Lympstone Parish Council

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Lympstone Parish Council


PRESENT: Councillors: P. Acca R. Eastley D. Atkins A. Garratt J. Bailey R. Longhurst Mrs D. Beatty D. Young C Carter

Also Present: District Councillor Ingham, County Councillor Hughes (at the end of the meeting) and 5 members of the Public.

Apologies: Cllr Mrs T. Scott, and the Police

PUBLIC SESSION Mrs Squire pointed out that the Churchyard was in an untidy state. It was pointed out that now it was a Closed Churchyard, maintenance was carried out by EDDC. Their practice was to cut the grass three times each year. Cllr Bailey reported that he was a member of the PCC and would follow this up.

40 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest at this point in the meeting.

41 Village Exercise by Young Officers of CTC-RM Captain Whiteman addressed the meeting and explained his request for a Village Exercise by Young Officers to take place from 26th – 28th September 2012. This was earlier than in previous years due to commitments and deployment of Staff. The format of the exercise would be similar to previous years and would focus on counter insurgency. He explained that this was excellent training for Young Officers before they faced similar challenges on active service. The Chairman asked that Captain Whiteman was in touch with the Scouts to avoid problems with the Scout Hut. He also asked if boards could be put down at the entrance to Cliff Field to protect the surface. Cllr Bailey reminded the meeting of the need to liaise with the School and preschool to ensure that staff and parents were aware of what was happening. Captain Whiteman confirmed that this would happen and that signs would be put up to inform residents and visitors about the exercise. Village Elders would again be provided by Lympstone Players. Cllr Carter had already agreed this with Clive Wilson. RESOLVED 1 that an article be included in the Lympstone Herald informing residents about the exercise and inviting comments. 2 that an item be included on the Agenda for the first meeting in September to discuss any feedback. 3 that the wholehearted support of the Parish Council be given to this exercise.

42 Minutes RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2012, be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the reference to Wear’s Farm in minute 39 being changed to Town Dairy Farm Planning Applications 11/2104 FUL Construction of raised timber decking to rear and replacement of single garage and utility room and installation of first floor level window in side elevation at 2 Grange Close. Amended plans for removal of decking. This did not alter the Parish Council’s position regarding this application. Some work had already been carried out as permitted development and the dormer had been rendered and painted rather than tiled as per other dormers in the area. 12/1312/FUL Construction of dormer window, toilet extension and veranda on rear elevation of dwelling and extended raised patio to rear. At Eleanors Church Road. Amended plans showed a minor revision to the roof vent. Noted.

43 Planning Decisions 12/0433/FUL Demolition of existing stabling and chicken sheds and construction of day care nursery, formation of new vehicular access, driveway and parking area at Downlands, Hulham Road. APPROVED subject to a condition requiring that the existing access is closed. 12/1019/CAC Demolition of existing dwelling, Green Cottage, The Strand demolition had been approved subject to the submission of plans for a replacement dwelling. Conditions had been imposed to require approval of materials and the new building not being higher that surrounding buildings.

44 Neighbourhood Plan update Cllr Longhurst informed the Council of progress on the Neighbourhood Plan. There had been a successful meeting with School staff, parents and children on 22nd June with many good comments being put forward by Children. They felt that the School and the Village were about the right size and any growth should be controlled to allow local people to remain here if they wished.

The first Focus Group had met and was very well attended with many constructive comments. The notes had been circulated to members of the group before being brought into the public realm.

45 Police report WPCSO Sarah had given her apologies. The Chairman read out her report. Cllr Carter also commented that the police were putting notices out about theft of outboard motors.

46 District Councillors’ reports. Cllr Atkins reported that Mrs Kate Little, Head of Planning and Countryside Services had left last week. Ed Freeman was now being encouraged to involve local members in the planning process. Cllr Ingham referred to the decision about the planning application for Downlands and commented that there had been a good debate that the meeting of the Development Management Committee which had been recognised by everyone who was present.

47 Chairman’s report 1 The Chairman had received an email from Jane Moffatt regarding the footpath at Harefield Lane being inaccessible and access denied by St Peter’s School.

Cllr Bailey declared an interest as his brother farmed this land. He reported that Jane appeared to have followed the path off the lane which was for school children. There used to be a sign to this effect which had fallen off. The public footpath was still open but overgrown and there was a waymark sign but this was difficult to spot.

2 He had spoken to Mrs Tapscott about providing water for the water butt at the station. She would consider this provided that the cost was not excessive.

3 The school warning signs were becoming obliterated by vegetation. The Clerk was asked to report this to DCC. 4 The number of heavy lorries going through the village seemed to be increasing. It was reported that the lorry advisory sign was missing on Nutwell Road. Cllr Bailey was asked to follow this up.

48 A new Code of Conduct The Localism Act 2011 required the Council to adopt a new Code of Conduct from 1 July 2012. It was recommended that either the NALC Code or EDDC Code is adopted. The Clerk circulated a draft code which had been adopted from the EDDC Code and is recommended for adoption. Members were also required to complete new register of Interests by 28th July 2012. A form for this was circulated. RESOLVED: that the draft code, now circulated, be adopted.

49 Payments for approval RESOLVED: that the following payments be approved: 1760 EDF Energy, lighting in Candy's Field 43.84 1760 EDF Energy, Electricity at the toilets 23.31 1761 Scottish Power YC electricity 125.94 1762 Gardencare (Marsh Green) Contract works 445.20 1763 Mrs C Edworthy pay for June 2012 180.00 1764 A J Le Riche Salary & expenses for June 2012 698.86 1765 P Acca - Chairman's allowance 135.00 1766 M Conibere - Jubilee expenses 47.30 1767 J Doak - Jubilee expenses 48.49 1768 A Lee - Jubilee expenses 104.11 Total 1,852.05 50 Financial Summary The Council received the following financial summary Opening balance at 1st April 2011 9,313.95 Receipts 18,800.38 Total receipts 28,114.33 Transfer from dep ac 0.00 Total paid in to current ac 28,114.33

less, Payments 25,571.97 Net balance 2,542.36

Receipts not on statement: -100.00 Unpresented cheques 10,969.63

Balance per Bank Statement 28th May 2012 13,411.99

Deposit Account Balance at 1st April 2102 10,155.80 Interest May 2012 2.55 Transfer to current ac 0.00

Total 10,158.35

51 Toddler Play Area The application for funding in the sum of £10,202 for providing a new surface for the toddler play area and painting the fence and equipment had been approved by the MoD Community Covenant Panel. The Clerk was arranging to meet the lowest tenderer to discuss the work. There was a shortfall of £500 on the cost of painting. Cllr Bailey suggested that as the fence was tanallised timber it would not need painting. The Chairman would discuss this with the contractor.

RESOLVED: that the position be noted.

52 Action List The Council received and commented upon the Clerk’s action list: 231, Village Signs. Cllr Bailey reported that most signs needed new posts. He felt that DCC should provide new signs but would get prices for basic signs. 76 The Chairman reported that the flower bed by The Saddlers had not yet been planted. Cllr Bailey had offered to help. One of the beds in Meeting Lane was in need of improvement now that the fir trees had been removed. 31 EDDC Chairman’s Garden Party. The Chairman reported that this was to be held between 3.00 and 5.00pm on 18th August 2012. He had spoken to Mr Love about going at the nomination of the Parish Council.

53 Matters raised by Councillors Cllr Carter pointed out that there was a need for some updating and improvement of the website. Cllr Longhurst presented a proposal for updating that had been prepared by the current editors. It was AGREED that Cllrs Carter, Longhurst and Young should meet with the Clerk before the next meeting to review the proposals. Cllr Carter reported on a consultation regarding developments at Lower Halsdon Farm by the National Trust. Cllr Bailey had been to some of the meetings about this but they had been poorly attended. The Consultation would be open to the public in September. RESOLVED: that the National Trust be invited to attend the September meeting to explain their proposals. Cllr Bailey reported that the drain at The Saddlers was overflowing again and needed jetting. Cllr Atkins reported that Andy love had spoken to DCC Officers about a new scheme to remove the problem with this drain.

The meeting was reminded that Robert Harrison had agreed to hold a beating of the bounds on 1st September 2012. It was AGREED that an article should be included in this edition of the Lympstone Herald.

The meeting finished at 9.45pm


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