Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Directors
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Al Bouchard Foraco [email protected] Christian Boutin Major [email protected] Karen Whall Foraco [email protected] Alex Binnie Foraco [email protected] Mike Sweeney Xstrata Nickel [email protected] Sylvie McPhail Major [email protected] Jacques Girard Major [email protected] Thorsten Brost Induspec [email protected] Roger Maisonneuve Forage Perfection [email protected] Chad Burke Lakeshore Gold [email protected] Bill Krasnozon Boart Longyear [email protected] Daniel Wood MOL [email protected] Scotty Robertson MOL [email protected] George Demers Vital Drilling [email protected] Jeff McGlade Vital Drilling [email protected] Doris Pervik Swick Drilling [email protected] Sheldon Boily Norex Drilling [email protected] Herb Phelps Xstrata Nickel [email protected] Andy Attwater Cabo [email protected]
Jim Savage CDDA [email protected]
ORGANIZATION Meeting of the Eastern Safety Group was called to order at 9:30 am. Because of a mix up at the Hampton Hotel, the meeting had to be changed to the Best Western Hotel
PREAMBLE Jim Savage as acting chair welcomed those to the meeting. Notice of the meeting was read.
The chair asked each member to introduce him or herself by name and affiliation and sign the sheet.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Jim Savage and a motion to accept by Al Bouchard and seconded by Herb Phelps
There was no business arising from the previous minutes
#1. Worker was trying to remove a heavy drive tube on a machine. He was in a twisted position and slipped, hurting his back and shoulder. He was on modified work for a while. Get help when having to remove a heavy piece of equipment.
#2. Worker was repairing a waterline hose. He cut his hand by using a knife the wrong way, 2 stich cut on his hand. Use the proper tool for the job.
#3. A helper was backing out a truck when he hit a tree. Damaged the truck. He was required to take a 1 week defensive driving course through Canada Counsel.
#4. Employee was tearing down his Maclean bolter after reaming a drain hole...He was in the process of removing the MF rod adapter from the drill striker bar. Using the remote pendant, he intended to move the drill lower on the slide to help in the removal. He left his hand on the adapter and moved the drill in the wrong direction. This caused his hand to be pushed up into the stabilizer jaws. He tried to reverse the drill, but pushed the wrong switch causing the jaws to close on his hand amputating his index finger. There was a discussion about keeping all the controls the same for various drill types, if that is possible. This helps with trying to be oriented on a different piece of equipment and having to learn new control positions and operations. The comment was also made that the same piece of equipment at two different companies, may not have the same controls or position of controls.
#5 An employee was driving back to the office. He took his eyes off the road for a moment, to locate an article on the seat beside him. As he was doing this, he was rounding a curve in the road. There was guardrails and cables along the curve but, while distracted, hit the 13th guardrail post, carried on, and hit a huge hole at the 18th post, which threw the vehicle sideways, and tilted it over the bank and down the embankment, rolling over, but ending up on it’s wheels. The mechanic was taken to the hospital, but ended up with minor first aid. The truck was badly damaged. The causes were driver distraction and driving above speed limit with cruise control on.
#6 While adding a rod to the string, the driller was inspecting the driveline. The drill was still engaged, in the drilling mode rather than the hoist. A 36” pipe wrench swung backward, pushing the helper out of the shack via the back wall. There was lack of communication and while inspecting should have applied proper lockout and tag procedures.
#7 There was a discussion about one of the mines in Sudbury area that is under development. Comment was made that there is a large number of “small” safety incidents that occur on a regular basis. There are the proper safety committees and safety talks and discussions with the employees. Questions that were asked: - What are the risks – Consequence of these risks – How do we control these risks. Comments were that it mostly due to lack of concentration on the task and proper pre-planning. A lot of the employees are fairly new to the industry and are younger. Continue the appropriate safety discussions and risk assessments as often as possible.
#8 An employee caught his right thumb between the door and the frame of a Yamaha 4x4 UTV, while he was closing the door. He stated that the door was hard to close. Inspection showed that the door was not closing properly because the hinges were covered with mud, which required the door to be slammed to shut. Memo sent and clean and inspect hinges to now be part of the pre-op inspection.
#9 An incident took place where an angle grinder did not have a grinding disc with a high enough RPM rating and it flew apart. Must match RPMs. Same on core cutting blades.
#10 See items attached on various Hazard Alerts.
#11 Comment was made that at one operating mine, the mine attends all the Contractor safety meetings and notifies them of their safety requirements and identifies hazards.
Coffee Break
UPDATES W.S.N. (formerly MASHA) - No Report
- Scotty Robertson introduced Dan Wood to the attendees. Dan will now be the contact person for the contractors to get in touch with when they need to contact the MOL. Direct Line-705-235-1907 Toll free-1-800 461-9847 or [email protected] Hopes to attend all our meetings when he can.
See attachment for all pending MOL blitzes, New and Young Workers, Haulage Vehicles, Pits and Quarrys etc.
Scotty commented about the improvement in the reporting procedures as compared to years ago.
One source forms are available on the website for mining, construction etc. If they are sent in to the wrong office, they will be forwarded on to the correct one. A question was asked about receipts with electronic filing. Scotty sent the following about this: QUESTION: when we submit a Notice using One source does it provide you with a receipt to prove that we have indeed sent the notice to the MOL?
ANSWER: Gaston just showed me the response form that the client receives upon submission of a Notice
It includes the type & number of form submitted, as well as a confirmation number that can be saved electronically, printed or emailed
Link to Forms: www.labor.gov.on.ca/english/hs/forms (French as well)
Scotty also said they are looking for additional inspectors.
W.S.I.B. No report
C.S.S.T. -Albert Bouchard advised the group that CSST will still be concentrating on the interlocking guard requirement.
MTCU Bill Krasnozon reported that there isn’t a lot going on till the fall. There is some changes in the committee members and Bill also felt it would be good to have an non-unionized actual driller sit on this committee. Some concern of the ratio of union to non-union representatives. Please send Bill any names of drillers that you feel might be suitable.
FMTM It was noted that the FMTM will be looking at discussing with MTCU in Ontario, the Undergound Common Core in Ontario as to whether there could be any equivalency as to what is required in Quebec. Presently, this will be looked at for underground miners, but may involve diamond drillers in the future.
APSM They are still in the process of revamping their Health and Safety Program and will issue new regulations, where required. There is also various types of free training, posters etc.(similar to Ontario WSN) that can be accessed.
Meeting adjourned for lunch
PRESENTATION After lunch, Sylvie McPhail gave a presentation about the new DEC(Drilling Excellence Certification) program. It outlined how to apply to begin the process and and the steps required for Company certification. More information can be obtained from the CDDA office or on the new website which should be up and running soon.
The CDDA Overburden Golf Tournament will be held in New Liskeard on June 21 rd sponsored by TIME. Registration sheets have been sent out.
MiHR, using their NOS (National Occupational Standards), began Certification Pilots for Diamond Drillers, in January, at Boart Longyear and Foraco. One person from each Company was trained by MiHR to be able to certify their employees. There was a total of 11 employees received their MiHR certificates. There was a few small NOS items that needed slight changes after the pilot project was completed. More information can be obtained from the CDDA office for those wanting to register in the program.
The plaques for the winners for the Safety Awards were presented for the first quarter of 2012. Plaques will be sent out to the companies 0 – 30,000 Mhrs Xstrata 30,000 – 100,000 Mhrs Hytech Drilling Over 100,000 Mhrs Team Drilling
Jim thanked Foraco Canada for being the hosts.
The date of the next meeting is scheduled on Thursday Sept 13, 2012 in Rouyn, sponsored by Major.
Meeting terminated at 2:30pm. Motion by Al Bouchard, seconded by Andy Attwater
Note: The Eastern Safety Group of the CDDA hand outs and information, are for references only and not legal documents and to be used for site information and is only to be used as a guide or reference purposes only.
1 st Quarter of 2012 North Bay Ont. Sponsor: Foraco Wednesday May 23, 2012
2 nd Quarter of 2012 Rouyn-Noranda Que Sponsor: Major Thursday Sept 13, 2012
3 rd Quarter of 2012 Sudbury, Ont Sponsor: Xstrata Nickel Thursday Nov 15, 2012
4 th Quarter of 2012 New Liskeard, Ont Sponsor: Boart Longyear Thursday Feb 14, 2013