Maharashtra State Electricity Dist.Co.Ltd

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Maharashtra State Electricity Dist.Co.Ltd



Tender NO.SE/AUC/ T-7 /2007-2008

Returnable not later than 15.00 Hrs. on Dt. 24/01/2008

Tender will be opened at 16.00 Hrs. on Dt. 24/01/2008

Estimated cost : Rs. 15.00 Lakhs.

Issued to Agency M/S ______


M.R.NO. Date: Amount Rs.

(Cost of Form Rs. 500/- + VAT) Issued by :

The Superintending Engineer, TeleNo.2240121,2240122 M.S.E.D.C.L O & M Urban Circle 2331667,2324705


TENDER NO: SE/AUC/T-7/ 2007-2008



01) Tender Notice 3

02) Instructions to the Tenderer 4 –7

03) General Conditions of the Contract 8—9

04) Particulars of Tenderer 10—11

05) Letter to the Tenderer 12

06) Letter to the Superintending Engineer 13

07) Schedules of Tender 14

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-2 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T-7/2007-2008. INSTRUCTION TO TENDER 1.01. Sealed & superscribed items rate tenders are invited for the work of fixing, Installation of 11 KV H.T. metering cubicles COMPACT Type without meter as per MSEDCL specifications in the premises of the H.T. consumers, where existing combined CTPT units are to be replaced under the jurisdiction of O&M Urban Circle, A’bad alongwith allied work covered in scope of the work, from the reputed & experienced electrical licensed contractors having registration of the Central/State, Public work Departments/ Military Engineer Services/ State Electricity Boards from the socities formed by the Ex.Apprentices of the previous M..S.E.B. etc. and from those who have executed works of like nature . 1.2. The scope of work covered under this tender shall comprise of for fixing, Installation of 11 KV H.T. metering cubicles COMPACT Type without meter as per MSEDCL specifications in the premises of the H.T. consumers, where existing combined CTPT units are to be replaced under the jurisdiction of O&M Urban Circle, A’bad alongwith allied work as indicated in details in schedule ‘A’ of this Tender as per the Instructions of the Executive Engineer Urban Division No. I/II, A’bad /concerned Sub- Divisional Incharges after getting order from this Office and completing all formalties. The value of this Tender is Rs.15.00 Lakhs (Rs. Fifteen Lakhs Only). 1.3 The earnest money to be deposited with tender shall be Rs. 15000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Only).Tenders submitted without Demand Draft towards payment of EMD shall be summarily rejected. Payment of Earnest Money by Cheque will not be accepted. 1.4 Payment of earnest money as indicated in clause 1.03 shall be accepted in the form of Demand draft in favour of Superintending Engineer MSEDCL Urban O&M Circle, Aurangabad payable at any Scheduled / Nationalized Bank at Aurangabad. The Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited in case of successful tenderer who fails to pay security deposit and execute the contract agreement within the prescribed period. 1.5 The tender must be filled in prescribed forms only. The blank tender forms will be available at the cost of Rs. 500/- + VAT Tax (which is not refundable) in this office from Dt. 16/01/2008 to 22/01/2008 during working hours on cash payment. 1.6 Tenderer must return the tender form together with the specifications and the rates duly filled in . Any tender not bearing the signature of tenderer on all the documents accompanying the tender is likely to be rejected. The tenderer shall also fill in the PARTICULARS OF TENDERER and submit the connected documents with tender in envelope No.1 1.7 The tenderer shall be deemed to have studied the specifications and all other documents attached to the tender papers on his having filled in tender. The unit rate of any item shall be applicable for finalized work completed in all respect.

Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-3 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.

1.08. The tender duly completed, sealed and superscribed as “Tender for fixing, Installation of 11 KV H.T. metering cubicles COMPACT Type without meter as per MSEDCL specifications in the premises of the H.T. consumers, where existing combined CTPT units are to be replaced under the jurisdiction of O&M Urban Circle, A’bad alongwith allied work with due date on the face of cover, will be received up to prescribed time of 15.00 Hrs. The envelope No.1 submitted with the tender will be opened at 16.00 Hrs. on due date 24.01.2008 if possible in this office in the presence of tenderer or their representatives who choose to remain present. 1.09 After satisfying the proper submission of documents in envelope No.1, the envelope No.2 will be opened, on the same day. The Envelope NO.2 containing “price bid” will not be opened in respect of those tenders whose submission of documents in envelope No.1 is not satisfactory.

1.10. It shall be definitely understood that the MSEDCL does not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the schedules “A” for given part and this schedule is liable for alterations by commissions, deductiolns or additions in the quantities at the discretion of the undersigned or his authorized representative and contractor would be bound to execute the corresponding tender rates.

1.11 The rates of the tender should be quoted in figures as well as in words. In Case of any differences in the rates quoted in words and figures, the lowest of the two will only be considered. All the entries by the tenderer should be in Ink, erasing and over writings are not permissible. All corrections and insertions must be initialed by the tenderer.

1.12. The contractor in the receipt of award of the contract will have to pay Security deposit @ 10% of the total contract value .The EMD may be converted in to the security deposit.The SD is to be paid in cash or in the form of N.S.C.

1.13. Tenders which do not fulfill any or all the conditions or found incomplete in any respect are liable for rejection.

1.14. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any, part or all the Tenders without assigning any reasons. Further the undersigned reserves the right to bifurcate the tender order and work to more than one contractor/Agency.

1.15. Tenders shall remain open for acceptance, subject to the provisions of clause above for a period of 4 months from the date on which they are due for submission in accordance with clause 1.08 above and during the period no tenderer would be allowed to withdraw his tender. Any such withdrawal during the said period will entail forfeiture of the Earnest money Deposited by the Tenderer.

Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-4 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.

1.16 The rates for items of works indicated in attached schedule is to be quoted itemwise. Tenderer should attach a certified photocopy of sales Tax registration under works contract. The work contract tax as specified by the Government will be deducted directly from contrctor’s bills, at the applicable rate.

1.17 Whenever required the contractor will have to produce the attested copies of purchase bills for verification of the genuineness of the material provided by him, with necessary Test Certificate of the manufacturer. 1.18 Income Tax will be deducted from the contractor’s bill at the prevailing rates & applicable surcharge thereon of the gross value of the bill as per instructions laid down in Govt. of India Notification unless the necessary exemption certificate from the Income Tax department, authorized for the purpose is produced well in time. 1.19 Work contract Tax will be deducted as per prevailing rules. 1.20 The contractor on placement of the work order enumerating the contract conditions shall within the prescribed period have to execute a written agreement in the prescribed standard from as per MSEDCL’s Rules. The regular stamp fees etc. necessary for completing the agreement shall have to be borne by the contractor. 1.21 The latest attested copies of valid Electrical contractor License from Competent Authority should be attached with the tender. This instructions to tenderers shall also form the part of the contract.

Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-5 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T-7/2007-2008

1.20 Tenderer has to submit 2 Nos. of envelops. In envelope No.1. following documents (attested copies) should be enclosed. A) Valid Electrical contractor license. B) Valid supervisor license. C) Registration with sales Tax Authority / VAT No. and registration under Works contract Tax and Service Tax. D) Turn over of the tenderer during the year 2004-2005 , 2005-2006 & 2006-2007 should be minimum to Tender Amount. E) Experience of the similar type of work carried out with any firm other Deptt. / Office and the certificate to the extent of 50% of the tender amount. In support order copies shall be submitted. F) Original Demand Draft towards payment of EMD. G) Partnership deed if applicable. H) Original receipt of purchase of Bid document.

If the tenderer submit false information his EMD will be forfeited. In envelope No. 2 only tender copy quoting your rates should be enclosed ,duly signed.

Both envelops should be sealed. On the front of sealed envelop clearly mention envelop Number. Firstly, envelop No 1 will be opened. After satisfying the submission of documents, tender envelope No. 2 will be opened, on same day.

Please note that, parties who fail to submit documents as per “instructions to tenderer clause No. 1.20 in envelop No.1, their envelop No.2 which contains “price bid” will not be opened/considered.



Signature & seal of Tenderer.

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-6 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.


2.1 The original tender Booklet purchased from this office as notified for any particular work shall alone be accepted as a valid tender on submission before the due date & time.

2.2 All works shall be measured by standard measurements and according to the rules, customs and usual method used in MSEDCL and more particularly as mentioned in the detailed specifications contained in these documents.

2.3. The work should be carried out within a time limit stipulated in work order from the date of handing over of site and material, if any.

2.4. If it is found that quality of work as well as performance of the contractor is found unsatisfactory the contract is liable for termination without giving any notice and at the entire risk of contractor. The security deposit paid, in such a case, shall be forfeited.

2.5 The contractor shall not enthrust the work on sub contract , transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof to other party. In case if it is not followed, it will be, treated as breach of the contract which will be terminated at contractors risk and cost. 2.6 The rest of the material shall be arranged by the contractor and it should be as per relevant Indian Standard specifications with ISI mark and should be got approved from the MSEDCL’s authorized representative, before its use.

2.7 The contractor should have his own workmen, tools and tackles required to carry out the job. The workers employed by the contractor for the job should be well conversant with the work. In case of any accident to his workers or outsiders the total responsibility lies with the contractors, for payment of compensation payable under workmen’s compensation Act 1923 and for observance of other statutory rules/acts etc. 2.8 The contractor shall submit the test certificate of the original manufacture of the material being supplied and proposed to be utilized by him for the works involved to MSEDCL.

Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-7

MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.

2.9 In case of occurrence of any damage or loss to the MSEDCL’s property by the contractor, the appropriate cost of the same will be recovered from the contractors bill or security deposit. The tenderer will have to submit an indemnity Bond in the prescribed form, on stamp paper of requisite denomination, on receipt of work order. 2.10 Bill : for the purpose of accepting bills the work carried out during the last Month will be considered. The running bill should be submitted in triplicate to the concerned engineer in charge for recording the measurement and for onward transmission to Executive Engineer, for payment.

2.11 In case the work is not fully carried out by the contractor as per order, the MSEDCL will get the work done through some other party and excess expenditure, incurred will be recovered from the contractor’s bill/security deposit who fail to execute, the work order, in the time limit stipulated therein.

2.12 In case, the contractor fails to carry out the work in stipulated time, penalty at the rate of 1(One) percent per delayed week or part thereof subject to maximum of 10% of the value of unexecuted work will be recovered from the bill.

2.13 The contract or any part there-of shall not be subject to any change without the permission of the undersigned, in writing.

2.14 The contractor shall comply with all the laws and statutory regulations dealing with employment of labours. Wherever required and maintain all the required and prescribed records in the connection. The MSEDCL shall not be responsible for any breach of statutory provision of the various labour laws on part of the contractor. Besides the above, this work contract will be governed by General Terms and conditions of M.S.E.D.C.L.

2.15 In any type of dispute, decision of the undersigned shall be final and binding on the tenderer Legal dispute, if any will be under the Jurisdiction of Aurangabad Courts of law.


Signature & Seal of Superintending Engineer Tenderer. Urban Circle Aurangabad.

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-8 MSEDCL Tender No.: SE/AUC/T-7/2007-2008.


The tenderer is required to give complete details of his firm represented by him as contractor tendering for this work. He should furnish actual and complete details about him in MSEDCL or other Departments. This will be considered for finalising the tender. Hence it is requested to submit attested Xerox copies of satisfactory work completion certificates in envelop No.1.

“ P R O F O R M A”

01) Name and registered address : of the Contractor with phone Number/ fax.

02) Particulars of registration : & class in which registered

a) In B & C Department : b) In Railways : c) In other Dept. if any :

3) References regarding the contractor’s past work and performance may be made (at least 2 references required)



4) a) Previous experience for works of similar nature (works carried out in the last 3 years may be mentioned).

------Dept./Owner Name of work Value of Time limit by wchich Of work executed work completed. ------

Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-9 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008 .

5) Work in hand /under execution :

------Under which Name of work, Time limit Present position Department value & location for completion of work. ------


6) Any other information the contractor would like to furnish in favour of consideration of tender.

(Please Note that the EMD will be forfeited if false information is submitted)

Signature & Seal Of Tenderer.

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-10 MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/ T-7 /2007-2008.






Dear Sir,

Please quote your lowest rates for “ Fixing/installation of 11 KV H.T. metering cubicles COMPACT Type without meter as per MSEDCL specification” in the detailed attached schedule ‘A’ and return the tender documents duly filled in, signed on each page. You are also requested to note conditions of the tender before submitting your offer.

Yours faithfully,


Signature & seal of Tenderer

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-11 MSEDCL Tender No.: SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.


To, The Superintending Engineer, M.S.E.D.CL. Urban Circle , Aurangabad – 431 001.

Dear Sir,

I/We agree to execute the work mentioned in the above tender at the rates herein tendered by me/us subject to the conditions of the tender which I/we have carefully read and thoroughly understood the same.

I/We hereby agree to keep this offer open for 120 days after the due date of the tender and shall be bound by the communication of acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time.

Yours faithfully,

Seal and signature of the Tenderer.

Name of the Tenderer.

Address of the Tenderer:

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-12

MSEDCL Tender No. : SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008.


Work Completion Schedule :______

Validity :______

Discount : ______

Payment condition if any : ______

01) E.M.D.paid vide D.D.No : ______

02) Sales Tax Registration : ______No. under Work Contract

03) Electrical Contractor :______License No.

04) Income Tax Clearance : ______Certificate

(For 2,3 & 4 items certified copies must be attached)

I have gone through all the conditions of this tender and the same are agreeable to me.


Place : ------Date : ------

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-13 MSEDCL Tender No. SE/AUC/T- 7/2007-2008


For fixing, Installation of 11 KV H.T. metering cubicles compact type under the jurisdiction of O&M Urban Circle, Aurangabad.

Sr. Particulars Unit Rate No. 1. Excavation of earthing pits 0.6 x 0.6 x Cmt. 1.5 meters 09 Nos. x 0.54 cmt. = Total 4.86 cmt. 2. Providing and fixing of G.I. pipe for Mtr. each earthing 50 mm dia. 1.5 meter long. 3. Providing of charcoal & salt 30 kg. & 40 kg respectively for earthing. i) Charcoal. Kg. ii) Salt. Kg. 4. Providing & fixing of copper strip of Rmt size 20mm x 4 mm. for earthing

5. Civil foundation of cubicle unit Cmt including centering work, alignment, leveling mixing of concrete spained proportion and packing with leaving pocket 4 holes whenever necessary including supply of clean and ground sand and meter with cement in C=C 1=2 1:2:4. 6. Providing and fixing of cable jointing kit for 3Cx95/50 XLPE cable OD type & ID type. Outdoor type No. Indoor Type No. 7. Laying of XLPE cable in the excavated Rmt trench size 3C x 90/50 sq mm, labour charges only as per standard method

8. Erection charges for compact cubical No. unit.

NOTE: Earthing to the H.T. metering cubical is to be carried out as per letter No. SE/TQA/Meeting/point of supply/75, dt. 10.03.2006 of the S.E. (TQA) MSEDCL, Kolhapur.

Superintending Engineer Aurangabad Urban Circle

H.T. Meter Cubical-1-14 H.T. Meter Cubical-1-15

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