AMSE SERAD Meeting Minutes s1
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division
Executive Committee Meeting March 8, 2011
Executive Committee 2010 – 2011
Chinh T. Bui Curtis Smith John W. Lyver, IV 2010-2011 Chair 1st Vice Chair 2nd Vice Chair Manager of Product Safety & Distinguished Staff Engineer Manager, Nuclear Flight Reliability Idaho National Laboratory Safety Assurance Hamilton Sundstrand Company Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3850 NASA Headquarters 1 Hamilton Road T: 208-526-9804 300 E Street, SW Windsor Locks, CT 06082 F: 208-526-2930 Washington, DC 20546 T: 860-654-3028 E: [email protected] T: 202-358-1155 F: 860-660-3051 [email protected] F: 202-358-3104 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] [email protected]
Jim Harris W. R. (Bill) Byrd 3rd Vice Chair, Treasurer 4th Vice Chair, Secretary Research Safety Engineer President Division of Safety Research RCP Inc. National Institute for 801 Louisiana St., #200 Occupational Safety and Houston, TX 77002 Health (NIOSH) T: 888-727-9937 1095 Willowdale Rd. MS- F: 713-655-8083 G800 E: [email protected] Morgantown, WV 26505 T: 304-285-6120 F: 304-285-6047 E: [email protected]
Attendees: Executive Committee: Chinh Bui, Curtis Smith, John Lyver, Jim Harris Other: John Wiechel
1. Call to Order (C. Smith): The meeting was called to order at 11:13 pm (EST). Meeting was conducted via teleconference.
2. Review/adoption of minutes from January 27, 2011 (all): Latest draft minutes (v2) were approved. It was suggested that the Committees point of contact information (e.g., names, telephone numbers, email) may be included in the minutes, perhaps at the end of the minutes.
3. Treasurer’s report (J. Harris): Jim is still not able to access the financial reports from ASME, but does get the reports in pdf format from Jacinta. A request to obtain the December-February reports was sent to ASME staff, but the reports have not been received
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4. Review of action items list (all): The action items from the prior meeting were reviewed and updated. The open Action Items have been incorporated into these minutes, as sub- bullets under their appropriate headings.
5. IMECE Technical Coordination (J. Wiechel): John Wiechel is the Track Chair for IMECE 2011. The Vice Chair is Chimba Mkandawire. The call for papers is past. We have received 62 abstract to date. There are several “general engineering” papers submitted to IMECE that may be assigned to the SERAD track. It was moved and voted on to only have technical papers, authors selecting the “presentation option” only will be told to provide a paper for review and publication. NIOSH is interested in presenting a plenary session for 2011 about their National Occupational Research Agenda, involving 2 to 3 people from their Manufacturing Sector Council.
a. Harris will continue to follow up on the potential NIOSH plenary session in 2011 on their National Occupational Research Agenda as it relates to manufacturing. NIOSH is still interested in this opportunity.
b. John W. will identify sessions and session chairs over the next month.
c. Contact was made with Jennifer Cooper (ASME member in the Denver area) about potentially assisting in SERAD activities during IMECE 2011. Jim will contact Jennifer about assisting for the Awards lunch/dinner. Deadline for the lunch/dinner decision is approximately the 2nd week of June. We also need a list of local ASME members/students.
6. Student Design Contest (Lyver): The EC selected Don Phillips as Chair of the student design contest for 2011, and Juan Ramirez as Vice Chair. John Lyver intends to have 2 broad categories for this year’s contest, with a winner and runner up for each category. Submissions will be required around the 3rd week of September, which will give students more time to prepare their submittals. John Lyver completed and distributed approximately 500 copies of the Contest flyer at the 2011 LTC.
a. Suggestion was made to include in the newsletter a note about the contest and an appeal for donations to support the contest.
b. John Lyver will recommend a budget for the 2011 Student Design Contest.
c. It was suggested to state, in the Honors and Awards Committee Charter, that while the Student design competition is under the leadership of the 2nd vice-chair, when a new 2nd VC is seated, their responsibility includes assisting in the current year’s Student Challenge and lead the next year’s Challenge. [e.g.: Jim Harris becomes 2nd VC in June 2011. He would assist in completion of the 2011 Challenge and be responsible for the 2012 Challenge (a 17 month commitment)].
d. John Lyver will work with ASME staff to explore possibilities of publication for
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7. Newsletter and other initiatives (all): The Q1 2011 SERAD Newsletter has been published and is on the web site. Ward has selected a vice-chair for the newsletter committee, Mr. Russ Rasnic. Several suggestions were made for the SERAD Newsletter to better communicate with members: “What I found neat on ASME.ORG” A short feature of something that’s on the ASME Website that you might not be able to find easily. “What do I do” A few sentences about SERAD members. Where they work, what they do and if they are looking for interfaces with like disciplines. “What’s going on in ASME” A short report of stuff outside of SERAD. (E&TM, other divisions, Early Career Programs, …) This could include a featured conference other than IMECE that folks might want to check out that deals with safety/risk. “Why belong to ASME” A short review of an ASME benefit, member support, or things you may not know about ASME benefits. The Q2 newsletter should announce IMECE, the student contest, deadlines, and other general communications. Send papers, articles, short communications, ideas to Ward for publication.
8. Update on the Energy Challenge (C. Bui): This item was not discussed during the meeting.
9. Update on Other Committees (all): This item was not discussed during the meeting.
10. Other Business (all): Curtis, John Lyver, and Bill attended the Leadership Training Conference 2011 in Dallas.
a. Bill will follow up with the volunteers who were not selected for an official SERAD position, to encourage their participation in IMECE and other activities.
b. We are considering a “journal-lite” as part of our long range plan. Chinh will see if Enrique (past SERAD chair) would be willing to lead this effort.
c. Chinh will contact ASME about the possibility and issues related to advertising in the newsletter.
11. Next EC Conference: Chinh will select the time and date for the next EC meeting.
12. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 12:31 pm EST.
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