Log Topic #7: We Hold These Truths

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Log Topic #7: We Hold These Truths

Journal Topics: Marking Period 2

Log Topic #7: “We hold these truths…” A principle is a basic truth, rule or standard to live by. It’s a wise saying or piece of valuable advice that helps people govern their behavior.

What is a principle you live by? a. State your principle b. Where or from whom did you learn that principle? c. Talk about a personal experience in which you lived by that principle (or talk about a possible situation in which you would follow that principle).

Log Topic #8: “I Hate This” Describe a time you had to do something you “hated,” but looking back later realized that it was the best thing for you. Log Topic #9: “Back in the Day...” You’ve all had the experience of a parent, grandparent, or older adult tell stories about “walking 5 miles to school in the snow…” and so on when he or she was young. Write a similar story you might tell your own children or young folk about “back in the day” when you were young.

Log Topic #10: “Parental Duties”

What do you think is the single most important duty of a parent? Explain. What do you think your parenting style (assuming you eventually become a parent) will be more like? In short, how do you see yourself as a parent? Explain. Log Topic #11: “Music”


How important is music in your life? What kinds of music do you like to listen to? Where do you get your music? i.e. internet, CD’s, radio, etc? Do you sing? Play an instrument? Or hope to? Which musical artist(s) do you like?

Log Topic #12: “Favorite Place”

Describe in detail your favorite place to be. Why is it so great?

***This is the last entry for marking period 2 – choose 1 entry to make into a fully developed essay and don’t forget to hand in the speed write and edited draft as well.

Essay and speedwrites due:

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