.

Data & Calculations Tables: Can be group. Create in G-Sheets, paste the table from your G-Sheet, as well as a link to your G-Sheet.

Example Calculation(s): Individual, not group. Picture of your hand-written work OR equation editor [insert/equation]. GUESS. Logical!! Example: 3 of 5 Instructor: Michael Alsin, Cheryl Myers Experiment 06: Ball Toss Joe Student Course: Physics Data collected: 15 SEP 2015 12th Block

Analysis Questions: Individual, not group. Do not retype the question. Each answer should make the question clear and be in your words. 1. 2. 3.

Reexamine Preliminary Questions. Individual, not group.

Questions about results, concepts, etc. from doing this lab: Individual, not group. 1. 2.

BVW Honor Pledge/Commitment is on the following page. Individual, not group. You are required to sign.

4 of 5 Instructor: Michael Alsin, Cheryl Myers Experiment 06: Ball Toss Joe Student Course: Physics Data collected: 15 SEP 2015 12th Block

Source: Blue Valley West Honor as found in student planner. By signing [typing] your name you affirm that the work presented in this lab report meets the Expectations of the Blue Valley West Honor Commitment.

Type Name Here Without this document signed, it will not be graded.

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