Sree Narayana Institute
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Affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences
Approved by Medical Council of India
Admission- 2016-2017
(Managed By Gurudeva Charitable Trust )
CHALAKKA, NORTH KUTHIYATHODE P.O ERNAKULAM DIST., KERALA PIN - 683594 Ph: 0484 2573023, 2573024, 2479199, Fax: 0484- 2478093 E-mail: [email protected]
2 INTRODUCTION Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences is the first venture of Gurudeva Charitable Trust (GCT) founded by a group of philanthropic followers of Sree Narayana Guru, the great saint and social reformer of modern India.
The mission of the Trust is to promote the ideals of Sree Narayana Guru and to establish a platform to share knowledge and provide insight into the great cultural heritage of India and thus build a glorious future. “One caste, One religion and One God for mankind ” is the greatest message Guru had spread. The philosophy strongly denounced discrimination in the name of caste and religion and emphasized focus on education and private enterprise for the upliftment of the society. By education, the Guru meant a process of making one able and qualified for leading a better life in this world. As a social reformer, a philosopher, a revolutionist and educational thinker, Guru will ever be remembered and we are bound to spread his message.
“Gain freedom through education” (hnZy sImv {]_p²cmIphn³) is the clarion call from the Guru and Gurudeva Charitable Trust embraced this fully by establishing a Medical College in the name of great Guru. The Medical College was inaugurated at a colorful ceremony on 30.08.2009 and now admission process for the 7th batch of MBBS students is on
Our Vision
Progress Through Education: Our vision is to develop a new generation of doctors with academic excellence who would be able to provide better medical care to the patients and service to the society upholding all the values and ethics of medical profession.
Our Mission
Our mission is to cater to the health needs of the society with well trained medical professionals.
Gurudeva Charitable Trust 3 The Trust is founded in Kerala by the followers of Sree Narayana Guru, including NRIs from the Middle East and other countries, with the earnest desire to serve the society. The Board of Trustees is responsible for overall administration, management and control of the Trust. An Executive Committee comprising of 11 members manage the educational institution with a team of distinguished personnel, who have extensive experience and expertise in their profession.
Executive Committee 2016-2017
President : Mr. M. G Pushpakaran Secretary : Mr. N. Muraleedhara Panicker Treasurer : Mr. Taj Kollara Sukumaran Manger Institutions : Adv. T.A. Vijayan Vice- Presidents : Mr. V. Jayaprakash Mr. P.R. Sajeevan Mr. Sadanandan Kollara Velayudhan Joint Secretaries : Mr. K.D.Venugopal Mr. P.A. Sreenivasan Mr. Harilal K.P Member : Mr. Purushothaman H 1. LOCATION : SNIMS Is located in a 46 acre lush green campus at Chalakka, in Ernakulam District on the Axis road of NH 47 and NH 17 between Athani and North Paravoor. The nearby railway stations are Alwaye (16kms) and Angamaly (13kms) and Cochin International Airport is 14 kms away from the campus.
This prospectus contains the rules and regulations applicable for selection and admission to Post Graduate Medical MD Pharmacology course seat to be filled by the Management for the academic year 2016-2017 at SNIMS. Candidates are required to go through the prospectus carefully and familiarize themselves with all relevant information . They are also encouraged to visit the official website of the college ie, for more details.
The conditions in this prospectus is subject to modification/ addition/ deletion as may be deemed necessary by Gurudeva Charitable Trust and also subject to further orders, if, any, passed by Medical Council of India, Kerala University of Health Sciences, State and Central Government , Admission Supervisory Committee /courts of law.
3. COURSES OFFERED: MD Pharmacology- 2 seats. (One seat under Management Quota)
4 a)Nationality :
Candidates must be Citizens of India/ Children or dependents of Non-resident Indians.
b) Academic Qualification:
`i) Applicants must meet all the requirements stipulated by the MCI and Kerala University of Health Sciences for admission to Post Graduate Degree medical courses. ii) Applicants should have passed MBBS Degree/equivalent qualification from an Institution recognized by the Medical Council of India. iii) All aspiring candidates shall have to qualify either in the Kerala State Entrance Examination for Admission to Post Graduate Medical Courses 2016 OR in the AIPGMEE – 2016 OR such other examinations held by the competent authorities . iv)Only applicants who have completed/will be completing their Compulsory Rotating Resident Internship (C.R.R.I) on or before 31-03-2016 are eligible to apply. No condonation of internship (CRRI) shall be accepted. v) As per the MCI Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations 2000, students of Postgraduate courses shall be selected “9.2(a) on the basis of merit as determined by the competitive test conducted by the State Government or by the competent authority appointed by the State Government or by the University/group of Universities in the same State; or 9.2 (b) on the basis of merit as determined by a centralized competitive test held at the national level or 9.2 (c) on the basis of the individual cumulative performance at first, second and third MBBS examinations provided admissions are University wise or 9.2(d) Combination of (a) and (c). vi)As per Clause 9(2) of the MCI Postgraduate Medical Education Regulations 2000, the minimum percentage of marks to be obtained in the entrance test for eligibility for admission to postgraduate medical courses shall be 50% (fifty percent) for candidates belonging to general category and 40% (forty percent) for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. vii) Registration: Candidates should have obtained permanent registration with the Medical Council of India or any of the State Medical Council or should obtain the same within one month from the date of admission.
Those candidates who are in possession of MBBS degree or provisional MBBS pass certificate recognized by MCI with MBBS qualification registered permanently or provisionally with MCI or State Medical Council and who have completed one year of internship are eligible to apply.
Admission to such candidates will be given only after obtaining registration of T.C.Medical Council
5. RESERVATION :50% of total PG Medical seats sanctioned in the College will be filled up by the Government and the 50% remaining seats will be filled up by the Management of the College. Gurudeva Charitable Trust .
5 Sl.No Particulars Date
1 Publication of admission notification and issue of 30/04/2016 prospectus and application form
2 Last date of receipt for duly filled-in applications with DD 10/05/2016 upto 5 pm and copies of documents required in the Prospectus.
3 Scrutiny and finalization of application 11/05/2016
4 Publication of rank list 12/05/2016
5 Publication of first allotment list of candidates 12/05/2016
6 Last date for joining the college by the candidate from the 20/05/2016 first list
7 Publication of second allotment list of candidates 21/5/2016
8 Last date for joining the college by the candidate from 27/5/2016 the second list
9 Last date up to which candidates can be admitted against 31/5/2016 vacancies arising due to any reason from the waiting list
Mode of submitting Application: The prospectus for MD Pharmacology course along with application form can be obtained from college office on payment of DD of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two thousand only).drawn on Federal Bank Ltd, in favour of Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, payable at North Paravoor. The application forms are available at Admission Office or website of the college office ( and filled application should be submitted along with DD at the Admission Office. .Application not accompanied by documents in proof of claims made therein will be summarily rejected without further intimation. Documents/Certificates furnished after submission of the application will not be entertained under any circumstances. No opportunity will be given to incorporate any details or document after the submission of the application. Late and incomplete applications will be rejected. Candidates are instructed not to enclose any original certificates along with the application.
8)Fee Structure
Tuition Fee (Provisional)
Post Graduate Degree (Non Clinical Department ) : Rs.6,00,000/- per annum 6 Note: a). Tuition fee of the first year shall be paid at the time of admission. The candidate must give a bank guarantee for the tuition fee of the subsequent years, at the time of admission. b). The fees prescribed by the University / other statutory bodies (like administration fee, affiliation fee, exam fee, registration fee, etc.) shall be paid by the students, in actual, from time to time.
c). Besides tuition fees, caution deposit, Hostel & Mess fees will have to be paid extra.
d). The Annual Tuition Fee is fixed for entire course period taking into the account of existing amount of stipend being given to the Post graduate students. Hence, the amount of stipend will be provided at the rate prevailing at the time of joining by the candidate and shall be applicable for the entire course period. In case, enhancement of amount of stipend if any, is necessitated, the Tuition fee will be subject to revision proportionally.
9) Submission of Application form:
The Application form and the following documents in proof of the details/ information furnished in the application shall be submitted to Admission office of Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences so as to reach the same to the addressee before 5 pm on or before 25-04-2016. The Institution shall not be responsible for any postal / courier delay. All certificates/documents shall be self attested by the candidate The documents to be submitted along with application are: a) Copy of SSLC or equivalent certificate in proof of date of birth. b) Copy of mark list [I MBBS/II MBBS/ III MBBS Part I & II] at the qualifying examination. c) Copy of Degree Certificate/ Provisional Degree Certificate of the qualifying examination. d) Copy of Registration Certificate of the State Medical Council. e) Copy of Internship Completion Certificate. f) Copy of Attempt Certificate
g) Admit card and Score card of Kerala PG Medical Entrance Examination 2016/AIPGMEE 2016/such other examinations held by the competent authorities under the supervision of the Admission Supervisory Committee [ASC] for the admission session 2016 h) The candidates shall produce along with the Application form an undertaking in stamp paper worth Rs.200/- signed by the candidate and the parent in the format given in Annexure I.
i) Copy of Community certificate issued by competent authority (if applicable) j) Copy of non-creamy Layer certificate issued by competent authority (if applicable)
k) Copy of Income certificate issued by the competent authority. (If applicable) l) Any other document/ certificate required to be produced with the application
7 It is the responsibility of the candidates to check carefully whether all the columns in the application form are filled in and signed, all details are furnished in the relevant columns in the application and all the documents, copy of original certificate as required to be produced along with the application, are enclosed.
3.5 Application not accompanied by documents in proof of claims made therein and the documents mentioned above will be summarily rejected without further intimation. Documents/ Certificates furnished after submission of the application will not be entertained under any circumstances. No opportunity will be given to incorporate any details or document after the submission of the application.
Preparation of Rank List: Rank list of candidates who applied and qualified for admission to the Post Graduate Degree in Pharmacology courses with reference to their qualifying examinations and in terms of the admission notification and satisfying the terms and conditions of this prospectus will be prepared as follows:
There will be THREE rank lists: The first rank list will be published from candidates who have qualified in the Kerala State Entrance Examination for admission to Post Graduate Medical courses 2016 conducted and maintained by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations[CEE], on the basis of the mark obtained in the above examination after observing inter-se merit.
A second rank list of qualified candidates, based on their “All India Rank” marks obtained in the AIPGMEE-2016 result will be published.
A third rank list of qualified candidates, based on their percentage of marks in such other examinations held by the competent authorities under the supervision of Admission Supervisory Committee [ASC] for the admission session 2016 will be published.
Note: In the event of the non availability of candidates to fill up the seats, the Medical College shall make further admission from AIPGMEE list and then followed by such other Entrance Examinations held by the competent authorities under the supervision of the ASC. However, if the seats are not filled up the Medical College shall obtain prior approval from the ASC for making admissions from other National Level Entrance Examinations after establishing that there is non-availability of Pharmacology candidates in the CEE list and the AIPGMEE list.
Publication of rank list and Allotment of Candidates: Rank list of candidates as prepared as per above and will be published on the website of the College.
Note: The website is updated regularly and candidates are advised to visit the official website of the College regularly for updating information.
Method of selection : Admissions will be made in the order of merit from the FIRST rank list of the candidates based on the order of the merit list published by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, Kerala, of qualified candidates in the Kerala State Entrance Examination for Admission to Post Graduate Medical Courses 2016
If there are remaining vacancies, the SECOND rank list of candidates based on their marks obtained in the AIPGMEE-2016 will be considered in the order of the merit to fill up the vacancies. 8 If there are vacancies even after the counseling of the candidates filling up of candidates from the second rank list, the THIRD rank list of candidates based on their percentage of marks in such other examinations held by the competent authorities under the supervision of the Admission Supervisory Committee [ASC] for the admission session 2016 will be considered in the order of the merit to fill up the vacancies
Note: Admission of candidates for the management quota PG Medical seats shall be, from the inter se merit of the rank list prepared by the Entrance Examination for PG medical seats conducted and maintained by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations [CEE] and in the event of non- availability of the required number of candidates from the CEE list only, the further admissions shall be made from AIPGMEE and followed from such other examinations held by the competent authorities under the supervision of the Admission Supervisory Committee [ASC] for the respective academic year. This will be done only after obtaining prior approval of ASC and establishing that there is non-availability of PG candidates in CEE lists as well as AIPGMEE lists.
The Management will have the right to decline admission to any candidate on genuine grounds. In such cases, the reasons for the same will be recorded and communicated to the candidate concerned, immediately.
Furnishing of false information:
Furnishing of false information/particulars would result in the forfeiture of the candidature as well as cancellation of admission to the course, if admitted, and in addition, will attract the relevant provisions of criminal law of the land.
Candidates who get allotment shall take admission at the appointed time and date in the College concerned and remit admission fee and special fees for the first year. They shall also produce the following documents in original at the time of admission:
(a) Admit card and Score Card of Kerala PG Medical Entrance Examination 2016/ AIPGMEE-2016/ such other examinations held by the competent authorities for the admission session 2016.
(b) MBBS Pass/Degree Certificate from the concerned University.
(c) Marks sheets of the University Examinations for the whole of MBBS Course.
(d) Attempt certificate issued by the Principal of the College where the candidate studied.
(e) Certificate from the Head of the Institution from where the candidate passed his MBBS degree indicating the MCI approval number and date
(f) Completion of Internship certificate. If a candidate has completed his/her Internship from a non- teaching Institution, a certificate to prove the recognition of the Center.
(g) Registration certificate from the MCI or State Medical Council.
(h) Document (School Record viz: SSLC or equivalent) of the candidate to prove his/ her date of birth. (i) Transfer certificate (TC) from the institution last studied. 9 (j) Conduct certificate from the Principal of the Medical College where the candidate last studied.
(k) Migration Certificate from the respective University (if applicable).
(l) Candidate shall remit the tuition fees and other applicable fees at the time of admission. The candidate shall produce bank guarantee for tuition fees for the subsequent years at the time of admission itself.
(m) Passport size photographs (6 copies). Stamp size photograph (3 copies)
(n) A CD containing the same photo displaying name and date of birth of candidate at the bottom in JPEG format with 150x200 pixel dimensions).
(o) A Physical Fitness Certificate in the format given in Annexure II obtained from a Medical Officer in Government Service not below the rank of Assistant Medical Officer.
(p) Community certificate (if applicable)
(q) Non-creamy layer Certificate (if applicable)
(r) Income Certificate (if applicable) (s) Dependent Certificate (if applicable)
(t) Originals of other certificates, the copies of which are enclosed with the application form.
(u) Undertaking in Annexure I, Annexure II & Annexure III
(v) Two stamp papers of Rs.200/- denomination each to be purchased in name of candidate.
(w) Any other document/ certificate required to be produced.
12 Cancellation of admission/Refund of Fees
(i). Cancellation of admission and refund of admission will be applicable only to students who leave the college before 31-05-2016. All the fees except admission fee paid by the candidate will be refunded. If any candidate discontinues the course or leaves the Institution after the above period in the 1st year or discontinues the course/leaves the institution in the subsequent years, he/she is liable to pay the fees for the remaining years i.e fees for the whole course and also shall refund the stipend already received.
(ii). In addition to the above, such students will have to pay hostel, mess and other fees proportionately for the period they remained on the rolls of the college. For the purpose of calculations of proportionate recovery part of a month will be considered as a full month.
13. METHOD OF TRAINING Training of Post Graduates, as per MCI regulations, will not only hospital based, but also community oriented. As per MCI Post Graduate Medical Education Regulations, 2000, “The training of PG students shall involve learning experiences ‘derived from’ or ‘targeted to’ the needs of the community”. It shall be necessary to expose the students to community based activities. Generally, residency programme with graded responsibility would be followed in the respective department. The curriculum and syllabus of each department is available separately. Training will also include out reach community programmes and rotation postings of Post Graduate students in the hospitals/ and Government health centres
All the candidates joining the Post Graduate training programme shall work as full time residents during the period of training and shall attend not less than 80% (Eighty percent) of the imparted training. The student will be permitted to avail casual leave for 20 days, but not more than 10 days in a row. 365 days of the year are working days for P.G. students. Any absence (including medical leave) over and above 73 days in a year inclusive of Sundays and Holidays falling during the leave period (20% of 365 days of the year) availed by the candidate will have to be compensated by adequate extension of the duration of the course. No stipend will be paid during the extension period. If the 11 candidate is unauthorisedly absent for more than 10 days, he / she will be terminated from the course and liquidated damages will be levied.
Minimum of 80% attendance in each academic year is compulsory. Students availing long leave will be able to appear for the examination only after additional six months/one year.
Those students who are required to do extended durations will have to pay additional fees.
Those students who miss university examination can appear only in the next university examination, which will normally be held within six months from the date of the earlier examination or as per specific directives of the Medical Council of India/Kerala University of Health Sciences
15. DISCIPLINE : Rules and regulations as prescribed should be strictly followed at the college, hospital and hostels. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks are totally prohibited. Students are expected to obey the dress code of the College. Jeans, Baggies T-Shirts and the likes are not permitted to be worn inside the hospital/College. All the male students are expected to wear formal pants, shirts and shoes. The female students are expected to wear saree and blouse with sleeves / loose fitting churidar with sleeves. They should also wear shawl. All the students should wear overcoat and ID card. There will be regular value oriented classes/discussions in the campus. Students are advised to participate in these programmes. This is an institution meant for higher learning and its objective is not only to impart education but also to build the character of the students and transform them into better human beings. Students are expected to observe absolute discipline in their conduct during the entire period they spend in the institution. Failure to observe absolute discipline will invite appropriate disciplinary action. Ragging is strictly prohibited. If it is found during the admission or any time there after that the applicant has indulged in ragging admission shall be refused or the student shall be expelled from the institution. Whoever commits, participate in, abets or propagate ragging within or outside the institution shall be suspended from the institution with immediate effect and the Principal shall report the matter to the civil/police authorities.
16. SERVICE BOND: All the students admitted in the College will execute a bond to the effect that they will serve the Institution for a period of one year as Senior Resident/Tutor/Demonstrator at the rate fixed by the Government in Government Medical Colleges after successful completion of Post Graduation course. Candidate also liable to pay liquidated damages also, if any, approved by the Admission Supervisory Committee.
17 GENERAL a) No TA or other allowance will be paid for any purpose connected with Selection and Admission. b) All candidates who are selected for admission should get themselves vaccinated against Hepatitis before admission. A certificate to this effect will have to be produced at the time of
11 admission/before commencement of the course. c) Medium of instruction will be English. d) Any other matters not specifically covered in this Prospectus shall be decided by the management Gurudeva Charitable Trust and the Principal and the decision of that authority shall be final and binding on all concerned.
18. REDRESSAL OF GRIEVANCES Any grievances/ complaints regarding selection and admission can be brought to the notice of the management within 24 hours of occurrence of the grievances
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