Research Paper Peer Editing Checklist

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Research Paper Peer Editing Checklist

Name:______Date: ______Penalora AP English Language and Composition Writing Needs Inventory Period:______Check Things to WORK on


Spacing: Double-spacing throughout the entire document

Font: 12-point font and Times New Roman or a similar plain font

Margins: one-inch margins all around

Name Order: Name information starts one inch from the top of the page in the upper left corner in the following order: Student Name Instructor Name Class Title Period Due Date of Paper: 15 May 2010

Pagination: Student’s Last Name, space, and page number in the upper right corner of document, ½ inch from the top.

Title: Title of document is centered, not in bold font. Title is also not italicized, nor in quotes, unless part of the title references another work.

Paragraph Indention: Each new paragraph indented ½ inch

Quotations: Quotations within the paragraph have a parenthetical reference (author’s last name, space, and page number) after the end quotation mark, with the period after the end parentheses. Example: “…let no man put asunder” (Harper 21).

Block Quotations: Quotations of more than four lines in length are indented 1 inch from the margin and there are no quotation marks (unless there are quotations within the quotation) and the parenthetical reference goes after the final period.

Brackets: If applicable, brackets are used to show word changes or additions within the quote.

CONTENT AND STUDENT STYLE Thesis: Thesis statement is clear, arguable, and creatively stated (no boring, obvious statements)

Organization: The paper progresses in a logical manner and the essay has a clear beginning, middle and end

Transitions: Transitions lead readers from one idea to the next

Support: The student’s argument is supported by appropriate and ample quotations from the text(s)

Sentence Variety: Student uses a variety of sentence structures to improve reader interest.

Parallelism: Student uses parallel structure in sentences

Word Choice: Word is exact and appropriate Please mark an X next to those errors that I have identified, or that you wish to be more confident about NOT making.

MORE STUDENT STYLE ISSUES: _____Redundancy _____You, we, I, Me _____Hollow statements _____Accuracy of text—1690’s or 1890’s? _____Kissing up to the author _____Would of, could of, should of _____Slang _____Alot versus a lot _____Contradictions _____Every day and everyday _____Correct use of literary terms _____Doing what the prompt asks _____Introducing the author and/or text _____Focus _____Vague, confusing OTHER: _____Novel, play, versus book

SENTENCE ERRORS: PUNCTUATION: _____Fragments _____Comma _____Run-ons/Fused Sentences _____Semicolon _____Subject and Verb Agreement _____Colon _____Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement _____The dash _____Consistent Verb Tense _____Quotation Marks _____Adjective use _____The Ellipsis Mark _____Adverb use _____Parentheses OTHER: _____Brackets OTHER:

REFLECTION NOTES: MECHANICS: _____Capitals _____Apostrophe _____Italics _____Hyphen _____Numbers _____Spelling OTHER:

REFLECTION: 1. What do you notice about your organization? How do you tend to set up your essay?

2. What do you notice about the types of sentences/syntax you use? Do they primarily start the same way? Do you use a variety of sentence patterns? Do you use transitions between ideas? Do you use any figurative language like similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification…?

3. What do you notice about your word choice/diction? Do you use descriptive words like adjectives and adverbs? Do you use words that accurately articulate your feelings? Do you use vocabulary in an interesting way?

4. What is the tone of your writing? Does your tone remain consistent? If the tone shifts, is it appropriate and understandable? Do you sound confident in your analysis?

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