Title III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant

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Title III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant

Title III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant Learning Unit

LU Title: How to DO Just About Author(s): Jean Kosina Anything

Grade Level: 4-6 School: Remington Elementary

Topic/Subject Area: ELA Address: 77 East North St. Ilion, NY 13357

Email: [email protected] Phone/Fax: (315) 895-7720

Overview / Content Knowledge / Essential Questions / NYS Learning Standards /Initiating Activity / Learning Experiences / Culminating Performance /Pre-Requisite Skills / Modifications / Schedule/Time Plan /Technology Use OVERVIEW This unit will incorporate technology and ELA in various subject areas on writing "How To's", and then presenting the finished product. The lesson will be first done with a small group of Consultant Students, who will then become group leaders to the full classroom.


Declarative Procedural Learn how to use a digital camera Take pictures with the digital camera Learn how to put the steps into a Put together a power point presentation power point presentation Learn how to present a power point Orally present the Power Point created presentation using proper voice, stature, and eye contact Learn how to take a presentation and Write a "How to" paragraph put it into a "How to" paragraph Learn how to write an exemplar Write a reflection essay on what the paragraph using Ts D1 D2 D3 Cs students learned Develop listening skills and learn how Students will take notes while listening notes will help with writing to a story Develop the skill of taking notes and Create the Power Point from notes placing them in a power point presentation Develop listening skills Students will take notes, teacher will stop and direct to show students how, then they will do the same ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

What is the importance of note taking? What characteristics make a quality listener and what is the importance of one? What makes a good presentation and presenter? What makes a good paragraph? CONNECTIONS TO NYS LEARNING STANDARDS List Standard # and Key Idea #: Write out related Performance Indicator(s) or Benchmark(s)

English Language Arts Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.  Use a wide variety of strategies for selecting, organizing, and categorizing information  Produce oral and written reports on topics related to all subjects  Organize information according to an identifiable structure, such as compare/contrast or general to specific

Standard 3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Students will listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation. As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences; ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to present, from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.  Monitor and adjust their own oral and written presentations according to the standards for a particular genre  Use standard English, precise vocabulary, and presentational strategies effectively to influence an audience

Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction Students will listen, speaks, read, and write for social interaction. Students will use oral and written language that follows the Accepted conventions of the English language for effective social Communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and Listeners, they will use the social communications of others to Enrich their understanding of people and their views.  Listen attentively to others and build on other’ ideas in conversations with peers and adults

Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard 2: Information Systems Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.  Use a range of equipment and software to integrate several forms of information in order to create a good quality audio, visual, graphic, and text based presentations Standard 3: Mathematics Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically, by applying mathematics in real-world settings, and by solving problems through the integrated study of number systems, geometry, algebra, data analysis, probability, and trigonometry.  Visualize, represent, and transform two and three dimensional shapes  Develop procedures for basic geometric constructions

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

INITIATING ACTIVITY Model a “How to” Presentation demonstrating how to use a digital camera. Have students explore the digital camera by taking their own photos and uploading of their pictures taken.

LEARNING EXPERIENCES In chronological order, including acquisition experiences and extending/refining experiences for all stated declarative and procedural knowledge.

ELA Lesson

Lesson 1: a) Explain what a good listening audience is b) Model how to use a digital camera, take pictures of this process 1) allow students to take photos for practice c) Model note taking in a sequence on using the digital camera 1) students will parrot d) Using both the notes and digital pictures, show how students how to upload the photos onto the computer Lesson 2: a) Model how to create a Power Point presentation from the above 1) show students different layouts of Power Point 2) allow students to create a practice slide b) Demonstrate how a presentation should be presented (see rubric) Lesson 3: a) Model writing a "How to" paragraph from note and Power Point 1) Instruct proper paragraph form: Ts, D1, D2 ... Cs Ts = topic sentence, D = detail Cs = conclusion sentence 2) review the writing process Lesson 4: a) Read how to create a "Supa Dupa " egg 1) students will take notes 2) students will make the recipe and take photos of the process Lesson 5: Students will create a Power Point Lesson 6: Students will present Lesson 7: Students will write a "How to" paragraph using the writing process

ELA Lessson Lesson 1: Write a reflective essay on the connection between math, ELA, and technology with the help of a rubric for paragraphing, and class brainstorming using the writing process.

Extension of writing “How to’s” into the Math Curriculum

Math Lessson Lesson printed with permission from Mrs. Susan Butler “Thank you, Mrs. Butler”

Geometry “How To” Essay 1) Begin by showing a picture on the overhead of a figure made up of different geometric shapes. Have children explain the steps needed to draw the figure verbally while an assistant follows their directions and completes a drawing. 2) Compare the original drawing to the one described by the students. Talk about the problems they had describing the figure. List the geometry vocabulary used when giving a good description. If the second drawing was not anything like the original, you may want to repeat step one. 3) Give each child a different geometric shape, concentrating on the concepts and vocabulary you have taught in math class. 4) Have them write a “How to” essay listing step by step directions for drawing the shape they are given. 5) When the students hand in their essays, draw the shape they have described and compare it to the original. Grade the student on how well they described the figure. Perfect papers would have a geometric shape that exactly matched the original. You could also use the rubric included to grade the assignment. Students will then apply Power Point lessons from above


Presentation of their "How to" power point. A final written "How to" to be displayed. Students will then lead another group in the same project. Write a reflective essay on what was learned on how technology, mathematics, and ELA are connected,

PRE-REQUISITE SKILLS Basic computer knowledge

MODIFICATIONS Guided questions for prompting of writing Word lists Consultant teacher or assistant Pair up

UNIT SCHEDULE/TIME PLAN Each lesson should take 1-2 class periods depending on the class ability levels (40 - 60 minutes)

TECHNOLOGY USE Digital camera Power Point Microsoft Word RUBRICS

Sequencing Rubric (To be used with the sequencing and writing of the “How to” essays)

Task 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Organization  Clear  Clear  Lacking  Unclear some clarity  Correct  Order is  Very precise almost  Order has inaccurate precise some  Easy to inaccuracies  Difficult to follow  Easy to follow follow  Order is nor  Uses easily  No markers procedural  Uses most followed present markers procedural well markers  Uses  No minimal transitions  Transitions  Transitions amount of well well markers

 Weak transitions

Language  Uses  Uses  Uses some  Uses precise accurate inaccurate inaccurate accurate vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary

Grammar  Uses all  Shows  Shows  Uses correct some errors many errors inaccurate writing in writing in writing writing conventions conventions conventions conventions

Opening/  Has a clear,  Has a good  Has a basic  Lacks either interesting opening and opening and and/or Conclusion opening and ending ending opening and ending ending Presentation Rubric

Task 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Presence  Posture  Posture  Posture  Inappropiate showed varied varied most posture confidence slightly of the time  Appeared  Relaxed  Relaxed  Appeared nervous and and and nervous uncomfor- comfortable comfortable and table after uncomfor- throughout beginning table most of the time Delivery  Voice  Voice  Voice  Voice control wad control control control appropriate wavered wavered wavered slight most of the  Pronunciation time  Pronunciation was accurate  Pronunciation is inaccurate was accurate  Pronunciation most of the  Used most of the is inaccurate time expression time some of the time  Did not use throughout  Used expression expression  Used  Maintains through expression eye contact most through some  Maintains eye contact  most of the time Content  Well  Good  Lacks good  Unorganized organized organization organization  Does not  Flows well  Has some  Does not flow errors in always flow flow Power Point Rubric

Task 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Sequence  Accurate  Some  Inaccurate inaccuracies

Timing  Well timed  Timing  Timing is for slightly off too individuals fast/slow to read

Notes  Short  Short  Wordy

 accurate  Some  inaccurate inaccuracies

Self Listening Rubric

Task 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Eye  I watched  I watched  I needed Contact the speaker the speaker reminders the whole most of to watch time time Seating  I sat  I sat  I kept politely the politely moving whole time most of the time Attentive-  I could ask  I could ask  I could not ness and answer and answer ask or questions some answer any about the questions questions presentation about the presentation Writing Rubric

Task 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Introduction  Clear and  Clear and  Somewhat  Unclear and complete complete clear and incomplete complete  Sets purpose  Sets a sense  No sense of of purpose  Sets some purpose  Catches sense of audience’s  Catches purpose  Does not attention well audience’s catch attention  Attempts to audience’s catches attention audience’s attention

Information  Accurate  Some  Many  Inaccurate sequential inaccurate inaccuracies order order order in order

Organization  Excellent use  Good use of  Limited use  Use of of transitional transitional of transitional transitional words words words words is inaccurate  Uses correctly  Uses correctly  Uses correctly and varies the the basic the basic  Uses few, if procedural procedural procedural any markers markers markers in a procedural limited markers in a manner limited manner

Language  Excellent  Few grammar  Many  Extremely grammar and and usage grammar and poor use of usage errors usage errors grammar and usage  Limited  Few spelling  Many spelling spelling errors errors errors  Extremely poor spelling  Sequenced

Conclusion  Creative  Somewhat  Shows an  Repeats the creative attempt to be introduction  Reiterates the creative, but purpose  Reiterates the repeats part of  Does not state purpose the purpose introduction

 Somewhat reiterates the purpose Checklists

Mathematics Checklist

Task Yes No

Mathematical vocabulary is present

Concept is understood

Directions to building the figure is easy to follow

Technology Checklist

Task Yes No Digital camera Upload photos to Power Point Puts together a Power Point presentation Uses Word to type up final “How to” APPENDIX

Reflection Organizer

Introduction: ______

Conclusion How Writing Technology ______Connects to all Seque ______subjects in ______school

Math ______Sequential Organizer

Vocabulary: Topic sentence First Initially ______Second ______Next Then Third ______After Afterward Finally





Conclusion statement ______“ Supa Dupa” Eggs “ Supa Dupa” Eggs

Ever since my daughter was two years old, Saturday was a special breakfast day. It was a day I could make her any breakfast she’d want, and we could sit down together and enjoy the time. And so, the “Supa Dupa” egg, as she called it, was made. The first thingwe would do was to get all the cookware and ingredients together. We needed: a frying pan, spatula, bowl, spoon, plates, forks, napkins, cooking spray, two eggs, two slices of American cheese, a one fourth measuring cup, milk, and ketchup for my daughter’s portion. Next, we would set the stove on medium heat while spraying the frying pan with the cooking spray. While the pan was heating, we would pour a fourth of a cup of milk into a bowl. Then, we would crack the eggs into the bowl. The fifth step was to tear the two ieces Of American cheese andput it in the bowl. Stirring it all up was next, until it was nice and fluffy. After that, the mixture was poured into the frying pan and stirred. The eggs were done when the yellow coloring was just beginning to join together. Finally we would serve the eggs on the plates with our forks and napkins next to it. We were ready to begin our special little breakfast. Oh, need I forget, that is when my daughter would pour on the ketchup – yuk! But, this was our time together. Putting Together a Power Point Presentation

1) Bring up Power Point by clicking on the icon 2) Click on new presentation 3) Select and click on title page 4) Follow directions in box – type 5) Go to top of page and click insert 6) Click on new slide and select frame 7) If you wish to put in graphics: Click on insert A) Select from clip art and click on picture B) Select from file insert disk if it is on a disk and click on the file 8) Repeat until all your slides are done 9) To change colors of background go to format – slide color scheme (make sure you click on the slide you wish to change first) 10) To put in action buttons or animation go to slide show and click on the various functions (make sure you click on the slide you wish to change first) 11) Click on view slide show 12) Play with the various selections and get a feel for Power Point is the best advice! Digital Camera 1) Insert disk in camera, the round disk side faces the front lenses 2) Aim and shoot 3) Pop out disk 4) Put in drive of computer 5) Bring up Power Point 6) Go to insert from file 7) Click on top box for floppy 8) Click on open 9) Click on file Reflection Students appeared to enjoy the lesson due to the many facets of media that was incorporated. They especially enjoyed becoming the facilitators of the lesson to their peers. A lot of modeling was necessary in order for the special needs students to become successful with the writing components. Time was one variable that may need a lot of variation depending upon the make-up of individual classrooms.

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