Chairman S Comments

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Chairman S Comments


John Dergosits Chairman SUMMER 2007

CHAIRMAN’S NOTES George Weed -John Dergosits Vice Chairman

Chairman’s Comments

Bob Pollock As I do with all my comments the first thing to do is to wish Treasurer a warm welcome to our newest members of the Adirondack Chapter NCRS.

Both Gary Bovee and Bill Tobler have recently joined the Chapter, we hope to see them over the summer and fall at Steve Wittek a number of our events. Secretary The spring and early summer this year has been quite busy. We had bad luck beginning the season by having to postpone our breakout run. Almost all of our members have e-mail so we are able to reorganize our calendar BRIAN CANTELE when we have to and can get the word out pretty quickly. Judging Chairman Please remember to let us know if your e-mail address changes so we can make sure you get chapter information as quick as possible.

May started the season for Mark Hipp, Brian Cantele and I when we caravanned to the Garden State Regional in 863 Turnbull Rd. Edison New Jersey. Brian met up with us in Newburgh Delanson, NY 12053 (but not in a corvette) and followed us down. It was a fun (518) 895-8402 event and our cars stayed nice and dry for judging. Unfortunately the ride home was a little wet requiring many hours of detailing. Both Mark and I earned top flight.

Page 1 of 7 We postponed our breakout run and tied it into a cruise to a charitable event. Each Spring Marcel’s Corvette Shop has a cruise in to benefit the Double H Ranch. Seven of our Chapter members attended the event on June 3rd. Prior to the cruise a number of us met at the Halfmoon Diner for breakfast.

We had a General Meeting on June 25th at Carney’s to continue our planning for the events this summer. Mike Wilson has offered his family camp for the event, which is scheduled for August 18th. We plan to meet at a central location and have a corvette caravan to his camp. Our Activities Chairman, Bob Pollack will be providing more information on the picnic.

Don’t forget Corvette’s at Carlisle from August 23rd to 26th. I plan to set up the Chapter tent at our spaces Thursday morning. If you want to attend for the 25th and 26 and are willing to breakdown the tent and bring it back an entry pass may be available. Give me a call if you are interested.

We are planning a corvette cruise to the General Electric Quarter Century Club, September 8th at the Altamont Fairgrounds. The event has free admission with free food and beverages for most of the day. All you have to do to participate is drive your corvette. Bob Pollack will be sending out more information in the near future on this event.

Our Chapter meet is scheduled for September 14th and 15th. The registration form is in the Driveline and on our website. We will be at the same location as last year, register early we will most likely need judges. I believe we already have 3 cars to be judged. Brian will have more information.

Lastly we have discussed a fall cruise to one of our Chapter member’s garage. Actually the term garage is a little misleading; corvette collection might be more accurate. We are hoping Jack Gillette will give us a tour of his collection in mid- October.

Time to get ready for the National Meet in Boston. As of now, Don Thomas, Wayne Hammill, Rick Hammill, Brian Cantele and I are going over to the National meet to either judge or be judged. Hope to see you there.

Best Regards, John Dergosits

Page 2 of 7 LOCAL EVENTS -Bill Schroeder

A Gathering of Old Corvettes Saturday June 16th sponsored by the Adirondack Chapter on the front lawn of the Saratoga Auto Museum. A Cruise-In with the primary intention of bringing together Classic Corvettes for viewing and the exchange of information, and polite conversation – Strictly a non- judged event. Held 9 AM to 3 PM attended by five Adirondack NCRS members. John Dergosits with his ZR-1 Bill Schroeder with his 1966 Chris Delucia with his 1967 Jim Whalen with his 1957 Dick Kindl with his 1963 split window

Total registered Corvettes 49, with a continuous stream of classic cars and spectators viewing the cars. Channel News 9, Channel 13, and the local newspaper the “Saratogian” were gathering information about the Classic Corvettes. We had one Corvette from Wilmington VT and another from Windsor CT. With a small registration fee of $5.00 the Corvette owners had the opportunity to see the motorcycle exhibit in the Museum as well as the other cars on display. A brief shot of some of the Corvettes was on Channel 9 News that evening.

Bill Schroeder

Page 3 of 7 JUDGING CHAIRMAN .. -Brian Cantele

If there is such a thing as a “judging season”, it is certainly in full swing. As Chairman John Dergosits mentioned, the regional in New Jersey was attended by several of our members. Additionally, the top-flight awards earned by John with his 1990 ZR-1 and Mark Hipp with his beige 1962 are shown in the photographs below. It was a well-run event with a great number of cars in all classes. This week is the annual National Convention in Boston, MA. Preparations are underway for our own judging meet slated for Sept 14 & 15, 2007 at Northstar Chevrolet of Clifton Park. Please register early to help with our planning. We already have cars in two different classes. Spread the word that, as usual, we are looking for cars and judges. All corvettes are welcome and need not be registered for flight judging; the more we have the better. As announced in previous meeting minutes, your board of directors has authorized me to purchase judging reference manuals and other materials so that your chapter is well equipped to conduct judged events. Keep in mind that these materials are for ALL chapter members to use. While we don’t loan reference manuals, the information is available to all of you. Give me a call and I will read from the manual or bring it to an event for you. Publication of this newsletter is a daunting task. I welcome your help. If you have anything related to our hobby that you think others would be interested in, please send it to me. Photos in (.jpg) format and Microsoft Word text files are welcome. Internet links can difficult to work with. Have a safe summer and I hope to see you “out there”.

Page 4 of 7 ACTIVITIES CHAIRMAN -Bob Pollack


The big event for July is the NCRS National Meet being held in the Boston area. A number of members from our club are taking their cars there in the hopes of obtaining Top Flight. Good luck to them.

August brings us a cruise to Mike Wilson’ parents place on Sacandaga Lake for our annual picnic. This will be held on August 18, 2007. A flyer with all the details will be sent out around the first of August.

September is busy in that we have been invited to display our cars at the GE Quarter Century Club event at the Altamont Fair Grounds. The date is September 8, 2007. This is a fundraiser for the club and also a day of great free food and beverages. An information flyer will be sent out in August. On the 14th and 15th of September we will be holding our Chapter meet at Northstar Chevrolet. Active participation of club members for this event would be appreciated.

October has two events, the charity show at Eagle Mills on the 7th and the foliage cruise on or about the 14th. The foliage cruise will be to our club member Jack Gillette’s garage to see his collection of 58 Corvettes. This should be great.

December brings election of officers and then their installation at the annual dinner in January.

Don’t forget our general membership meetings that are held at Carney’s restaurant in Ballston Lake. If you do not have a copy of our activities schedule, please contact me and I will get you one.

Bob Pollack

Page 5 of 7 [email protected] 384-2206


ACTIVITES CALENDAR (BALANCE OF 2007) July 22-26 NCRS National Meet Boston

August 18 Picnic at Mike Wilson’s on Sacandaga

August 23-26 Corvettes at Carlisle

August 27 Board Meeting 7:00 PM Carney’s

September 8 GE Quarter Century Event Altamont Fair Grounds

September 14-15 Adirondack Chapter Meet at Northstar Chevrolet

September 24 General Meeting 7:00 PM Carney’s

October 7 Eagle Mills Show

October 14 Foliage Cruise

November 5 Board Meeting 7:00 PM Carney’s

December 3 General Meeting and Elections 7:00 PM Carney’s

Revised April 4, 2007

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