Monthly Meeting Archives (e = electronically received) The archived minutes remain the property of the individual Meeting and can only be accessed with the Meeting’s consent. After 30 years, records may be available. Records of Meetings no longer existing are managed by the Archives. Minutes may be sent electronically to [email protected]

ANNAPOLIS VALLEY MONTHLY MEETING (incl Wolfville) Minutes 2005-12, 2014 Minutes e 2015, 2016

ARGENTA MONTHLY MEETING Newsletters of Argenta Friends School 1958-60 Minutes 1994-5, Jan - Oct 1997, Minutes e Feb 2011, Sept 2015, 2016, 2017: Feb, March, April(2), May, June, July (Nelson North Shore Worship Group)

CALGARY MONTHLY MEETING Inventory of Records deposited at the University of Calgary Library as of 1975 A History of Calgary Meeting (Rossanne Moore 1989) Minutes May – Nov 1970 Minutes Jan 1977-Dec 1982 Minutes Sept 1999- 2010 Minutes e Jan-Apr, Nov 2012; Jan, Feb, June, Sept, Nov 2013; Minutes e Jan, Apr, Sept-Nov 2014; 2015 Minutes e 2016: Jan, Feb (March 6), March, May, June, Sept, Oct, Nov Minutes e 2017: Feb, March, Apr, May,June

COLDSTREAM MONTHLY MEETING (see also Lobo MM) Minutes 2001 – 2014 FRIENDS Bulletin Sept 1994-May 1995, 1997; Handout Supportive file to minutes 1998-9 re: membership Minutes e 2015: June-Dec 2016: Jan, Apr, June, Sept

EDMONTON MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Feb 1982-March 1984 Minutes 1984-86, 1987-88 Minutes April 1986-Feb 1987, Jan – Dec 1997 Newsletter Jan 1994-July 1995, Mar-Dec 1997 Correspondence 1996, Handout History 1967-1990, 1953-2003

HALIFAX MONTHLY MEETING (including some of Wolfville) Minutes June 1964-June 1974, Aug 1974-Dec 1980, 1982-2000 (8 folders) Minutes included in Newsletter 1973-1975 Highlights from Minutes and Files 1962-2000, 2006-10 (B Peterson) Meetinghouse Fund 1994 Correspondence 1963-2001 Minutes 2001-2005 Minutes 2006-Mar 2012 Membership list 1965-2005 Newsletter 2000-2005 Supportive File to Minutes 2011 (South Shore Worship Group (Halifax) Dartmouth Worship Group Antigonish Worship Group)

HAMILTON MONTHLY MEETING Minutes 1951-78 in 3 books plus paper copies Minutes 1967-71, 1983-92, 1994, March 1995 Minutes 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-August 2016 Correspondence 1964-79 Newsletters 1964, 1967-August 2016 Native concerns 1970-77 Capital Punishment/Prison Concerns 1973-77 CFSC 1978-9 BEM(Baptism, Eucharist, Ministry) Documents and Discussion 1984 Hamilton Ministry in Industry 1969-89

KITCHENER AREA MONTHLY MEETING Minutes/Newsletters Sept 1967-98 3folders Minutes Jan 2011-Feb 2012 Minutes e May 2012- 2015, 2016, 2017: Jan(2), Feb, March(2), April, May, June, Sept Correspondence and loose material 1950-84, 1994 Extracts from CYM Minutes 1955-92 (Guelph Worship Group,Lucknow Worship Group,Stratford Worship Group)

LOBO MONTHLY MEETING (see also Yarmouth & Coldstream MM) Treasurer’s files 1977-85 Correspondence Yarmouth Preparative Mtg 1965-67 “Register of the Society of Friends South Yarmouth” Book 1800’s-1980’s

MONTREAL MONTHLY MEETING Correspondence 1960-1977 2 folders Meetinghouse Fundraising pre-1963 Minutes 1960-July 2008, Nov 2009, 2010-14 (Laurentian Worship Group, Lac Cornu Worship Group)

NEW BRUNSWICK MONTHLY MEETING Atlantic Friends (other than Halifax) to 1977 Minutes and related articles May 1981-1990-June 1995 Minutes June 2003-June 2006, 2007-09 Minutes e 2010-15 Correspondence 1966-77 (Fundy Friends Worship Group, Fredericton Worship Group, Hampton Worship Group, Houlton-Woodstock Worship Group, Sackville Worship Group, Prince Edward Island Worship Group, St John Area Worship Group, East Shore Allowed Meeting(NS)

NEWMARKET MONTHLY MEETING (laid down) Correspondence 1960-77

NORWICH MONTHLY MEETING (laid down) Correspondence 1959-77 Minutes 1970-1991 Photographs Register of Marriage 1897- Minutes Sept 1964-1969

OTTAWA MONTHLY MEETING Correspondence 1960-1977, 2002-2008 Minutes 1977-2009 Minutes e 2010 Minutes 2010-13, 2014-15 Supplementary materials 2002-8 Misc Statements: Where We Come From, Homosexuality, Human Rights-Family Rights- Same Sex Marriage(1990’s), Quakers and Money (1979) (Killaloe Worship Group, St Lawrence Valley Friends Allowed Meeting)

PELHAM EXECUTIVE MEETING [early records listed in Vault Collection) Correspondence 1961-77 Minute Book March 1980-August 1993 Minutes Oct 1994, Feb-Apr 1995, Jan 1996-Nov 2008, 2009, 2010-11 Minutes e 2012-2015: 2016: Assorted minutes and related materials, Bridges of Hope(Syrian refugees)2016- Meeting History to 1999, 2009 (deed for Hicksite Cemetery Box 21 in historic boxes)


PETERBOROUGH MONTHLY MEETING (see also Wooler MM) Minutes 2012: June, Aug, Sept, Nov, Dec; 2013 Minutes e 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017: Jan, Feb, March, April, May, June, Sept

PRAIRIE MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Oct 1966-69, 1977-81, 1983-88 (irregular) The Prairie Quaker, Oct 1993- Nov 1994 (irregular) Regina Worship Group Correspondence 1964-77 Saskatoon Worship Group Correspondence 1966-77 (Winnipeg Worship Group, Thunder Bay Worship Group)

SAANICH PENINSULA MONTHLY MEETING Peninsula Friends News including some minutes 2011-March 2014 e

SASKATOON MONTHLY MEETING Minutes e Oct 2008-13, 2014, 2015, 2016: Feb, April, Nov; 2017: Feb, April

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA MONTHLY MEETING (laid down) (Grey Bruce Worship Group)

THOUSAND ISLAND MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Aug 1967-Oct 1974 Minute Book Oct 1974-Dec 1977 Minutes and collateral papers 1972-1980, 1981-89, 90-96 (3 binders) Minutes 1997-Oct 1997, Sept 1998-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-11 Minutes e Jan, March 2011, 2012-16 Material related to the internship of Ruth Bishop during 2001 Correspondence Aug 1990-Nov 1993; Feb 1994-Feb 1998 (Thousand Island) Correspondence 1977-89, 1990-99 Cemetery Finances Record Book 1935-92

TORONTO MONTHLY MEETING closed = 100 yrs Minutes 1970’s,1977-84, 1986 (5 folders) Minutes and collateral materials 1994-June 1995, Dec 1996-June 1997, 2008 – Jan 2011 Minutes 2005-2012, 2013-14 Minutes of Ministry & Counsel 1973 – 1980 closed Minutes and collateral materials of Ministry and Counsel 1978 -1981 closed Minutes and collateral materials of Ministry and Counsel 1994-95, Dec 1996-June 1997 closed Collateral material of Ministry & Counsel 1964-78 closed Property Committee 1948-1967 Nominating Committee 1945-1978 Peace and Social Action, Minutes and Misc 1962-1968 Publicity 1966-1972 Personnel Committee 1964-1980 (3 files) closed Refugee Committee reports 1982-1989 Report on Meeting re: Mini-Service Projects Nov 1973 Salisbury, Rhodesia Bursary Fund 1968-81 Correspondence with the Federal Government 1966 Committee on Aging Oral History transcript: Edith German 1987 Newsletters Dec 1966-1978, Apr-Dec 1984, Jan 1994-June 1995, Jan-Oct 1997 , 2005-14 (missing 2009) Misc 1950s, 1978 (members & attenders, etc, 1936 TMM pamphlet

VANCOUVER ISLAND MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Feb 2008-Nov 2009 (Courtney, Duncan, North Island, Saltspring Island, Whitehorse (Yukon) Worship Groups, Mid- island Allowed Meeting)

VANCOUVER MONTHLY MEETING Correspondence Minutes 1994-March 1995, Sept 1996-March 1997 Oral History transcript Margaret Lorenz 1902-1990 Peaceworker 1982-3 “Quaker Concerns on Human Rights” 1981 Minutes e June 2011-2014 Minutes 2015-May 2016 (Bowen Island, Coquitlam, Fraser Valley, North Shore, West End Worship Groups, Worship Group for Gay & Lesbian People and their Supporters.)

VERNON MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Jan 1974-2011-13 Minutes Feb 1994-April 1995, Dec 1996- June 1997 (Lillooet Worship Group, Prince George Allowed Meeting)

VICTORIA MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Oct 1968-2003, 2005 Victoria Friends Meeting: a History 1907-1988 2 DVDs on the 100th anniversary of the Meetinghouse Island Friend 1994-5, 1997 (Courtney, North Island, Saltspring Island Worship Groups, Mid-Island Allowed Meeting)

WINNIPEG MONTHLY MEETING Minutes Aug 1959- Feb 1961 Minutes Sept 1989

WOLFVILLE MONTHLY MEETING (see also Annapolis Valley) Minutes 1982-2002-2004 Minutes 1983-88 (incomplete), 2001-2002 Wolfville Worship Group Schedule of Meetings Nov 1982, May-June 1983 Worship Group and Committee named by Halifax 1982 Business Meeting Oct 1982, Nov 1984 Preparative Meeting State of Society Report 1985-6 Wolfville Friends Meeting Considerations, Atlantic Friends Gathering n.d. Annapolis Valley Flier supporting Peggy Hope-Simpson nomination for NDP by nom comm. n.d.

WOOLER MONTHLY MEETING Wooler Miscellaneous: Deed of meeting house lots and Burying Grounds 1832; Photos: Statement by Pelham Quarterly Mtg concerning the reunification of 3 Yearly Meetings 1955 Coldcreek Preparative Meeting Minutes of Ministers and Elders 1873 to Wooler Mtg of Ministry & Oversight 1920 Minute Book 1893-1962 Oral History transcript Alice (Allie) Nelson 1989 Westlake Quarterly Mtg 1934-72 Ministry & Oversight Record Books: Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavour Minutes 1892-1904 Friends Sabbath School 1911-1919 Friends Bible School 1919-1923 Friends Bible School 1923-1934 Class Recorder 1934-9, 1944-1950 Friends Sabbath School 1950-60 Friends Sabbath School 1934-37 Young Peoples Society for Christian Endeavor 1905-13 Friends Sabbath School 1934-39 Meeting of Ministry & Oversight 1920-1970 Women’s Foreign Missionary Society 1881-93 Peterborough Allowed Meeting: Minutes July 2001-09 Minutes e Jan, Apr, June, Sept, Nov 2010; Feb, May, Sept, Nov 2011; Correspondence 1966-74 John Hillman’s notes Apr 2002-2003

YARMOUTH MONTHLY MEETING (Sparta) Minutes Nov 1988 (incl membership list) Minutes 1989-2000, 2001-2014 Correspondence with Min of Ext Affairs re: Iraq 1999 (Windsor Worship Group)

YONGE STREET MONTHLY MEETING Monthly Meeting Materials 1970-77, 1978-85 Attendance Book 1970 – Oct 1975 Minutes 1981-86(irregular) Newsletter 1994 Minutes/Correspondence 1971-78 Correspondence 1973-78, 1978-80 Yonge Street Meeting Property and Plaque 1980’s (Orangeville Worship Group) YONGE STREET RESTORATION PROJECT