The Regular Meeting of the Glendive City Council Was Held on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 s3
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The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Wednesday, November 5, 2014. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull, Kevin Peña, and Gerald Reichert. Others present included: Treasurer Darci Saeman, Police Chief Ty Ulrich, Public Works Director Jack Rice, and Assistant Public Works Director Pete Leath. Kay Hoffer from the Ranger-Review and Craig Pozega from Great West Engineering were present as were numerous members of the public. Fire Chief George Lane and Director of Operations Kevin Dorwart were both absent.
Approve the minutes of the October 21, 2014 regular Council meeting – Hull moved to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2014 regular Council meeting; second by Pena and the motion passed.
OLD BUSINESS Personnel Committee: October 27, 2014 – 4:40 p.m. Present: Council Members: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull Department Reps & Personnel: Kevin Dorwart (Operations), Peter Leath (PW) Other: Jerry Geiger Agenda 1. Chairman Hull reminded the Committee of the date and time scheduled for contract negotiations with IAFF 2242, the Glendive Fire Department Union. ACTION: FYI.
2. Chairman Hull requested that Mr. Dorwart work with him to draft resolutions setting wages for all City of Glendive employees. Hull explained to the Committee that even with union contract agreements in place, resolutions must still be passed authorizing the agreed upon terms. Additionally, resolutions are needed to adjust wages for all elected officials and other non-union employees. Mr. Dorwart and Mr. Hull will work together to prepare resolutions in time for the next Council meeting. ACTION: FYI.
3. Mayor Jimison informed the Committee that Chief Ulrich does not yet have enough candidates to proceed with interviews for the vacant permanent part-time dispatcher position. He will remain in contact with the Committee regarding potential interview times. ACTION: FYI.
4. No public comment was made at the meeting.
5. The Committee met in closed session to discuss four different confidential personnel matters. ACTION: FYI
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Submitted by: Personnel Committee Chairman Matt Hull; Councilman Ward II Ordinance Committee 10-27-2014 4 PM
Members present: Hull, Mayor, L Baker, D Baker, Hedrick Others: Peggy Iba, Jerry Geiger, Kevin Dorwart Agenda: 1. Ordinance for accessory buildings R1 and R2 2. Skate Park violations (proposed by Fitch Foundation) 3. Update to Animal Control Ordinance (proposed by Jason Stewart) 4. Update fees for Parking violation (proposed by Jason Stewart) 5. Update licensing fees for animal control (proposed by Jason Stewart) 6. Update garbage collection Ordinance to allow other venders
Action: 1. Ordinance for accessory buildings R1 & R2 committee recommends 1st reading of resolution. 6. Update garbage collection Ordinance to allow other vendors-committee recommend allowing outside vender if it is OK with public works and all bonds, Insurance, Workman comp, business licenses or Independent contractor license are in order.
No Action: 2. Skate Park violations-tabled for lack of representation by Fitch Foundation. 3. Update to Animal Control Ordinance-committee will research feasibility of proposed changes. 4. Update fines for Parking violations-committee will research updating fines with city judge and police chief 5. Update licensing fees for animal control-committee will research with city judge and police chief.
Personnel Committee: October 28, 2014 – 9:00 a.m. Present: Council Members: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Matt Hull Department Reps & Personnel: Kevin Dorwart; Chief George Lane Union Members: Cory Johnson, Bruce Miller, Randy Olinger (IAFF 2242) Other: None Agenda
1. We met with IAFF Local #2242, the Glendive Fire Department union with the purpose of negotiating a new contract. A tentative agreement was reached (see attached).
ACTION: The Committee recommends Council ratification of the tentative agreement.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Submitted by: Personnel Committee Chairman Matt Hull; Councilman Ward II Mid-Rivers Cable Television – Quarterly franchise check – Mayor Jimison pointed out to the Council the Mid-Rivers Cable franchise check in the amount of $12,961.40 the City received.
Election results for Glendive Study Commission – Mayor Jimison included the results from the Glendive Study Commission election in the Council packet and introduced four of the five new Study Commission members to the Council: Theresa Rankin, Alan Michaels, Gary Kirkpatrick, and Jim Squires. Bruce Miller was also elected but he couldn’t make it to the Council meeting due an illness. Mayor Jimison thanked the four Study commission members and informed them that the dates for the workshop in Bozeman are December 7th – 9th and let them know they need to decide who will be attending the workshop so reservations can be made and registration forms can be mailed in. The Study Commission members then went into the hall to discuss the workshop and decide when they will have their first meeting.
PUBLIC COMMENT Bob Cullinan, 316 Clay, and Cheryl Kolberg, 207 Prospect, approached the Council stating they support the City taking control of Newport Square and would like the City to turn the land into a park. Mayor Jimison stated this is a topic that will be discussed at the November 12th FUPR meeting with a recommendation being brought to the Council meeting on November 18th. Dryden noted that he doesn’t think there will be recommendation made at the next FUPR meeting as he has questions he would like to ask of Finance Director Dorwart. Mayor Jimison also added the FUPR committee members need to meet with Public Works since PW is the department that will do the work at Newport Square. Dryden stated he would like to get something in writing from the County. Coon said he has talked with Commissioner Gardner and the County is hoping the City will take the land. Hull asked both Cullinan and Kolberg what they don’t want to see happen to Newport Square. Cullinan stated he is mainly concerned with apartment buildings. Kolberg stated she is concerned about teaching units for housing new teachers. She feels the units would cause traffic congestion. She feels the Newport Square area is a nice area for a park; especially with Penninger Park getting encroached by the river. Rice added Newport Square is currently zoned R1(single family dwelling.)
NEW BUSINESS Approve tentative 2- year contract with IAFF Local 2242 for wage and benefit increase – L. Baker moved to approve tentative 2- year contract with IAFF Local 2242 for wage and benefit increase; second by D. Baker. Hull informed the Council members the terms of the new contract are listed on Resolution #2936. The motion carried.
Resolution #2935 – Setting wages and benefits for members of AFSCME Local #852 – Glendive Public Works Union – Hedrick moved to approve Resolution #2935 – Setting wages and benefits for members of AFSCME Local #852 – Glendive Public Works Union; second by Hull and the motion carried.
Resolution #2936 – Setting wages and benefits for members of IAFF Local #2242 – Glendive Firemen’s Union – Coon moved to approve Resolution #2936 – Setting wages and benefits for members of IAFF Local #2242 – Glendive Firemen’s Union; second by Pena and the motion passed. Resolution #2937 – Setting wages and benefits for members of AFSCME Local #853 – Glendive Police Union – Hull moved to approve Resolution #2937 – Setting wages and benefits for members of AFSCME Local #853 – Glendive Police Union; second by D. Baker and the motion passed.
Resolution #2938 - Setting wages and benefits for all permanent part-time and full-time non-union employees – Coon moved to approve Resolution #2938 - Setting wages and benefits for all permanent part-time and full-time non-union employees; second by Hull and the motion passed.
Resolution #2939 – Setting wages and benefits for all Elected Officials – Pena moved to approve Resolution #2939 – Setting wages and benefits for all Elected Officials; second by Dryden. Mayor Jimison mentioned this Resolution addresses the Mayor, Judge and Council Members. The motion passed.
Approval of Draft Ordinance #02-2014 – Adding to Title 11 Chapter 3 Article C-5 & Article D-5 – Reichert moved to approve Draft Ordinance #02-2014 – Adding to Title 11 Chapter 3 Article C-5 & Article D-5; second by D. Baker. Mayor Jimison clarified that this is not a first reading of the Ordinance; the first reading will be held at the November 18, 2014 Council meeting if the Council approves this draft. L. Baker stated the Committee changed “B” a couple of times due to the language and after public input. This Ordinance was originally brought on by Fire Chief Lane. Mayor Jimison stated the Ordinance now reads there will be no accessory buildings on R1 or R2 lots. If the residence is torn down, the accessory building needs to be torn down or a new residence built or a fine will be imposed. The motion carried.
Appointment of Council liaison as non-voting representative on Local Government Study Commission – Clyde Mitchell – Dryden moved to approve the appointment of Council liaison as non-voting representative on Local Government Study Commission – Clyde Mitchell; second by D. Baker. Mayor Jimison explained that in addition to the City having to provide a meeting place, training, and accessories (pens, pencils, tablets, etc.) for the Study Commission, the City also needs to provide one non-voting member to represent the City and be a liaison between the two parties. Mayor Jimison explained that Jerry Geiger and Clyde Mitchell were the top two vote getters behind the first five top vote getters. He is recommending Clyde Mitchell since Clyde had been on the Council before. Mayor Jimison reiterated that this is only his recommendation. The Council needs to make the appointment. The motion passed.
Accept resignation of Patrol Officer Joel Gramm from GPD effective 11/17/14 – Hedrick moved to accept resignation of Patrol Officer Joel Gramm from GPD effective 11/17/14; second by Dryden. Chief Ulrich stated Officer Gramm did a great job and wishes him luck as a Highway Patrol Officer. The motion carried.
Permission to allow GPD to advertise for full-time Patrol Officer Position effective 11/06/14- Coon moved to give permission to allow GPD to advertise for full-time Patrol Officer Position effective 11/06/14; second by Dryden. Mayor Jimison asked Chief Ulrich if he had any applicants from previous openings. Chief Ulrich stated he has one that interviewed before, but would still like to open the vacancy up. The motion carried. Special claims run: $13,450.00 (Wasteco Supply) – Reichert moved to approve the special claims run to Wasteco Supply in the amount of $13,450.00; second by Dryden. Rice stated this claims was for the purchase of 90 garbage cans. The invoice got misplaced and Wasteco Supply called wanting payment ASAP. The motion passed.
Accounts Payable Claims: $509,895.64 – Reichert moved to approve Accounts Payable Claims in the amount of $509,895.64; second by Pena and the motion passed. It was discussed that a large portion of this claim amount was for the WRRF.
Payroll for October: $221,059.39 –Hull moved to approve payroll for October in the amount of $221,059.39; second by Dryden and the motion passed. Dryden asked about retro-pay and when it will be paid. Mayor Jimison stated retro-pay will be paid on the November paychecks.
DEPARTMENT HEAD COMMENTS Police Department – Police Chief Ty Ulrich stated his department has been very busy. He has two dispatchers and two Patrol Officers that still need to go the Academy. The dispatchers go to Academy for one week and are required to go within one year of hiring. The Patrol Officers go to the Academy for 12 weeks and are also required to go within one year of training. Reichert asked Chief Ulrich if Officer Gramm went to the Academy. Chief Ulrich stated Officer Gramm did go to the Academy. He just finished and he signed a Contract before he went. Dryden asked about the $800 Uniform Allowance he noticed in the PD contract. Hull stated the language allows Officers to receive the full $800 Uniform allowance, but they sign a contract stating they will stay for one year and if they don’t stay, they will reimburse the City a pro-rated amount.
Public Works – Assistant Public Works Director Leath and Public Works Director Rice both reported for the PW Department. The water plant operators have winterized the settling ponds and the crews have been busy with valve repairs and pump repairs. There is an underground wiring problem with some street lights that MDU is helping with. The WRRF is progressing with meetings being held weekly to check on the progress. Craig Pozega with Great West Engineering is in town to check on the WRRF.
Recreation – Recreation Director Svenvold reported the soccer season just wrapped up and all of the equipment has been returned and put away. There was a soccer team from Circle who participated in the Glendive league this fall. Utah Jazz basketball is getting under way with about 50 kids from the 3rd and 4th grade making up the 8 teams. Practice will be held at Lincoln and Jefferson gyms and the games will be held at the Recreation Department. Fall Co-Ed volleyball season is about finished up; one Sunday and the tournament is all that’s left. City league basketball and women’s volleyball start in December. Lacey Doan, the new Assistant Recreation Director, is doing a great job.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS Nov. 11th – Veterans Day Holiday – City Hall closed Nov 27th – Thanksgiving Holiday – City Hall closed Nov. 28th – Chamber Light Parade Dec. 19th – Mayor/Council Christmas Dinner for all City employees CO MMITTEE MEETINGS Street Committee – Wed., Nov. 12th – 4:00 pm F/U/P/R Committee – Wed., Nov. 12th – 4:15 pm
OTHER BUSINESS Dryden asked Hull what employees will be affected with the night shift differential pay. Hull stated the water plant operators will be affected in the summer as the water plant is manned 24/7 and the public works employees may be affected during water main breaks.
Jim Squires reported back to the Council for the Study Commission. Their first meeting will be help on Monday, November 10th at 7:00 pm in the Council Room at City Hall. Darci will post the meeting date on the City of Glendive website. Jim will contact all members to inform them of the meeting. He stated there is a study guide online so he and the other members are debating about even going to Bozeman for training as they feel the online guide will be just as good. Coon stated he highly recommends the Study Commission members go Bozeman for training. The training is already budgeted for and Coon feels each member will learn a lot by being there in person. Hull stated he agreed with Coon. Dryden added the training will be like a retreat with each member getting to know each other better.
ADJOURNMENT Peña moved to adjourn the Council meeting; second by Hull and the motion passed.
Dated this 5th day of November, 2014. Approved the 18th day of November, 2014.
______Jerry Jimison, Mayor
ATTEST: ______Darci Saeman, Treasurer