First Session: Kuder Navigator Worksheet 10Th Grade

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First Session: Kuder Navigator Worksheet 10Th Grade

First Session: Kuder Navigator Worksheet 10th Grade

NAME: Date:

. Please Log in to and take the assessment: Skills Assessment.

. View Assessment Results: Skills Assessment Summary

1. List three Skill Clusters you feel you are “strong” in. a. b. c.

2. List three Skill Clusters you feel you could improve on: a. b. c.

. Click on a Skills Cluster that you are interested in.

. Click on a Pathway you are interested in by pressing the plus (+) sign next to the pathway title. Also click on the “Star” to save it to your “Favorites” in your Portfolio.

3. Under your pathway look at what occupations are available at your choice of education level. Please list an occupation you are interested in and its level of education: Occupation Education Level


4. Next, please summarize the occupation description:


5. What are the annual salaries for the occupation you chose?

CA Median:

US Median:

6. What are three skills this occupation requires that you strong in?

1. 2. 3.

7. What are three typical tasks the occupation entails?

1. 2. 3.

8. What is the typical education needed for the occupation:

. Now click on “My Portfolio” at the top of the screen, then on “Clusters, Pathways and Careers”.

. Click on the Pathway of your interest and then the plus (+) sign next to the pathway. . Next, click on the “Programs of Study” tab.

. Now click the plus (+) sign next to typical level of Education under your Pathway of choice.

9. List a Program of Study under the typical level of education that you may be interested in and summarize its description:

Program of Study Program Description Summary


. If you click on your program of study you will see a list of schools/colleges that offer that program of study in California. You are welcome to change the state if you are interested in attending a school out of state.

. If you click on one of the schools/colleges, you can find out more information on the school/college itself.

. On the right side of the screen you will see tabs that offer information on General Information, Academic Programs, Applications, Costs, and more.

10. List a College or Career School that offers the program of study you are interested in. Also list the school’s state they are located in, total enrollment number, estimated annual costs/ tuition (remember if you are looking at an out-of-state school, list the out-of-state tuition fee) and their Test requirements (SAT, ACT, or other scores):

College/School State # Enrolled Cost/Tuition Test Requirements 11. Which high school courses could you take to help prepare you for your Pathway? Also, are there any clubs on campus or volunteer work you could do to help you build your skills in your area of interest?

Courses I can take:





What are some clubs or volunteer work you could participate in that may help you work towards this career pathway? (If you would like to see clubs offered here at VMHS, go to and click on the “Activities” tab.)




12. With your skills and your College/School interests in mind, please think of 1 short term (within the next year) and 1 long term (within the next 3-7 years) goal you would like to meet and a date you would like to meet it by:

A. Short term Goal-

Completion Date:

B. Long Term Goal- Completion Date:

13. The district of Murrieta requires all students to complete an exit interview presentation on personal career and life goals. This presentation will need to cover the following topics:

 How you will be a vital contributor to the world

 Your goals for after you complete high school

 How your contribution to the world reveals your passion

Please begin considering the interview topics now by answering the following questions:

A. How will you use the skills you possess to contribute to society?

B. What career are you interested in pursuing and what positive qualities will you bring to that field?

14. Click on and review the “Career Planning Timeline” on the right side of the screen. Check the items you have completed for 10th grade.

15. Save this document in your Kuder Navigator Portfolio. a. Click on My Portfolio b. Click on Manage My e-Portfolio c. Click the plus (+) sign next to Step 3 Add other sections d. Add a section and title it “Kuder Navigator Lesson Plans” e. Click “Upload another document” f. Click Select g. Find the file h. Name the document “10th Grade Lesson” i. Click Upload

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