California State Board of Education May 10 11, 2017 Agenda Summary

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California State Board of Education May 10 11, 2017 Agenda Summary

California State Board of Education May 10–11, 2017 Agenda Summary

The following table is a summary of items on the agenda for the State Board of Education (SBE) meeting held on May 10–11, 2017. The items included are ones that pertain primarily to assessment or accountability. To download the entire agenda, view specific items, or to view the Webcast, select the following link:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Item # Subject

Item 1 Subject: Developing an Integrated Local, State, and Federal Accountability and Continuous Improvement System: Approval of the Application Process for Alternative Schools; Update on the California School Dashboard, the English Learner Progress Indicator, and Continued Developmental Work of Evaluation Rubrics.

The SBE approved the CDE to develop an application process to require alternative schools of choice and charter schools [i.e., those schools not explicitly defined as alternative schools in California Education Code (EC) Section 52052(g)] to re-certify, every three years, that at least 70 percent of their enrollment is comprised of high- risk students (as defined in the SBE-approved eligibility criteria) in order to continue participating as an alternative school in the accountability system.

Summary:  The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) launched in March 2017 and includes performance data based on the evaluation rubrics. The Dashboard is a new Web site for parents/guardians, educators, and the public to see how LEAs are meeting the needs of California’s diverse student population. The Spring 2017 Dashboard is a field test prior to the full implementation of the Dashboard for LEAs in 2017–18.

 An update was provided about the public launch of the Dashboard – see Attachment 1.

 Attachment 2 provides background on the previous Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) and relevant definitions of alternative schools.

 An update was provided about development of the English Language Progress Indicator – see Attachment 3. The CDE will make a recommendation about incorporating Long-term English Learners (LTELs) into the indicator by providing additional weight for movement from one performance level to another at their September, 2017 meeting.

 See pages 4-7 of Attachment 4 for a timeline of development activities related to the Dashboard.

 In April 2017, the SBE received the following information memoranda:

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 Relationship Between the State Board of Education's Adoption of the Local Control Funding Formula Evaluation Rubrics and Title I School Accountability Requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act ( apr17item02.doc)

 Update on the English Learner Progress Indicator Work Group ( apr17item01.doc)

Item 2 Subject: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Approve the Proposed Contract Amendment with Educational Testing Service for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Contract.

Item 2 Attachment 2

Item 2 Attachment 3

Item 2 Attachment 4

This item was approved. Summary: Representatives from the CDE, the SBE, and the Department of Finance began negotiations with Educational Testing Service (ETS) on March 15, 2017, which culminated in a proposed contract amendment, including a proposed Scope of Work (SOW) and budget (Attachments 2 and 3).

Some of the key enhancements to the proposed SOW include:

 ETS will deliver the interim assessment data on a daily basis to Smarter Balanced to provide item-level student response information in the interim assessment reporting system.

 ETS will revise the data file format and delivery process to capture the scores for each of the four writing extended response (WER) dimensions and report the extended response dimension scores (performance task rubric scores) in the online reporting system.

 ETS will develop a CAASPP Science Academy that will provide professional development and support activities for educators to build capacity for the implementation of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS), and understanding of how the new science assessment item types can inform teaching and learning. Page 2 of 6 California State Board of Education May 10–11, 2017 Agenda Summary

 ETS will conduct simulations for three growth models under consideration for California’s accountability system.

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Item 3 Subject: Update on the Development of the California State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act.

This item was presented for informational purposes only. No action was requested or taken.


 CDE provided an update about the ESSA regulations and the public input process that is contributing to the development of the ESSA State Plan.

 Highlights of the draft ESSA State Plan were presented including proposals on key topics such as native language assessments, establishing long-term goals, identifying schools in the lowest five percent, and measuring student achievement – see Attachment 1 for the 81 page draft plan.

 The draft ESSA State Plan will be released for a 30-day public comment period in late May, 2017.

 The final ESSA State Plan will be presented to the SBE for their approval in September 2017.

Item 4 Subject: California High School Proficiency Examination: Approve the Finding of Emergency and Proposed Emergency Regulations for Amendments to the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 11520, 11524, 11525, and 11526.

Item 4 Attachment 4

This item was approved.


 Individuals who take the CHSPE must register for the test and pay the fee for administration and scoring of the test at their own expense. AB 2656 provides the opportunity for a certified foster youth who is under the age of twenty-five and meets other eligibility requirements to take the CHSPE at no cost. The law requires that a service provider who has knowledge of the examinee’s status certify that the examinee is eligible for the fee waiver. EC sections 48412(h)(1) and (2) define foster youth as:

 A child who was the subject of a petition filed pursuant to Section 300 of the Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) and removed from his or her home by the juvenile court pursuant to sections 319 or 361 of the WIC

 A child who was the subject of a petition filed pursuant to Section 602 of the WIC and removed from his or her home by the juvenile court pursuant to Section 727 of the WIC Page 4 of 6 California State Board of Education May 10–11, 2017 Agenda Summary

 AB 2656 requires the SBE to adopt emergency regulations to implement the provisions of the law. This agenda item proposes amendments to existing CHSPE regulations for that purpose. The proposed amendments include, but are not limited to, the:

 Addition of information to specify that foster youth certification is provided by a county or state agency

 Amendment of a section to specify that the contractor shall not collect a registration fee from a certified foster youth who registers by the regular registration deadline

 Amendment of a section to specify that fees for other services for the foster youth will not be waived

 Addition of information to specify that homeless service providers or the provider’s agency shall not charge any fees to a homeless youth seeking certification

 Addition of a section that includes the documentation to be provided by the foster youth to verify his or her status

 Addition of a section that stipulates the fee waiver is valid until the foster youth reaches twenty-five years of age

 Addition of a section that requires the contractor to maintain original certification documentation until the foster youth reaches twenty-eight years of age and provide the original certification to the CDE upon request

 Addition of information to specify that the service provider or the service provider’s agency shall not charge any fees to a foster youth seeking certification

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Item 5 Subject: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Readoption of the Finding of Emergency and Proposed Emergency Regulations for Amendments to the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 851 through 856.

Item 5 Attachment 4

This item was approved.


 Emergency regulations were approved by the SBE in January 2017 and became effective on February, 2, 2017 to guide the 2016–17 testing cycle.

 The SBE approved a set of permanent regulations in March 2017. These permanent regulations are expected to be effective in late August 2017.

 This item asked for another finding of emergency to cover the period between August 2, 2017 when the current emergency regulations expire and when the permanent regulations go into effect (late August).

Item 13 Subject: Local Control Funding Formula: Recommendation of the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence Fiscal Agent.

This item was approved.


 The SBE approved the Marion County Office of Education as the new fiscal agent for the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE).

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