Unit-I Fundamentals of Analog Communication 9

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Unit-I Fundamentals of Analog Communication 9


LESSON PLAN LP- CS2204 LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Date: 02- 07-2012 Unit : I Branch : CS Semester : III Page 1 of 6


Syllabus: Principles of amplitude modulation, AM envelope, frequency spectrum and bandwidth, modulation index and percent modulation, AM Voltage distribution, AM power distribution, Angle modulation - FM and PM waveforms, phase deviation and modulation index, frequency deviation and percent modulation, Frequency analysis of angle modulated waves. Bandwidth requirements for Angle modulated waves.

Objective: To understand the basic concepts of Amplitude Modulation, Frequency modulation, Phase modulation techniques

Session Teaching No Topics to be covered Time Ref Method Introduction to analog and digital 1. communication, Principles of 50 min 1 BB amplitude modulation AM envelope, frequency spectrum and 2. 50 min 1 BB bandwidth 3. Modulation index and percent modulation 50 min 1 BB AM Voltage distribution, AM power 4. 50 min 1 BB distribution 5. Tutorial 50 min 1 BB 6. Angle modulation - FM and PM waveforms 50 min 1 BB Phase deviation and modulation index- FM 7. 50 min 1 BB and PM Frequency deviation and percent modulation - 8. 50 min 1 BB FM and PM 9. Frequency analysis of angle modulated waves 50 min 1 BB Bandwidth requirements for Angle modulated 10. 50 min 1 BB waves 11. Tutorial 50 min 1 BB DOC/LP/01/28.01.09

LESSON PLAN LP- CS2204 LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Date: 02- 07-2012 Unit : II Branch : CS Semester : III Page 2 of 6


Syllabus: Introduction, Shannon limit for information capacity, digital amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying, FSK bit rate and baud, FSK transmitter, BW consideration of FSK, FSK receiver, phase shift keying – binary phase shift keying – QPSK, Quadrature Amplitude modulation, bandwidth efficiency, carrier recovery – squaring loop, Costas loop, DPSK.

Objective: To learn the concepts of Digital Modulation techniques.

Session Teaching No Topics to be covered Time Ref Method 12. Introduction to Digital Communication 50 min 1 BB 13. Shannon limit for information capacity 50 min 1 BB 14. Digital amplitude modulation - ASK 50 min 1 BB Frequency shift keying, FSK bit rate and 15. 50 min 1 BB baud rate 16. FSK transmitter 50 min 1 BB 17. BW consideration of FSK 50 min 1 BB 18. FSK receiver 50 min 1 BB 19. Tutorial 50 min 1 BB Phase shift keying (PSK) – binary phase shift 20. 50 min 1 BB keying (BPSK) 21. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying - QPSK 50 min 1 BB 22. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) 50 min 1 BB 23. Bandwidth efficiency 50 min 1 BB 24. Carrier recovery – squaring loop, Costas loop 50 min 1 BB 25. Differential Phase Shift Keying - DPSK 50 min 1 BB 26. Tutorial 50 min 1 BB 27. CAT - 1

DOC/LP/01/28.01.09 LP- CS2204 LESSON PLAN LP- CS2204 LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Date: 02- 07-2012 Date: 02- 07-2012 Unit : IV Branch : CS Semester : III Page 4 of 6 Unit : III Branch : CS Semester : III Page 3 of 6 UNIT III DIGITAL TRANSMISSION 9

Syllabus: Introduction, Pulse modulation, PCM – PCM sampling, sampling rate, signal to quantization noise rate, companding – analog and digital – percentage error, delta modulation, adaptive delta modulation, differential pulse code modulation, pulse transmission – Intersymbol interference, eye patterns.

Objective: To understand the techniques used for digital transmission

Session Teaching No Topics to be covered Time Ref Method Introduction to Digital Transmission, Pulse 28 50 min 1 BB Modulation 29 PCM – PCM sampling 50 min 1 BB 30 Sampling rate, Quantization, Dynamic range 50 min 1 BB 31 Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio 50 min 1 BB 32 Analog Companding – μ law, A law 50 min 1 BB 33 Tutorial 50 min 1 BB 34 Digital Companding, Compression error 50 min 1 BB 35 Tutorial 50 min 1 BB 36 Delta Modulation 50 min 1 BB 37 Adaptive Delta Modulation 50 min 1 BB 38 Differential Pulse Code Modulation 50 min 1 BB 39 Pulse transmission 50 min 1 BB 40 Intersymbol interference, Eye patterns 50 min 1 BB 41 Tutorial 50 min 1 BB


Syllabus: Introduction, History of Data communications, Standards Organizations for data communication, data communication circuits, data communication codes, Error control, Error Detection, Error correction, Data communication Hardware, serial and parallel interfaces, data modems, Asynchronous modem, Synchronous modem, low-speed modem, medium and high speed modem, modem control.

Objective: To understand the basic concepts of digital data communication.

Session Teaching No Topics to be covered Time Ref Method Introduction to Data Communications, History 42 of Data communications, Standards 50 min 1 BB Organizations for data communication 43 Data communication circuits 50 min 1 BB Data communication codes, Error control, 44 50 min 1 BB Error Detection 45 Data communication codes Error correction 50 min 1 BB Data communication Hardware serial and 46 50 min 1 BB parallel interfaces 47 Data modems, Asynchronous modem 50 min 1 BB 48 Synchronous modem 50 min 1 BB Low-speed modem, medium and high speed 49 50 min 1 BB modem 50 Modem control 50 min 1 BB 51 CAT - II 60 min

DOC/LP/01/28.01.09 LP- CS2204 LESSON PLAN LP- CS2204 LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION LP: Rev. No: 00 CS2204 - ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Date: 02- 07-2012 Date:02- 07-2012 Branch : CS Semester : III Page 6 of 6 Unit : V Branch : CS Semester : III Page 5 of 6 UNIT V SPREAD SPECTRUM AND MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES 9

Syllabus: Introduction, Pseudo-noise sequence, DS spread spectrum with coherent binary PSK, processing gain, FH spread spectrum, multiple access techniques – wireless communication, TDMA and CDMA in wireless communication systems, source coding of speech for wireless communications.

Objective: To study the types of secured communication and multiple access techniques in wireless communication.

Session Topics to be covered Time Ref Teaching No Method 52 Introduction, Pseudo noise sequence 50 min 2 BB 53 Pseudo noise sequences - tutorial 50 min 2 BB 54 DS Spread Spectrum with coherent Binary 50 min 2 BB PSK, Processing gain 55 Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum – Slow 50 min 2 BB Frequency Hopping and Fast frequency Hopping 56 Multiple Access Techniques , Wireless 50 min 2 BB communication 57 TDMA and FDMA in wireless 50 min 2 BB communication systems 58 Source coding of Speech for Wireless 50 min 2 BB communications. 59 Revision of all units 50 min 2 BB 60 CAT III 60 min


Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Units 2 3 4 5

TEXT BOOKS 1. Wayne Tomasi, “Advanced Electronic Communication Systems”, 5/e, Pearson Education, 2007. 2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2001.

REFERENCES 3. H.Taub,D L Schilling ,G Saha ,”Principles of Communication”3/e,2007. 4. B.P.Lathi,”Modern Analog And Digital Communication systems”, 3/e, Oxford University Press, 2007 5. Blake, “Electronic Communication Systems”, Thomson Delmar Publications, 2002. 6. Martin S.Roden, “Analog and Digital Communication System”, 3rd Edition, PHI, 7. B.Sklar,”Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications”2/e Pearson Education 2007.

Prepared by Approved by Signature

Name S.R.MALATHI Dr. T.K.Thivakaran Designation Associate Professor HOD / CS Date 02- 07- 2012 02- 07- 2012

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