THE REPUBLIC of BELARUS General Information
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THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS — General Information
Official Name: The Republic of Belarus
Location: The Republic of Belarus is located in the center of Europe at the crossroads of the shortest transport routes connecting CIS countries with the EU, thus having a relatively favorable geographical position. Belarus shares its borders with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine.
Territory: Belarus occupies an area of 207 600 sq. km. The territory stretches for 560 km from North to South and for 650 km from West to East. The length of its borders is 2 969 km. Belarus is bigger than Austria, Ireland, Portugal and Greece. Minsk is the capital of Belarus. It’s situated nearly at the same latitude as Hamburg and Dublin.
Population: 9 457 500 persons, as of July, 1st 2012, the share of urban population is 75.8%. Population of the biggest cities of the Republic of Belarus, as of June, 1st 2012: Minsk – 1 889 091 people Brest – 322 716 people Gomel – 509 253 people Vitebsk – 367 600 people Administrative map of Belarus Grodno – 349 092 people Mogilev – 363 918 people Major nationalities are Belarusians: 83.73%, Russians: 8.26%, Poles: 3.1%, Ukrainians: 1.7%, Jews: 0.1%, other nationalities: 0.8%.
Local Time: GMT +2H.
State Languages: Belarusian and Russian.
Belarus is one of economically developed countries in CIS. Its economic share of industry is nearly one third of national product’s volume. The most developing branches of industry are motor-car construction, machine-tool construction and bearing production, electrical industry, oil mining and processing, production of synthesized fiber, fertilizers, pharmaceutical industry, production of building materials, light and food industries. Characteristic feature of national industry is production of finished commodity, the most part of which is exported.
Administrative Division, largest cities: Belarus consists of 6 regions (Brest Region, Vitebsk Region, Gomel Region, Grodno Region, Minsk Region, Mogilev Region). Each region comprises districts (118), cities and other territorial and administrative units.
Capital: Minsk. Distances between Minsk and major cities of Europe are as follows: Amsterdam: 1 876 km, Berlin: 1 105 km, Bern: 2 264 km, Brussels: 2 060 km, Warsaw: 548 km, Vienna: 1 271 km, Vilnius: 185 km, Hamburg: 1 389 km, Kiev: 559 km, Moscow: 690 km, Paris: 2 310 km, Prague: 1 161 km, Riga: 476 km, Rome: 2 324 km, St. Petersburg: 901 km, Stockholm: 867 km, Helsinki: 1 328 km, Tallinn: 784.
Telephone codes: +375 (international), Minsk: +17, Brest: +162, Vitebsk: +212, Mogilev: +222, Gomel: +232, Grodno: +152.
National Currency: Belarusian Rouble [Br]. Cash money is available in paper banknotes with nominal value 10 – 100 000 Br. Information about exchange rates you can find at
Natural Conditions and Resources: Belarus has relatively favorable natural conditions with climate temperate continental, the average temperature in January is minus 6.7°C, and in July +18°C. The annual precipitation rate constitutes between 550 and 700 mm. The terrain is mainly flat and hilly with average height of 160 metres above sea level. The highest peak level is that of Dzerzhinsk hill in Minsk Region (345 metres above sea level), the lowest point belongs to Neman valley in Grodno Region (80-90 metres above sea level). There are around 4 000 rivers in Belarus (the longest is the Dnieper (700 km), the Beresina (613 km), The Pripyats (495 km) and approximately 11 000 lakes (the biggest ones are Naroch (79.6 sq. km), Osveyskoye (52.8 sq. km) and Chervonoye (40.8 sq. km)). Thirty different types of minerals were discovered on the territory of Belarus (more than 4 000 deposits of minerals). Belarus ranks second in Europe by volumes of potassium salt reserves. 38% of territory of the Republic is covered by woods. Agricultural lands constitute 44% of the territory, including plough-lands (27.3%). General information Official name: Republic of Belarus. State languages: Belarusian and Russian. Time zone: GMT+2. Population: about 10 million people. Climate: moderate; mild, humid winter, worm humid Capital: Minsk. summer. Average temperature in January is -6 °C, in July - +18 °C. Belarus is divided into 6 oblasts with administrative Public Holidays centers Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, and 1st of January — New Year Mogilev. 7th of January — Christmas (Orthodox) 8th of March — Women’s day 3rd of July — Independence Day 1st of May — Labour day 7th of November — day of October revolution 9,hof May — Victory day 25th of December — Christmas (Catholic) State institutions and most shops do not open in these days.
Communication To call abroad from Belarus dial 8, wait for dial tone, than dial 10, country code, city code, number. To call from a phone box you need to buy a phone card; cash, credit and debit cards are not acceptable. Phone cards can be bought in post offices, newspaper kiosks. Useful phone numbers 101 - Rescue service (fire brigade) 105 - Railway stations 199 - Information about emergency 102 - Police 106 - Airport service numbers 103 - Ambulance 107 - Taxi 188 - Correct time 114 - Bus stations 169 - Pharmacy information 195 - Weather forecast
Local transport There is a wide well-developed transport network in Belarus towns - buses, trolleybuses, trams, metro (in Minsk) and shuttles. Single ticket charge varies from 0,3 to 0,7 USD. Insurance All foreigners must have medical insurance issued by Belarusian or foreign insurance company acknowledged in Belarus. Accommodation All foreign visitors must register with Visas and Registrations Department. Those who stay in a hotel are automatically registered; registration fee is already included in the hotel price. Those of visitor or business visas who rent a flat must register with local Visas and Registrations Department within three days (get a special stamp in passport). Places to visit Minsk and Minsk region: Nezavisimosti Avenue, TroitskoePredmestye, National Library, Stalin’s Line, National Park Narochanski, Berezenski Biosphere Reserve. Brest and Brest region: Brest Fortress, National Park BelovejskayaPuscha, Belaya Veja (Kamenets), Puslovski Palace (Kossovo), Sapega Palace (Rujany), Franciscan Monastery (Pinsk). Vitebsk and Vitebsk region: Blagoveschenskaya Church, Town Hall, Mark Shagal’s Places, St. Sophia cathedral (Polotsk), Spaso-Efrosinyevski Monastery (Polotsk), BraslavskieOzera National Park. Gomel and Gomel region: Rumyansev-Paskevich Palace and Park, Pripyatski National Park, Arts and Crafts Museum (Vetka), Churches in Mozyr, Town Hall (Chechersk), Manor of Lieutenant General Gatovski (KrasniBereg). Grodno and Grodno Region: Fami Church, Old Castle and New Castle, Borisoglebskaya Church, Mir Castle (Mir), Novogrudok, Murovanka. Mogilev and Mogilev region: UlitsaLeninskaya, Mogilev Legitimate Theater, St. Stanislau Church, Nikolaevskaya Church, Bobruisk, Main Synagogue (Bihov). More detailed information is available from tourist information centers. Tourist information centers Minsk Vitebsk Grodno — 19 Pobediteley Avenue 18 Pravdi Street —10 Belusha Lane Phone+375 17 226 99 00 Phone+375 212 35 81 50 Phone +375 152 75 42 03 — 24 Revolutsionnaya Street Gomel — 52 Gorkogo Street Phone +375 17 293 39 95 61 Sovetskaya Street Phone: +375 152 72 24 04 Brest Phone +375 232 57 43 63 Mogilev 15 Masherova Avenue 5A Kommisariatski Lane Phone+375 162 20 21 98 Phone +375 222 22 41 72 http:// BUSINESS OFFERS OF BELARUSIAN ENTERPRISES
1. “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”, Association of Legal Entities (RCE ALE)
11 –115, Serafimovicha str., 220033, Minsk, Belarus Tel./fax: +37517 298 24 41, 298 24 47 GSM +375 29 106 74 88 E-mail: [email protected] http:
Contact persons: Vladimir Karyagin – Chairman of the Presidium of RCE ALE;IharCherniakou – Chairman of RCE ALE (2013);ViktarMargelov–Co-chairman of RCE ALE; Nicolay Silinov–Co-chairman of RCE ALE.
Association of legal entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” (hereinafter referred to as Confederation) was established on August 2nd, 2007 in Minsk on the initiative of regional and sectoral business associations. “National Business Platform of Belarus” became the uniting concept of the Confederation. Annually business community presents the Platform to the Government, governmental bodies of the Republic of Belarus, foreign partners and general public. Leading industry business associations and economic enterprises are members of the Confederation.
protection of members’ rights and interests in governmental and other bodies representation of business community interests in international organizations preparation of draft laws development of interregional relations integration of Belarusian entrepreneurs into the global economic system development of social partnership system, promotion of dialogue between business community, government and society promotion of economic reforms aimed at improving efficiency of economic entities’ activity GoalsoftheConfederation:
development of private-public partnership system in the Republic of Belarus creation of a republican business network promotion of regional and sectoral business associations development consolidation of the business community making suggestions to the government bodies on the improvement of business development conditions, first of all – presentation of “National Business Platform of Belarus” (see the text at and its promotion on republican and regional levels. Business bodies under foundation within the framework of the Confederation:
Chamber of exporters Chamber of importers Chamber of investors Guild of motorway service Association of trade enterprises Centres within the framework of the Confederation: Centre of property rights, rights of managers and entrepreneurs Analytical centre for studying problem issues of individual entrepreneurship Centre of cluster development Centre of technology transfer Centre of export support Centre of intercultural dialogue Associations within the framework of the Confederation: Association of logistics Association of procurers and processors of waste products Association of poultry-keeping enterprises
The Expert Council on Investments in the Republic of Belarus is an institution under the Confederation the mission of which is to select investment projects in Belarus, promote investment activity and the development of the national business network. The Council will submit the projects selected to the foreign investors.
Representative office in Latvia
Address: Krišjāņa Barona iela, 20, ofiss 602, Rīga, Latvija, LV1050 Tel.: +371-67821294, +371-22025857 e-mail: [email protected] Head – AndrisSpulis
Representative office of the Belarusian economy in Germany
Address: Messe-Allee 2, D-04356, Leipzig, Deutschland тел.: +49 341 6031704, факс +49 341 6031405 [email protected] Head–Viktar Serenkov
Informational resources of the RCE: weekly analytical bulletin “Announcement of Business Events” (“Announcement of Business Events of Belarus”, “Business navigator” (direct to 20,000 subscribers), newspaper “Soyuz predprinimatelei”).
We offer to entrepreneurs from different countries to implement joint projects with Confederation and members of our organization.
We offer to our partners support in promotion of their products at Belarusian and other markets, opportunities to install business contacts all over the Belarus.
We will present investment projects selected by the Expert Council on Investments in the Republic of Belarus.
2.«Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers», Public Association (MCAEE, PA) 11 – 104, Serafimovicha str., 220033 Minsk Belarus Tel./Fax: +37517 298 24 38, 298 24 48 E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Vladimir Karyagin – Chairman of the Association, Deputy chairman of Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers), and Chairman of Presidium of Association of Legal Entities “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship” Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers is a non-governmental and non-for-profit organization. It was founded in 1997 and consolidates founders, heads and leading specialists of enterprises of small-, medium-sized and large business, including joint ventures and foreign companies. The information network has over 25 000 partners. PA MCAEE is an active member of ANO “Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers)”, Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and European Confederation of Associations of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (CEA-PME), Club of Poznan Office of World Trade Centre (WTC-Poznan). Minsk Capital Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers is one of the largest, most influential and active associations of business community in Belarus. Being an integrator of Belarusian entrepreneurial movement, MCAEE showed its initiative to create the program document “Belarus National Business Platform”. MCAEE actively promotes Platform ideas on national and local levels. Initiator of creation and one of founders of ALE “Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship”. International programs of PA MCAEE give a real chance to find business partners, meet new business ideas, standards and technologies. MCAEE holds contact exchanges, visits of international exhibitions and fairs, foreign business trips (annually from 15 to 25), business missions and meetings with foreign business delegations in Belarus. Our aims are: assistance in export of goods and services of the Association‘s members, support of investors, joint entrepreneurship, development of economic integration participation in international division of labor. We offer to our potential partners: assistance in searching for business contacts, investment projects, promotion of goods and services to Belarusian and other markets; information and marketing assistance, affirmation of reputation of Belarusian companies. We offer support in protection of rights and representation of interests and government level. We are ready to cooperate with national, regional and branch- associations of entrepreneurs and employers. We offer to entrepreneurs from abroad the implementation of mutual projects with our Association members.
We look forward to working with you. 3. Editorial office of “Association of entrepreneurs” newspaper 11 – 104, Serafimovicha str., 220033, Minsk, Belarus Tel./fax: +375 17 298 24 46, +375 17 298 24 38 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Contact persons: Halina Ilyashchuk – editor in chief,BarysZaleski – first deputy of editor in chief. Newspaper of Association of legal entities “Republican confederation of entrepreneurs”, PA “Minsk capital association of entrepreneurs and employers”, ESC “Center XXI century”.
Circulation: from 3000 to 10000 copies. Print: full-color and (or) black and white. Delivers all over the Belarus territory by subscription, through regional and branch business-associations and at the biggest exhibitions in Republic Belarus. Welcome to cooperation: business – associations, banks, enterprises and organizations, industrialists and entrepreneurs, advertising agency. We provide advertising services, accept offers on edition of special newspapers for customer and his events.
4. "Stroiproekt", CJSC
8, Galitski str., 222310, Molodechno, Minsk, Belarus Tel: +375176 754942 Fax: +375176 754845; +375176 754673 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Contact person: Volha Vialichka – director.
Closed Joint-Stock Company "Stroiproject" was created in 2000 as a result of reorganization of the lease enterprise "Molodechno rental branch of the Institute" Minskselstroyproekt. " JSC "Stroiproject" dates back to 1968. The original name - Design workshops of the National Project Research Institute "Belkolhozproekt." Since May 1986 - Design workshops of the National Project Research Institute "Belselstroyproekt", and from April 1987 - Design workshops of the Institute "Minskselstroyproekt." In December 1996, the design workshops became a rental enterprise "Molodechno rental branch of the Institute" Minskselstroyproekt " which was in November 2000 transformed into JSC" Stroiproject. " JSC "Stroiproject" performs design work on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Regular customers are: 1. Executive office under the President of the Republic of Belarus; 2. Minsk office of the Belarusian Railways: 3. SE "Belgosstrakh": 4. UE "Minskavtodor": 5. UE "Minskoblgaz": 6. Department of Minoblispolkom labor and social security. 7. Athletic facilities
We carry out projects of a detailed plan of building multi-family districts and individual buildings in urban and rural settlements, as well as drafts of internal and external networks (networks of sewer, water, electricity, gas, etc.). CJSC "Stroiproekt" performs inspection of construction of buildings and constructions of I and II levels of responsibility. Appropriate license for geodesic and cartographic activity (up to 2013).Design and construction of buildings and constructions of I and II levels of responsibility, engineering survey for this purpose (till 2015).
5. Entrepreneurship Supporting Centre “CENTRE XXI CENTURY”, SLC 11 – 114, Serafimovicha str., 220033, Minsk, Belarus Tel.: +375 17 298 37 31, +375 17 298 24 46 Fax.: +375 17 298 24 46, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Contact person: Halina Ilyashchuk – director
“Centre XXI century” was established in 1988. Field of activity: Organization of business summits, seminars, conferences, company presentations, contact exchanges in Belarus. Co-organizer of international conferences “Bank, capital and investments for business and regions” and “Commercial real estate in Belarus: Possibilities and prospects for investors”; Presentation of interests of International Poznan Fairs (IPF) in Belarus; Information bureau of IPF, organizational support of trips to Poznan fairs; Information and consulting support for foreign companies while entering the Belarusian market; Holding of presentation workshops of goods and services; Editorial office of newspaper “Association of entrepreneurs”.
6. “Ivada-PAK”, Private Production Trade Unitary Enterprise 46 – 48, Sofia Kovalevskayapereulok, 220014, Minsk, Belarus, Tel./fax: +375 17 213 17 10 GSM: +375 29 677 99 09; +375 29 560 99 09 e-mail: [email protected] Contact persons: Valery Bychenia - director, PalinaBychenia - chief accountant Enterprise “Ivada-PAK” - a dynamic company whose products are in demand in many spheres of human activity. Engaged in manufacturing packaging of polyethylene of high and low pressure from 2003. Modern equipment provides a complete production cycle and can quickly produce different types of packaging made of polyethylene. Main products: Polyethylene film of low pressure Polyethylene film of high pressure Packing bags, high and low pressure Packing bags in rolls, “T-shirt” bags Die cut handle bags, Larger packet sizes that are used as liners, Larger packet sizes for packing clothes, Packages with a side seam, Packages with round bottom for packing poultry. All products are manufactured to individual orders - different sizes, weights and colors. At the request of our customers develop original logo design. Modern equipment allows us to deliver flexographic color printing on the goods produced. Current production has passed the state examination and hygiene can be used for packaging and storing food. Particular attention is paid to the quality of products. Quality control is exercised at all stages of production. At the same time is a continuous work on reducing production costs, which allows us to offer you the most attractive market prices. Note that the production base of the company is fully equipped with the necessary equipment used for packaging made of polyethylene, which not only reduces costs and improves product quality, but also significantly reduces the time of their manufacture. The optimal combination of "price / quality" products allows the company to be attractive to many customers, the best way to satisfy the specific gender needs. In addition, highly qualified specialists the company is constantly busy, taking into account the wishes of customers, developing new kinds of packaging materials. Offer mutually advantageous cooperation to trade enterprises and organizations wishing to have their original packaging.
7. “Volkovysskiy Business Center”. Limited liability company
7, Kuznetsova str., 231900, Volkovysk, Belarus, Tel./fax: +375 151 243 910, +375 151 225 904 e-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Aliaksandr Kuzmiankou - director.
“ Volkovysskiy Business Center” has actively worked on the Belarusian market of construction machinery and equipment since 2004. The major field – wholesale. The company is the Belarusian representative of “Torgovyi Dom “Stroymash-Centre” LLC (Ryazan’), “Mekhpromstroy” public company (Krasnodar), “Centre RTI” public company (Moscow), “Remstroydormash” LLC (Yoshkar-Ola), “Himtekstilmash” private company (Oriol), PK STIN LLC (Beloretsk). Customers: building and developmet enterprises, carbuilding enterprises, food producing companies. Interested in partners for construction equipment supply (concrete pumps, pneumatic superchargers, mortar pumps, paving breakers, quick-coupler connections)
8. “Business centre”, Ltd.Center of entrepreneurship support 2 – 11, Kirovastr., 247760, Mozyr, Gomel region, Belarus Tel./fax: +375 236 321 546; +375 236 324 700 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Contactperson: Zmushko Zoya – director
The services provided: legal service and consulting to entrepreneurs in Belarus; execution of foreign courts’ decisions in Belarus; protection of property and contract rights, protection of interests in economic courts (arbitrage).
9. “OSKAR-ART”, Limited liability company
8 – 16, Timoshenko str. 220140, Minsk, Belarus Tel./fax: +375 17 256 58 40, +375 17 256 58 41, +375 17 256 58 47 e-mail: [email protected] http:// www . oskar .by
Contact person: VadzimHudvilovich– director “Oskar-Art” has worked at Belarusian advertising market since 2003
Fields of activity:
- advertisement in Minsk metro; - urgent printing;
Business offers:
1. Positioning of advertisement in Minsk metro through different media: A4 sheets line above the door compound poster-newspaper 2. Positioning of advertisement in Minsk metro on billboards (2/1m); 3. Positioning of advertisement at the entrance of Minsk metro; 4. Fast printing on XEROX DC 800 machine. High quality and speed (2400 copies per hour).
10. “Kvartirnye i ofisnyeresheniya”, Limited liability company
8B-1-5-19, Fabriciusa str., 220007, Minsk, Belarus Tel./Fax: +375 17 218 33 35 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Contact person: AksanaMatusevich – director.
“ Kvartirnye i ofisnyeresheniya” offers services on real estate sales in Minsk. High quality, professionalism and accuracy guaranteed.
11. Interstate Bank – Representative Office in Belarus 5 – 409, Pobediteleyave. 220000, Minsk, Belarus, Tel./fax: +375 17 211 25 23, +375 17 306 04 81 e-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: LebedzeuViktar– director of the Representative Office
The Interstate bank was established by CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) member-states in accordance with Interstate Bank establishment Agreement, signed on January 22nd, 1993 in Minsk by the heads of participating states -members of the CIS. Nowadays, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine are its participants. The Bank is an international accounting credit and finance institution which has been granted a direct access to national payment systems of the member-states. At present the Interstate Bank effects international payments as a participant of the payment systems of Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Armenia, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan and Russian Federation, managed by central (national) banks. The Bank's payment and accounting system in current conditions contributes to a reliable basis of mutual expansion of trade in the CIS on the foundation of using national currencies, and is a mechanism of achieving their mutual conversion.
We will promote further development of cooperation and interaction with commercial banks, providing new opportunities in settlements management, and in this manner contributing to development and enforcement of trade in the CIS. 12. “MANAGING COMPANY OF HOLDING BelGAZautoservis“, ITCJSC. Official distributor of „GAZ“ products in Belarus.
25, Babushkina str., 220024, Minsk, Belarus Tel/fax: +375 17 291 83 12, +375 17 291 84 55 e-mail: [email protected] http:
Contact persons: Mikhail Suprunovich - general director,IrynaKhadyka – general accountant, Mikhail Tkachou – director of “DilerskiyCentr “GAZ Koliadichi” private company.
The enterprise which then was called as PT JSC Belgazautoservis, was created in 1992, for the purpose of organization in the Republic of Belarus of uniform complex system of realization and technical service of production of JSC GAZ (Russian Federation). "Belgazavtoservice" in 1993 - 2013 sold more than 35,000 cars of the GAS brand.
In 2002 the company started sales, warranty and after-guarantee service, and also tuning completion of cars of the GAS brand. In 2008 the GAS Dealer center, "Car center GAS Kolyadichi", with a total area of 3700 sq.m, including a service zone of 2000 sq.m, a show room of 300 sq.m opened.
The Belgazautoservis holding was formed on September 12, 2010. Today it occupies the leading position on sale of commercial equipment in Belarus.
The Belgazautoservis holding is a dynamically developing enterprise which offers to consumers all model line of production of Gorky Automobile Plant – light-duty and medium-duty commercial cars, a wide row of special equipment, and also vans of own production "BELAVA", shop trailers and ambulancy cars. "Belgazautoservis" sells spare parts and car accesories.
Reliability and quality of GAS cars confirmed by 80 years' experience of production of GAZ Group and the favorable prices of the Belgazautoservis company allow the brand to take the leading positions in the market of sales of commercial cars I”n the Republic of Belarus. The service network covers all regions of Belarus.
In 2009 Belgazautoservis launched production of special automotive equipment on the basis of GAS cars - "BELAVA", the most mass group of this special automotive equipment are vans (on the GAS gear).
The company has own material base, service stations, warehouses of spare parts, office rooms, a showroom, shops of spare parts, parking. 1500 people work at production, trade and service enterprises of the holding.
We invite to cooperation, we will consider offers on deliveries of the equipment, accessories and spare parts to cars to Belarus.
59-103, Pobediteley pr., Minsk, Belarus, 220035 Tel.: +37517 2039660 Fax: +37517 2032045 e-mail: [email protected] http :// www . glimstedt .by
Contact person: VitalyKachelya - Office Managing partner of Law Firm GLIMSTEDT (Belarus)
GLIMSTEDT is a successful business law firm with more than 250 lawyers. We provide a comprehensive range of legal support services in business law. GLIMSTEDT offices are located in 5 countries: Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden.
GLIMSTEDT is famous for outstanding quality of service in many areas of business law, including transaction and corporate, investment and privatisation, banking and finance, real estate and construction, and taxation.
Among our clients are ABLV bank, ARVI Enterprises Group,AsstrA Associated Traffic AG, BDO, CevaSanteAnimale, Danske Bank A/S,European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),FabrykaFarbILakierow “Sniezka” S.A., Frederic M, Galleria Concept, Grant Thornton, Group Franck Muller (GFM) Watchland S.A., Kayson, LUNDAB Group, ModusGrupe, R.R.Y Capital Limited,Swedspan International, UVS Group, VakuruMedienosGrupe (VMG), ViaConand many other foreign, international and local companies.
WiththedirectparticipationofGLIMSTEDTthe following transactions and projects were successfully finalized or are in the process of implementation:
InvestmentprojectofVakuruMedienosGrupeon construction of a vertically-integrated woodworking complex in the free economic zone «Mogilev» with the total value of more than EUR 77 million;
Privatisation of the Minsk Watch Plant by Swiss company Franck Muller (G.F.M) Watchland S.A.;
Conclusion of two investment agreements by ARVI Enterprises Group estimates EUR 27 million, including privatization of Lida Veterinary Disposal Plant;
Mezzanine finance transaction with an aggregate loan sum of EUR 12 million financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and investment fund with an aggregate loan sum of EUR 12 million;
Construction of BMWcenters by daughter companies of Modusgrupe (official representative of BMW in Baltic states and Belarus), and many other projects and transactions.
29 Masherovapr, Brest, Belarus, 224013 Tel.: +375162 203101 Fax: +375162 203209 e-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Nina Pauliuchyk – director.
“Vitafarm” was created in 1998 and has been working on the Belarusian pharmaceutical market since then. The company has its own drugstore chain.
The main field of activity – retail of medicine and other medical products.
15.“Doilid-C”, private manufacture and trade unitary enterprise
2A, Sovetskaya str., Nosilovo, Molodechno district, Minsk region, Belarus, 222338 Tel./fax: +375176 763743, +375176 763377 GSM: +375291921299 e-mail: [email protected] http :// www . doilid .by
Contact persons: UladimirBalitski–director,VadzimBalitski – head of marketing department.
“Doilid-C” produces prefabricated construction elements from ferrous metals (metal constructions from ferrous metals and their parts). The company has its own production facility of 1.8 hectares and holds all the equipment and highly-qualified staff required for the production of complex metal constructions and its installation. The enterprise holds a Certificate of proper production, ISO 9001 certificate of quality management system, License for designing and building constructions of levels 1 and 2; License for steel constructions installation, License for freight.
“Doilid-C” is looking for a partner from among producers and suppliers of equipment for purchasing it and importing to Belarus. Interested in the following equipment: 1. German lines of profiled boards manufacturing. 2. Line for production of sandwich-structured composite from polyurethane filler.
We will consider offers in the sphere of metal construction.
16.“ALKID”. Scientific and production company, Ltd.
2a, Shkolnaya str., Korolev Stan village, Minsk region, 223027, Minsk area, Belarus Office: 2, Lineynaya, Zhdanovichi village, Minsk region, Belarus Tel.: + 37517 5077190; + 37517 5077191 Fax: + 37517 5077190; +37517 5077191 e-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Vladimir Sokhadze – director.
Development of all-European integration is utterly impossible without economic cooperation. Free movement of labour and capital rests in the context of these processes and is one of the core values of European development.
ALKID Research and Production Limited Liability Company is a loyal supporter of these processes and, as a manufacturing enterprise, is in need of promoting its products of European quality to European markets as well as attracting investments for development and expansion.
Products manufactured by the enterprise at the moment are applied in construction industry as waterproof, roof and corrosion-resistant coatings and also as binding agents for paving.
17.Centre of Technology Transfer under the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship
11-115 Serafimovicha, Minsk, Belarus, 220033 Tel./fax: +37517 2982441 GSM: +37529 7057438 e-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Maryna Lebedeva – the chairperson.
Centre of Technology Transfer under the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship was created as a branch of the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer of Belarus.
Activity of the Centre: - Assistance in preparation and promotion of investment projects; - Maintenance of databases of innovative and investment projects on; - Advertising of products and services on; - Marketing research; - Maintenance of contacts between the Republican Centre of Technology Transfer, businesses and the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship. - Representation of the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship at exhibitions, seminars, conferences on innovative activities. - Assistance in creation of a business network for innovative entrepreneurship support. BUSINESS NEWS is an independent Belarusian information and analytics agency which provides news and consulting services. Our specialization is business, finance and economic data.
Our mission is to provide business community including foreign bodies as well as all other economic actors with exact, proved and relevant information from Belarus which could be vital and helpful while taking economic decisions.
Our team unites highly professional economic observers who are on the staff of our Agency as well as outsourcing experts. When performing our activity we strictly follow international standards of journalism.
Our principles are: — accuracy; — credibility; — neutrality; — impartiality.
Our agency staff always aims at acquiring of information from reliable source and adjusting and verifying of information every time there is a minimum necessity to do it.
In the case when there is any information to be commented, we aim at providing comments of all parties concerned as well as of independent experts and analysts.
We always point at the sources where we get information and consider such phenomenon as plagiarism to be inadmissible under any form. We respect another persons’ intellectual property and take every care to ensure our intellectual property protection.
When covering disputed situations, we keep neutrality and objectiveness. We aim at providing opinions of all conflicting parties and voluntary avoid any editorial assessments and conclusions.
If one of conflicting parties is our subscriber and/or our advertiser, this fact does not influence in any fashion our neutrality when covering the conflict situation.
We do not provide indirect advertising and indirect PR on a paid basis or on any other forms of remuneration. We clearly differentiate all materials to be provided to our readers and indicate which ones are news and analytics and which ones are placed on a commercial basis.
The editorial office of the research and information agency BUSINESS NEWS aims at upholding political neutrality. Moreover, we do not render ideological support to anyone.
Address: 9, Smolyachkova str., office 314, 220005, Minsk, Belarus Phone/Fax: +375 17 288 26 15
Deputy editor-in-chief - Igor Kolchenko ([email protected])
Director - Irina Yuzvak ([email protected])