Additional Information to the Project

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Additional Information to the Project

Global Giving Additional information to the project: “Protecting old crafts we protect monuments!” by Fundacja Kultury Ekologicznej and Jacek Jakubiec (Ashoka fellow)

Economical Analyse

Grading of economical effectiveness of the project, is based on analysing of financial streams flow ( in USD ) .

a) jako parametry wyjściowe do analizy przyjęto: the start-out parameters of the analyse are:

- okres poniesienia nakładów inwestycyjnych

2004 rok 200 000 USD 2005 rok 716 618 USD 2006 rok 83 382 USD ------In total: 1 000 000 USD

- pierwszy rok funkcjonowania projektu - 2006 rok

- okres funkcjonowania centrum 25 lat tj. do roku 2031 (po tym okresie przewidziana jest kolejna modernizacja techniczno- funkcjonalna obiektu)

b) jako parametry oceny rentowności przedsięwzięcia przyjęto: Grading of rentabillity of project parameters are:

- szereg narastający oraz sumę łączną zdyskontowanych strumieni pieniężnych przy stopie dyskontowej d=5%

- okres zwrotu nakładów inwestycyjnych

- graniczną stopę zwrotu IRR

c) Dochody i ich struktura Incomes and their structure

- źródła dochodów stanowią: the sources of incomes are: opłaty uczestników za kursy czeladnicze 224 USD * 100 kursów opłaty uczestników za kursy mistrzowskie 326 USD * 100 kursów subwencje państwowe do kursów 40 USD * 200 kursów seminaria i wykłady o charakterze komercyjnym 90 USD * 480 godz wynajem komercyjny sal wykładowych i pracowni 380 USD * 400 godz wynajem pracowni projektowych (poddasze) 86 USD*343,6 m2 wartość pozostała obiektu po 25 latach użytkowania 756 977 USD*50%

- struktura dochodów w czasie Income structure in time duration:

rok 2006 (okres rozruchu organizacyjnego - tylko kursy czeladnicze lata 2007 – 2020 100% dochodów rok 2021 50% dochodów (remont instalacji i wymiana urządzeń technologicznych

lata przychodów Income years Przychody 2006 2007-2020 2021 2022-2030 2031 Income opłaty uczestników za kursy czeladnicze 22 400 22 400 11 200 22 400 participants charges for 1st level rates opłaty uczestników za kursy mistrzowskie 32 600 16 300 36 600 participants charges for master level subwencje państwowe do kursów 4 000 8 000 4 000 8 000 state subvencions for rates seminaria i wykłady o charakterze komercyjnym 43 200 21 600 43 200 commercial seminaries and lectures wynajm pracowni projektowych 29 550 14 775 29 550 rent design workshops wynajm komercyjny sal wykładowych i pracowni 152 000 22 400 152 000 cemmercial rent of lecutre rooms and workshops Wartość pozostała obiektu 378 488 Rest obcject value Ogółem 22 800 287 750 90 275 287 750 378 488 Total

d. Zestawienie kosztów operacyjnych Juxtaposition operative costs

- przyjęto w oparciu o dane ewidencyjne szkoleń i wynajmów pomieszczeń o podobnej strukturze użytkowej - it accept in foothold about information data of training about similar utilitarian structure accomodation

Koszty operacyjne Operrative costs

Lata ponoszenia Costs in years Koszty 2006 2007-2020 2021 2022-2030 2031 Costs Wynagrodzenia pracowników 34 588 34 588 34 588 Employee reward Wynagrodzenia kadry dydaktycznej 37 400 18 700 37 400 Didactic staff reward Ogrzewanie pomieszczeń 9 605 9 605 9 605 Heating Energia elektryczna 6 651 6 651 6 651 Electrical power Telefony, fax, internet 5 124 5 124 5 124 Phone, fax, internet Zużycie wody 1 121 1 121 1 121 Water expenditure Zużycie materiałów 8 600 8 600 8 600 Materials expenditure Usługi, opłaty,podatki 10 657 10 657 10 657 Services, pays, taxes Remonty i konserwacje 21 660 21 660 146 440 21 660 Conservation and repairs Razem Total 21 660 135 406 241 486 135 406 0 Global Giving Additional information to the project: “Protecting old crafts we protect monuments!” by Fundacja Kultury Ekologicznej and Jacek Jakubiec (Ashoka fellow)

Supporting Documentation

Project documentation/business plan

The process of creating „Traditional Craft University” is quite advanced already. This project has many believers in many spheres: governmental administration (especially General Conservator of Monuments), local administration, cultural and science institutions, NGO’s and the others. Lower Silesia Craft Committee from Wrocław promotes us and co-operates with us. Local organizations of the unemployed are also really interested in our ideas, as well as local and regional job centres, that declare their financial support for initial and following stage of activity of our “University”.

It will be the only centre like that in Poland and it will have the unique program. We will use the best Polish experiences as well as the experience of our partner organisations from other countries, especially from Czech Republic and Germany, with which we co-operate in trans- border community “Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa”.

Various preparations connected with setting up „The University” have been made from 1996. It let us so far to create its general model, find many and very precious contacts with the best specialists, who will become the teaching staff in the centre, and also to start the initial promotion of the education offers of the centre.

We are still working on the full detailed program. We also discuss the name of our centre. We should give some comments to the English version of this name - „Traditional Craft University”, which we use in this project. We do not create a real university. English word “college” would suit here more. In Polish the best word to describe the real sense of the centre, which we are going to build, is “Wszechnica”. Unfortunately this traditional Polish word probably do not exists in the English version.

There are mainly two reasons for the need of creating such the centre in Poland, especially here, in the region called Lower Silesia, that is really reach in monuments. Firstly – the lack of founds it central and regional budgets of our country. Secondly – unfavorable circumstances created by unending reorganizations in Poland. Because of them there is the lack of clarity and stability of the system of the occupation education. That was why we decided to learn from the experience of foreign centres. It will help us to create our own model of the university that will exists as a „non-government occupation education centre”. It will be possible due to the autonomy of so-called “third sector” in Poland.

Recently we were able to speed up our activities, because the whole program of FKE, connected with the restoration of the monumental „Czarne” Manor House, got some financial support from European Union Fund CBC (so far 1.245 million Eur). To the end of 2004 we will finish the restoration of the main, eastern part of the House, which will be used as a training and conference centre of FKE. It will let us to organize theoretical courses even before we will create workshops and laboratories for practical training.

Activities: 1) Adaptation of the former cowshed (built in 1850 ) into centre of workshops and laboratories.

The state of this building is extremely bad (look at the picture from the air); We are going to use its ground level, and, as a result. To get new education-workshop base – the surface about 1340 m2 2) Purchase of essential equipment and instruments for workshops and laboratories of The University. 3) Employing the director staff of University, contracting specialists and teachers, training for university staff, marketing and promotion, finding students for the first year of courses in The University. 4) Opening The University; running program activities during the first year of work.

We plan, that activities 1, 2 and 3 will be done in during first 12 months. The second stage of the project will last another 12 months (activity 4). At the moment the goal of FKE is to open the full working „University” when the scholar year 2005/2006 starts. We will be able to achieve that goal if we get the founds for the second investment stage – creating logistic base for practical teaching and organization basic functional structure of The University. These needs are the reason why we decided to apply for Global Giving funds.


Introduced here initiative of FKE has many believers in Poland, our region and also in several organizations abroad. We have lots of proofs of acceptance, declarations of co-operation and references from different institutions and individuals. If anybody is particulary interested and would like to see them, we could send the copies of them by post.

Economics of the project:

In the attachment – the initial version of economic analysis of the project.

Project pictures: In the attachment – pictures ilustrating architectonic conception of the workshop base of “The University”. The pictures show functional and spatial structure of this centre as well as its role as a part of bigger idea International Centre of Ecological Culture, which we create on the surface of 50 ha. It will be a large complex, that will let the FKE to fulfill its mission connected with ecology. Architecture of the University is connected with the fact, that we adapted the ground level of existing building for our needs. We show the front elevetion in different versions. Detailed architectonic project will be connected with the main idea of “The University”. We still work on the details.

. Photo Gallery

In attachment – 10 pictures:

1. The front of the Czarne Manor House, the stage in 1983 (author: Tomasz Olszewski) 2. Repairs in The Czarne Manor House, stage in 2000 (author: Marek A. Pędziwol) 3. The picture from the air, 2002; Attention! On the front – ruined building of the old cowshed that we are going to adapt for workshops and laboratories of „The University of Traditional Crafts” (author: Leszek Stryja) 4. The picture from the air – the view from the North (author: Leszek Stryja) 5. Seminary activities in the conference room in The Czarne Manor House, actual stage – July 2004 (author: Jerzy Przybysz) 6. The view of the renaissance main portal, stage in about 1860, (author-unknown) 7. The picture of the portal with the view of existed details, 2001, (author: mirosław Koper) 8. Work on the complementing of the portal, 2001, author: Daniel Antosik 9.Conservation work on restoration of wooden ceiling, 2001, author: Daniel Antosik 10. Jacek Jakubiec, Ashoka fellow, custodian of The Czarne Manor House, author: Marek A. Pędziwol Global Giving Additional information to the project: “Protecting old crafts we protect monuments!” by Fundacja Kultury Ekologicznej and Jacek Jakubiec (Ashoka fellow)

Preliminarz kosztów projektu Budget estimate of project cost

LP Wyszczególnienie kosztów Jm Ilość Koszt jedno- Wartość w zł. Wartość w Cost detailing Um. Amount stkowy w zł. Value in PLZ USD Individual Value in $ value in PLZ

I Razem roboty budowlano – m2pu 1 336,9 2 121,62 2 836 393 756 977 montażowe w tym: Construction works including: 1 Roboty ogólnobudowlane m2pu 1 336,9 1 539,01 2 057 508 549 108 Building works 2 Roboty instalacyjne wod-kan „ 1 336,9 50,38 67 354 17 975 Installation works; water, waste 3 Instalacje wody p.poż „ 1 336,9 14,32 19 144 5 109 Installation:: fire water 4 Instalacja centralnego „ 1 336,9 139,46 186 443 49 758 ogrzewania Heating system installation 5 Instalacja wentylacji i „ 1 336,9 18,76 25 080 6 693 klimatyzacji Installation of ventilation and air-conditioner 6 Technologia kotłowni „ 1 336,9 27,34 36 551 9 755 Boiler Technology 7 Instalacja alarmowa i oddy- „ 1 336,9 21,23 28 386 7 576 miająca p.poż Alarm installation, Fire installation 8 Instalacje elektryczne „ 1 336,9 231,34 309 284 82 542 Electric installations 9 Instalacje telefoniczne, sieć „ 1 336,9 15,56 20 802 5 552 komputerowa Commputer and phone installation 10 Instalacje alarmowe urządzenia „ 1 336,9 36,20 48 394 12 915 telewizji przemysłowe TV equipments for alarm installation 11 Przyłącza i przykanaliki Kpl 1 37 446,00 37 446 9 994 sanitaWyprne kit Installation includes II Wyposażenie technologiczne i 504 500 134 641 dydaktyczne Technological and didactic endowment 1 Kocioł gazowy C.O 150 kW Kpl 1 38 000,00 38 000 10 142 Gas boiler 150 kW kit 2 Centrala klimatyzacyjna „ 1 37 600,00 37 600 10 035 Air-conditioner central 3 Urządzenie prądowe UPS 40 „ 1 64 000,00 64 000 17 080 kW UPS 40 kW 4 Wyposażenie warsztatu „ 1 57 640,00 57 640 15 384 konserwacji drewna (w tym zestawy narzędzi 7 szt) Endowment of wood preservation workshop (with 7 sets instruments) 5 Wyposażenie warsztatu „ 1 73 000,00 73 000 19 482 kamieniarskiego (w tym zestawy narzędzi 7 szt) Endowment of stone workshop (with 7 sets instruments) 6 Wyposażenie warsztatu „ 1 23 400,00 23 400 6 245 sztukatorskiego (w tym zestawy narzędzi 7 szt) Endowment of stucco workshop (with 7 sets instruments) 7 Zestawy komputerowe z „ 3 12 600,00 37 800 10 088 oprogramowaniem biurowym Hardware & office software 8 Zestawy komputerowe z „ 2 26 700,00 53 400 14 251 oprogramowaniem do projek- towania architektonicznego Commputer equipments for CAD works 9 Wyposażenie audiowizualne „ 3 14 200,00 42 600 11 369 sal seminaryjnych Endowment of audiovisual halls 10 Wyposażenie biurowe „ 9 2 700,00 24 300 6 485 Office endowment 11 Wyposażenie szatni i „ 6 1 860,00 11 160 2 978 pomieszczeń socjalnych Coat-check and lounge endowment 12 Wyposażenie sal seminaryj- „ 4 8 400,00 33 600 8 967 nych i wykładowych Seminary room and lecture room endowment 13 Wyposażenie pomieszczeń „ 1 8 000,00 8 000 2 135 sanitarnych i umywalni Restroom and washroom endowment III Rozruch organizacyjno- 406 109 108 382 technologiczny Organizationally-technological start-up 1 Wynagrodzenia etatowe etaty 3 43 200,00 129 600 34 588 administracji Permanent administration reward 2 Wynagrodzenie nieetatowe godz. 800 84,00 67 200 17 933 specjalistów (przygotowanie materiałów dydaktycznych, pilotażowy program szkoleń) Unpermanent specialists’ reward (preparation didactic materials, pilotage program of training) 3 Ogrzewanie pomieszczeń m2pu 1336,9 26,92 35 989 9 605 Accomodation heating 4 Energia elektryczna „ 1336,9 18,64 24 920 6 651 Electric power cost 5 Telefony, fax , internet Kpl 1 19 200 19 200 5 124 Phones, fax, internet kit 6 Zużycie wody m3 700 6,00 4 200 1 121 Water expenditure 7 Podróże służbowe- wymiana Kpl 1 85 000 85 000 22 685 doświadczeń, promocja kit programu szkoleń Business trips – experience exchange, training program promotion 8 Opłaty formalno-prawne, „ 1 40 000 40 000 10 675 usługi różne materiały biurowe Formally-legal charges, different services, office materials Uwaga wg średniego kursu z 30-06-2004 r. 1$=3,7470 PLZ Note according to average with 30-06-2004r. 1$=3,7470 PLZ (Data sporządzenia planu) 30- 8.3 Harmonogram finansowania i realizacji 06-2004r. Sponsorship and realization schedule Date of plan coposition 30- 06-2004 (Okres objęty planem) październik 2004- wrzesień 2006 (Period included plan) october 2004-september 2006 Koszty wydzielon e z budżetu – w USD

Costs from budget in $

PLAN PLAN Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart Kwart ał ał ał ał ał ał ał ał ał Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart Quart er er er er er er er er er I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX IV I II III 1. Roboty 2004 2005 2005 2005 remont- 756 977 owo modernizac yj-ne i instalacje - - - - - budowlane

Building and installation works

2. Zakup i montaż 134 641 sprzętu i wypo- sażenia niezbędne- go dla III IV zorganizo------wania 2005 2005 Centrum:

Shopping and instalment of equipment for center

3.Rozruch IV I II III - 108 382 techno-logiczny 2005 2006 2006 2006 pracowni - - - - Technological star up of workshops

RAZEM 1 000 TOTAL 000 Legenda: Legend: Kwoty łączne podano w USD Totaly amounts given in $

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