Safe Harbors Steering Committee Meeting Summary 11/19/2015
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Safe Harbors Steering Committee Meeting Summary 11/19/2015
Present Absent Meghan Altimore Sara Levin Jason Johnson Sola Plumacher Nicole Macri Kate Speltz Leslie Miller Eddy Haw Dan Wise Karen Ford Tracy Hilliard Dina Wilderson Mary Bourguignon Kira Zylstra Mark Putnam Josephine Wong Bill Kehoe Others Present: Diep Nguyen
HMIS Vendor – New and Current Bit Focus has communicated what the first four deliverables will be in the HMIS system transition: Security Plan, Project Plan, Live Test Site, and Live Production Site. The Adsystech contract ends March 13, 2016 and will only offer a contract extension minimally for 1 year and at a cost increase. With this information, contract extension is unlikely by the state and is dependent upon the upcoming Bit Focus Project Plan timeline. King County is working on a work plan for our continuum’s part in the implementation. Concerns came up regarding communicating to the agencies about the timeline. A future Partner’s Meeting is being planned for early December in addition to ongoing communications on updates to the timeline and work plan. It was requested to ask users about their hopes and fears with this transition. Other questions arose about the impact of the transition to the continuum. This will depend upon whether there are out of scope items and costs that are additional for King County. King County is waiting on details from the Bit Focus Project Plan.
Questions arose about data migration and if the migration timeline lags past Adsystech’s contract end date, King County is incorporating this into their planning. There were also questions about the role of the Steering Committee through the transition and Sara encouraged utilizing the Steering Committee. Action: Josephine and Kira were requested to send the All Home Coordinating Board charter to the committee to review the role of the governance. Patrice was also requested to send the Safe Harbors governance graphic and charter produced by the TAG at the inception of the Steering Committee.
Patrice has extended the Safe Harbors Adsystech TSP contract for six month until April 2016 to align with the overall state contract end date of March. Current issues with Adsystech conveyed were a recent power outage which caused a system outage for more than a business day as well as upcoming plans to upgrade screens. Safe Harbors and the state requested that Adsystech delay the upgrade and was denied. Patrice is monitoring Adsystech’s responsiveness.
Action: The committee requested Patrice to review the Adsystech contract for contract extension language for the renewal period. Answer – Adsystech contract states 1 year renewal periods.
Nicole stated that several agencies in the community would like to investigate data integration in the future under the new vendor. Patrice communicated a potential HUD policy that could impact data integration and that she is working with the state on an exception response. Sola is also working with the National Human Services Data Consortium on a similar response.
HMIS Administration Transition Josephine provided information that a motion to transition the HMIS Administration to the County was introduced to County Council committee and would be reviewed by full Council on Monday November 23rd. The motion includes 10 deliverables including the development and transmittal of a work plan for the transfer, verification of consent to transfer from the Safe Harbors funders, the transfer to the new vendor, governance, and the development and implementation of coordinated entry for all populations. The administration transfer will be voted on at the December Coordinating Board meeting.
King County is exploring system administration options with KCIT and does not have a definitive transfer date at this time. The Adsystech end date and Bit Focus Project Plan and timeline are factors in this decision.
Karen asked about the timeline for coordinated entry and how it relates to the transition timelines and Kira stated that she is working closely on this. The new HMIS database timeline drives the coordinated entry timeline.
A question was asked about whether Safe Harbors would retain its current name and Josephine stated that the program will take on a new brand upon transition.
Next Meeting: The committee decided not to meet in the month of December but would like to communicate via e-mail. 2016 meetings will be scheduled.