School Improvement Team Meeting
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In Attendance: Mr. Crews, Dr. Jones, Mr. Hagmann, Mrs. Starbuck, Ms. Palmer, Mrs. Musser, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Carespodi, Mr. Hedrick, Mrs. Ashby, Zach Heavener (student), Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Higgins, Ms. Carter, Mrs. Bolen (parent), Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Handy, Mrs. Allred
a. At-Risk Monies – Dr. Jones
a.i. English, Math, Social Studies, and Science teachers will be asked to recommend instructional supplies to Dr. Jones.
a.ii. Dr. Jones made a motion to take $3000.00 from the instructional supplies budget of $5261.03 to train the science department in Problem Based Learning. This training would benefit Biology, especially, and other departments as teachers become trainers of other teachers in the future. The motion passed.
b. Saturday School – Mr. Hagmann
b.i. Saturday School will be offered December 7 and December 14 from 9:00-12:00.
b.ii. Students will be invited for a variety of reasons: benchmark data, teacher recommendations, and excessive tardies. Students will use Learning Odyssey.
b.iii. Mr. Hagmann asked the SIT to help gather teacher recommendations from Science, Math, English, and Social Studies. Elective courses could be added to Saturday School next semester.
b.iv. Attendance at Saturday School will benefit the students by supplementing a low grade, for example. Mr. Hagmann pointed out that it is unclear at this point how grades might be adjusted by individual teachers.
c. EVAAS Scores – Dr. Jones
c.i. Results from Algebra 1 and Biology tests showed that the school did not meet expected growth, but Dr. Jones noted that there was improvement from the previous year. Growth was met in English II.
c.ii. It is also possible to see data from common exams and ACT.
a. Classified (CAC) Website a.i. Individuals can nominate classified employees from any school in the district for Classified Employee of the Year.
b. Grade Book Set Up
b.i. Dr. Jones offered to have Evan Herreid provide support for setting up the grade book if necessary.
a. Discipline Plan/Tardy Policy – Mrs. Johnson
a.i. Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Hagmann suggested a new method of reporting tardies to administrators. Teachers will indicate all tardies when they do their attendance through Power School rather than send students to get a tardy note from Room 119. Administrators will be able to access the attendance reports.
a.ii. Information needs to be sent to students and parents regarding the procedure and consequences for tardies (Mrs. Johnson will work on this).
a.iii. This will be effective November 21, 2013.
a.iv. A suggestion was made to communicate with students when they are marked tardy so any consequences will not be a surprise.
b. Safety Plan – Mrs. Johnson
b.i. Teachers should receive the safety plan soon. Clipboards are not here yet but will be ordered.
b.ii. Fire drills are going well.
b.iii. Dr. Jones showed a map with evacuation information.
b.iv. A concern was made about the security of the student parking lot door outside of Room 119 – is it closed and locked on a regular basis?
c. Earbuds – Dr. Jones
c.i. The SIT decided that earbud use is up to individual teacher’s discretion within their classrooms.
c.ii. Students may use earbuds in the hallway as long as they are only in one ear.
IV. 21st Century Systems – Dr. Jones
a. Advanced Ed Accreditation a.i. The school’s self-study was sufficient.
a.ii. The next step is an external review that will likely be completed in the fall of 2014 or the spring of 2015. It needs to be done within two years of September, 2013.
a.iii. The external review is a lengthy process and it will be a school-wide effort to meet all the requirements.
a.iv. A question was asked about Advanced Placement courses. The school can offer AP courses but until this accreditation is complete we cannot offer the tests on our campus.
V. Collaborative Partnerships – Dr. Jones
a. Adam Carter is our PTA Staff Representative.
b. Today, November 20, 2013, is the community walk-in day for public education.
c. Dr. Jones invited us to the Robotics Tournament on Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 9:00-5:00.
VI. Concerns – Dr. Jones
a. An anonymous concern was submitted regarding the tardy policy, which was addressed in the safe and caring schools section of the agenda.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristi Allred