Replacement Hire Procedures

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Replacement Hire Procedures

Replacement Hire Procedures


I. Replacement hiring is defined as the replacement through the approved hiring process of full-time tenure-track faculty who have definitively and permanently separated from their faculty positions.

II. Beginning in fall semester 2010, replacement hiring will go through the FHPC process together with the requests for new faculty positions.

III. Prior to distribution of the 2010 faculty position request forms, the FHPC will revise both the request form and the ranking sheet in such a way that replacement positions receive extra ranking points over new positions. The exact amount of extra points and process for awarding them will be determined by the FHPC.

IV. Replacement hiring positions shall remain within the department, if not the discipline.

V. Replacement positions shall continue to be categorized as replacements, not new positions, for a period of five years after the original position is vacated.

VI. In a case where replacement hiring is not immediately possible (as in the case of a hiring freeze or if the discipline is undergoing program viability, for instance), the five- year time limit on replacements does not include the hiring freeze or program viability review period.

VII. When an emergency replacement is needed, the absent faculty member may be replaced by a long-term sub hired according to the Abbreviated Hiring Procedures outlined in the document, “Policy and Procedures for SFP and ISA Assignments”.

VIII. The terms of this document are intended to supplement, not supplant, either the AFT contract, Trade-Tech’s existing signed hiring document, or the Senate resolution of May, 2009 (below).

Senate Resolution re. Replacement Hiring Policy, adopted 5/2009

“ Action Item – Addendum to Faculty Hiring Procedures – Replacement Policy (noticed motion from April 2009 meeting) There was much discussion, including clarification regarding what is considered a “new “ position. A “new”position was defined as an “expansion” position instead of a “replacement” position. A friendly amendment was accepted so that the new motion read as follows:

Unless the Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee recommends otherwise, Administration shall replace vacated faculty positions within one year. If this is not accomplished and more than a year goes by without filling the vacated position, and budget is cited as the sole reason for not replacing the position, the position shall remain on the Replacement Hires list.”

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