Maths Reception and Year 1 Planning and Links with NRICH
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Maths – Reception and Year 1 – Planning and links with NRICH
Key skills:
Aim: To develop an ‘I can’ attitude to maths. Using key equipment / models and images Using jottings to develop thinking Developing attitudes to maths – e.g. through use of ‘one question / multiple answers’
Aim: To use Assessment for Learning to identify children’s next-steps in learning. Using National Strategies ‘Securing Levels’ resources and/or NCETM ‘teaching for mastery - questions, tasks and activities to support assessment’ resources Using sample calculations to see how (including which equipment) children choose to solve them, as well as how they choose to record any working out. Year R: Using everyday problems communicated verbally involving addition, subtraction, multiplying and sharing fairly (e.g. fruit at snack time) Year 1: 9 + 7 ….. 17 – 8 ….. 2 X 5 ….. 10 ÷ 2
Column headings
RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES objectives objectives 5 min (or less) daily maths often not Problem solving 40-60+m is age band from in maths session to practice number Development Matters (DM), ELG is skills Early Learning Goal for end of Reception
Place Value RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Counting: Reception NRICH: Number book 40-60+m - use the language of: equal to, Reception NRICH: Dressing up - uses the language of ‘more’ or more than, less than (fewer), most, 40-60+m NRICH: Golden beans ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects least - count up to 3 or 4 objects by NRICH: Collecting saying one number name for each NRICH: Playing Incy Wincy Spider ELG: Children say which number is item one more or one less than a given - count objects or actions which Year 1 number cannot be moved NRICH: Making Sticks ** - count objects to 10 and beginning NRICH: Robot Monsters * to count beyond 10 NRICH: Dotty Six * - count an irregular arrangement of NRICH: All Change * up to 10 objects Identifying, representing and Identifying and representing and Identifying, representing and estimating numbers: numbers: estimating numbers: Year 1 Year 1 - count, read and write numbers to NRICH: What’s in a Name? ** 40-60+m - identify and represent numbers 100 in numerals; count in multiples NRICH: Count the Digits * - estimate how many objects they can using objects and pictorial of twos, fives and tens see and check by counting them representations including the - given a number, identify one more - recognise some numerals of number line and one less personal significance - recognise numerals 1 to 5 Reading and writing numbers: - select the correct numeral to Reading and writing numbers: Year 1: represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 NRICH: Writing Digits * - record using marks that they can - read and write numbers from 1 to NRICH: Shut the Box * interpret and explain 20 in numerals and words NRICH: Biscuit Decorations * NRICH: Grouping Goodies *** ELG: - Count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20 - They place them in order
Exceeding: Children estimate a number of objects and check quantities by counting up to 20 Addition and Subtraction RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Number bonds: Estimating, Number bonds, Mental Number bonds: Number and place value: Reception calculation: NRICH: Paths - represent and use number bonds Reception NRICH: Golden beans 40-60+m and related subtraction facts within - 40-60+m: Use familiar objects and NRICH: Two Dice - count up to three or four objects by 20 common shapes to create and NRICH: Making a picture saying one number name for each recreate patterns and build models NRICH: Collecting - count objects or actions which - ELG; recognise, create and NRICH: Playing Incy Wincy Spider cannot be moved Mental calculation: describe patterns NRICH: Number rhymes - count objects to 10 and begin to NRICH: Tidying count beyond 10 - add and subtract one-digit and Additional skills to support NRICH: Queuing - count an irregular arrangement of up two-digit numbers to 20, including understanding: NRICH: Washing line to 10 objects zero - Make numbers to 10/20 using - count out up to six objects from a - read, write and interpret structured apparatus Year 1 larger group mathematical statements involving - Practise using numbers in terms of NRICH: Domino Sorting * - find the total number of items in two addition (+), subtraction (-) and ordinality, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd in context NRICH: One Big Triangle * groups by counting all of them equals (=) signs - Subitise dots up to three /six in NRICH: Ladybirds in the Garden ** - in practical activities and discussion (appears also in Written Methods) regular dice patterns NRICH: Number Lines * begin to use the vocabulary involved NRICH: Pairs of Numbers * in adding and subtracting Year 1 NRICH: Weighted Numbers * - record using marks they can interpret - Partition numbers to five in as NRICH: Butterfly Flowers * and explain many ways as possible - begin to identify own mathematical - Use apparatus to create and Mental calculation: problems based on own interests and Written methods: recreate repeating patterns Year 1 fascinations - Make teens numbers using NRICH: Two Dice * - read, write and interpret structured apparatus NRICH: Find the Difference ** ELG: Children use quantities and mathematical statements involving - Practise using numbers in terms of NRICH: Sort Them Out (1) * objects to add and subtract two single addition (+), subtraction (-) and ordinality, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th to 10th digit numbers and count on or back to equals (=) signs in context Written methods: find the answer (appears also in Mental - Subitise dots up to six in regular Calculation) dice patterns Year 1 Exceeding: Children estimate a NRICH: 2,4,6,8 *** number of objects and check NRICH: How Do You See it? * quantities by counting up to 20 Problem solving: Problem solving: Reception NRICH: Maths story time 40-60+m - solve one-step problems that NRICH: Tidying - begins to identify own mathematical involve addition and subtraction, NRICH: Baskets problems based on own interests and using concrete objects and pictorial NRICH: Small world play fascinations representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = - 9 ELG: Children solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing
Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups
Problem solving: Problem solving: Reception and Year 1 Year 1 NRICH: Lots of Biscuits! * 40-60+m - solve one-step problems involving Continue number skills above/ NRICH: Share Bears * - begins to identify own mathematical multiplication and division, by below problems based on own interests and calculating the answer using fascinations. concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the ELG: Children solve problems, support of the teacher including doubling, halving & sharing
Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups
Recognising fractions: Recognising fractions: Reception and Year 1 Year 1 NRICH: Halving ** ELG: Children solve problems, - recognise, find & name a half as Continue number skills above/ NRICH: Happy Halving *** including doubling, halving & sharing one of two equal parts of an object, below shape or quantity Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve … sharing into equal groups
Measurement RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Comparing and estimating: Comparing and estimating: Comparing and estimating: Addition and subtraction: Reception 40-60+m NRICH: Socks - order two or three items by length or - compare, describe and solve Reception: NRICH: Balances height practical problems for: 40-60+m: say the number that is NRICH: Scooters bikes and trikes - order two or three items by weight or * lengths and heights [e.g. one more than a given number. NRICH: Cooking capacity long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, - finds one more or one less from a NRICH: Mud kitchen - use everyday language about time double/half] group of up to five objects then ten NRICH: I have a box - order and sequence familiar events * mass/weight [e.g. heavy/light, objects. NRICH: Making caterpillars - measure short periods of time in heavier than, lighter than] ELG: Say which number is one NRICH: Packing simple ways * capacity and volume [e.g. more or one less than a given NRICH: Presents - begin to use everyday language full/empty, more than, less than, number. NRICH: Long creatures related to money half, half full, quarter] Additional skills to support NRICH: Shopping * time [e.g. quicker, slower, earlier, understanding: NRICH: Tubes and tunnels ELG: Children use everyday language later] - recognise that a value of objects to talk about size, weight, capacity, - sequence events in chronological are the same, even if they are laid Year 1: time and money to compare quantities order using language [e.g. before out differently (conservation of NRICH: Wallpaper ** and objects and to solve problems and after, next, first, today, number) NRICH: Sizing Them Up * yesterday, tomorrow, morning, - use structured apparatus to NRICH: The Animals’ Sports Day * Exceeding: Children estimate, afternoon and evening] understand the concept of equality NRICH: Different Sizes * measure, weigh and compare and NRICH: The Games’ Medals ** order objects NRICH: Times of Day * Year 1: - Use stories, pictures and objects Measuring and calculating: to build up the story of all numbers Measuring and calculating: to five. Year 1 - measure and begin to record: - find totals by counting all NRICH: How Tall? * * lengths and heights - recognise that a value of objects NRICH: Can You Do it Too? ** * mass/weight are the same, even if they are laid * capacity and volume out differently (conservation of * time (hours, minutes, seconds) number) - recognise and know the different - use structured apparatus to value of denominations of coins and understand the concept of equality notes
Telling the time: Telling the time: Reception NRICH: Timing 40-60+m - tell the time to the hour and half - use everyday language related to past the hour and draw the hands time. on a clock face to show these times. - order and sequence familiar events. - recognise and use language - measure short periods of time in relating to dates, including days of simple ways the week, weeks, months and years
ELG: Children use everyday language to talk about …time …. to solve problems
Exceeding: Children … talk about …. time Properties of Shapes RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES
Identifying shapes and their Identifying shapes and their Counting: Reception properties: properties: Reception additional skills to NRICH: Shapes in a bag support understanding: NRICH: Building towers 40-60+m - recognise and name common 2-D -Count to and across 5/10/20, NRICH: Making a picture - Selects a particular named shape. and 3-D shapes, including: forwards and backwards, beginning NRICH: Making footprints - Begins to use mathematical names * 2-D shapes [e.g. rectangles with 0 or 1, or from any given NRICH: Exploring 2D shapes for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D (including squares), circles and number NRICH: Tidying shapes, and mathematical terms to triangles] NRICH: Tubes and tunnels describe shapes * 3-D shapes [e.g. cuboids Year 1 NRICH: Wrapping parcels (including cubes), pyramids and - count to and across 100, forwards ELG: children explore the spheres]. and backwards, beginning with 0 or Year 1 characteristics of everyday objects 1, or from any given number NRICH: Shaping It * and shapes and use mathematical NRICH: What’s Happening? * language to describe them
Exceeding: Children …. talk about properties
Position and Direction RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Position: Position, direction and Reception and Year 1 Reception 40-60+m movement: NRICH: Scooters bikes and trikes - can describe their position as Continue number skills above NRICH: Paths ‘behind’ or ‘next to’ - describe position, direction and movement, including half, quarter Year 1 ELG: Children use everyday language and three-quarter turns. NRICH: Tangram Tangle *** to talk about position to compare and NRICH: Olympic Rings ** to solve problems NRICH: 2 Rings * NRICH: Turning * Exceeding: Children about time