Answer Key and tapescripts for Listening БҮТ-ийн Жишиг даалгавар 2016

Task #1 You will hear a conversation between Sally and Kevin about a friend of theirs. Listen and choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.

K : Sally, have you seen Mary lately? S : No, why? K: She looks completely different. S : Different, how? K : Well, first of all she’s had her hair cut. Remember it used to be really long and straight, now it’s short and curly, and she’s had it dyed red. S : Dear me, Mary with red hair. And she used to have such lovely brown hair. How does it look? K : Fantastic. It really suits her. She’s also lost quite a bit of weight. S : Gosh! K : Yeah. She used to be rather plump, but she went on a diet and lost 8 kilos. S : Good for her. She must look like a new woman. K : She certainly does. Especially now that she’s stopped wearing casual clothes. S : What do you mean? I’ve never seen Mary wear anything but jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. K : I know. Me as well. But when I saw her the other day she was wearing a long skirt, a lovely silk blouse and black high-heeled shoes. S : I can’t believe we’re talking about the same Mary. K : Well, why don’t we meet her for dinner one evening and you can see for yourself. S : Good idea.

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 C D B A B A D C A

Task # 2 Listen and choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.

Mr. Connors : Hello Mrs. Black. I’m here about the flat to rent. Mrs. Black : Oh, yes. We spoke on the phone. Come in. Mr. Connors, isn’t it? Mr. Connors : That’s right. Mrs. Black : Right then. It’s on the first floor. There is one bedroom, a large lounge/dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Here we are. I’ll show you round. Mr. Connors : This looks great. The lounge is nice and big and there’s plenty of room for my dining table and chairs over there. Is that the bathroom door? Mrs. Black : Yes, the bathroom is next to the bedroom and this is the kitchen opposite the bathroom. Mr. Connors : I see. Is there a washing machine? Mrs. Black : Yes, here it is behind the door. As you can see the kitchen is modern and well-equipped. There’s the dishwasher under the counter, and the microwave is next to the cooker and there’s a kettle and a toaster between the sink and the cooker. Mr. Connors : Yes. It’s got everything I need. Can we see the bedroom now? Mrs. Black : Of course. Here we are. It’s got built-in wardrobes and lots of storage space and this door leads to the large balcony. Mr. Connors : What a great view! Mrs. Black : Yes, nice isn’t it. Now, do you have any more questions? Mr. Connors : Um, the rent is 200 pounds a week, isn’t it? Mrs. Black : That’s right. And I need a deposit and one month’s rent in advance. Mr. Connors : Right. Is there a cleaning lady? Mrs. Black : No, but I can arrange for someone to come in once a week and vacuum the carpets, mop the floors, do the ironing and so on if that’s what you want. Mr. Connors : Really? Well, it’s a lovely flat. Can I think about it and call you back this evening? Mrs. Black : Certainly. Mr. Connors : Thank you very much.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C D A B B C D Task #3 You will hear a customer service representative talking to a group of customers about a new electrical appliances department in a shopping complex. For questions 1-6 fill in the missing information choosing from the answers A, B, C or D. Welcome to our new electrical appliances’ centre, located on the fourth floor of the Bradbury Shopping Centre complex. Before I take you through our wonderful display of products, let me point out our customer assistance service desk which is by the elevators, with the red ‘Help’ sign posted on it. Now, for your convenience and shopping pleasure we’ve arranged this electrical appliances department into three easy sections. The first, simply marked ‘A’ contains those large and necessary items such as fridges and cookers. All the latest models and a range of brands are of course available. As you’ll notice the term ‘white goods’ is a thing of the past. As now you can choose your main electrical goods in a variety of colours. You can have a fridge in blue if you like and your cooker in a matt, silver or bronze finish. Section ‘B’ comprises what we call kitchen helpers. Things like mixers, toasters, electric carving knives and the like. While in our third area, ‘C’ we have fabulous gift ideas, like cartoon character phones and clocks, or how about a singing kettle? Feel free to browse. When it comes to paying for your purchases we are flexible. We accept all major credit cards, offer monthly interest free installments and a 5% discount for cash purchases. What is more, free delivery is included if you live in a 5 kilometre radius. Otherwise a small 2% of your purchase price is charged. If you have any other queries, please feel free to ask myself or the other staff. As of tomorrow, we’ll be located at the ‘Help Desk’ from 9am to 9pm. Thank you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D D A

Task #4 – VERY DIFFICULT See power-point for tape-scripts

Task #5 You will hear somebody describing what it is like to be part of a large family. Listen and answer the questions choosing from A, B, C, or D. I think it’s great being in a large family. I would hate to be on my own. I like always having someone to talk to and someone to play with. There are nine of us all together in my family, including my grandmother who lives with us. I’ve got two brothers and two sisters who are all older than me. My brothers and I spent a lot of time together. We go to the park and play football and generally hang out together although sometimes they think I’m too young to do some stuff and they won’t let me join in with them. But the best thing about having older brothers is that at school I never have any problems with other kids because they know that if anyone gives me any trouble, I’ll just get my brothers to come and sort them out. I get along really well with my sisters too. They look after me and help me with my homework. I think coming from a big family makes you stand up for yourself. You can’t be shy because you need to speak up to be heard. But it also makes you easy going and confident because you know you have the love and support of your family behind you whatever you do. On the down side, it’s not so great having to share everything and wear hand-me-downs. But I’d say the pluses outweigh the minuses by far. 1 2 3 4 5 6 B B B C C D Task #6 : You will hear a man talking to a person who works in the lost and found department of a large department store. Listen and choose the correct answer from A, B, C, or D. W : Yes, sir. May I help you? M : Oh, I certainly hope so. Has anybody handed in a bag? W : A bag? Yes sir. We’ve had several bags handed in. Perhaps we should start at the beginning. Now, could I have your name and address please? M : Yes, or course. My name is Bill Matthews and I live at 45 Bishop’s close. W : Right Mr. Matthews. Now if you could just tell me where you lost the bag and what time it was that … M : Well, I think it must have been around noon because I’d gone into the little sandwich shop on the lower level to have a coffee and a bit of lunch. After I’d eaten, I left the shop and went to buy a book. When I went to pay, I realized I’d forgotten my bag. W : Don’t worry Mr. Matthews. I’m sure it will turn up. Could you describe the bag and its contents for me? M : Yes, yes of course. It’s an old brown leather bag. You know, like the one doctors used to carry with two short thick handles and a brass lock. W : Good. OK, Mr. Matthews. Could you tell me what was in the bag? M : Oh, lots of things. My wife’s hairdryer is in there. It’s a big brown plastic one. Let me see, yes. My mobile phone’s also in the bag. It’s quite an old model – a glossy black one. Um, there’s a small silver coloured portable transistor radio in there too. Oh, I almost forgot the expensive electric shaver my wife got me for my birthday was in that bag. She’ll be extremely upset if I’ve lost it. It’s a red and yellow battery operated model. Oh, I do hope you find my bag. W : We’ll do our best Mr. Matthews and I’m sure it will turn up. 1 2 3 4 5 D C B C A Task #7 – VERY DIFFICULT See power point for tapescripts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C A B A C A C C

Task #8 You will hear a radio discussion about weather conditions. A. For questions 1-6 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D B. Listen again and match the countries with their correct weather conditions. M : Well, believe it or not summer’s nearly here and many of you will be looking for two weeks in the sun. With me in the studio today is holiday expert Margie Smith from TV’s ‘Postcards from Abroad’ to talk about some popular destinations. Where will a lot of people be heading this year, Margie? W : Many Brits head off to Spain, Portugal or Greece mostly because the weather is good with summer temperatures in the mid-30s and low humidity. That means lots of sunshine and very little rain, if any at all. The South of France is a nice place to go at this time of the year too but there’s more chance of summer showers there. M : I suppose good weather is almost guaranteed in Southern Europe but what about further east? W : Places like Prague and Budapest are great places to visit but it will be a lot milder there with some rain and cool evenings so visitors should take a light-weight jacket as well as their shorts. M : Right, what about further afield? How’s Thailand at this time of year? W : The temperatures there are again in the mid-30s but it’s the rainy season there now. So, unless you like monsoons and tropical storms, I’d wait until October to go. M : I see. Does the same apply for Australia? W : It’s actually winter there at the moment. So it will be quite cool especially at night. During the day temperatures may reach the low 20s in places like Sydney so still a lot better weather than in Britain at the moment. M : You can say that again. But what about people who can’t afford a foreign holiday? Where should they go within the UK to get the best weather? W : That’s a tricky question. The south coast is their best bet. Somewhere like Torquey, Britain or anywhere in Cornwall where you can expect milder weather with temperatures likely to be in the high 20s but they should take an umbrella to be on the safe side. M : So Scotland is out of the question then? W : Not at all. You can expect a lot of scattered showers, but some sunshine. M : Now, let’s talk about something else besides the weather. Part A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B C B D D A Part B 1 2 3 4 5 6 b e a c f D

Task #9 : Listen to the speakers who were on holiday. Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

Ann : I had a terrible time on my holiday this year. Everything went wrong. I got to the airport on time only to find that the flight had been delayed. I had to wait for 4 hours. Would you believe it? I had taken a travel sickness pill before I left home, but of course, because of the delay it didn’t work. I was so worried about my luggage being lost that I packed too much in my hand luggage. They said it was too heavy and I couldn’t take it on to the plane with me. Then, when I got there, my passport was stolen and I spent my whole holiday trying to sort it out. What a nightmare!

Tony : I definitely won’t be staying there again. I knew as soon as I arrived that I’d made a mistake. The hotel was only half finished. My room wasn’t too bad - quite spacious in fact. But what with all the hammering and banging the builders made, it was too noisy to sleep. On top of that the pool wasn’t even finished. There was just a big hole in front of the hotel. When I left, they gave me quite a bit discount but that really didn’t make up for it.

Emily : You know it started out well enough. We drove along the coast and stopped at a wonderful spot for lunch and that’s when everything started to go wrong. When we got back to the car we found we had a puncture. Then, when we looked in the boot, we found there was no spare tyre. I tried to call a break-down service but the battery in my mobile phone was too low. At least it didn’t rain, I suppose. Finally, someone stopped and gave us a lift to the nearest town. Next time I’ll be better prepared, believe me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 D B C D A B Task #10 : Listen to a young woman and choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D.

W : Hello, my name’s Jenny Clark and I’d like to ask a few questions about getting fit. M : Hi, Jenny. What can I do for you? W : Well, I’ve put on weight recently and I want to get into shape. M : Have you been doing any exercise lately? W : I’m afraid not. M : What kind of exercise do you like most? W : Well, I like aerobics but I don’t like weight training. M : How about swimming? W : Oh, yes I do enjoy that. M : Well, we have a large swimming pool. W : Great. M : How often can you work out? W : Um, Twice a week, I guess. In the evenings. After 5 o’clock. M : You could start an aerobics class. What do you think? They’re held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. At 7pm and 9pm. W : That’s fine. Will I need any kind of equipment? M : No, not really. A T-shirt and a pair of shorts or a tracksuit as well as trainers are okay. W : How do I sign up? M : Fill in this form to join to gym and then just pay for each visit. W : Okay then. When can I start? M : How about Monday at 7 o’clock? W : Great. I can’t wait to get started. 1 2 3 4 5 C A or B B B D