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Results Through People

Results Through People


Providing an educational experience of exceptional quality through employees who are striving for excellence

Non-Supervisory Performance Evaluation Form

Department of Compensation and Performance Management Office of Human Resources


Howard University’s mission commits us to providing “an educational experience of exceptional quality”, and the University recognizes that every employee has an essential role in ensuring that all aspects of the University operate in an optimum manner. Howard can only achieve its strategic and operational objectives if every division, every department, and every employee strives for excellent and innovative performance.

Supervisors (managers) must ensure that each employee understands what performance is required and how it will be measured. Supervisors should also provide each employee with carefully considered feedback on his/her performance on an on-going basis. The Performance Evaluation Program (PEP) and this form are designed to facilitate this manager/employee communication process. The PEP Guidelines for Effective Performance Management and Performance Evaluation contains more detailed guidelines that can assist managers in accomplishing this requirement.


This form is designed for use at two primary times, but may be updated in the interim. At the start of the performance period or upon an employee’s assumption of a new position, the supervisor should discuss performance objectives and requirements with the employee, so that the employee receives a clear understanding of what work performance is required and how it will be measured. Once this discussion has been held, the supervisor and the employee should sign the form to confirm that the discussion occurred.

At the end of the performance period, the form is used to document the supervisor’s evaluation of the employee’s actual performance. Once the supervisor and employee have met to discuss the evaluation, BOTH should sign in the “CERTIFICATION” section to verify that the discussion took place. The employee’s signature is not intended to indicate agreement with the evaluation.

1. This evaluation is CONFIDENTIAL. It should be used only for approved, official purposes. 2. Only approved PEP forms for the current year may be used. No alterations to the PEP form will be accepted. Complete the form as indicated. Additional forms may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources or its website ( 3. If the form has insufficient space for complete comments, attach a printed or typewritten sheet (with the header line identifying the employee by Name and Employee ID). 4. If an employee changes supervisors during the review cycle, each supervisor who managed the employee for three (3) months or more should complete an evaluation for that period. Where the direct supervisor is not available, the second level manager is responsible for completing the evaluation. These evaluations may be submitted to the Office of Human Resources either when they are first conducted and discussed or at the end of the performance period. 5. Meaningful conversations with employees about their performance objectives, the intended measurements or criteria, their actual work performance, and your evaluation of that work should be the supervisor’s primary vehicles of communication. The PEP form serves to document, in a consistent manner across the University, performance objectives and measures that have been communicated between the manager and employee. 6. During performance planning and feedback discussions, it is critical that performance measures are addressed. The supervisor’s criteria or measures should not be a surprise to the employee once they are used for the evaluation. 7. If an employee’s overall performance is rated Level 4, it is mandatory that the supervisor describe the individual’s achievements during the performance period. Consider the action(s) the individual took to make the organization more valuable, more cost-effective, or more highly regarded. Such a plan is a required portion of the performance evaluation form and will assist in a fuller understanding of the individual’s performance of the job and overall contribution to the organization.

8. If an employee is assessed a score of 1 on any General Performance Indicator in Section A or on any Annual Objective in Section B, it is mandatory that the supervisor prepare a detailed development plan for improving performance. Such a plan is a required portion of the performance evaluation form and will assist the employee in understanding exactly what skills are needed or what performance improvements are required. 9. Make every attempt to be objective and fair. Beware of the following evaluation biases: a. Rating an employee based on his/her most recent project, whether good or poor. b. Avoiding conflict by giving an employee an inflated rating. c. Assuming that if an employee was rated ___ last year, then he/she must be the same this year. d. Giving an employee a high rating because it will help him/her get a raise, rather than because of the employee’s accomplishments. e. Giving every employee a high rating because it will make your department look good. f. Focusing on small, inconsequential issues as a means of providing feedback to an otherwise outstanding employee.


LEVEL 4 – PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS ACHIEVED FAR EXCEEDED THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB IN ALL AREAS Exemplary performance that far exceeds the requirements of all areas of the job in a unique and exceptional manner. This employee is sought out for advice and assistance by peers, colleagues, and management. This employee demonstrates a high level of initiative, making recommendations for improvement in work quality and quantity that assist the department and/or University in achieving operational and strategic goals. This employee completes tasks/projects ahead of schedule in an organized, efficient manner with little or no management guidance required. LEVEL 3 – PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS ACHIEVED CONSISTENTLY MET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB, AND EXCEEDED THE REQUIREMENTS IN MANY AREAS High quality performance that meets the requirements of the job in all areas and exceeds those requirements in many areas. By meeting the requirements of the job consistently, this employee contributes to the achievement of the department’s mission and objectives. This employee has excellent work habits, exhibits significant initiative, and can perform assigned tasks/projects in a timely manner with some management direction and guidance. LEVEL 2 – PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS ACHIEVED CONSISTENLY MET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB Good, solid performance that meets the requirements of the job. This employee contributes to the achievement of the department’s mission and objectives through consistently performing the assigned tasks/projects, as defined. This employee understands the job and performs most tasks/projects in a timely manner making few errors. This employee follows management direction and guidance carefully. LEVEL 1 – PERFORMANCE AND RESULTS ACHIEVED DID NOT CONSISTENTLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOB; IMPROVEMENT REQUIRED Overall performance failed to meet the minimum requirements of the job. This employee’s work does not consistently meet the requirements of the job in some or all areas and may require duplication of effort to correct errors. This employee’s tasks/projects may be late or incomplete, thus detracting from the overall achievement of the department. This employee requires significant instruction and significant management direction and guidance. Improved performance is required within a fixed period of time, as set by the manager; typically it is a time period not to exceed ninety-days. Failure to demonstrate sustained performance improvement within the specified time period may result in the termination of employment. HOWARD UNIVERSITY Non- Supervisory Performance Evaluation Form (For employees who do not have supervisory responsibility) May 1, 2011 – April 30, 2012 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE INFORMATION

EMPLOYEE DATA Last Name First Name M.I. Position Title/ PeopleSoft Position #:

EMPLID: Executive Area and School/College/Department: FRS # / PeopleSoft Department #:

Date of Hire Date Appointed Previous Department (if less than 12 mos.) Previous Supervisor (if less than a year.) (UNIV): to Current Dept.:

Length of Review: _____ Months Beginning Date: ___/___/___ Ending Date: ___/___/___ (mm / dd / yy) (mm / dd / yy)

Attended Performance Evaluation Program training: ( ) Yes ( ) No

EVALUATOR DATA Last Name First Name M.I. Position Title/PeopleSoft Position #:

Evaluator EMPLID: Executive Area and School/College/Department: FRS# / PeopleSoft Department #:


A. PERFORMANCE PLANNING MEETING At the beginning of the evaluation period, a performance planning meeting must be held and documented by the supervisor and the employee to discuss employee performance objectives for this evaluation cycle.

Performance Planning Meeting conducted between evaluator and employee: ( ) Yes, date: ______( ) If no, provide reason: ______

Confirmation: ______Employee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature

B. FINAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW (complete at end of performance cycle)

Second Level Supervisor ______/______/______/______Signature Print/Type Name Position Title Date

Unit or Department Administrator/Dean ______/______/______/______Signature Print/Type Name Position Title Date Employee Name and ID: ______

In measuring performance, supervisors can be guided by general performance indicators that each employee, regardless of position description or rank in the organization, should exhibit. How strongly each employee exhibits these traits, for example, judgment or communication skills, is thus an indicator of how well the employee performs in his/her assigned role. These general performance indicators are, then, essential components of how the employee goes about making a contribution towards the achievement of unit, division, and University goals.

In each section, indicate assessment by circling, in the respective shaded boxes, 4 (far exceeded requirements), 3 (exceed requirements), 2 (met requirements), or 1 (did not consistently meet requirements).

SECTION A: GENERAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1. KNOWLEDGE OF JOB - Degree of understanding of the principles, concepts, 4 3 2 1 techniques, and requirements necessary to accomplish job duties.

2. QUALITY OF WORK - The extent to which assigned duties are completed and presented 4 3 2 1 in accordance with expectations. 3. TECHNICAL SKILLS - Application of technical knowledge and skills in completing assigned duties. Ability to learn and apply skills required to support this job and other positions 4 3 2 1 within the work unit as required. 4. PRODUCTIVITY - Accomplishes job objectives by completing assignments and projects that contribute to support for the unit's Work Plan. Meets reasonable deadlines for work 4 3 2 1 completion. Identifies and willingly shares constructive ideas and suggestions to improve work quality. 5. INITIATIVE - Display of self-motivation and the ability to work effectively in the 4 3 2 1 absence of detailed instructions.

6. COMMUNICATION SKILLS - Ability to conduct written and verbal communications in 4 3 2 1 an effective, coherent, and courteous manner. 7. DEPENDABILITY - Ability to complete projects, meet deadlines and follow-through on assignments in a timely manner. Can be counted on to give advance notice or provide 4 3 2 1 alternatives to appropriate parties (supervisors, clients, customers, etc.) if unavoidable delays occur. 8. COOPERATION/TEAMWORK - Willingness to accept guidance, supervision, and authority. Adaptability to changes in work assignments and/or the environment and work in 4 3 2 1 harmony as a productive team member. 9. JUDGMENT - Ability to recognize and promptly advise supervisor of work-related problems, providing alternative solutions. Ability to assess situations or circumstances sensibly 4 3 2 1 and to draw sound conclusions. Add Circled Scores from all shaded areas in this section; divide by 9. Enter Value Here  Employee Name and ID: ______SECTION B: ANNUAL OBJECTIVES

Step 1: List at least three of the most significant job-related results, objectives and/or projects, that support the work unit’s strategic goals and where appropriate the performance standards expected of the individual, established AT THE START OF THE PERFORMANCE PERIOD.

Step 2: PERFORMANCE RESULTS: AT THE END OF THE PERFORMANCE PERIOD, indicate the results achieved. Provide a score for each objective you list.


4 3 2 1


4 3 2 1


4 3 2 1


4 3 2 1

Add Circled Scores from all shaded areas in this section; divide by the number of factors. Enter Value Here 

SECTION C: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE List the focused professional development objective, established AT THE START OF THE PERFORMANCE PERIOD. Provide a score for that professional development objective.

4 3 2 1

Enter Circled Score Here  Employee Name and ID: ______

PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT FOR THIS PERFORMANCE PERIOD STEP 1: From Shaded Boxes in Last Column of the 3 Evaluative Sections …RECORD SCORES HERE  GENERAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Section A: ______x 0.3 = _____ ANNUAL OBJECTIVES Section B: ______x 0.6 = _____ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE Section C: ______x 0.1 = _____

STEP 2: Add scores for Sections A, B, and C to COMPUTED FINAL SCORE : = ______compute overall rating for this performance cycle. INDICATE PERFORMANCE RATING LEVEL (final score) from Step 2 immediately above (further explanation of rating levels provided under instructions) [ ] 4 (FAR [ ] 3 (EXCEEDED [ ] 2 (MET [ ] 1 (DID NOT EXCEEDED REQUIREMENTS) REQUIREMENTS) CONSISTENLY MEET REQUIREMENTS) REQUIREMENTS) Final Score between 3.5 and 4.0 Final Score between 2.5 and 3.49 Final Score between 1.5 and 2.49 Final Score 1.49 or less

EVALUATOR COMMENTS – Mandatory for overall ratings at Level 4 :

PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN – Mandatory for overall ratings at Level 1 or a Score of 1 on any Annual Objective in Section B :


CERTIFICATION Employee and Evaluator hereby certify that this evaluation was discussed directly between the two and that employee is provided a copy.

______Employee’s Signature Evaluator’s Signature SETTING PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES FOR THE FY’12 Performance Cycle May 1, 2011 – April 30, 2012

Performance Objectives are the guidepost to successful performance management

OBJECTIVES SHOULD BE SMART :  Specific – should outline what is to be accomplished  Measurable – can be evaluated to determine whether they have been achieved  Action–oriented – specify the action that will be or has been taken  Realistic – ATTAINABLE, not too lofty or too simple  Time-Oriented – a specific amount of time in which to be accomplished

MANAGERS ARE EXPECTED TO:  Develop performance objectives for all current employees  Make use of the principles outlined above to assist in the development of significant, work- focused performance objectives  Apply these objectives to the upcoming performance period

OBJECTIVES SHOULD:  Incorporate the organization’s mission  Be business focused  Direct employees to what needs to be accomplished in the coming year.

IN CREATING OBJECTIVES both the manager and the employee should:  Have a clear understanding of organizational objectives  Make setting objectives a mutual discussion and planning opportunity  Ensure results have a clearly established criteria for accountability

R ECOMMENDATIONS :  Performance objectives should include the most important priorities for that job.  The number of objectives should be no less than two and no more than five – three is a good target.  A single objective may have several tasks that must be completed before the objective is achieved. Accountability for each task should be clearly defined. Performance Period ______Employee Name and ID: ______

ANNUAL OBJECTIVES FOR NEXT REVIEW PERIOD PERFOMANCE PLANNING: Upon completion of the evaluation, list at least three of the most significant job-related results, objectives and/or projects, that support the work unit’s strategic goals and where appropriate the performance standards expected of the individual for the next review period. 1.




PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE FOR NEXT REVIEW PERIOD List a focused professional development objective that supports the work unit’s strategic goals expected of the individual for the next review period.





______Employee’s Signature Date Evaluator’s Signature Date

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