Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(S)
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Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)
Teacher: Natoshia Tyquiengco Subject/Class: Math Resource Week Of: Dec. 7-11
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Standard(s) 5OA1&2; 5NBT5 5OA1&2; 5NBT5 5OA1&2; 5NBT5 5OA1&2; 5NBT5 5OA1&2; 5NBT5
Essential Question/ Module 2 Lesson 3 Module 2 Lesson 3 Module 2 Lesson 3 Module 2 Lesson 4 Module 2 Lesson 4 Learning Goal Can I connect Can I write and Can I write and Can I convert Can I convert visual models and interpret numerical interpret numerical numerical numerical the distributive expressions and expressions and expressions into expressions into property to partial compare compare unit form as a unit form as a products of the expressions using a expressions using a mental strategy for mental strategy for standard algorithm? visual model? visual model? multi-digit multi-digit multiplication? multiplication?
Activating Strategy: Sprint: Round to Sprint: Round to Sprint: Round to Sprint: Round to Sprint: Round to Lesson Opener, the Nearest Whole the Nearest Whole the Nearest Whole the Nearest Whole the Nearest Whole Warm-up, Hook Number 5.NBT.4 Number 5.NBT.4 Number 5.NBT.4 Number 5.NBT.4 Number 5.NBT.4
Teaching Introduce Review vocabulary Review vocabulary Review vocabulary Strategies: vocabulary words words of the week. words of the week. words of the week. Vocabulary Quiz Procedures, for this week: area, Technology, factors, vertically, Students will Teacher will review Students will Exit Ticket Quiz with Performance Tasks plus, and partial demonstrate over Problem Set independently word problems finding products of products. yesterday’s #1 with the class complete teacher- two-digit and one- Concept concepts taught and answer any made problem set. digit numbers using Development: with teacher-made misconception As a class, we will partial products area Represent units two-digit by one- student may have. go over the model and identifying using first the tape digit multiplication Students will solve worksheet and the vocabulary that Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)
diagram and then algorithms. Teacher teacher-made identify any the area model. will use teacher- problem set of word misconception and tells them what to do. Teacher will use made concept problem finding as a class help find teacher-made development sheet products of two- ways to correct the Writing Task: How concept to help show digit and one-digit misconceptions. do you solve a two- digit by one-digit development sheet students how numbers using multiplication to help show products of two- partial products problem? List your students how digit and one-digit area model, along steps in complete standard algorithms numbers using the with identifying sentences and use can relate to tape area model and the current and your vocabulary diagrams and area standard algorithm. previous words. models. Teacher Students will vocabulary words. will also introduce complete #1 on the Students will work products of two- Problem Set in groups. digit and one-digit individually. numbers using the area model and the standard algorithm. Summarizing Students will Students will Students will Students will Students will Strategies: answer 5 answer 5 answer 5 answer 5 answer 5 Closing Activity multiplication fact multiplication fact multiplication fact multiplication fact multiplication fact problems. problems. problems. problems. problems.
Assessment/ Teacher Teacher-made Teacher-made Teacher-made Vocabulary Quiz Evaluation questioning Problem Set #1 Problem Set All Problem Set All Exit Ticket Quiz Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)
Materials Needed Math Vocabulary Math Vocabulary Math Vocabulary Math Vocabulary Vocabulary Quiz, Words, Math Words, Math Words, Math Words, Math Exit Ticket, Teacher-made Teacher-made Teacher-made Teacher-made Writing Task, iPad, Concept Concept Concept Concept Homework Folder Development WS Development WS, Development WS, Development WS, Teacher-Made Teacher-Made Teacher-Made Problem Set #1 Problem Set Problem Set
Daily Lesson Plan Template Day & Date: Standard: Essential Question: Learning Goal: Activating Strategy: Lesson Opener: (______min.) Teaching Strategies: Procedures/Technology/Perf ormance Tasks: (______min.) Summarizing Strategy: Closing Activity: (______min.) Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)
Daily Lesson Plan Template Assessment/Evaluation: (______min.) Materials Needed: