Ok This Needs To Be Cleaned Up A Lot - Very Rough Outline Of What I Researched Today On The Iran Capacity Side
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Iranian Energy in the Caspian Region
I. Basic gasoline import stats II. Iran's Caspian ports - crude oil and oil product capacity (in bpd) III. Organizations of Iran's Caspian Sea Sector IV. National Iranian Oil Products and Distribution Company - distribution infrastructure and capacity in Iran V. Basic stats on all Iranian ports including Persian Gulf ports VI. Nautical Distances between Caspian Sea ports VII. Possible export routes of crude oil in Caspian region VIII. Log of ship activities/ships in anchorage at Neka port IX. Facilities/Equipment at Bandar Amirabad/Neka X. Facilities/Equipment at Bandar Abbas i. Iranian gasoline imports for September 2009 = 128,000 bpd.
Over the past year, nearly all of Iran's gasoline imports have come from six companies: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h1985/text
• Swiss firm Vitol - 60 to 80% of all gasoline imports • Swiss/Dutch firm Transfigura • Swiss firm Glencore • French firm Total • British Petroleum • India's Reliance Industries how much of this comes in through the Gulf?
Gasoline imports of major Persian Gulf ports (2007)
- Bandar Abbas = 91,000 bpd - Bandar Mahshahr = 34,000 bpd Total = 125,000 bpd
“NIOC also receives occasional volumes at its Caspian ports of Neka and Bandar Anzali from suppliers in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.” (2007) http://www.piwpubs.com/print_me.asp?document_id=214219&pID=1
Much of the petroleum traffic through Iranian ports is based on arrangements known as "oil swaps". Most oil swaps are short-term contracts managed by Naftiran Intertrade Company (NICO) - http://www.naftiran.com/about.aspx - a subsidiary of Vitol based in Lausanne, Switzerland. So countries north of Iran ship their crude to Iran, which consumes it (does it refine gasoline from it itself or receive it refined?), and Iran then exports its crude south on their behalf? – Yes for a $2 per barrel fee paid by the shipper/producer to Iran
In April 2009 there were reports that Iran was storing 7.7 million barrels of gasoline in 12 tankers off the Kharg Island. crude or refined gasoline? If gasoline, and if true, and if still there, they could survive for two months just on what they have stashed...if I recall, though, most of this was stashing crude because it was selling so low at that point... yes this is gasoline. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2009/04/20/54845/tanked/ - an FT blog is citing an April 7 Reuters report. I can't find the Reuters article itself though ii. Iran's Caspian Ports
Iran has invested in its import capacity at the Caspian port to handle increased product shipments from Russia and Azerbaijan, and enable crude swaps with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. In the case of crude swaps, the oil from the Caspian is consumed domestically in Iran, crude which subsequently refined into gasoline and then shipped to and consumed in Iran’s more densely populated northern regions, and an equivalent amount of oil is produced for export through the Persian Gulf with a Swiss-trading arm of NIOC for a swap fee.
*Capacity to handle crude oil is not the same as refined products. At the end of this document are the facilities/equipment inventory of Bandar Amirabab/Neko (which handles the majority of Iran’s crude oil traffic on the Caspian) versus the infrastructure at Bandar Abbas (which handles the majority of Iran’s gasoline imports.
What we need to figure out is what port specifics/equipment/infrastructure needed to import refined products (specifically gasoline) vs. crude oil.
Iran has swap agreements with - Russia - Turkmenistan - Kazakhstan - Azerbaijan
Approximately, 250,000 bpd of crude oil are received at Neka port.
This is a breakdown of the costs associated with trafficking crude oil through Neka – how does this compare to petroleum = Swaps with Iran Lifting costs at Tengiz Barge to Neka Iranian Swap Fee Shipping via VLCC Subtotal
Port of Bandar-e Anzali: http://www.anzaliport.ir/English/Index.htm
- does not import a significant amount of petroleum products - number of incoming tankers in 2008 (2)
Port of Nowshahr: http://noshahrport.pmo.ir/home-en.htm
- participates in the swap and transit of fuel but does not import refined products - has the capacity to handle 65 million liters (~43,000 bpd of oil swap traffic)
Refined petroleum import capacity is going to be the key. You can't just run refined gasoline through a crude import/export pipe. It's flammability, I believe from Peter, requires considerably different infrastructure. So if they're not importing refined gasoline from Caspian ports, then it's doubtful they have the capability to move it ashore.
Also, what sort of draft are we talking about for these ports? Lauren says that big ships have to load and offload miles and miles from shore at least from Azerb., I thought. Is the situation the same or different on Iran's Caspian coast? Because if it isn't importing refined products to begin with and would need to lay pipe dozens of miles offshore and set up offshore offloading points, then the Caspian isn't the solution for our purposes.
Port at Neka = - 5 berths - maximum draft of 4 meters - capable of handling tankers up to 4,200 deadweight tons - onshore storage tanks for 45,000 barrels
Port at Anzali = - 1 berth - maximum draft of 5 meters - no onshore oil storage
*In comparison, Bandar Abbas, where they import the majority of their petroleum products, average draft is 12 meters.
Port of Bandar-e Amirabad/Neka
Iranian Oil Terminals Company Neka terminal profile: http://www.nioc-otc.com/English%20Pages/EFormsHtm/frmENeka.aspx
The purpose of the National Iranian Oil Company Caspian Sea Republics’ Oil Swap Project (NEKA TERMINAL) is to transfer the crude oil of the Caspian Republics via Iran and for fulfillment of this task intends to: - Install blending and storage facilities in Neka and blending facilities at Rey Terminal. - Modify Tehran and Tabriz refineries for processing Caspian Republics’ Crude Oil.
Neka Marine Unloading Systems: Neka port has exiting facilities for the berthing of three 5000 DWT tankers at the same time and other two 5000 DWT tanker berth will be constructed in the future. Two marine unloading arms (with rating of 800m3/hr each) are installed on each berth.
Useful link - Daily Loading and Discharging of ships in port: http://www.pso.ir/Portal/HomePage.aspx?TabID=5536&Site=Amirabad&Lang=en-US
Neka crude swap agreements
Neka port is receiving any where from 117,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd of crude oil swaps. ~150,000 bpd from LUKoil ~35,000-60,000 bpd from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
As of 2006, 6 NITC oil tankers were under construction in the Caspian for oil transport to Neka. This seems to be the primary port destination for petroleum imports from the Caspian States. Plans to increase its port capacity to 500,000 bpd have been in the works for the past decade.
Iran receives the majority of their gasoline imports at Bandar-Abbas and Bandar-Mahshar on the Persian Gulf.
Gasoline imports of major Persian Gulf ports (2007)
- Bandar Abbas = 91,000 bpd - Bandar Mahshahr = 34,000 bpd Total = 125,000 bpd Iran’s daily imports have averaged around 128k bpd over the past six months.
According to Tehran Times, in August 2006 Iran’s northern ports of Noshahr, Amirabad, Neka, and Bandar Anzali unloaded 4.5 million tons of fuel. www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-149979274.html
III. NIOC Organizations:
Khazar Exploration & Production Co. is in charge of Iran's Caspian Sea sector.
The National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC) controls the second largest fleet of tankers in OPEC. http://www.nitc.co.ir/aboutus.htm
Iranian Oil Terminals Company http://www.nioc-otc.com/English%20Pages/EFormsHtm/frmENeka.aspx
IV. National Iranian Oil Products and Distribution Company National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) handles oil refining and transportation, with some overlap to NIOC.
National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company as the largest affiliated company of NIORDC has the responsibility of supply and distribution of more than 226 million liters of different oil products throughout the country. NIOPDC utilizes the following facilities and installations to supply and distribute the oil products to different economic sectors.
- 37 zones - 232 districts - 82 oil products storage depots. - 2300 automobile fuel stations. - 21000 fuel supply outlets. - 37 centers of aviation refueling stations. - 60 LPG distributing companies and 4000 agencies. - 8200 road tankers and LPG carriers. - 1000 trucks and 100 special railroad tankers carrying LPG, gas oil and fuel oil. - Quality control laboratories in 37 designated areas. - Utilizing 8.8 billion liters storage capacity for oil products. any way for us to know how much gasoline they have refined and stored? i.e. how many days they have of fuel already in the country stockpiled? In August 2009 the Deputy Oil Minister said that Iran’s strategic gasoline reserves stood at 1.4 billion liters (~8.8 million barrels), so if they are importing an average of 128,000 bpd, I think that’s about a 69 day supply.
Capabilities - Planning and outlining procedures of distributing oil products - Management and distribution of oil products. - Supervising the distribution operations - Maintenance of installations related to storage and distribution of oil products. - Installation of storage tanks for oil products. - Implementation and supervision of smart card center for gasoline distribution.
Average Daily Distribution of oil products
Products Volume = 1000lit/day (thousand bpd)
Motor gasoline 64000 = (402k bpd) Kerosene 20000 = (125k bpd) Gas oil 89000 = (560k bpd) Fuel oil 42000 = (264k bpd) LPG 11000 = (69k bpd)
V. Statistics on capacities of all Iranian ports:
General Description of the Commercial Ports (MIL.TON) Type of Berths Special (Direct Barging Iron Ore Container General Delivery) Operations Cargoes Ports Total Capacity Berth Capacity Berth Capacity Berth Capacity Berth Capacity Berth Capacity (post) (post) (post) (post) (post) Berths Imam Khomeini 12 4/9 24 1/5 1 2/6 1 2 5 1 5 (M.Ton) Bushehr 1/35 0/6 2 0/6 1 - - - - 0/15 1 Khorramshahr 1 ------1 4 Shahid Rajaii 9/9 6/3 12 0/6 2 - - 2 5 1 5 (B.ABBAS) Shahid Bahonar 3 1/8 4 0/2 1 0/6 1 - - 0/4 2 (B.ABBAS) Shahid Beheshti 1/5 0/9 3 ------0/15 1 (CHAH BAHAR) Coastal Traffic 0/6 - - 0/6 4 ------Chah Bahar Anzali 0/8 ------0/8 5 Nowshahr 0/45 ------0/45 3 Note: There are Private Berths in the ports of Imam Khomeini. Bushehr, Shahid Bahonar and ChahBahar Which are not Mentioned the above datas.
• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I.R. OF IRAN ABADAN • • • • • • • • • • • BANDAR ABBAS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BANDAR SHAHID REJAIE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BANDAR IMAM KHOMEINI • • • • • • • • • • • MAHSHAHR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BUSHIRE • • • • • • • • • • • CHAH BAHAR • • • • • • • • • • • • ANZALI • • • • • • • • • • • • NOW SHAHR • • • • • • • • • • CYRUS TERMINAL • • KHARG ISLAND • • • • • • • KHORRAMSHAHR • • • • • • • • • • RAS BAHREGAN • • LAVAN ISLAND • • • SIRRI ISLAND • • • • • Note: 1. SHIP REPAIR 8. DIRTY BALAST RECEPTION 15. PERTOLEUM 2. BUNERING 9. RUBBISH COLLECTION 16. OTHER LIQUID BULK 3. TOWAGE 10. PROVISIONS 17. DRY BULK 4. DRYDICKING 11. REPATRIATION 18. GENERAL CARGO 5. LAUNCH SERVICE 12. FUMIGATION 19. CONTAINERS 6. MEDICAL FACILTIES 13. SURVEYS 20. RO-RO 7. FRESH WATER 14. GYRO/RADIO 21. AIR PORT (WITHIN 100 KM) PERAIRS Major Marine Equipment Land Equipment at ports Equipment Units Equipment Units Dredger 12 Crane 119 Tug Boat 28 Lift Truck 193 Boat 17 Tractor 216 Hydrograph 4 Trenstainer 5 Barge 29 Top Lift 14 Buoy layers 2 Towing Head 39 Incinerator 2 Trailer 654 Floating Crane 1 Gantry Crane 4 Landing Craft 2 Electrical rail Mounted 6 Multi Cat 2 Shore Cranes Training 1 Pneumatic Conveying 22 Vessel Installation Pneumatic Ship 4 Unloader Marine Light Signal Type Multiport Equipment Units Beacon 15 Light Tower 101 Light Boat 7 Light Buoy 114
General Description of the Small Multipurpose Ports The Name of Annual Capacity Draught (meter) Capacity of Length of Berthes Port (ton) Berthes (ton) (meter) Port of Lengeh 250000 5/5 2000 225 Port of Jask 120000 5/5 2000 130 Port of Qeshm 150000 5 2000 170 Port of Genaveh 100000 4 1000 127 Port of Daylam 30000 4 1000 146
Port Chah Bahar / Road routes only
PORT OF CHAH BAHAR General Description of the Berths of Port of Chah Bahar TYPE OF JETTIES NO.OF BERTHS LENGTH DRAFT MAX QUICK BERTH 4 600 11.9 2500 4 480 4.2 LIGHTENING KISOUI 0.4 417 1 FISHING
Port Bandar Abbas / rail and road routes
PORT OF BANDAR ABBAS General Description of the Berths of Port of Shahid Rajaii and Shahid Bahonar Type of Berth Loading Capacity of Vessels Draught Length of Post (Ton) (meters) Berths Container Terminal 30000 12 1000 5 Multipurpose 45000 12 400 2 Rajaii Multipurpose 30000 12 Bahonar General Cargoes 45000 12 2200 11 Liquid Bulk 7000 12 2 Cargoes General Cargo 30000 10 1000 6 (shahid Bahoner) Berthes for Barges 2 150 1
Open Storage Area & Warehouses (Shahid Rajaii): 173000 SQ.M Warehouses and 1708000 SQ.M.Open Storage Area.
Open Storage Area & Warehouses (Shahid Bahonar): 18000 SQ.M. Warehouses and 300000 SQ.M. Open Storage Area
• DISTANCE TO TEHRAN 1563 KM • DISTANCE TO AIRPORT 50 KM • MAX TEMPERATURE 46 • MIN TEMPERATURE 10 • MAX MOUSTURE 95 • MIN MOUSTURE 20 VI. Distances between Caspian sea ports – Speed and NM
DISTANCE TABLE FOR CASPIAN SEA PORTS , N/M 16 T B M u a A N a r C n D O B k s k o A h d A u m B N h t a k u e r a l b k a u a a a e a s e l r t e e c r d t k k k h n a i A e n k h u a j n h a u b a m e d n k o a h a n i a z n r s a l
h a l i i
Baku 328 174 265 300 240 180 250 166 235 90 265
Astrakhan 328 605 280 Bandar Anzali 174 605 187 205 115 383
Neka 265 702 187 77 85 198 422 162 150 409 556 Okarem 300 205 77 138 82 Noushahr 240 115 85 138 215 425 180 188
Turkmenbashi 180 198 215 255 Aktau 250 383 422 425 255 200 160
Cheleken 166 162 180 Aladja 235 150 82 188 235 410 Dubendi 90 200 235 Makhachkala 265 160 410 Bautino 556 STEAMING TIME BETWEEN CASPIAN SEA PORTS (AT SPEED OF 13 KNOTS) 17 T B M u a A N a r C n D O B k s k o h A d A m u B N h t a k u e r a l k b u a a a a e a s e l r t e e c r t k d k k h n a i A e n k h u a n j h a u b a m e d n k o a h a n i a z n r s a l
h a l i i
Baku 25 14 21 23 19 14 19 13 18 7 21
Astrakhan 25 47 22 Bandar Anzali 14 47 15 16 9 30
Neka 21 54 15 6 7 15 33 13 12 32 43 Okarem 23 16 6 11 7 Noushahr 19 9 7 11 17 33 14 15
Turmenbashi 14 15 17 20 Aktau 19 30 33 33 20 16 13
Cheleken 13 13 14 Aladja 18 12 7 15 18 32 Dubendi 7 16 18 Makhachkala 21 13 32 Bautino 43
VII. Possible Oil Export Routes
Oil Export Routes and Options in the Caspian Sea Region
Crude Name/Location Route Length Cost/Investment Status Capacity Atyrau Existing pipeline (Kazakhstan) to Recently recently upgraded Samara Increase in capacity Atyrau-Samara increased to by adding pumping (Russia), 432 miles cost approximately Pipeline 310,000 and heating linking to $37.5 million bbl/d stations to increase Russian capacity. pipeline system Baku (Azerbaijan) via Detailed Tbilisi engineering study (Georgia) to began June 2001. Baku-Ceyhan Ceyhan Planned: 1 Approximately Construction ("Main $2.9 billion (Turkey), million bbl/d 1,038 miles scheduled to begin Export Pipeline") terminating at in 2002, with the Ceyhan completion Mediterranean targeted for 2004. Sea port Baku-Supsa Baku to Supsa Currently: 515 miles $600 million (before Exports began in Pipeline (AIOC (Georgia), 100,000 upgrade) April 1999; "Early Oil" terminating at bbl/d; approximately Western Route) Supsa Black proposed 90,000 bbl/d upgrades to between 300,000 exported via this Sea port bbl/d to route in 2000. 600,000 bbl/d Baku via Chechnya 100,000 (Russia) to bbl/d Exports began late Baku-Novorossiisk Novorossiisk capacity; 868 miles; 90 $600 million to 1997; exports in Pipeline (Northern (Russia), possible miles are in upgrade to 300,000 2000 averaged only Route) terminating at upgrade to Chechnya bbl/d 10,000 bbl/d. Novorossiisk 300,000 Black Sea oil bbl/d terminal Currently: Baku via 120,000 Completed April Dagestan to bbl/d (rail 2000. Eleven-mile Baku-Novorossiisk Tikhoretsk and pipeline: spur connects Pipeline (Chechnya (Russia) and 160,000 204 miles $140 million bypass with bypass, with link to terminating at bbl/d); Russia's Caspian Makhachkala) Novorossiisk Planned: Sea port of Black Sea oil 360,000 Makhachkala. terminal bbl/d (by 2005) Currently: Tengiz oil field 565,000- First tanker loaded Caspian Pipeline $2.5 billion for Phase (Kazakhstan) to bbl/d; in Novorossiisk Consortium 1 capacity; $4.2 Novorossiisk Planned: 990 miles (10/01); exports (CPC) billion total when Black Sea oil 1.34-million rising to 400,000 Pipeline completed terminal bbl/d (by bbl/d by end-2002 2015) Memorandum of Turkmenistan Understanding and signed by the Central Asia Oil Proposed 1 Afghanistan to 1,040 miles $2.5 billion countries; project Pipeline million bbl/d Gwadar stalled by regional (Pakistan) instability and lack of financing. Proposed 200,000 Iran-Azerbaijan Baku to Tabriz Proposed by bbl/d to N/A $500 million Pipeline (Iran) TotalFinaElf. 400,000 bbl/d Under construction; oil 175,000 will be delivered to Iran Oil Swap Neka (Iran) to bbl/d, rising $400 million to $500 Neka and swapped 208 miles Pipeline Tehran (Iran) to 370,000 million for an equivalent bbl/d amount at the Iranian Persian Gulf coast. Kazakhstan-China Aktyubinsk Proposed 1,800 miles $3.0 billion to 3.5 Agreement 1997; feasibility study halted in September 1999 400,000 (Kazakhstan) to because bbl/d to Pipeline Xinjiang billion Kazakhstan could 800,000 (China) not commit bbl/d sufficient oilflows for the next 10 years. Kazakhstan via Feasibility study by Kazakhstan- Turkmenistan Proposed TotalFinaElf; Turkmenistan-Iran to Kharg Island 1million 930 miles $1.2 billion proposed Pipeline (Iran) on bbl/d completion date by Persian Gulf 2005. Rail system Initial from Dubendi, 70,000 ChevronTexaco Khashuri Azerbaijan, to bbl/d, rising has canceled plans Khashuri-Batumi (Georgia) to Khashuri, then $70 million for to 140,000 to rebuild and Pipeline Batumi 105-mile pipeline renovation bbl/d- expand the existing (Georgia) pipeline from 160,000 pipeline. Khashuri to bbl/d Batumi Feasibility study agreement signed in December 1998 Aqtau (western by Royal/Dutch Kazakhstan, on Trans-Caspian Shell, Caspian coast) 370 miles to $2 billion to $4 (Kazakhstan Twin N/A ChevronTexaco, to Baku; could Baku billion (if to Ceyhan) Pipelines) ExxonMobil, and extend to Kazakhstan; Ceyhan project stalled by lack of Caspian Sea legal agreement.
IX. Example of Daily Activity of ships loading/unloading at Neka & ships in anchorage.
Updateing23/11/08 Local time 24:00 Non-Oil Oil- Ship's Name Loading(Ton) Total (Ton) Discharging(Ton) Discharging(Ton)
RIROIL-2 0 2178 0 5178
ISLAM SEFERLI 0 2000 0 4295
K.SHEMILKIN 0 2133 0 5133 Total 0 6311 0 14606
Ships in Anchorage Updateing 24.11.2008 Local time 07:55 Ship's Name Time Date Type of Cargo Tonnage Agency
ARIAN SEA ORDUBAD 08:00 23/11/2008 FULE OIL 4860 SCENT
According to Tehran Times, in August 2006 Iran’s northern ports of Noshahr, Amirabad, Neka, and Bandar Anzali unloaded 4.5 million tons of fuel www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-149979274.html
X. Amirabad Map: Amirabad Facilities:
Capacity Length Type Depth (m) Number Berth (ton) (m)
Multipurpose 6000 6 650 4 Eastern
Multipurpose 6000 6 360 2 Western
Multipurpose 6000 6 220 1 Southern
Multipurpose 6000 6 188 1 RO-RO Warehouses:
Type Number Area Stacking warehouse 1 16000m 2
Directory warehouse 1 840m 2
Twin warehouse 3 30000m 2
Back up area ---- 9000000m 2
Operational area ---- 1000000m 2
Coast Equipment:
Row Type Number 1 Libher Crane (64 Ton) 2
2 Gantry Crane 2
3 Trans Trainer 3
4 Evacuator 1
5 Rich Stacrer 1
6 Hydrolic grap libher Crane 2
7 Tadano Crane (20 Ton) 2
8 Tadano Crane (25 Ton) 1
9 Tadano Crane (50 Ton) 4
10 Tadano Crane (50 Ton) 2
11 Crane A300 (20 Ton) 2
12 Komatso ForKlift (3 Ton) 1
13 Komatso ForKlift (5 Ton) 2
14 Komatso ForKlift (10 Ton) 3
15 Komatso ForKlift (15 Ton) 1
16 ForKlift TCM (13 Ton) 1
17 Klark ForKlift (5 Ton) 2
18 Hyster ForKlift (7 Ton) 2
19 Fergosen Tractor 12
20 Tractor ITM 3 21 Carrier (12 Meter) 14
22 Carrier (9 Meter) 3
Marine Equipment:
Row Type Number 1 1200H Tug boat (Ashkbos) 1
2 Pilot boat (Ghyam) 1
3 Search & rescue boat 1
XI. Bandar Abbas Facilities:
Bandar Abbas
(Including Shahid Rajaee & Shahid Bahonar ports ) a. Geographical Specification : Longitude 56-04E , Latitude 27-16 N Distance from Tehran : 1,563 Distance from center of province : 25 Km Distance from the nearest airport : 50 Km The port is connected to Tehran and to other cities of the country by road , railroad , and airlines. The temperature range during the year is +10 to + 46 degrees centigrade. The humidity range during the year is %20 to %95 . b. Warehouses and Port Area : Yards : 1,598,000 sq.m. Warehouse : 164,000 sq.m. and 44,220 sq.m. under construction . Types of berths of the port are general cargo , container , bulks , petroleum products , multi-purpose , service , and general cargoes of Shahid Bahonar with 11,5,4,2,2, and seven posts respectively , and with capacities of 45000, 45000, 45000, & 60000, 70000, 45000, 3000, and 35000 MT.
Table of Berths' specifications (Shahid Rajaee & Shahid Bahonar berths)
Type of berth No of Length Draft Berths posts ( M ) (M) Tonnage(MT )
General (Shahid Rajaee port ) 11 2.200 11 45,000
CNTR 5 1.000 12.6 45,000
Beak Bulk 4 770 13.5 60,000
Petroleum Products 2 400 12 70,000
Multi-modal 2 260 11 45,000
Berth of Services - 310 5 3,000
General (Shahid Bahonar port) 7 950 6-10 35,000
Table of Equipments Barges Hopper for cereal Tractors Top lift Lift- Trucks Trans-tainers
5 5 95 5 136 10
Gantry cranes Yard cranes Boats Tugboats Dredges Cranes Push Trucks
4 51 17 10 1 6 10
- Gantry Cranes with the capacity of 40 tons for loading and discharging of containers - Transtainers with capacity of 40 tons - Top lifts and reach stackers - Rail cranes - various types of hoppers and hydraulic grabs - 550-ton mobile crane for loading and discharging heavy loads and large industrial items - multi-purpose 80-ton crane - buggy with a capacity of 120 tons for moving and carrying the said items - a large number of port trucks - various types of cranes with different capabilities and capacities - various types of squeeze clamp, roll clamps, drum clamps, and … of 5-15 tons lifting capacity - various types of lift trucks, pushtrucks, loaders, miniloaders, vacuum cleaner trucks - Tugboats & Boats - Shore-based equipment repair shop - Warehousing and storage area facilities available