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Child and Family Services

Course Name and 18206 Certificate III in Children’s Services Number

Unit Name and Number HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes

Teacher’s Name [email protected] Email Contact Details [email protected]

Semester & Year Semester 2, 2012

Unit Descriptor This unit specifies the workplace performance required by a worker to contribute to work health and safety (WHS) processes where there is responsibility for own work outputs and possibly limited responsibility for the work output of others.

Unit Purpose

On completion of this unit of competency you should be able to demonstrate workplace performance required by an employee to contribute to OH&S processes where there is responsibility for own work outputs and possibly limited responsibility for the work output of others.

You will:

 Plan and conduct work safely  Support others in working safely  Contribute to WHS participative processes  Contribute to hazard identification, WHS risk assessment and risk control activities  Participate in the control of emergency situations

Elements and Performance Criteria TAFE NSW Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation Competency located in for delivery validated: by: due: VERSION Section file in for F/T, P/T HLTWHS BG03 1st Validated F/T 4 Assessment 300A Yes January FM January 2013 2014 MH Page 2 of 15

1) Plan and conduct work safely 1.1 Plan work in accordance with relevant WHS legislation, standards, codes of practice/compliance codes and guidance material 1.2 Identify hazards as part of work planning and work process 1.3 Address identified hazards prior to starting work using judgement within defined scope of responsibilities 1.4 Report residual risk according to organisation procedures 1.5 Report incidents and injuries in line with organisation policies and procedures 1.6 Undertake WHS housekeeping in work area 1.7 Monitor own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure ability to work safely and sustainably

2.1 Share information on safe work practices 2) Support others in working safely and work procedures with others, including members of the work group where relevant

2.2 Check the WHS practices of less experienced members of the workgroup or other stakeholders in the work context

2.3 If appropriate provide guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely

2.4 If appropriate support others accurately record incidents and complete associated workplace documentation according to organisation procedures

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3.1 Raise WHS issues in accordance with 3) Contribute to WHS participative organisation procedures within appropriate processes timeframes

3.2 Contribute to workplace meetings, workplace inspections or other consultative activities

3.3 Provide assistance to workgroup members or other stakeholders to contribute to workplace safety

4.1 Report identified hazards and 4) Contribute to hazard identification, inadequacies in risk WHS risk assessment and risk control activities controls within appropriate timeframes 4.2 Check the workplace for hazards using itemised checklist(s) in accordance with work procedures 4.3 Contribute to risk assessments 4.4 Provide input to development and implementation of control measures, with reference to the hierarchy of risk control

5) Participate in the control of 5.1 Identify emergency signals and alarms and respond to them appropriately emergency situations 5.2 Take initial action to control/confine emergency according to organisation procedures, and taking account of the nature and scope of the emergency

5.3 Implement emergency response procedures within scope of training and competence

Required Skills and Knowledge This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level required for this unit. TAFE NSW Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation Competency located in for delivery validated: by: due: VERSION Section file in for F/T, P/T HLTWHS BG03 1st Validated F/T 4 Assessment 300A Yes January FM January 2013 2014 MH Page 4 of 15

Essential knowledge: The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role This includes knowledge of:  Basic hazard identification procedures such as workplace inspections and review of workplace data  Hierarchy of risk control and its application  Nature of common workplace hazards relevant to work role  Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements including use, storage and maintenance  Principles of basic risk assessment  Relationship between WHS and sustainability in the workplace, including the contribution of maintaining health and safety to environmental, economic, workforce and social sustainability  Roles and responsibilities of Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Health and Safety committees (HSCs)  Roles and responsibilities of workers, officers and Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs)  Safety signs and their meanings, including signs for:  dangerous goods class signs  emergency equipment  personal protective equipment  specific hazards such as sharps, radiation  Sources of WHS information within the workplace and awareness of external sources of WHS information, including Safe Work Australia and relevant state/territory regulators  Standard emergency signals, alarms and required responses  The difference between hazard and risk  The legal rights and responsibilities of the workplace parties  Workplace specific information including:  hazards of the particular work environment  hazard identification procedures relevant to the hazards in their workplace  designated person(s) for raising WHS issues  organisation and work procedures particularly those related to performance of own work, specific hazards and risk control, reporting of hazards, incidents and injuries and WHS issue resolution, consultation, use of PPE and emergency response  potential emergency situations, alarms and signals and required response

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Essential skills: It is critical that the candidate demonstrate the ability to  Contribute to WHS processes in the work context by:  addressing their own health and safety  addressing health and safety of others who may be affected by their actions  identifying ways to keep up to date with current WHS issues as they apply to workplace systems, equipment and processes  supporting members of the workgroup who may be less experienced in the workplace in regard to WHS matters  taking initiative to address hazards and manage risks at a systemic level

In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work role This includes the ability to:  Check the workplace for hazards and risks using an itemised checklist  Provide advice and feedback in a constructive and supportive manner  Take into account and use opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and the level required for this unit.

Table of specifications for recommended assessment TAFE NSW Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation Competency located in for delivery validated: by: due: VERSION Section file in for F/T, P/T HLTWHS BG03 1st Validated F/T 4 Assessment 300A Yes January FM January 2013 2014 MH Page 6 of 15

Assessment Task Elements, essential Dimensions of competency Weighting knowledge and skills and critical aspects of assessment (the 4 main aspects of work performance addressed that need to be taken into account when assessing competency) Must pass all event

Off the On the job job

Task 1: Completion of Relates to all elements except □ Task skills hazard checklist/risk 5 management task Week 3  Task management skills AC/NC  - Relates to all critical aspects Contingency management skills

 - Relates to all knowledge and Job/role environment skills skills

Task 2: Practical □ Task skills demonstrations Weeks 5 & 8 Relates to all elements except  Task management  Manual handling 5 skills week 5  Cross infection /  Contingency standard management skills AC/NC precautions week 8  Job/role environment Demonstration of consistent skills application of standard - Relates to all critical aspects precautions ,prevention of cross infection, manual handling & risk assessment.

Discussion relating to hazard identification, management , control, and industry and legislative guidelines and procedures

Task 3: On-the-Job Tasks Relates to element 5, 5.1, 5.2,  Task skills 5.3 Completed WHS workplace □ Task management skills AC/NC tasks in relation to Emergency situations  Contingency management skills

Task 4: On-the-Job Practical  Job/role environment skills skills checklist - Relates to element 1 to 5

Assessment based on - Relates to all critical aspects observed performance, associated documentation, - Relates to all knowledge and industry supervisor feedback skills and strategic questioning of the learner.

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NOTE: HLTWHS300A Elements and performance criteria are co-assessed with the following units:

Health CHCCN301C On Job Task 1 – 1.1, 1.2 1.3, 1.5, 2.4

You need to gain competency in all off job and on job WHS and Health assessments to gain compet ency for this unit.

Unit Assessment

Task 1: Completion of hazard checklist/risk management task – due week 3

Small groups of students need to consult and complete a written record of the following risk management activity:

1. Identify Risks - complete an existing outdoor play session hazard checklist.

2. Classify each of the hazards found (are they Electrical or Mechanical, Ergonomic, Biological/chemical, Psychological)

3. Risk assessment - assess the risk for possible likelihood and severity of risk. Using a matrix give the risk a rating.

4. Control the risk - once risks have been identified and assessed, they are controlled, minimised or eliminated. The step by step hierarchy to controlling risks is as follows:

 Eliminate the risk.

 Find a substitute to the risk.

 Engineer control mechanism to diminish the likelihood of the risk.

 Administer controls to minimise or eliminate the risk.

 Implement the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

List those you will implement for each risk you discovered. Give specific examples of how the controls can be used

5. Discuss how you will consult with all stakeholders regarding any risk and controls you have implemented. Note this down and also how you will evaluate and review the controls you have put into place

TASK 2:Part A: Simulated practical skills -Hazard management & infection control – WEEK 8

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Expected Elements Must Actual practical Student verbally demonstrates Performance Pass Performance understanding of infection control and safe practices Assessor comments Assessor comments

Strategic questioning Identify 3 hazards you might encounter whilst performing this procedure and AC/NC what risks do they pose?

Discuss the hierarchy of control to manage a nominated hazard AC/NC

What policies, procedures or consultation would be in the Centre to guide your management of these risks? AC/NC Hand Washing Use soap and warm water (do not use antibacterial soap) AC/NC

(Commence by rubbing under the finger nails with nail brush only if removing AC/NC paint or grit) Rub all over the hands, front and back, between fingers Include the wrist area

Wash hands for 10-15 seconds AC/NC

Rinse under running water for 10 seconds AC/NC

Turn off tap with paper towel AC/NC (unless sensor tap or foot pedal activates water flow)

Dry hands - use paper towel and discard AC/NC or hand drying devise

Nappy Changing Place disposable paper towel on change area. AC/NC

Use of PPE Put on single use disposable gloves & apron AC/NC

Nappy Changing Lifts child safely AC/NC Put child’s bottom on the paper towel Remove nappy and soiled clothing. Put nappy into bin or bucket or plastic bag

Using disposable wipes, wipe from front to back. AC/NC One wipe per cloth.

Discard wipe and paper towel into bin AC/NC

Remove disposable gloves peeling back from wrists, without contaminating AC/NC clean surfaces. Discard into bin.

Put on and secure a clean nappy AC/NC

Dress the child AC/NC

Throughout the procedure interact with the child verbally (talk, sing, smile, AC/NC tickle).

Maintains child’s safety constantly throughout procedure AC/NC Always maintains physical contact

Wash and dry child’s hands AC/NC

Clean change table appropriately - use detergent and warm water (do not use AC/NC disinfectant)

Wash and dry your own hands AC/NC Student Name …………………………….

Assessor signature ……………………………. Date ……………………….. AC / NC


Part B: Simulated Practical skill Manual handling & risk assessment – Week 5

Students will demonstrate: Risk assessment skills; Safe lifting and bending ; Safe handling, storage and use of equipment Expected Elements Must Actual Student verbally demonstrates TAFE NSW Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation Competency located in for delivery validated: by: due: VERSION Section file in for F/T, P/T HLTWHS BG03 1st Validated F/T 4 Assessment 300A Yes January FM January 2013 2014 MH Page 9 of 15

Performance Pass Performance understanding of Risk assessment and safe manual handling practices & principles

Strategic Identify 3 hazards you might encounter whilst performing this procedure and what risks do they AC/NC questioning pose? Think of how you can promote the health and safety of co-workers (social sustainability)

Discuss the hierarchy of control to manage a nominated hazard AC/NC What policies, procedures or consultation would be in the Centre to guide your management of these risks? AC/NC

Plan the lift Assess and minimise risks in environment – such as equipment, toys, children AC/NC Identify safe storage methods

Assess the load, and lifting requirements. AC/NC Identify equipment and if extra workers should be used in the lifting procedure

Area where child/object is to be moved is clear of obstruction AC/NC

Carrying children / Squat (bend at the knees) one knee close to the ground to lift child/object from a low level, keep AC/NC objects your back straight, and breast bone elevated

Grip and securely hold the child/object AC/NC

Move the child/object close to your body, or move closer to the child/object yourself AC/NC

Put one arm under the child’s buttocks and the other arm supporting the child’s back AC/NC

Hold the child or object close to your body midline AC/NC

Communicate clearly to the child what is happening throughout the procedure (social AC/NC sustainability)

Stand up without twisting or stretching AC/NC

Move in a forward direction AC/NC

Use feet to turn AC/NC

Place child/object in position without stretching or twisting AC/NC

Team Lift Communicate the task effectively to team members AC/NC Give clear directions to team members if carrying out team lift

Moving objects Use correct strategies and techniques to identify load and minimise lifting AC/NC using equipment Carry out safe movement of heavy objects using appropriate techniques

Use of equipment to Use correct strategies to assess height (proximal lifting zone) AC/NC minimise stretching Carry out safe positioning and use of relevant equipment to minimise stretching Communicate effectively to team members assisting with the task

Maintain a safe Leave environment safe from hazards AC/NC environment

Student name……………………………… Student group …………………………………….

Assessor signature ……………………… Date ………… AC/NC


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Practical skills checklist - Work placement

Key: Demonstration of Evidence of Associated Industry Supervisor Strategic Questioning Practical Skills (DP) Feedback (SF) Documentation (AD) Of the learner (SQ)

Practical skills Evidence Comments

1. Plan and conduct work safely  DP 1.1 Plan work in accordance with relevant WHS legislation,  AD standards, codes of practice/compliance codes and  SF guidance material  SQ 1.2 Identify hazards as part of work planning and work process

1.3 Address identified hazards prior to starting work using judgement within defined scope of responsibilities

1.4 Report residual risk according to organisation procedures

1.5 Report incidents and injuries in line with organisation policies and procedures

1.6 Undertake WHS housekeeping in work area

1.7 Monitor own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure ability to work safely and sustainably  NC  AC 2. Support others in working safely  DP 2.1 Share information on safe work practices and work  AD procedures with others, including members of the work  SF group where relevant  SQ

2.2 Check the WHS practices of less experienced members of the workgroup or other stakeholders in the work context

2.3 If appropriate provide guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely

2.4 If appropriate support others accurately record incidents and complete associated workplace documentation according to organisation procedures  NC  AC

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Practical skills Evidence Comments

 DP 3. Contribute to WHS participative processes  AD 3.1 Raise WHS issues in accordance with organisation  SF procedures within appropriate timeframes  SQ

3.2 Contribute to workplace meetings, workplace inspections or other consultative activities

3.3 Provide assistance to workgroup members or other stakeholders to contribute to workplace safety

 NC  AC 4. Contribute to hazard identification, WHS risk  DP assessment and risk control activities  AD 4.1 Report identified hazards and inadequacies in risk  SF controls within appropriate timeframes  SQ

4.2 Check the workplace for hazards using itemised checklist(s) in accordance with work procedures

4.3 Contribute to risk assessments 4.4 Provide input to development and implementation of control measures, with reference to the hierarchy of risk control  NC  AC 5. Participate in the control of emergency  DP situations  AD 5.1 Identify emergency signals and alarms and respond to  SF them appropriately  SQ

5.2 Take initial action to control/confine emergency according to organisation procedures, and taking account of the nature and scope of the emergency

5.3 Implement emergency response procedures within scope of training and competence

 NC  AC Overall Comments & Grade

 NC  AC

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Associated legislation and policy information

Please see course documents for other general children’s services references and resources

National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc.

National Standards for Outside School Hours Care

NSW Children's Services Regulation 2004

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 No 40

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001

Workers Compensation (General) Regulation 1995

Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Act 2000 No 87

Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 No 86

Teaching and learning resources

Core resources

 Department of Health and Family Services 2005, Staying Healthy in Child Care: Preventing Infectious Diseases in Child Care, 4th edn, Australian Government Publication Service, Canberra. Available from: Other text resources

 Firth J. Kambouris N. & O’Grady O. 2003, Health & Safety Practices in Family Day Care: Model Policies & Practices, 2nd edn, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney. Available from: $file/FDCModelPolicies.pdf  Firth J. Kambouris N. & O’Grady O. 2003, Health & Safety Practices Children’s centres: Model Policies & Practices, 2nd edn rev, School of Public Health & Community Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney. Available from:  Gould, B 2007, Guidelines for the administration of medication in OOSH centres, Network of Community Activities, Surry Hills, NSW  Johnson, J. 2007, Finding your smile again: a child care professional's guide to reducing stress and avoiding burnout, 1st edn, Redleaf Press, St. Paul, MN

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 Legg, C, 2001, When things go wrong: Managing critical incidents in children's services, Research in practice series, v8, no3, Australian Early Childhood Association, Watson, ACT.  Leiver Publications, 2007, Infection control and hygiene in childcare settings (videorecording), Leiver, Strathmore, Vic.  Mathews, C., 2001, Healthy children: A guide for Childcare, MacLenna & Petty Pty Ltd, Australia.  NSW/ACT Independent Education Union, 2005, Occupational health and safety handbook: for union members in early childhood settings, Author, Sydney.  New South Wales. Technical and Further Education Commission. Community Services, Health, Tourism & Hospitality Faculty. 2003, Occupational health & safety in children's services (videorecording), KEA Video Producers, Orange, N.S.W.  Oberklaid, F 2004, Health in early childhood settings : from emergencies to the common cold, Pademelon Press, Castle Hill, NSW  Sibthorpe, H 2006, Fire safety guidelines for outside school hours services, 2nd edn, Network of Community Activities, Surry Hills, N.S.W.  South Australia. Dept of Education and Children’s Services, 2003, Children’s Services: OHS&W guidelines. Available from:  Stevenson, D, 2002, Health and safety in NSW OOSH centres: a blueprint for success, Scintel, Matraville, N.S.W.  Stewart, S. 2006, Back care for child care (videorecording), Training Health & Educational Media, Heathcote, Vic.  Tarrant, S. 2002, Managing OHS in children's services: A model for implementing an Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Management System in your children's service, Lady Gowrie Child Centre, Sydney.  Workcover NSW 2004, The Community Services Safety Pack, Workcover, Gosford, NSW. Available from: /Pages/safety_pack.aspx Websites and online resources

 Cancer Council NSW.  Child, youth and women’s health service  Community Child Care cooperative Ltd. NSW  ECA WebWatch  Federal Government Virtual Children's Hub  Health Insite: An Australian Government Initiative  Kidsafe NSW Inc  Lady Gowrie Child Centre, Sydney TAFE NSW Unit of Hard copy Validated Last Validated Validation Competency located in for delivery validated: by: due: VERSION Section file in for F/T, P/T HLTWHS BG03 1st Validated F/T 4 Assessment 300A Yes January FM January 2013 2014 MH Page 14 of 15

 National Health and Medical Research Council  National Occupational Health and Safety Commission  National Safety Council of Australia  Network of Community Activities. Resources and Information for OOSH Services  NSW Office of Fair trading  SafeWork SA  Workcover NSW

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Monday Friday 1 16th July ORIENTATION 20th July






1, 1.1, 1.7, 1.8, 2, 2.1-2.4, 4, 4.1-4.4, 5, 5.1-5.3

Monday Friday 5 13th August MANUAL HANDLING/RISK ASSESSMENT 17th August

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