Sermon the Luck of the Irish
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Sermon – The Luck Of The Irish Sunday, March 18, 2007 Faith Temple Church Sioux Falls, S.D. Pastor Jeff Hayes
Title – “The Luck of the Irish”
Scripture: Luke 17:11-19
Introduction: 1. Continue our Lenten Sermons 2. Reminders Of Jesus Headed For The Cross 3. St. Patrick’s Day yesterday, March 17th 4. St. Patrick’s Day is a holy day as well as a national holiday for Ireland. It is a celebration in honor of a Christian Missionary who was born around 385 A.D. and became known as St. Patrick! 5. Takes Some Notes As We study This Passage of Scripture ….. Luke 17:11 – 19.
#1. “Ham and Bacon or Corned Beef and Cabbage?”
Scripture: Luke 17:11 – “Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.”
a. Jesus has you on the border between Samaria and Galilee! b. A place of unrest (Samaria) and a place of comfort (Galilee). c. Jesus wants you to feast in a new and different way while in your Samaria. Benefits can come from being in a new place. d. Ron and Ange Liikala (Finnish) cooking this Wednesday Evening …Corned Beef and Cabbage! e. Corned Beef and Cabbage is not a favorite St. Patrick Day’s dish in Ireland. It’s an American dish to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! In Ireland they’re more prone to eat Ham and Bacon rather than Corned Beef and Cabbage. Page 2
#2 “The Ten Leper Cons!” (Ten Lepers Who Lived Like Cons)
Scripture: Luke 17:12 & 13 – “As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, ‘Jesus have pity on us!’”
a. “As He Was Going Into A Village” – “You Go Anywhere the Lord Tells You To Go!” b. “Ten Men who had leprosy met him” c. Mike and John out at Rosebud this morning! d. Native American …Bev from Wagner. e. Her sister Jean, not expected to live in the hospital, people from Faith Temple went to pray! f. She is well and alive…had lost her vision but it’s coming back! g. Her daughter Octavia…drugs and alcohol…now clean serving the Lord! Bev’s husband Elgin… life going great, happy in Jesus! h. The lepers called out in a loud voice for pity from the Lord…He didn’t give them pit but gave them healing! i. Elders Ange and Kathy went to visit Bev at the Heart Hospital Thursday night… prayed for another lady. j. Encourage Bev and her family to go back to Wagner and pray for liberation of their people…liberation from demons…pray and proclaim freedom for the water, the soil, the air, the people. k. You don’t need to listen to the enemy…he will con you! Jesus brought liberty and healing to the Lepers! Page 3
#3 “A Needed Pat Answer! – A Needed St. Patrick Answer!”
Scripture: Luke 17:14 – “When he saw them, he said, ‘Go, show yourselves to the priests.’ And as they went, they were cleansed.”
a. “WHEN HE SAW THEM… HE SAID, GO, SHOW YOURSELVES TO THE PRIESTS.” b. - St. Patrick was born to a Roman Nobleman in Ireland. After his village was attacked, St. Patrick was captured and sold into slavery, he was just 16. After 6 years of captivity he escaped to France. During the 12 years following, he studied under St. Germain, the Bishop of Auxerre. After his studies were complete, he returned to Ireland and took the name of St. Patrick. St. PATRICK BELIEVED IT WAS HIS CALLING TO CONVERT THE IRISH TO CHRISTIANITY!” c. “AND AS THEY WENT, THEY WERE CLEANSED” d. Go, Get Out There! Don’t let people intimidate you! e. Don’t have a pity party…Jesus will go with you and heal you! f. Little Boy, 5th Grader at the Argus Leader Spelling Bee! g. Older kids making fun of his size and of his age! h. 50 written words… top five --- spell orally in competition! i. 5th Grader from Mark Twain carried off a trophy taller than he was!
#4 “O, Mac, I’m A Part Of The Family!”
a. Thought of: Jim and Sena McKenzie – think of them often! b. Nick name for Jim was “Mac” – he could do anything! c. Memorial Service procession of 25 – 30 Xcel Energy Trucks!
Scripture: Luke 17:15 – 16 – “One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. Vs. 16 He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan!
d. “O” as in O Rourke, O’Leary, O’Sullivan MEANS, “GRANDSON OF” e. “Mac, as in Mac Kenzie, Mac Carthy MEANS … “SON OF” f. That Samaritan became family to Jesus that day! Page 4 #5 “Meet Maewyn Succats”
Scripture: Luke 17:17 - “Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Vs. 18 Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?”
a. St. Patricks Day – scores of people arrested for drinking and driving! They have no clue who Maewyn Succats is??? b. You may not even have a clue as to who Maewyn Succats is! c. Trust me a good Irish family could name their son after Maewyn Succats! d. Who is Maewyn Succats? St. Patrick’s Name was Maewyn Succats BEFORE HE SAW THE PEOPLE IN IRELAND AND REALIZED THAT THEY NEEDED TO KNOW JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR SAVIOR. e. WHO DO YOU SEE WHEN YOU LOOK AROUND??? f. Jesus asked, Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” g. People by the thousands celebrated St. Patrick’s Day Yesterday but were they giving praise to God that the Message of Jesus Christ was brought to Ireland? h. Today, I want to be the foreigner and give praise to God, not only for bringing the Gospel to Ireland but to the entire world!
#6. “It’s Not A Sham ! They Met The Rock!”
a. St. Patrick used the 3 leaves of the Sham rock to explain the concept of the TRINITY… Father, Son And Holy Ghost.
Scripture: vs. 19 “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”
b. The Samaritan received an extra blessing… his body was healed and also his soul! Page 5
It’s Not A Sham, He Wants You To Get To Know The Rock… Christ Jesus!
Luke 17:20 – 21 - “Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ‘The kingdom of God does not come visibly, nor will people say, Here it is, or There it is, because THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU.”
Do You Have Jesus Living Inside Of You Today????