Rachel Karol Ablow

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Rachel Karol Ablow


Department of English 79 14th St. University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo, NY 14213 Buffalo, NY 14260 U.S.A. [email protected] (716) 645-0690

Academic Employment Associate Professor, Department of English, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2008-present Assistant Professor, Department of English, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2006-2008 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Rochester, 2001-2006 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Rochester, 2000-2001

Education Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, English Literature, 2000 B.A. Princeton University, English Literature, Graduated with High Honors, 1991

Fellowships and Awards Conversations in the Disciplines Award: Pain Conference. State University of New York. Oct. 2015. $5,000. Research Fellowship. American Council of Learned Societies. 2012-2013. $40,000; topped up to my full salary by UB. Research Fellowship. Birkbeck Pain Project, Birkbeck College, University of London. Summer, 2012. $5,000. (Declined.) Research Fellowship. University at Buffalo, SUNY, Institute for Research and Education on Women and Gender. Summer 2011. $3,000. UUP Professional Development Award. University at Buffalo, SUNY. Spring 2011. $1,500. Research Fellowship. Humanities Institute, University at Buffalo, SUNY. Spring 2010. Course relief for one semester (2 courses). National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar, “The Oscar Wilde Archive.” Directed by Professor 2 Joseph Bristow. Stipended participant. Summer 2007. $3,600. Research Fellowship. University at Buffalo, SUNY, Institute for Research and Education on Women and Gender. Summer 2007. $3,000. National Humanities Center Summer Institute in Literary Studies. “Middlemarch.” Directed by Professor Catherine Gallagher. Stipended participant. July 2006. $1,500 and travel expenses. Research Fellowship. Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender and Women's Studies, University of Rochester. March 2006, April 2005, October 2003, October 2001. $1,000 each. Johns Hopkins University Fellowship. Spring 2000. Tuition and $7,000 stipend. Johns Hopkins University Dean’s Teaching Fellowship. Fall 1999. Tuition and $7,000 stipend. Johns Hopkins University Women’s Studies Graduate Teaching Fellowship. 1998-1999. Tuition and $14,000 stipend. Johns Hopkins University Women’s Studies Graduate Liaison Fellowship. 1997-1998. Tuition and $14,000 stipend. Johns Hopkins University Fellowship. 1996-1997. Tuition and $14,000 stipend. Jacob K. Javits Fellowship. 1992-1996. Tuition and $14,000 stipend each year for hour years. Charles William Kennedy Thesis Prize. 1991. Elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. 1991.

Publications Books Victorian Pain. Princeton University Press, forthcoming April, 2017. The Marriage of Minds: Reading Sympathy in the Victorian Marriage Plot. Stanford University Press, 2007.

Editorial Projects Co-Editor with Daniel Hack. Victorian Literature and Culture. Cambridge University Press. Beginning Jan. 1, 2017. Editor and Introduction. “Pain: Politics, Ethics, Aesthetics.” Special issue of Representations. Scheduled for Summer 2017. Editor and Introduction. The Feeling of Reading: Affective Experience and Victorian Literature. University of Michigan Press, 2010. R. Ablow 3

Editor and Introduction. “Victorian Emotions.” Special issue of Victorian Studies 50.3 (Spring 2008). Adela Pinch’s essay, “Love Thinking,” won the Donald Gray Prize for the best essay in Victorian Studies for 2008.

Articles and Other Publications “Hypochondria and the Failure of Relationship.” Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 11.3 (Winter 2015). . 11 pp. “Harriet Martineau and the Subject of Pain.” Victorian Studies 56.4 (Summer 2014): 675- 97. “Tortured Sympathies: Victorian Literature and the Ticking Time-Bomb Scenario.” ELH 80.4 (Winter 2013): 1145-1171. “Victorian Passions.” Solicited essay. The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel, ed. Deirdre David. Cambridge University Press, December 2012. 193-210. “The Married Women’s Property Act of 1870.” Solicited essay. BRANCH: Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History. Ed. Dino Felluga. September 2012. < http://www.branchcollective.org/?ps_articles=rachel-ablow-one-flesh-one- person-and-the-1870-married-womens-property-act>. 10 pp. “Addressing the Reader: The Autobiographical Voice.” Solicited essay. The Oxford History of the Novel in English, Volume 3, 1820-1880, ed. John Kucich and Jenny Bourne Taylor. Oxford University Press, January 2012. 274-288. “Reading and Re-reading: Wilde, Newman, and Fictional Belief.” The Feeling of Reading: Affective Experience and Victorian Literature. 157-178. [Rpt. in Wilde Discoveries: Traditions, Histories, Discoveries, ed. Joseph Bristow. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. 190-211.] “Oscar Wilde’s Fictions of Belief.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 42.2 (Summer, 2009): 175-82. “Victorian Feeling and the Victorian Novel.” Solicited article. Literature Compass 4.1 (January, 2007): 298-316. “Good Vibrations: The Sensationalization of Masculinity in The Woman in White.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 37 (Fall 2003/Spring 2004): 158-180. “Labors of Love: The Sympathetic Subjects of Charles Dickens's David Copperfield.” Dickens Studies Annual 31 (2002): 23-46.

Book Reviews Claire Jarvis, Exquisite Masochism: Marriage, Sex, and the Novel Form. Victorians Institute Journal. Forthcoming Spring, 2017. Matthew Bradley and Juliet John, eds., Reading and the Victorians. Nineteenth-Century Literature 70. 3 (Dec. 2015): 401-405. Rae Greiner, Sympathetic Realism in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction. Novel: A Forum on Fiction 48.2 (Summer 2015): 289-92. Adela Pinch, Thinking About Other People in Nineteenth-Century British Writing. RaVoN: Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 59-60 (Apr.-Oct., 2011). . 5 pp. 4

Audrey Jaffe, The Affective Life of the Average Man: The Victorian Novel and the Stock- Market Graph. Novel: A Forum on Fiction 44.3 (Fall 2011): 509-12. William A. Cohen, Embodied: Victorian Literature and the Senses. Victorian Studies 52.1 (Autumn 2009): 155-57. Nicholas Dames, The Physiology of the Novel: Reading, Neural Science, and the Form of Victorian Fiction. RaVoN: Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net 53 (Feb. 2009). . 5 pp.

Invited Keynotes, Lectures, and Symposia “The Homelessness of Pain.” Keynote. Victorian Studies Association of Ontario Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. April 2016. “Drowning.” Invited lecture. CUNY Annual Victorian Symposium on “Bad Victorians.” City University of New York. May 2014. “Hardy’s Pain.” Invited lecture. Harvard Humanities Center. Harvard University. February 2014. “Wounded Trees and Suffering Boots.” Invited lecture. Symposium on “The Ends of Affect.” Cornell University English Department. November 2013. “Pain Talk.” Invited lecture. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Cultures Workshop, University of Chicago. Chicago, IL. May 2013. “Thomas Hardy’s Human Animals.” Invited lecture. Victorian Studies Program, Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. April 2013. “’Natural Magic’: Harriet Martineau and the Body in Pain.” Invited lecture. Princeton University Graduate Student Victorian Colloquium. Princeton, NJ. October 2012. “’Natural Magic’: Harriet Martineau and the Body in Pain.” Invited lecture. Department of English, Vanderbilt University. Nashville, TN. September 2012. “The Sentimental Education of John Stuart Mill.” Invited lecture. Department of English, Binghamton University, SUNY. Binghamton, NY. April 2011. “Victorian Pain.” Invited lecture. Department of English, Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. March 2011. “Reading Individualism in the Victorian Novel.” Invited conference paper. Novel Anniversary Conference. Providence, RI. November 2007. “George Eliot and the Body in Pain.” Invited lecture. Harvard University Humanities Center. Cambridge, MA. December 2006. “Blood, Tears, and George Eliot.” Invited lecture. Department of English, SUNY Binghamton. Binghamton, NY. October 2005. “Anthony Trollope’s Affective Disorder.” Invited lecture. CUNY Annual Victorian Symposium on “The Victorians and the Passions.” CUNY Graduate Center. New York City, NY. May 2005.

Conference Presentations “Wounded Trees and Suffering Boots.” American Comparative Literature Association. Cambridge, MA. Mar. 2016. “Darwin’s Affects.” Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Austin, TX. Jan. 2016. R. Ablow 5

“Hypochondria and Liberalism.” Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference. City University of New York, New York City. June 2015 “Darwin’s Tears.” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. London, ON. November 2014. “Wounded Trees and Suffering Boots.” Conference paper. International Conference on Narrative. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. March 2014. “Tess’s Pain.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. Pasadena, CA. October 2013. “’Natural Magic’: Harriet Martineau and the Body in Pain.” Conference paper. Modern Language Association Conference. Boston, MA. January 2013. “Harriet Martineau’s Neural Network.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. Madison, WI. September 2012. “Authority and Experience: John Stuart Mill and the Problem of Pain.” Conference paper. The Language of Illness and Pain. Birkbeck College, University of London. London, England. July 2011. “Mill’s Maturity.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. Montreal, QC. November 2010. “The Sentimental Education of John Stuart Mill.” Conference paper. Northeast Victorian Studies Association Conference. Princeton, NJ. April 2010. “Embodying Consciousness.” Conference paper. Modern Language Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. December 2008. “Imagining Torture.” Conference paper. Modern Language Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. December 2008. Chair. “The Presence of Pain: Language, Bodies and Interiors.” Group for the Study of Early Modern Cultural Studies. Philadelphia, PA. November 2008. “The Victorian Truth of Torture.” Conference Paper. Group for the Study of Early Modern Cultural Studies. Philadelphia, PA. November 2008. “Feeling’s Failure in Villette.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. New Haven, CT. November 2008. “Reading Villette.” Conference paper. Narrative: An International Conference. Washington, DC. March 2007. Moderator. “Seeing Fiction.” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. West Lafayette, IN. August 2006. “Romola and the Torturer’s Apprentice.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. West Lafayette, IN. August 2006. Organizer, Special Session. “The Bad Subjects of the Victorian Novel.” Narrative: An International Conference. Ottawa, CA. April 2006. “George Eliot’s Bad Subjects.” Conference paper. Narrative: An International Conference. Ottawa, CA. April 2006. “The ‘Space’ of Sympathy.” Conference paper. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. Charlottesville, VA. September 2005. “George Eliot’s Sympathetic Objects.” Conference paper. Narrative: An International Conference. Louisville, KY. April 2005 6

Workshops Co-director with Adela Pinch, “Affect” Networking lunch. North American Victorian Studies Association Conference. Madison, WI. September 2012. Manuscript workshop. Elisha Cohn, “Still Life: Suspended Agency in the Victorian Novel.” Cornell University. March 2014.

Conference Organization Organizer, Mentoring Workshops, North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, Nov. 2-5, 2016.

Co-organizer with James Bono, “Pain: An Interdisciplinary Conference.” Oct. 8-10, 2015. Budget: Approx. $30,000 Speakers: Rita Charon (Columbia), Veena Das (Johns Hopkins), Shigehisa Kuriyama (Harvard), Mitchell Merback (Johns Hopkins), Darius Rejali (Reed College), Elaine Scarry (Harvard), Ron Schleifer (Oklahoma) A collection of essays based on the conference proceedings will be published as a special issue of Representations.

Conference Committee, Northeastern Victorian Studies Association 2010-

Conference Committee, Dickens Universe: Victorian Futures. 2010-2011.

Selected Service University at Buffalo, SUNY Department Service Associate Chair, Fall 2016-present. Director, Graduate Admissions, 2015-2016. Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, 2006-2007, 2014-2015. Director, Undergraduate Studies, 2010-2011. Chair, Search Committee, Assistant Professorship in Nineteenth-Century Literature, 2008- 2009. Member, Graduate Review Committee, 2009-2010. Member, Literature/Summer Committee, 2008-2009.

College and University Service Member, Professional Pathways Task Force, 2016-present. Member, Arthur A. Schomburg Fellowship Advisory Committee, 2015-2016. Member, Art Policy Committee, 2015-2016. Vice President, University at Buffalo Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 2015-2016. Chair, CAS Policy Committee, 2016-present. Vice-Chair, CAS Policy Committee, 2015-2016. Outside Member, Feminist Theory Search Committee, Comparative Literature Department, 2014-2015. Member, Phi Beta Kappa Assessment Committee, 2015-2016. Member, CAS Policy Committee, 2014-2015. R. Ablow 7

Member, Steering Committee, CAS Policy Committee, 2014-present. Chair, Subcommittee on Digital Scholarship and Artistic Production, CAS Policy Committee, 2014. Member, Humanities Institute Steering Committee, 2014-2016. Organizer, Affect Studies Workshop, Cultures and Texts FAC, April 2011. Member, Cultures and Texts Faculty Advisory Committee, 2009-2016. Member, Steering Committee, Institute for Research and Education on Women and Gender, 2008-present.

University of Rochester Department Service Co-director, Job Placement Committee, 2001-2006. Member, Graduate Committee, 2001-2006. Member, Teaching Committee, 2001-2006. Member, Planning Committee, Graduate Education Conference, 2003-2004. Member, Speakers’ Committee, 2000-2004.

College and University Service Undergraduate Advisor, 2002-2006. Member (elected), Steering Committee, Susan B. Anthony Institute for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, 2003-2006. Member, Computing and Learning Technologies Roundtable, 2002-2004. Member (elected), Faculty Council, 2002-2004. Member, Speakers’ Committee, Susan B. Anthony Institute for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, 2002-2004. Co-director, Junior Faculty Development Group, 2003-2004.

Professional Service Press Referee Broadview Press Cambridge University Press Fordham University Press Oxford University Press Princeton University Press University of Virginia Press University Press of New England

Journal Referee Dickens Studies Annual JNT: Journal of Narrative Technique Mortality: Promoting the Interdisciplinary Study of Death and Dying Novel: A Forum on Fiction Partial Answers: A Journal of the History of Ideas 8

Philological Quarterly PMLA Studies in the Novel Victorian Periodicals Review Victorian Review Victorian Studies

Grant Evaluator Israel Science Foundation Welcome Trust, Medical History and Humanities Fellowship Frederick Donald Sober Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of English, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Tenure Referee University of California, Davis (2014) University of Rochester (2014) Fordham University (2014) Boston University (2013) St. John’s University (2012)

Advisory Board Membership U.S. Representative (Elected), Advisory Board, North American Victorian Studies Association (2016-present)

Additional Service Faculty Reader, “Dickens Project Graduate Student Annual Conference” (2016-present) Editorial Advisor, Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Victorian Era (2006) Founder and Member, Victorian Studies Research Group (Fall 2002-present) Co-teacher, Graduate Seminar, Dickens Universe, University of California, Santa Cruz (2008, 2010)

Teaching Experience University at Buffalo, SUNY Graduate Courses Victorian Violence Feelings: Sensations, Feelings, Emotions The Way We Read Now Victorian Belief Victorian Pain Affect Theory

Undergraduate Courses British Literature II R. Ablow 9

Victorian Literature Nineteenth-Century British Novel Victorian Sexualities The Gothic Sentimentality Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers The Gothic (Honors)

University of Rochester Graduate Courses Introduction to Literary Theory Victorian Sympathy

Undergraduate/Graduate The Brontës George Eliot Introduction to Victorian Literature The Nineteenth-Century British Novel

Undergraduate British Literature II Charles Dickens The Gothic The Literature of Sentiment

Johns Hopkins University Undergraduate Advanced Feminist Theory Victorian Sentimentality Introduction to Women’s Studies Composition

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