Atom and Electrons Review

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Atom and Electrons Review

Atom and Electrons Review People Democritus – suggests the existence of atoms 400BC Dalton – first Atomic Theory 1803 (Which of his postulates are considered true/false?) Avogadro – Avogadro’s Hypothesis – volumes of gases and number of particles Goldstein – Protons (anode rays) Thomson – Electrons and charge/mass ratio of the electron (cathode ray tube) Millikan – Oil Drop and the charge and mass of an electron Rutherford – Gold Foil and the nucleus Bohr – Orbits and Energy Levels Planck/Einstein – Particulate nature of light – Quantum Mechanics – photons and quanta DeBroglie – Wavelength of moving particles Heisenberg – Uncertainty Principle – to “see” electrons you have to hit them with light Schrodinger – Orbitals not Orbits – quantum numbers etc. Chadwick – Neutrons – solves the mystery of the missing mass

The Atom Definition of the Atom Nuclear Symbols Protons / Neutrons -- Both made up of quarks. Therefore both are hadrons. Atomic Number / Mass Number / Isotopes Electrons / Ions – How are they formed (cations and anions) The AMU / Atomic Mass / Average Atomic Mass The Periodic Table / Groups / Periods / Metals / Nonmetals / Metalloids What does “fundamental” mean? Which particles inside the atom are fundamental? What is a hadron? What is a quark?

Light and Light Math Spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength, Frequency, Energy – how are all of these related to each other? Inversely?? Directly?? 3 key equations: ______Quantum Mechanics – Energy comes in little quantifiable packets called quanta or photons (in the case of light) Alpha, Beta, Gamma Radiation Emission Spectrum vs. Absorbance Spectrum

Electrons in the Atom Can you label a Periodic Table for use with electron configurations? Energy Levels / Shells (energy level = n) Sublevels / Subshells (# sublevels in an energy level = n) Orbitals – shapes and number of each type in an energy level (# orbitals in an energy level = n2) Electrons – (# electrons which can fit in an energy level = 2n2) Degenerate Orbitals How are Hydrogen’s energy levels and sublevels different than all other atoms?

Quantum Numbers (n l ml ms) : What are they? What do they indicate? Orbital Diagrams Aufbau Principle / Pauli Exclusion Principle / Hund’s Rule Exceptions to Aufbau Principle (Where do we find these elements?) Electron Configurations Ground State vs. Excited State Configurations (How can electrons be excited?) Paired and unpaired electrons Shorthand Configurations / Valence Configurations Configurations of ions Isoelectronic ions/atoms. Dot Diagrams and Valence Electrons Magnetic vs Nonmagnetic Metals

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