Worksheet for Stem-Changing Verbs

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Worksheet for Stem-Changing Verbs

Worksheet for Stem-Changing Verbs

A) Please fill in the blanks of the following sentences with the correctly conjugated form of each verb. Unlike previous worksheets, I will not be giving you the infinitive form of the verb under the blank. Instead I will give you the English equivalent under the blank and you must find the correct Spanish infinitive which will be listed for you below. You must pick the correct verb and then conjugate it correctly. If you are not yet comfortable with conjugating the stem-changing verbs, then you should go back to the worksheet/handout from our last class together and read through it again and make sure you conjugated all of the verbs given to you with their conjugation tables.

AR cerrar (ie) to close empezar (ie) to begin comenzar (ie) to begin pensar (ie) to think encontrar (ue) to find, to meet almorzar (ue) to lunch mostrar (ue) to show recordar (ue) to remember contar (ue) to count, to tell volar (ue) to fly jugar (ue) to play

ER querer (ie) to want entender (ie) to understand defender (ie) to defend perder (ie) to lose poder (ue) to be able mover (ue) to move volver (ue) to return devolver (ue) to bring back/return

IR sentir (ie) to feel preferir (ie) to prefer mentir (ie) to lie dormir (ue) to sleep morir (ue) to die pedir (i) to ask for, to request repetir (i) to repeat servir (i) to serve seguir (i) to follow sonreír (i) to smile reír (i) to laugh 1) Yo ______la ventana de la sala porque hace mucho frío afuera. (to close) I close the living room window because it is very cold outside.

2) ¿Qué ______Ud. de su carro Nuevo? What do you think of your new car? (to think)

3) Los muchachos ______al béisbol todas las tardes a las cuatro. (to play) The boys play baseball every afternoon at 4 o’clock.

4) La maestra ______la clase a las siete en punto. (to begin) The teacher begins the class at 7 o’clock on the dot.

5) Al mediodía, nosotros ______en un restaurante cerca del trabajo. (to lunch) At noon, we have lunch at a restaurant near work.

6) ¿______tú todas las palabras de la canción? Do you remember all of the words of the song? (to remember)

7) Ellos ______el examen a las nueve. They begin the exam at 9 o’clock. (to begin)

8) Ana y Ella siempre ______su dinero. Ana and Ella always lose their money. (to lose)

9) Ud. debe ______su boca cuando la profesora habla. (close) You should close your mouth when the professor is talking.

10) ¿Cuando ______a la casa? When are we returning home? (volver)

11) Ella ______la pregunta pero no ______la respuesta correcta. (to understand) (to remember) She understands the question but does not remember the correct answer.

12) Yo toco el piano pero ______tocar la guitarra. (to prefer) I play the piano but I prefer to play the guitar.

13) Los niños ______nueve horas cada noche. The kids sleep nine hours every night. (to sleep)

14) Yo ______preparar un postre delicioso para la fiesta. (to want) I want to prepare a delicious dessert for the party.

15) El viaje es largo y queremos ______a la casa. The trip is long and we want to return home. (to return) 16) Yo ______mi dinero antes de ir a la tienda. I count my money before going to the store. (to count)

17) Mis padres ______a Hawaii mañana. My parents are flying to Hawaii tomorrow. (to fly)

18) A las ocho de la noche, los empleados ______las puertas de la oficina. (to close) At 8 o’clock at night, the employees close the doors to the office.

19) La niña ______mucho y sus padres están muy enojados con ella. (to lie) The little girl tells lies alot and her parents are very angry with her.

20) ¿Por qué ______Ud. la pregunta si ellos saben la respuesta? (to repeat) Why do you repeat the question if they know the answer?

21) Yo ______ocho horas cada noche y por eso ______trabajar bien durante el día. (to sleep) (to be able to) I sleep eight hours every night and therefore I am able to work hard during the day.

22) Ella no sabe donde vive María, pero puede ______direcciones a la casa. (to ask for) She doesn’t know where María lives, but she is able to ask for directions to the house.

23) ¿Qué ______Ud. hacer—jugar al béisbol or nadar? (to want) What do you want to do—play baseball or swim?

24) La cafeteria abre a las ocho de la mañana y los meseros ______el desayuno. (to serve) The cafeteria opens at 8 o’clock in the morning and the waiters serve breakfast.

25) Ellos ______el camino a la casa de Pablo. (to follow) They follow the road to Paul’s house.

26) Mis hermanos ______un hotel barato en la ciudad. (to find) My brothers find an inexpensive hotel in the city.

27) Juan ______los libros a la biblioteca. Juan returns the books to the library. (to return/bring back)

28) Nosotros ______viajar a los Estados Unidos para las vacaciones. (to want) We want to travel to the United States for our vacation.

29) Los estudiantes ______bien la pregunta porque estudian mucho. (to understand) The students understand the question well because they study a lot. B) The following sentences will use several of the stem-changing verbs above to relate to the same scenario—what happens/what do you do when your homework/schoolwork gets really tough? Please answer ALL of the sentences using the “yo” form of conjugation.

1) Yo ______en el trabajo. I think about the homework. (to think)

2) Yo ______el trabajo. I begin the homework. (to begin)

3) Yo no ______los ejercicios. I don’t understand the exercises. (to underdstand)

4) Yo ______paciencia con el trabajo. I lose patience with the work. (to lose)

5) Yo ______mis libros. I close my books. (to close)

6) Yo ______un refresco. I want a drink/refreshment. (to want)

7) Yo ______en la cocina. I eat lunch in the kitchen. (to eat lunch)

8) Yo ______en el sofa. I sleep on the sofa. (to sleep)

9) Yo ______el trabajo. I remember the homework. (to remember)

10) Yo ______al escritorio. I return to the desk. (to return)

11) Yo ______las páginas en el libro. I count the pages in the book. (to count)

12) Yo ______a estudiar otra vez. I begin to study again. (to begin)

13) Yo ______paciencia con el trabajo. I show patience with my homework. (to show) Answer Key:

A) 1) cierro 2) piensa 3) juegan 4) empieza/comienza

5) almorzamos 6) Recuerdas 7) empiezan/comienzan 8) pierden

9) cerrar 10) volvemos 11) entiende; recuerda 12) prefiero

13) duermen 14) quiero 15) volver 16) cuento

17) vuelan 18) cierran 19) mienta 20) repite

21) duermo; puedo 22) pedir 23) quiere 24) sirven

25) siguen 26) encuentran 27) devuelva 28) queremos

29) entienden

B) 1) pienso

2) empiezo/comienzo

3) entiendo

4) pierdo

5) cierro

6) quiero

7) almuerzo

8) duermo

9) recuerdo

10) vuelvo

11) cuento

12) empiezo/comienzo

13) muestro

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