Study Guide: 19Th Century

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Study Guide: 19Th Century

Study Guide: 19th Century

Congress of Vienna (Chapter 18.4); Chapter 19, Sections 1-4; Chapter 20, Section 2; Chapter 21, Section 3; Chapter 22, Sections 1-3

1. Compare and contrast the beliefs of Liberals, Nationalists and Conservatives.

Liberals –

Nationalists –

Conservatives –

- Key Concepts

1. Explain Legitimacy.

2. What is the Quadruple Alliance?

3. What is the concert of Europe?

4. Why is the Congress of Vienna conservative?

5. Explain the 3 principles of the Congress of Vienna. 6. List the 5 delegates of the Congress of Vienna and the countries they represented.

7. Who was Metternich? What were his Carlsbad Decrees?

8. What was the main goal and outcome of the Congress of Vienna?

9. What are the 2 requirements for unification?

10. What agreements were made at the Treaty of Paris?

11. Why was the Industrial Revolution a turning point in world history?

12. What did enclosure do for British farmers?

13. What natural resources did Britain have that allowed the industrial revolution to start there?

14. Define capital. How did the British acquire so much of it?

15. Define enterprise. Give examples of enterprises started during the industrial revolution. 16. How did Great Britain’s colonies help the Industrial Revolution?

17. What were positive/negative effects, or consequences of the Industrial Revolution?

Social –

Economic –

Political –

18. What led to the massive migration of people from farms to cities allowing cities to grow?

19. Which class benefitted the most from the industrial revolution and why?

20. How did members of the working class react to their new experiences in industrial cities?

21. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the lives of men, women and children? How did this change the working life for people?

22. Explain Social Darwinism. 23. Explain the term ‘laissez-faire’.

24. What is socialism? What did socialists believe?

25. What is communism? What did communists believe?

26. What did Karl Marx predict was the future of the proletariat?

What is Marxism?

27. What did Marx and Engels write?

28. Identify the steps in achieving a communist society according to Marx.

29. By the end of the 1800s, what was the type of government most nations adopted?

30. Who are radicals? 31. Explain the causes and outcomes of the various revolutions of 1830 and 1848. a. What groups were involved? b. What political ideologies triumphed? c. Why did the revolutions succeed/fail?

32. What was the result of most of the revolutions outside France in 1848?

33. How had the social order changed by the 1800s? (Think of the social consequences of the industrial revolution)

34. What were the arguments against women’s suffrage?

35. Why did more children attend school in the late 1800s than before?

36. How did science begin to challenge existing beliefs in the late 1800s?

37. How did religious groups respond to the challenges of industrialization?

38. What was the German Confederation? Be sure to locate it on your map. 39. What techniques did Bismarck use to unify the German states?

40. What is the Zollverein?

41. List the 3 wars in which Bismarck engaged Prussia. List the results of each war and what occurred as a result of each.

42. What was the goal of the Kulturkampf? What were the policies of it?

43. German Unification a. What was Bismarck in charge of within Germany?

b. What was the result of the Franco-Prussian War?

c. Who fought during the Seven Weeks War?

d. What was the result of the Seven Weeks War?

44. Who were the Red Shirts? Who led them?

45. 12. Which were the last two regions to join the kingdom of Italy? 46. What steps did Cavour take to promote Italian unity?

47. Where did many people emigrate to?

48. Unification of Italy a. What was the place to unite with the rest of Italy?

b. Where were French troops forced to leave when the Franco-Prussian war began?

c. What was the result of the Seven Weeks War?

d. What was Italy’s gift from Austria after helping Austria in war?

e. What happened to Italy in 1849?

f. What were the first pieces of Italy to unite?

**Know your maps of Europe in 1815; Revolutions of 1830, 1848; Unification of Italy; Unification of Germany; Europe in 1870**

***Study ALL notes/homework/packet***

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