Vascular Plant List for the Trail to Lily Lake
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Vascular Plant List for the Trail to Lily Lake (from the east side of Blanchard Mountain) James Duemmel
The trail starts along the edge of a clear-cut, then climbs through second growth timber to a "T" intersection after about three miles. Going left at that intersection leads to Lily Lake. (Go right for Lizard Lake.)
“Lily Lake” is really two lakes, slightly different in elevation and separated by a beaver dam. The trail first skirts the lower lake. A side trail to the right leads to the upper lake. From there the trail continues to a rocky viewpoint overlooking Oyster Creek, the Samish Flats, Samish Bay and the San Juan Islands.
The trail traverses DNR property with second growth timber. The Samish Bay Logging Co logged this area in the 1920’s and built several railroad lines to haul the logs out. You may notice rusting rails and cables, evidence of these old rail lines. From the "T" intersection to the lake the trail follows one of the old logging railroad beds. (Near Lizard Lake the loggers built an "incline" to lower logs from one railroad bed to another railroad line farther down the mountain. The "Alternate Incline Trail” is in this area and provides access to the lakes from an unmarked trailhead one-mile beyond the parking lot.)
The trail to the T intersection does not appear on 1954 USGS maps and is not mentioned in a 1970 hiking guide to the area. The clear cut along the first half mile of the trail (Sale name: One for the Road) was put out for bid in 1992 by the DNR. Prior to that time this portion of the trail was much the same as the next two miles of trail. The difference is striking now.
During 1997-1998 a colony of beavers cut a significant number of trees on the shoreline of Lily Lake. This dramatically altered the amount of sunlight that reaches the ground cover several feet back from the edge of the lake. Also the beaver dams have raised the level of the lake. This makes it more difficult to reach the interesting vegetation on the floating islands of sphagnum moss in the upper lake.
In early April of 1999 and again in January 2002 something or someone breached the beaver dam that forms the lower lake. The results were catastrophic for that lake. At any time you may find a large expanse of mud where the lower lake should be.
The trail is extremely popular with mountain bikers, horsemen and hikers. It receives more than its fair share of use and abuse.
There are 184 species recorded in this list. Forty-one (22% of the total) are generally considered exotic.
Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 All areas Species found 126 87 108 184 % of all areas total 68% 47% 59% 100% Exotics found 38 9 17 41 % exotic in the area 30% 10% 16% 22% % of all exotics 93% 22% 41% 100% Vascular Plant List for the Trail to Lily Lake Started June 11, 1998
A date in the list indicates a plant found in bloom or bearing spores. An asterisk marks a species generally considered nonnative.
Area 1: The initial fairly level portion largely open to the clear-cut. Ends at large Douglas Firs. Area 2: From Area 1 to Lily Lake. Area 3: The immediate vicinity of the lake to the overlook north of the lake. Area 1 2 3 FERNS AND FERN ALLIES EQUISETACEAE Horsetail Family Equisetum arvense Common Horsetail # 5/30 Equisetum telmateia Giant Horsetail 5/20 5/20-5/30
LYCOPODIACEAE Clubmoss Family Lycopodium clavatum Running Clubmoss # # Lycopodium selago Fir Clubmoss #
OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Adder's-tongue Family Botrychium multifidum Leathery Grape-fern 8/23-10/21 (Location. As you come to the upper lake take the branch of the trail that leads to the Hiker’s Camp. Stay along the lakeshore with the lake on your right. The center of the population is eighteen feet before the wooden walkway in the trail. Some searching is necessary since other vegetation can hide the Botrychium. The specimens that are easy to find are within a foot or two of the trail. The largest plants have generally been on the side of the trail away from the lake.)
POLYPODIACEAE Common Fern Family Adiantum pedatum Northern Maidenhair Fern # # Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort # Athyrium filix-femina Lady Fern # # # Blechnum spicant Deer Fern # # # Cryptogramma crispa Parsley Fern # Dryopteris expansa Spiny Wood Fern # # # Gynocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern # Polypodium glycyrrhiza Licorice Fern # Polystichum munitum Sword Fern # # # Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Fern # # #
GYMNOSPERMS TAXACEAE Yew Family Taxus brevifolia Western Yew # # #
CUPRESSACEAE Cypress Family Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar # # #
PINACEAE Pine Family Picea sitchensis Sitka Spruce # # Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir # # # Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock # # #
FLOWERING PLANTS ACERACEAE Maple Family Acer circinatum Vine Maple # # Acer macrophylum Bigleaf Maple 4/21-5/20 5/5-5/11
AQUIFOLIACEAE Holly Family * Ilex aquifolium English Holly # 6/4
ARACEAE Arum Family Lysichitum americanum Skunk Cabbage 3/17-4/21 4/14-5/30 4/2-5/30
ARALIACEAE Ginseng Family Oplopanax horridum Devil's Club # 6/14-7/16 6/14-7/16
ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Birthwort Family Asarum caudatum Wild Ginger 5/20-6/11 BERBERIDACEAE Barberry Family Mahonia nervosa Dull Oregongrape 4/21-5/20 4/21-6/9 6/9
BETULACEAE Birch Family Alnus rubra Red alder # # # Betula papyifera Paper Birch #
CAPRIFOLIACEAE Honeysuckle Family Linnaea borealis Western Twinflower 7/16 7/1 Lonicera ciliosa Western Trumpet Honeysuckle 6/11 Lonicera involucrata Black Twin-berry # 6/4-6/14 Sambucus racemosa Red Elderberry 4/28-5/20 5/20-6/9 5/30-6/6 Symphoricarpos albus Common Snowberry # #
CARYOPHYLLACEAE Pink Family * Cerastium viscosum Sticky Chickweed 7/16 Cerastium vulgatum Common Chickweed 6/4 * Stellaria media Chickweed 4/21-5/30
COMPOSITAE Aster Family Adenocaulon bicolor Pathfinder 6/25 7/16-8/11 7/16-8/11 Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting 6/27-10/21 7/22 7/22-8/11 * Bellis perennis English Daisy 6/11 * Cirsium arvense Canada Thistle 8/1-8/11 # * Cirsium vulgare Bull Thistle 8/11-8/23 Gnaphalium purpureum Purple Cudweed 6/11-6/27 * Gnaphalium uliginosum Marsh Cudweed 9/11 Hieracium albiflorum White-flowered Hawkweed 8/1 7/22-8/11 * Hypochaeris radicata Hairy Cat's-ear 5/30-10/21 8/1 * Lactuca muralis Wall Lettuce 7/16-8/11 7/16-8/11 7/22-8/11 * Lapsana communis Nipplewort 6/14-10/21 7/16-10/21 * Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye Daisy 6/11-8/11 * Senecio sylvaticus Wood Groundsel 5/11-6/14 9/11-10/10 * Senecio vulgaris Common Groundsel 9/11 Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod 7/22-8/11 8/23-10/21 * Sonchus oleraceus Common Sow-thistle 6/4-6/27 * Taraxacum officinale Common Dandelion 4/14-5/20 5/30
CORNACEAE Dogwood Family Cornus unalaschkensis Bunchberry 6/4-7/16 6/4-7/16
CRUCIFERAE Mustard Family Arabis glabra Towermustard 5/30 Capsella bursa-pastoris Sheperd’s Purse 5/5 Cardamine occidentalis Western Bittercress 6/4 Cardamine oligosperma Few-seeded Bittercress 4/2-5/20
CYPERACEAE Sedge Family Carex deweyana Dewey’s Sedge 6/6 6/6 Carex hendersonii Henderdon’s Sedge 5/5-6/4 5/5-6/4 Eriophorum chamissonis Chamisso's Cotton-grass 6/4-6/27
DROSERACEAE Sundew Family Drosera rotundifolia Round-leaved Sundew 7/22
ERICACEAE Heath Family Arbutus menziesii Madrone # Chimaphila menzziesii Menzies’ Pipsissewa 7/16 Chimaphila umbellata Pipsissewa 6/14 Gaultheria shallon Salal 5/30-8/11 5/30-8/11 7/1-9/11 Kalmia occidentalis Western Swamp Laurel 5/30-7/1 Ledum groenlandicum Labrador Tea 6/14-7/16 Menziesia ferruginea False Azalea # 6/4-6/14 6/4-7/1 Moneses uniflora Single Delight 7/1 (Just beyond the “T” intersection toward Lily Lake. Behind the first tree with a white painted trailblaze.) Orthilia secunda One-sided Wintergreen 6/14-7/16 Pterospora andromedea Pinedrops 7/22 Pyrola asarifolia Pink Wintergreen 7/22-8/1 7/1-8/11 Vaccinium alaskaense (?) Alaska Blueberry 4/28 Vaccinium membranaceum (?) Black Huckleberry # Vaccinium ovalifolium Oval-leaved Blueberry 4/24-4/28 Vaccinium oxycoccos Wild Cranberry 6/14-7/16 Vaccinium parvifolium Red Huckleberry 4/14 4/14-5/11 4/28-5/30
FUMARIACEAE Fumitory Family Dicentra formosa Pacific Bleeding Heart 4/14-7/16 4/21-8/1 5/20-7/1
GERANIACEAE Geranium Family * Geranium molle Dovefoot Geranium 5/5-6/9 * Geranium robertianum Herb Robert 5/5-8/11
GRAMINEAE Grass Family Agrostis exarata Spike Bentgrass 8/1 Agrostis oregonensis Oregon Bentgrass 8/11 8/11 * Aira caryophyllea Silver Hairgrass 6/4 Bromus vulgaris Columbia Brome 6/4 Bromus (?) (?) Brome 7/16 * Holcus lanatus Common Velvet-grass 7/1-8/11 # Hordeum (?) (?)Barley 5/5 Glyceria elata Tall Mannagrass 7/1-8/11 Trisetum cernuum Nodding Trisetum 6/4-7/1 7/1
GROSSULARIACEAE Currant Family Ribes lacustre Black Gooseberry # 5/30-6/4 5/20 Ribes sanguineum Red-flowering Currant 4/2-5/20 5/20
HYDROPHYLLACEAE Waterleaf Family Hydrophyllum tenuipes Pacific Waterleaf 5/20-7/1 Nemophila parviflora Small-flowered Nemophila 6/4
HYPERICACEAE St. John's-wort Family (Hypericum anagalloides Bog St. John's-wort Found on mud at edge of Lizard Lake. Present at Lily Lake?) * Hypericum perforatum Common St. John's-wort 6/25-8/11
JUNCACEAE Rush Family Juncus effusus Common Rush #? 8/11 Juncus ensifolius Dagger-leaved Rush 7/16 Lzula multiflora Many-flowered Woodrush 5/5-5/20 5/11 5/5-5/20 Luzula parviflora Small-flowered Woodrush 5/20-5/30 5/20-6/6 #
LABIATAE Mint Family Mentha arvensis Field Mint 8/23 Prunella vulgaris Self-heal 6/11-8/11 8/11-10/21 7/1-8/11
LEGUMINOSAE Pea Family * Cytisus scoparius Scotch Broom # * Trifolium dubium Small Hop Clover 5/20-7/16 * Trifolium hybridum Alsike Clover 8/11 * Trifolium pratense Red clover 6/4-10/21 * Trifolium repens White Clover 5/20-8/11 Vicia gigantea Giant Vetch 5/22
LILIACEAE Lily Family Lilium columbianum Tiger Lily 7/1-7/16 Maianthemum dilatatum False Lily-of-the-valley 5/20-5/30 6/4-7/16 6/4-7/16 Smilacina racemosa Solomon's Plume 5/11-6/9 Smilacina stellata Star-flowered Solomon's Plume 6/4-6/27 5/30-6/9 Streptopus amplexifolius Clasping Twistedstalk 6/14-6/27 Trillium ovatum Western Trillium 4/21-5/20 4/14-6/4 4/21-6/9
MENYANTHACEAE Buck-bean Family Menyanthes trifoliata Buckbean 5/30-7/16
NYMPHAEACEAE Water-lily Family Nuphar polysepalum Yellow Pond-lily 6/6-8/11
ORCHIDACEAE Orchid family Corallorhiza maculata Spotted Coralroot 6/4-8/11 Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake-plantain # Habenaria saccata Slender Bog-orchid 6/4-8/1 Listera cordata Heart-leaved Twayblade 4/28-6/14 Listera (?) (?) Twayblade #
ONAGRACEAE Evening-primrose Family * Circea alpina Enchanter's Nightshade 6/11-7/16 6/4-8/11 6/14 Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed 6/11-8/11 7/1-8/1 Epilobium (?) (?) Willowherb 8/1
PLANTAGINACEAE Plantain Family * Plantago lanceolata Ribwort 5/11-8/11 # # * Plantago major Common Plantain # # #
POLYGONACEAE Buckwheat Family Polygonum amphibium (?) (?) Water Smartweed # (Away from shore in the lower pond. Could be a Potamogeton?) Polygonum hydropiperoides Waterpepper 10/10 * Rumex acetosella Sheep Sorrel 5/5-6/11 # Rumex obtusifolius Bitterdock 7/1-8/1
PORTULACACEAE Purslane Family Claytonia sibirica Siberian Miner's-lettuce 4/21-10/21 5/11-8/11
PRIMULACEAE Primrose Family Trientalis latifolia Broad-leaved Starflower 5/20-7/1 5/30-7/16 #
RANUNCULACEAE Buttercup family Actaea rubra Baneberry # 5/30-6/9 5/30 Aquilegia formosa Red Columbine 6/9 5/30-8/11 * Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup 5/11-8/11 5/30-8/1 7/1-7/16 * Ranunculus repens Creeping Buttercup 5/11-8/11 5/30-8/11 6/4-8/11 Ranunculus uncinatus Little Buttercup 5/20-6/14 5/30-7/16 6/14
RHAMNACEAE Buckthorn Family Rhamnus purshiana Cascara # # #
ROSACEAE Rose Family Amelanchier alnifolia Western Serviceberry # 5/20-5/30 Aruncus sylvester Goatsbeard 6/4-6/27 6/14-7/16 Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry 6/6 Geum macrophyllum Large-leaved Avens 5/11-10/21 5/30-8/11 6/4-7/1 Holodiscus discolor Ocean Spray 7/16 # 7/22 Osmaronia cerasiformis Indian Plum 4/21 Potentilla palustris Marsh Cinquefoil 7/16-8/11 Prunus emarginata Bitter Cherry 5/5-5/20 5/11-6/9 Rosa gymnocarpa Baldhip Rose 6/4-6/27 6/11-7/1 * Rubus discolor Himalayan Blackberry 7/16-8/11 * Rubus laciniatus Evergreen Blackberry 7/22-8/11 7/1 Rubus leucodermis Black Raspberry # (Rubus nivalis Snow Bramble Near start of Alternate Incline Trail. The plants are almost in sight of the road ten paces uphill from two "nurse stumps" that the trail passes between. To be looked for on the trail surveyed?) Rubus parviflorus Thimbleberry 5/30-7/16 # Rubus pedatus Five-leaved Bramble # Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 3/17-5/20 4/14-6/9 5/11-6/9 Rubus ursinus Trailing Blackberry 4/28-6/27 5/30-6/27 7/1-7/16 * Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Tree # # Spirea douglasii Hardhack 7/22-8/11
RUBIACEAE Madder Family Galium aparine Cleavers 5/20-6/27 (?) Galium trifidum Small Bedstraw 8/11 Galium triflorum Sweet-scented Bedstraw 7/16 5/30-8/1
SALICACEAE Willow Family Populus balsamifera Black Cottonwood # # Salix lucida Pacific Willow # Salix scouleriana Scouler's Willow #
SAXIFRAGACEAE Saxifrage Family Heuchera micrantha Small-flowered Alumroot 5/30-7/1 6/14 Mitella caulescens Leafy Mitrewort 6/4-7/1 (On the left, one tenth mile before lake, nine paces before two Hemlocks that have fallen across the trail above head-height) Tellima grandiflorum Fringecup 5/5-7/1 5/20-6/27 Tiarella trifoliata var. trifoliata Foamflower 7-1 5/30-10/21 6/4-8/11 Tolmiea menziesii Youth-on-age 5/11-6/11 5/30-7/1
SCROPHULARIACEAE Figwort Family * Euphrasia officinalis Hairy Eyebright 6/4-8/11 * Digitalis purpurea Common Foxglove 6/4-8/11 6/11-9/11 Mimulus alsinoides Chickweed Monkey-flower 5/5-6/27 * Parentucellia viscosa Yellow Parentucellia 8/1 * Veronica arvensi Wall Speedwell 4/28-5/5 * Veronica officinalis Common Speedwell 6/6-7/16 6/27-8/1 Veronica peregrina var xalapensis Purslane Speedwell 5/5-5/20 Veronica serpylifolia var serpylifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell 6/4 6/4 * Verbascum thapsus Great Mullein 7/16
SOLANACEAE Potato Family * Solanum dulcamara European Bittersweet 6/14-8/11
SPARGANIACEAE Bur-reed Family Sparganium emersum Simplestem Bur-reed 8/11
TYPHACEAE Cat-tail Family Typha latifolia Common Cat-tail #
UMBELLIFERAE Parsley Family Angelica genuflexa Kneeling Angelica 7/22-9/11 Cicuta douglasii Douglas' Water-hemlock 7/16-8/11 Oenanthe sarmentosa Pacific Water-parsley 7/22-8/1 7/22-8/11 Osmorhiza chilensis Mountain Sweet-cicely 5/20 5/30-7/16
URTICACEAE Nettle Family Urtica dioica Stinging Nettle 5/11-8/11 #
VIOLACEAE Violet Family Viola glabella Stream Violet 4/2-5/5 4/14-6/14 5/20 Viola palustris Marsh Violet 5/22-6/9