Explanation & Examples

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Explanation & Examples

ConjunctionsConjunctions Explanation & Examples

A conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses. Types of Conjunctions

 Coordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions connect elements of grammar (nouns, phrases, or clauses) that are equal. There are six coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, so, yet.

Examples: Connecting nouns: Mabel, Joan, and Myrtle arrived early. Connecting phrases: They arrived out of breath and out of money. Connecting clauses: Joan will drive, Mabel will navigate, and Myrtle will read.

 Correlative Conjunctions Like coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions join equal grammatical elements, yet they always come in pairs. Correlative conjunctions are:

- Either / or - neither / nor - whether / not - not only / but also - Both / and - as / as (positive) - so / as (negative)

Examples: Connecting nouns: Not only the student but also the instructor missed the error. Connecting phrases: Mable talks incessantly not only on the phone but also in person. Connecting clauses: Either the heroine committed the murder, or the butler framed her.

 Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions join unequal grammatical elements such as a dependent clause and an independent clause. Subordinating conjunctions include although, if, whenever, because, unless, after, as long as, as if, even though, since, etc…

Examples: If you decide to go to the picnic (dependent clause), we will accompany you (independent clause).

Diana Haddad ©2007 Liberty University Graduate Writing Center E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 434-592-4727 ConjunctionsConjunctions Practice

Use the right conjunction to complete the following sentences.

1. You can attend the meeting ______you are willing to participate. 2. I am not leaving ______I finish my work. 3. I enjoy tennis, swimming, ______fishing. 4. ______does Myrtle like to fish ______she also likes to swim. 5. She took ______her car ______a bicycle. 6. She ______phoned ______sent a message about being late. 7. Our school offers ______Legal secretarial training ______Accounting training. 8. The reason I did not win the swimming race is ______I had too much to eat for dinner. 9. I forgot to study for the test, ______I still earned an A. 10. My objectives are ______to improve your writing skills ______your speaking skill.

Diana Haddad ©2007 Liberty University Graduate Writing Center E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 434-592-4727

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