Introduction to CTFAS

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Introduction to CTFAS

Introduction to CTFAS The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association of Singapore or CTFAS in short, was registered as an association of companies under the Registrar of Societies in October 1990. The present President of CTFAS is Dr. Alain Khaiat, from Johnson & Johnson .Asia Pacific Right from the beginning, CTFAS has worked consistently to help its members upgrade to the ever-changing environment of technical innovation, market trends and regulations, through the activities it has organized for its members, as well as the industry at large.

Educational Workshops It has organized so far 5 workshops, usually lasting 3 days, and consisting of both seminar and hands-on laboratory sessions. Through these workshops, participants keep abreast of the latest in ingredients and formulations. They are usually very well-attended, some attracting over 100 participants from Asia, Europe, Australia and the United States. The next workshop, the sixth in the series, is scheduled in October 2006.

Tea Talks The association organizes 2-3 tea meetings per year. Topics covered include topics covering Market Trends, like: Overview of the Asia Market Growth in the Cosmetics & Skincare Industry/ Euromonitor, and Understanding New Product Success/ AC Nielsen

Annual Dinner To encourage a sense of togetherness amongst its present 50-over member companies, it organizes an annual dinner every year, revolved around a different theme each time. Besides, mixing with members of the industry, we also invite guests from the educational institutions, members of the Asean Cosmetic Committee as well as members of the Asean Cosmetic Scientific Body. The next Dinner & Dance, in February 2006 will feature “Salsa Night”

Factory Tours This was reinstituted after a long absence, to broaden our outlook, and perhaps pick up some pointers that can be applied to our work. In 2005, the following places were visited: Croda Singapore Pte Ltd, a maker of cosmetic ingredients on Jurong Island (Incidentally, Croda Singapore Pte Ltd is our member), Institut D’Expertise Clinique (doing safety evaluations), H S A Testing Lab on cosmetics, G & U Asia Pacific Logistics, and Poh Tiong Choon Logistics, (the latter two companies specialize in the handling, storing and blending of hazardous and non-hazardous chemicals)

1 Regulatory Activities It is conducted in two levels: 1. On the Asean level, CTFAS is a founder member of the Asean Cosmetic Association, Inc., (ACA) based in Manila. The present President is Ms Ketmanee Lertkitcha, from the Thai Cosmetic Manufacturers Association. . ACA has since 1998 participated in the joint industry-government initiative to promote harmonization of cosmetic regulations, that result in the formation of the Asean Cosmetic Committee in 2003. Training and harmonization activities have picked steam in the last two years. ACA also participated in another body, called the Asean Cosmetic Scientific Body, which is in charge of harmonizing the existing ingredients used in the Asean countries, based only on scientific basis. The aim is to facilitate the formation of the Asean Common Market hopefully by 2010. 2. On the local level, CTFAS has worked with H S A to help and guide members to adopt the Asean commonly adopted Asean Cosmetic Directive. It has held dialogue sessions, and organize activities like this workshop.

Overseas Study Tours We had organized overseas study tours before. Amongst the factories we had visited were Shiseido Lipstick (near Yokohama) plant (1992), Suzhou Industrial Park/ Shanghai Household Products factory (1994). If there is sufficient member response, eligibility of official subsidies, and volunteers to spearhead the project, we can also look into re- commencing this activity.

Communication Previously, CTFAS communicates to its members through newsletters. However, since the year 2002, we have instituted a website : to broadcast our activities. It has links to and

Membership Drive In order for the association to continue to play a pro-active role to upgrade the cosmetic, toiletry and fragrance industry as well as to provide constructive feedback, we encourage like-minded companies to join the CTFAS. Singapore companies join as Ordinary Members while Foreign incorporated companies join as Associate Members. Membership Forms are downloadable from

2 A Quiz to test your regulatory I.Q 1. When will the Asean Cosmetic Directive be implemented? a. January 2007 b. January 2008, c. January 2009 d. January 2010

2. What are the changes? a. Register products before sale b. Have products technical and safety information readily available c. Ensure products sold are safe and tested d. Have a procedure to handle adverse event and even recall.

3. What are the products covered? a. Imported b. Locally manufactured / assembled c. Re-export

4. What % of locally assembled product will constitute a Singapore-made product? a. 30% b. 50% c. 60% d. 70%

5. Where do I get a Certificate of Free Sale? a. IE Singapore b. CTFAS c. Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry d. H S A

6. What are some recent changes in ingredient use for cosmetics in European Union? a. Triethanolamine b. various colorants c. Formalin

7. When did electronic registration of cosmetic products started in Singapore? a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004

8. What are some of the tests that labs can do locally? a. Bacterial Count b. SPF c. Heavy Metals d. Safety Evaluation e. Stability of Formulations

9. What do we need to take care in the selection of ingredients in a formulation? a. Preservative b. Sunscreen c. Colorants d. Foam Stabiliser e. Humectanat f. Wetting Agent g. Heavy Metals h. Salt

10. What are some websites we can visit to track the latest changes in regulations and harmonization activities? a. b. c. d. e. f.


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