Maths Reception and Year 1 Planning and Links with NRICH

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Maths Reception and Year 1 Planning and Links with NRICH

Maths – Reception and Year 1 – Planning and links with NRICH

Key skills:

Aim: To develop an ‘I can’ attitude to maths.  Using key equipment / models and images  Using jottings to develop thinking  Developing attitudes to maths – e.g. through use of ‘one question / multiple answers’

Aim: To use Assessment for Learning to identify children’s next-steps in learning.  Using National Strategies ‘Securing Levels’ resources and/or NCETM ‘teaching for mastery - questions, tasks and activities to support assessment’ resources  Using sample calculations to see how (including which equipment) children choose to solve them, as well as how they choose to record any working out. Year R: Using everyday problems communicated verbally involving addition, subtraction, multiplying and sharing fairly (e.g. fruit at snack time) Year 1: 9 + 7 ….. 17 – 8 ….. 2 X 5 ….. 10 ÷ 2

Column headings

RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES objectives objectives 5 min (or less) daily maths often not Problem solving 40-60+m is age band from in maths session to practice number Development Matters (DM), ELG is skills Early Learning Goal for end of Reception

Place Value RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Comparing numbers: Counting: Reception NRICH: Number book 40-60+m - use the language of: equal to, Reception NRICH: Dressing up - uses the language of ‘more’ or more than, less than (fewer), most, 40-60+m NRICH: Golden beans ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects least - count up to 3 or 4 objects by NRICH: Collecting saying one number name for each NRICH: Playing Incy Wincy Spider ELG: Children say which number is item one more or one less than a given - count objects or actions which Year 1 number cannot be moved NRICH: Making Sticks ** - count objects to 10 and beginning NRICH: Robot Monsters * to count beyond 10 NRICH: Dotty Six * - count an irregular arrangement of NRICH: All Change * up to 10 objects Identifying, representing and Identifying and representing and Identifying, representing and estimating numbers: numbers: estimating numbers: Year 1 Year 1 - count, read and write numbers to NRICH: What’s in a Name? ** 40-60+m - identify and represent numbers 100 in numerals; count in multiples NRICH: Count the Digits * - estimate how many objects they can using objects and pictorial of twos, fives and tens see and check by counting them representations including the - given a number, identify one more - recognise some numerals of number line and one less personal significance - recognise numerals 1 to 5 Reading and writing numbers: - select the correct numeral to Reading and writing numbers: Year 1: represent 1 to 5, then 1 to 10 NRICH: Writing Digits * - record using marks that they can - read and write numbers from 1 to NRICH: Shut the Box * interpret and explain 20 in numerals and words NRICH: Biscuit Decorations * NRICH: Grouping Goodies *** ELG: - Count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20 - They place them in order

Exceeding: Children estimate a number of objects and check quantities by counting up to 20 Addition and Subtraction RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Number bonds: Estimating, Number bonds, Mental Number bonds: Number and place value: Reception calculation: NRICH: Paths - represent and use number bonds Reception NRICH: Golden beans 40-60+m and related subtraction facts within - 40-60+m: Use familiar objects and NRICH: Two Dice - count up to three or four objects by 20 common shapes to create and NRICH: Making a picture saying one number name for each recreate patterns and build models NRICH: Collecting - count objects or actions which - ELG; recognise, create and NRICH: Playing Incy Wincy Spider cannot be moved Mental calculation: describe patterns NRICH: Number rhymes - count objects to 10 and begin to NRICH: Tidying count beyond 10 - add and subtract one-digit and Additional skills to support NRICH: Queuing - count an irregular arrangement of up two-digit numbers to 20, including understanding: NRICH: Washing line to 10 objects zero - Make numbers to 10/20 using - count out up to six objects from a - read, write and interpret structured apparatus Year 1 larger group mathematical statements involving - Practise using numbers in terms of NRICH: Domino Sorting * - find the total number of items in two addition (+), subtraction (-) and ordinality, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd in context NRICH: One Big Triangle * groups by counting all of them equals (=) signs - Subitise dots up to three /six in NRICH: Ladybirds in the Garden ** - in practical activities and discussion (appears also in Written Methods) regular dice patterns NRICH: Number Lines * begin to use the vocabulary involved NRICH: Pairs of Numbers * in adding and subtracting Year 1 NRICH: Weighted Numbers * - record using marks they can interpret - Partition numbers to five in as NRICH: Butterfly Flowers * and explain many ways as possible - begin to identify own mathematical - Use apparatus to create and Mental calculation: problems based on own interests and Written methods: recreate repeating patterns Year 1 fascinations - Make teens numbers using NRICH: Two Dice * - read, write and interpret structured apparatus NRICH: Find the Difference ** ELG: Children use quantities and mathematical statements involving - Practise using numbers in terms of NRICH: Sort Them Out (1) * objects to add and subtract two single addition (+), subtraction (-) and ordinality, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th to 10th digit numbers and count on or back to equals (=) signs in context Written methods: find the answer (appears also in Mental - Subitise dots up to six in regular Calculation) dice patterns Year 1 Exceeding: Children estimate a NRICH: 2,4,6,8 *** number of objects and check NRICH: How Do You See it? * quantities by counting up to 20 Problem solving: Problem solving: Reception NRICH: Maths story time 40-60+m - solve one-step problems that NRICH: Tidying - begins to identify own mathematical involve addition and subtraction, NRICH: Baskets problems based on own interests and using concrete objects and pictorial NRICH: Small world play fascinations representations, and missing number problems such as 7 =  - 9 ELG: Children solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing

Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups


Problem solving: Problem solving: Reception and Year 1 Year 1 NRICH: Lots of Biscuits! * 40-60+m - solve one-step problems involving Continue number skills above/ NRICH: Share Bears * - begins to identify own mathematical multiplication and division, by below problems based on own interests and calculating the answer using fascinations. concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the ELG: Children solve problems, support of the teacher including doubling, halving & sharing

Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2,5 or 10, or sharing into equal groups


Recognising fractions: Recognising fractions: Reception and Year 1 Year 1 NRICH: Halving ** ELG: Children solve problems, - recognise, find & name a half as Continue number skills above/ NRICH: Happy Halving *** including doubling, halving & sharing one of two equal parts of an object, below shape or quantity Exceeding: They solve practical problems that involve … sharing into equal groups

Measurement RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Comparing and estimating: Comparing and estimating: Comparing and estimating: Addition and subtraction: Reception 40-60+m NRICH: Socks - order two or three items by length or - compare, describe and solve Reception: NRICH: Balances height practical problems for: 40-60+m: say the number that is NRICH: Scooters bikes and trikes - order two or three items by weight or * lengths and heights [e.g. one more than a given number. NRICH: Cooking capacity long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, - finds one more or one less from a NRICH: Mud kitchen - use everyday language about time double/half] group of up to five objects then ten NRICH: I have a box - order and sequence familiar events * mass/weight [e.g. heavy/light, objects. NRICH: Making caterpillars - measure short periods of time in heavier than, lighter than] ELG: Say which number is one NRICH: Packing simple ways * capacity and volume [e.g. more or one less than a given NRICH: Presents - begin to use everyday language full/empty, more than, less than, number. NRICH: Long creatures related to money half, half full, quarter] Additional skills to support NRICH: Shopping * time [e.g. quicker, slower, earlier, understanding: NRICH: Tubes and tunnels ELG: Children use everyday language later] - recognise that a value of objects to talk about size, weight, capacity, - sequence events in chronological are the same, even if they are laid Year 1: time and money to compare quantities order using language [e.g. before out differently (conservation of NRICH: Wallpaper ** and objects and to solve problems and after, next, first, today, number) NRICH: Sizing Them Up * yesterday, tomorrow, morning, - use structured apparatus to NRICH: The Animals’ Sports Day * Exceeding: Children estimate, afternoon and evening] understand the concept of equality NRICH: Different Sizes * measure, weigh and compare and NRICH: The Games’ Medals ** order objects NRICH: Times of Day * Year 1: - Use stories, pictures and objects Measuring and calculating: to build up the story of all numbers Measuring and calculating: to five. Year 1 - measure and begin to record: - find totals by counting all NRICH: How Tall? * * lengths and heights - recognise that a value of objects NRICH: Can You Do it Too? ** * mass/weight are the same, even if they are laid * capacity and volume out differently (conservation of * time (hours, minutes, seconds) number) - recognise and know the different - use structured apparatus to value of denominations of coins and understand the concept of equality notes

Telling the time: Telling the time: Reception NRICH: Timing 40-60+m - tell the time to the hour and half - use everyday language related to past the hour and draw the hands time. on a clock face to show these times. - order and sequence familiar events. - recognise and use language - measure short periods of time in relating to dates, including days of simple ways the week, weeks, months and years

ELG: Children use everyday language to talk about …time …. to solve problems

Exceeding: Children … talk about …. time Properties of Shapes RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES

Identifying shapes and their Identifying shapes and their Counting: Reception properties: properties: Reception additional skills to NRICH: Shapes in a bag support understanding: NRICH: Building towers 40-60+m - recognise and name common 2-D -Count to and across 5/10/20, NRICH: Making a picture - Selects a particular named shape. and 3-D shapes, including: forwards and backwards, beginning NRICH: Making footprints - Begins to use mathematical names * 2-D shapes [e.g. rectangles with 0 or 1, or from any given NRICH: Exploring 2D shapes for ‘solid’ 3D shapes and ‘flat’ 2D (including squares), circles and number NRICH: Tidying shapes, and mathematical terms to triangles] NRICH: Tubes and tunnels describe shapes * 3-D shapes [e.g. cuboids Year 1 NRICH: Wrapping parcels (including cubes), pyramids and - count to and across 100, forwards ELG: children explore the spheres]. and backwards, beginning with 0 or Year 1 characteristics of everyday objects 1, or from any given number NRICH: Shaping It * and shapes and use mathematical NRICH: What’s Happening? * language to describe them

Exceeding: Children …. talk about properties

Position and Direction RECEPTION YEAR 1 ON THE BOIL NRICH RESOURCES Position: Position, direction and Reception and Year 1 Reception 40-60+m movement: NRICH: Scooters bikes and trikes - can describe their position as Continue number skills above NRICH: Paths ‘behind’ or ‘next to’ - describe position, direction and movement, including half, quarter Year 1 ELG: Children use everyday language and three-quarter turns. NRICH: Tangram Tangle *** to talk about position to compare and NRICH: Olympic Rings ** to solve problems NRICH: 2 Rings * NRICH: Turning * Exceeding: Children about time

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