Spring 2017 Syllabus

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Spring 2017 Syllabus

Exploring Careers Spring 2017 Syllabus DESCRIPTION: In this semester-long elective class, students will take personal interest inventories, learn about their skills and talents, and then exploring careers that match their interests and abilities. We will explore different career clusters and learn how to start preparing for a successful career.

MATERIALS: Please bring the following materials to class by Monday, January 9th:  A bottle (8oz) of hand sanitizer  A sturdy folder with pockets and brads, unless using a binder system for all classes

OUTLINE: Exploring Careers will enable students to explore their personal interests, which will then be utilized to find career paths that align with those interests. The course begins with an overview of the sixteen career clusters, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor. Students will complete at least two different personal interest surveys, and explore jobs that incorporate those interests. Students will learn about job searches, compile a resume, and participate in a job interview. We will also discuss how your career choices and personal finances work together.

RULES: There are three general rules we will honor to maintain a peaceful and productive learning environment:  Be respectful: Listen quietly. Use polite and appropriate language. Raise your hand to speak.  Be focused: Be mentally present in the classroom. Focus on your work.  Practice integrity: Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

BEHAVIOR/DISCIPLINE : Any forms of physical rough-housing, verbal outbursts, inappropriate language, or damage to classroom equipment will not be tolerated. Rule violations will result in a ‘redirect’ verbal warning. If the violation occurs again, a checkmark will be recorded, followed by an email home. A second checkmark will be followed by a phone call home. If a fourth redirect is needed, the student will receive a referral to the office! NOTE: Physical altercations will result in an immediate referral - no warnings or checkmarks will be given. Checkmarks: On Fridays at the end of class, there will be a 20-minute free time session for students who have completed and turned in all work for that week. Students with missing assignments will use that time to finish work. Each time any student in the class earns a check mark, one minute will be deducted from that 20-minute period. For example: If there are 4 check marks for the class in a week, the Friday free time will be 16 minutes instead of 20 minutes long.


The above information is subject to change upon the discretion of the teacher or administration. 1. GRADING: It is expected that most course work will be completed during classroom time. Homework is rarely ever assigned. However, if you do not complete a class assignment in class, it becomes homework. Your grade will be weighted, which means some areas are more important than others. The weighting is as follows:  Unit Assignments, Presentations, Quizzes and Tests - 60% of overall grade  Daily progress, classroom work, behavioral expectations – 40% of overall grade 2. TUTORING: If you are having difficulty with the course, I encourage you to seek my help outside of class as soon as possible. I am available during (6th period) most days, but please check with me first. 3. TARDY: A tardy occurs when a student is not in his/her seat when the bell rings. When tardy students enter the classroom, they will sign in on the Tardy Clipboard before going to their seats.  1st Tardy - Warning  2nd Tardy - Writing Task  3rd Tardy - Parent Contact  4th Tardy – Referral 4. ABSENCES: Work that was assigned before an absence and due on the day a student is absent, will be due on the day the student returns to class. It is the student's responsibility to obtain all information for assignments missed during an absence. This should be done on the first day a student returns to class. For extended absences, students have as many days as the length of the absence to turn work in late without penalty. If a student misses a test or quiz, he/she must make the arrangements to make it up in the next three days during tutoring. If there are extenuating circumstances, please discuss the matter with the teacher. 5. LATE WORK: Work turned in late will receive 5 points off per day with a maximum of 20 points off. If it is not turned in after 4 days, the MSG in the grade book will be changed to a 0. The instructor reserves the right to suspend the late work policy on certain projects and activities when completion is critical by a certain time. I will inform students of this at the time the assignment is made. 6. FAILURES: Students will be given the opportunity to improve/re-do failing grades on tests and assignments if they receive a score lower than 70. The maximum possible score on this redone work is a 70. Students may be required to complete review activities before being allowed to retake a test. 7. CHEATING: Cheating includes online collaboration, copying answers, allowing someone to copy your answers, plagiarism, using unauthorized sources on a test/quiz, or having someone complete an assignment for you. 1st offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, plus your parents will be notified and you will be assigned a detention. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of a 70. 2nd offense: You will be given an alternate assignment, plus your parents will be notified and you will receive an office referral. The alternate assignment will have a maximum value of 70. 8. BATHROOM/HALL PASSES: The five minutes of passing time between classes is the time to get your materials and use the restroom, so a hall pass will be issued only under special circumstances, and at the teacher’s discretion. Only one student will be allowed to use the bathroom at a time. Any student leaving the classroom for any reason will sign out and back in on the Sign-Out Clipboard, noting the date, time, and destination.

9. CLEAN UP: Students are responsible for cleaning up their work area. Return all equipment to the proper location. Clear the area of all your items and leave classroom copies on the desk. Place any trash in the appropriate container. Any student not cleaning up after herself/himself will receive a penalty against the daily class work grade.  Do not leave little pieces of paper, eraser bits, gum wrappers, or candy wrappers on the desktop.

The above information is subject to change upon the discretion of the teacher or administration.  Cleaning up includes pushing in your chair and leaving the workstation ready for others.  Students who repeatedly violate this policy will receive clean-up detention during lunch. 10. COMPUTER USAGE: The computer equipment is there for your learning and will be treated with care. There are simple rules that you must follow when using the equipment: a. FOOD, GUM, CANDY (INCLUDING MINTS) AND DRINKS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM. If you have a water bottle with you, it must be put on the bookcase by the classroom entrance. b. 5TH period students may bring lunch bags to the classroom, but they must be put on the bookcase with the water bottles. c. Do not touch any other student’s computer or materials. d. All equipment and supplies are to remain in the classroom. e. The computers are school property, and as such, it is a violation of Austin ISD’s Acceptable Use Policy to customize features, change settings, or install additional software. Violation will result in lunch detention, a writing assignment, and parent notification by email. f. DO NOT CHANGE BACKGROUNDS, SCREEN RESOLUTION, BRIGHTNESS, ETC. DO NOT PIN OBJECTS/GAMES TO THE DESKTOP. INSTALLING ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. g. INTERNET USE IS LIMITED TO RESEARCH AND OTHER CLASSWORK. Accessing games, e-mail, chat rooms, Google Chat/Hangout, video (outside of the lesson), blogs and/or forums is not permitted, and is a violation of the Austin ISD Acceptable Use Policy. This includes using Google Chat to message other students when using a shared Google Doc. Online games are only permitted during Friday free time. h. Your use of the computer workstation is being actively monitored. If you are using it for something other than class work (such as setting up accessories, playing puzzles, going to unauthorized web sites, browsing Google Images, or messaging), without explicit consent from the instructor, you will be remotely logged off the computer, given a writing assignment, and be assigned detention to complete your class work. i. Use of your computer workstation is a privilege. If you abuse that privilege, you will to stop work for the day, receive a writing assignment, and be assigned lunch detention to finish your assignment. Repeated abuse of the privilege will result in a referral to the office. 9. ELECTRONIC DEVICES:  Cell phones are not required for any classroom activities; cell phone use of any kind is not permitted.  If I see a phone out, even just sitting on the desk, it will be confiscated.  Starting next week, there will be a cell phone “home” at the front of the classroom. Students who bring a phone to class will be required to place it in the numbered pockets.  If there is down-time due to completing an assignment early, you may use a tablet, Nook, or iPad to read, with the teacher’s permission. No, you may not read on your phone.  Students found using personal electronic devices for any purpose other than what is explicitly permitted above, will have the device confiscated, in accordance with Austin ISD policy.

The above information is subject to change upon the discretion of the teacher or administration.

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