Additional Professional Development/Conferences
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PD Plan 2012 Training Objective: Adult Literacy and Language Program Instructors will complete a series of mandatory trainings to ensure that they have an understanding of pertinent information in regards to the ALLP procedures, program changes, expectations for instructor performance, and their respective curriculum.
The trainings listed below will be mandatory for all instructors to attend. Instructors, who do not attend for any reason, may not be offered a contract for the subsequent term.
NOTE: If an instructor is unable to attend, they will be required to set-up an appointment, prior to the training, with their supervising Senior Specialist for exemption approval and to obtain information pertaining to required alternative assignment. Exemptions will be approved on a case-by-case basis, with approval from the Program Manager.
Training Name Facilitator Training Objective Length of Time Tentative Date(s) Back to School Dave To inform all instructors of ALLP procedures, 5 Hours July 27 GED Sultzbach program changes, curricular changes, and expectations for instructors. Back to School Jodi Ruback To inform all instructors of ALLP procedures, 8 Hours Tentative ESL & EL/Civics program changes, curricular changes, and 4 Hours for Dates & New Student expectations for instructors. Back to Assessment School July 28 Training To train instructors on the new assessment 4 Hours for Gray and WTC procedures and student placement. To Assessment ensure instructors understand their role and Training August 18 responsibilities in regards to this training. WRC and OKA If possible, provide a lunch September 8 for instructors. EES, SRA, and GVTC GED Monthly Dave To update instructors on all things GED. All meetings Aug 31 Staff Meetings Sultzbach Specifically, the September meeting 2 hours with the Sept 28 will include technology lesson plans exception of: Oct 19 shared and demonstrated. September Nov 30 A demonstration of the Smart Board 4 hours Dec 21 will be given when the board is November Jan 25 installed and available. 3 hours Feb 22 GED Transition Dave As we work for a seamless transition from the March Mar 29 2002 to 2014 Sultzbach 2002 test to the 2014 test, instructors will be 3 hours Apr 26 Test included in the planning for this transition by May 31 participating in Instructors will review new information about the test as it is released Report on webinars attended that address the new test and/or transitions in teaching from the old test to the PD Plan 2012 new Review new texts as they are made available. Staff Development Modules (webinars) provided by Pearson/GEDTS and reporting on the same. Investigating and reporting on Depth of Knowledge (DOK) concept o How it relates to the new GED test; o How instruction can be designed to emphasize this concept as it relates to the new GED test as we begin to see the test unveiled. Ventures Jodi Ruback To provide refresher training to all instructors 3 Hours Tentative Refresher who have been using Ventures, for at least 1 Date: August Training term, and give them opportunity to request 25 clarification or assistance on areas which they are having difficulty with. Class-ware training will also be provided within this training. Ventures Initial Ventures/ To provide all instructors new to ALLP and 5 hours TBA Based on Training Publisher returning instructors who have not yet Publisher Rep utilized Ventures with training regarding the Availability various components of Ventures, teaching tips, and resources which will allow Tentative instructors to use Ventures to its fullest Date: potential. September 29 Goal Setting/ TBA To provide instructors with strategies that 5 Hours TBA Based on Student Possibly: can be used for student goal setting within Rona’s Persistence Presenter- the classroom and to demonstrate how using Availability Rona Magy goals to set up cohorts within the classroom provided by can lead students to support each other and Pearson lead to increased student persistence. NvAST CASAS NDE-OAE To maintain the integrity and quality of the 3 Hours TBA based on assessment process; to insure high quality NDE-OAE assessment data; to comply with state and timeline federal guidelines and regulations. Newly placed instructional personnel – ESL and/or EL/Civics Formal training should occur as soon as possible, but no later than six (6) months after placement date. NvAST CASAS NDE-OAE To maintain the integrity and quality of the 3 Hours TBA based on Refresher assessment process; to insure high quality NDE-OAE assessment data; to comply with state and timeline federal guidelines and regulations. PD Plan 2012 Veteran CASAS assessment instructional personnel – ESL and/or EL/Civics Refresher should occur within thirty- six (36) months of the prior initial or refresher training. NvAST TABE NDE-OAE To maintain the integrity and quality of the 3 Hours TBA based on assessment process; to insure high quality NDE-OAE assessment data; to comply with state and timeline federal guidelines and regulations. Newly placed instructional personnel – GED Formal training should occur as soon as possible, but no later than six (6) months after placement date. Training on the Dave To inform instructors on the new program Hours TBA Tentative New GED Sultzbach curriculum, procedures and practices pertaining February/April to the new GED exam. of 2013 EL/Civics Jodi Ruback Familiarize any instructors who are new to September 2012 26 hours per Training EL/Civics and/or provide refresher training to to March 2013 participant continuing instructors who have not already taken this training on EL/Civics. Other instructors who are interested in learning more about EL/Civics may attend if space is available.
Training Evaluations:
All instructors will be asked to complete an evaluation of the training they attended. Results will be compiled and submitted to the Program Manager for review. In some cases, instructors will also be asked additional questions regarding how they plan to use to material in class and to share how they have used the material.
Additional Professional Development/Conferences:
Instructors who wish to attend conferences and/or additional professional development will have to request sponsorship for participation through the Request to Attend Professional Development Training/Conference forms. All requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Approval for additional training may be contingent upon available funding.
If an instructor’s Supervising Senior Specialist notices that there is a deficiency in one or more areas, instructors may be requested to attend additional training to remedy the deficiency. Additional trainings will be recommended on an as needed basis. Sponsorship for these trainings will be contingent upon available funding.
Instructors who attend additional training, conferences, and workshops sponsored by the Adult Literacy and Language Program will have to complete a report which will include the following information: Session Title(s) PD Plan 2012 An overview of what you gained from the session(s) Any suggestions on topics/practices which the ALLP should consider adopting as part of instruction Any topic which we may want to consider holding PD on
These reports will be due to the Supervising Senior Specialist within 2 weeks of the completion of the conference, workshop, or training.
If approved to attend trainings, the following expenses will be paid for by CSN if the session(s) are more than 50 miles from Sahara West: Training, Conference and/or Workshop Registration (not including any pre-sessions unless deemed necessary by the supervising Senior Specialist) Transportation: airfare, mileage (home to/from airport), airport parking, shuttle/taxi/bus from airport to hotel and/or training, conference and/or workshop location Per Diem: any meals not provided for by the training, conference and/or workshop and daily incidentals Lodging: preferably at the training, conference and/or workshop venue. Expenses covered include the rate per night including taxes and/or fees associated with the room. All other expenses charged to the room are the responsibility of each attendee.
NOTE: Per Diem and Lodging rates are determined by the U.S. General Services Administration. Any instructor who is traveling to a training, conference, or workshop must adhere to the College of Southern Nevada’s Travel Policy. Instructors will be responsible for submitting all documentation needed prior to and after travel in a timely manner.
Instructors who attend trainings, will not be compensated for the time that they are attending an additional training program, conference, or workshop; whether under Letter of Appointment (LOA) contract or not. If teaching/class schedule conflicts with any training program, conference and/or workshop, the instructor’s LOA contract will be deducted for the time away in order to procure a substitute instructor.