March 6: Part IV of the Burning Question Series Rev. Victoria Weinstein
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March 2, 2011 Volume 9, Issue 11 Sunday Services – 10:00 am
March 6: Part IV of the Burning Question Series Rev. Victoria Weinstein The Auction Sermon
At our Service and Goods Auction on February 26, one of you bid on and won a “Burning Question” sermon topic of your choice. Winner, please submit your topic in the form of a question.
March 13: “Changed For Good: Shared Ministry On the South Shore” UNION SUNDAY
We will be hosting our friends and neighbors from First Parish Church in Scituate, First Parish Church in Cohasset, First Parish Church in Hingham and Second Parish Church in Hingham.
Happy March!
As I said last Sunday in church, the questions you submitted for our first Question Box sermon were really wonderful and inspiring. Although it will not be available in written form, I did record it and hope that the mp3 will be audible. Did you know that audio recordings of the sermons are often available on our wonderful website? They are, and it just takes a click of the button to listen at home or to download them onto your mobile device of choice.
Next Tuesday night, March 8th, the Inly School in Scituate (on Route 123) will be showing “Waiting For Superman,” a documentary about the public school system in America. I have heard that this is a marvelous and eye-opening film that has a lot of parents talking about important issues in child-rearing. I would like to attend this screening and hope that some of you will join me. More information can be found by clicking here.
There is so much going on to help us stay in good cheer through the end of this VERY LONG winter!! The food drive this Saturday (please shop at the Stop & Shop in Pembroke and Norwell between 10-2!) and the Talent Show that night, Union Sunday March 13, the Mind-Body-Spirit classes on Wednesday afternoons in the parlor (see specifics below), Emerson lectures coming up, activities at the James, the Canvass Supper on April 2, a Family Passover Seder on April 20th, and then our Easter breakfast on April 24th. I know those dates seem a long way off but you know how time flies. Mark your calendars now and let’s be together in the bonds of fellowship and love until the sun shines warm again and the snow is just a distant memory.
In faith, hope and love, Rev. Vicki
LOST VOICES MAKING HISTORY Hear the testimony of Hyrie Dosti, a survivor of a 47-year internment in an Albanian prison camp under the rule of former Communist dictator, Enver Hoxha, from 1943-1990. See “Prison Nation”, a 12 minute DVD on the scope of oppression during those years. Meet Rose Dosti, president of the Albanian Human Rights Project, a U.S. based non-profit organization. Rose is stopping on her way home after a 6 month stay in Albania collecting the testimonies of 40 survivors. Rose, a twice awarded Fulbright scholar and a former journalist of 30 years with the Los Angeles Times is also the sister of Old Ship Church member Mary Thomas. The event will take place Sunday, March 13 in the Fogg Parlor from 11:45am - 1:00 pm, as a part of the Union Sunday observances. The program includes a welcome by Rev. Ken Read-Brown followed by an overview by Rose Dosti, and a showing of “Prison Nation”, Hyrie Dosti’s personal 47-year experience in prison camps along with her extended family will precede a group discussion. The event ends with the sweet after taste of baklava. For more information call Mary Thomas at 781-749-5371.
The Parish Committee is considering the installation of solar panels on the south-facing roof of the Meetinghouse. There will be an informational meeting at 11:30 am on Sunday, March 27 at which representatives from installation companies will provide information on the physical and financial aspects of this potential project. The Meetinghouse roof is ideally situated for this purpose and there is the potential to generate a major fraction of our annual electrical energy needs. This could be done with essentially no cost to the Parish (more information will be provided at the meeting. For more information contact Bernie Gardner ([email protected], 781-883-8140).
LIGHTS… CAMERA… ACTION! The First Parish Talent Show is Saturday, March 5 at 7 pm. Come see your fellow parishioners (both adults and children) sing, act and play a variety of musical instruments.
The Alliance welcomes as its March speaker John Galluzzo, the public program coordinator for Massachusetts Audubon in Marshfield. He is a writer, historian and natural historian of the South Shore. The meeting is on Wednesday, March 16 at 10 am in the Parish Hall and everyone in the church is welcome to attend. Hope to see you there!
For information on the church’s religious education program for both adults and children, please visit the “RE Everyday” blog at
HELEN FOGG SERVICE COMMITTEE Wonderful news: we have the first of the four team members to visit a new female prisoner from the Partakers program. Debbie Chase has signed on, so we have only three more to go. Thank you, Debbie!
Big doings this Saturday (March 5) in which you all can participate before the big Talent Show! You are going to buy groceries anyway, so why not go to either the Norwell Stop and Shop or the Pembroke Stop and Shop between 10 am and 2 pm. There you will find several of your fellow First Parish parishioners collecting food for the local food pantry. Donations at the Norwell store will benefit the Norwell Food Pantry, and donations to the Pembroke store will benefit the Hanover Food Pantry. If you go to the Norwell store, please go in the door on the left side of the building, as the Girl Scouts have the right hand door. Hope to see everyone at one of the two stores, supporting your church and the local food pantry!
Recent thank you notes to all of us:
1. “Thank you for your generous gift of $1,500.00 to the Norwell Council on Aging. This donation for home heating assistance has already helped three families who would otherwise be cold in their own homes. They were extremely appreciative of the help given to them. We look forward to helping more families as the cold weather continues. Again, thank you to all members of the First Parish congregation for their generosity. Sincerely, Rosemary O'Connor, Director and Diane McCarthy, Outreach Coordinator”
2.“What a pleasant surprise to receive the generous donation from your church and the Helen Fogg Service Committee. We really appreciate that we have not been forgotten-Please convey our thanks to all involved. Best, Alice Kemp, Greater New Orleans UU Administrator” for our gift of $1,500.
~Bev Gardner, Chair of the Helen Fogg Service Committee
The church recently received a thank you letter from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, thanking us for our recent donation of $1569.00 from last fall’s “Guest at Your Table Program”.
Thanks to all the donors, bidders and helpers who contributed to the success of this year’s Mardi Gras Goods & Services Auction. Our receipts so far total more than $4200 but we have a goal of $5000. A few great items are still available for bidding. Contact Cathy Phillips ([email protected]) or stop by the church office if you would like to place at least the minimum bid listed below. Round of Golf at Marshfield Country Club for 3 guests with member Nancy Fuller. Minimum bid $375/Value $450 One hypnotherapy session and advance consultation at Catalyst Hypnosis Center in Norwell with Kerrilee Pietroski, a certified hypnotherapist. Possible uses are weight loss, smoking cessation, stress reduction, sleep issues, memory and concentration. A relaxation tape and mug are included. Minimum bid $60/Value $125 Day of luxury yachting aboard 39’ Sea Ray Express Cruiser visiting Provincetown or Martha’s Vineyard and the Elizabeth Island with Captain David Horton. Trip includes lunch for 4-6 people. Swim, snorkel, gunk-hole thru the creeks of Hadley harbor or hang out on the beach. Minimum bid $400/Value $800 One custom sewn item by Joyce Hockman using your pattern and fabric. Minimum bid $25/Value $50 Advice and recommendations from Dexter Robinson on buying a new computer, setting it up and transferring data from old to new. Minimum bid $75/Value $130 Custom framed antique number from First Parish clock tower. Joanne Howard will customize. Minimum bid $75/Priceless One week stay in the Gallo-Casey’s 2-Bedroom poolside condo in Marco Island, FL (between May 1 and December 1) Photos available. Minimum bid $500/Value $1000 If you donated an item, and would like to know who purchased it, check the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.
The Music Committee invites anyone in the congregation who is interested in participating in Music Sunday to share their musical talents with us on Sunday, May 22. We encourage vocalists and instrumentalists to join us in celebration of music for this special service. Please contact either Gingy Grimes or Marie Miller if you wish to participate.
This is a relaxed, drop-in meeting that will focus on the mind-body-spirit connection and healing. It will focus particularly on anxiety, depression, general issues around aging, and mutual support. We will do some breathing exercises at the beginning of each session, so please arrive on time. Our program will last no more than an hour so we can end with sharing our brown-bag lunches. Beverages will be provided. We will meet on 4 Wednesdays in the Fogg Parlor: March 2, March 16, March 30, and April 6 from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS Wednesday, March 2: Alliance Board Meeting in the Fogg Parlor, 10 am Mind-Body-Spirit w/ Rev. Vicki in the Fogg Parlor, 11:30am-1pm Book Group on Murder in the High Himalaya in the Fogg Parlor, 7 pm Saturday, March 5: UU Food Drive at the Norwell & Pembroke Stop & Shops, 10 am-2 pm All-Church Talent Show in the Parish Hall, 7 pm Sunday, March 6: Adult Bible Study in the Fogg Parlor, 9 am Tuesday, March 8: Finance Committee in the Office, 7:15 pm Invested Funds Committee in the Fogg Parlor, 7:30 pm Sunday, March 13: UNION SUNDAY Tuesday, March 16: Alliance in the Parish Hall, 10 am Mind-Body-Spirit w/ Rev. Vicki in the Fogg Parlor, 11:30am-1pm
The deadline for the next hard-copy edition of The Spire is Sunday, March 13th. For more information, or to review archived issues of The Spire, go to The full First Parish Calendar can be accessed online at the website by selecting “News” then scrolling to the calendar option.