Grade: 2Nd Grade

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Grade: 2Nd Grade

Grade: 2nd Grade Course: Communication Arts Discipline: Communication Arts



Reading Process for Fiction and Non-fiction Text (R1F, R1G, R1H, R1I, R3A, R3B, R3C)

Local Objective

Students will develop and apply pre-reading, during reading and post-reading strategies to aid in the comprehension of text by:

 Pre-reading/During reading o accessing prior knowledge (DOK 2) o previewing (DOK 2) o predicting with evidence (DOK 2) o setting a purpose for reading (DOK 2) o self-question and correct (DOK 2) o determine unknown meaning of words (DOK 2) o self-monitor comprehension (DOK 2) o make inferences (DOK 2) o visualize (DOK 2)  Post - Reading o identify the main idea and supporting details (DOK 3) o question to clarify (DOK 3) o retell (DOK 3) o reflect (DOK 3) o analyze (DOK 3) o draw conclusions (DOK 3) o inference about problems/solutions (DOK2) o summarize (DOK 3) o answer questions (DOK2)

Students will identify relevant connections between text-text, self-text, and text-world. (DOK 2)

Students will use texts to locate and interpret information in: (DOK 2)

o titles o illustrations o table of contents o headings o captions o diagrams

o charts and graphs Unit

Phonology: Decoding, Phonological Awareness, Fluency (R1C, R2B, R1D)

Local Objective

Students will be able to read grade-level instructional text with fluency, accuracy and expression (DOK1) while developing and applying decoding strategies (DOK 2) and literacy techniques (rhythm, rhyme and alliteration-DOK 1). Unit

Listening/Speaking- Behavior and Purpose for Listening (LS1B, LS1A, LS2A, LS2B) Local Objective

Students will be able to demonstrate listening behaviors without interruptions and maintain eye contact while listening for enjoyment, information, to solve problems, and for directions to complete a simple task.

Students will be able to share ideas, complete a simple task, speak at an appropriate volume, maintain a clear focus and give clear oral directions. Unit

Literary Elements/Features (R2A & R2C)

Local Objective

Students will use details to make inferences, predict and identify events in a text. (DOK 2)

Students will use details to locate and apply information in a text. (DOK 1) Unit

Understanding Directions (R3D)

Local Objective

Students will read and follow simple directions to perform a task. (DOK 1) Unit

Writing Process (W1A)

Local Objective Students will follow a writing process to:

 use a simple strategy in pre-writing when appropriate (DOK 3)  compose a draft in written form on student selected topic (DOK 3)  reread and revise for audience and purpose, ideas and content, organization and sentence structure, and word choice, with assistance (DOK 3)  edit for conventions, with assistance (DOK 3)  share writing (DOK 3)


Composing - Writing Process (W2A, W2B, W2C, W2D, W3A)

Local Objective

Students will compose text

 showing awareness of audience (DOK 2)  with a clear, controlling idea (DOK 3)  with relevant details/examples, with assistance (DOK 3)  with evidence of beginning, middle and end (DOK 2)  with complete sentences and thoughts (declarative and interrogative) (DOK 2)

 using words that are related to the topic, and some words that are specific and accurate (DOK 2) Unit

Conventions - Writing Process (W2E) Local Objective

In written text, students will: (DOK 1)

 space correctly between letters and words.  capitalize days of the week, names of towns, cities and states.  use correct ending punctuation  use commas in dates, greetings and closings of letter correctly  use transitional spelling and spelling strategies  use classroom resources, such as the dictionary and thesaurus  use describing words correctly

 substitute pronouns for nouns Unit

Information Literacy (IL1D, IL1B, IL2A, IL1A)

Local Objective

Students will formulate and locate key words/questions, give credit to others and identify conveyed messages through oral and visual media resources.

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