A meeting of the Conoy Township Board of Supervisors was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2016, at 211 Falmouth Road. In attendance were Supervisors Stephen Mohr, Gina Mariani, John Shearer, Clyde Pickel, and Kevin McKain and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Kathy Hipple. Also in attendance was Solicitor Bernadette Hohenadel of Nikolaus and Hohenadel.


1. Meeting was called to Order by Chairman Mohr at 7 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.

2. Motion by Mariani to approve of Minutes of May 12, 2016 BOS Meeting Minutes as presented; Second by McKain; Motion carried.

3. Chairman – Announcements and additional agenda items: None.

4. Public Participation: (i)Township resident Nick Pantanella, 28 S Second Street, Bainbridge, presented petition with about 400 names of local and non-local individuals to BOS in opposition to removal of approximately 85 trees and paving towpath on Trail. DM/A renderings as the trail is now and how it might look after tree removal were shared. Township was originally of the understanding that two trails could be provided. Township was then advised by LCSMWA that DEP will not permit construction in wetlands which initially had not been identified and then trees were marked for removal. Some trees will need to be taken out to save the Canal wall because there is no mortar in the wall. Funds received from DCNR for use in developing the trail can only be used if the trail is ADA compliant and there is about $1 million of funding in jeopardy if the trail is not ADA compliant. Further discussion took place regarding options such as a boardwalk, developing other wetlands in another area so Township can use the area in question. Appreciation was expressed for Supervisor Mohr having been in the planning of the trail from the beginning and helping to see the project to completion. Township resident Charles Lawrence, 123 Lawrence Street complimented BOS on clean-up and progress that has been made on the Prescott Road area but felt Township should not have been beholden to others for funds. An explanation was given there is no way the municipalities along the trail could afford the improvements without aid. Another Township resident gave the opinion of wanting the natural and paved trails and would be disappointed if the natural area was lost and the bridges and expressed appreciation for having the trail in this area. Not all bridges will be changed or removed and some might be added. Further planning and evaluation must take place. (ii) SRPD Officer Michael Kimes announced SRPD and Bainbridge sponsoring 4th Annual Community Day on August 6 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Requested Second Street from Race Street to Market Street is blocked. Vendors will be inside and outback of fire house; parking will be provided behind the fire house. Trying to host car show and depending on interest the blocked off area may have to be expanded. 9 a.m. 3.1 mile color run is planned with the route to begin at the fire house, through town, through park area, back through northern section of town ending again at the fire house. Concern was expressed for participants breathing powder from run; BOS was assured a waiver must be signed by each participant. Tanker will be used to wash streets after the activity. Fire Police will be contacted for support. Burnout was brought up and BOS advised event was cancelled before due to liability. Request was made that all neighborhood business parking areas not be blocked. Motion by Mariani to approve requests; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

5. Secretary- Treasurer – (i) Motion by Mariani ratifying BOS signing DAP-2, Designation of Agent Resolution appointing Kathy M. Hipple, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer as agent for 2016 Winter Storm Jonas snow reimbursement reporting retroactive to 5/20/16; Second by Pickel; Motion carried. (ii) Motion by Mariani approving Pennsylvania Electronic Payment Program Enrollment Form designating Mid Penn Bank as financial institution to accept funds from FEMA/PEMA on behalf of Conoy Township retroactive to 5/20/16; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (iii) Motion by Shearer ratifying Declaration of Snow Emergency retroactive to 1/22/16; Second by Mariani; Motion carried. (iv) Motion by Mariani approving payment for Emergency Radios from Capital Reserve Fund; Second by Shearer; Motion carried; two radios to be provided to Fire Police; five to BOS. (v) Motion by McKain accepting Audit Report received for year ending December 31, 2015; Second by Mariani; Motion carried. Correspondence received – (i) Donegal-Elizabethtown Area Appeals Board – Wayne Miller is requesting that Mr. Christopher W. Dellinger, P.E., 318 Dogwood Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 be appointed to the Donegal-Elizabethtown Area Appeals Board. Motion by Shearer to appoint Mr. Dellinger to Appeals Board; Second by McKain; Motion carried (ii) Motion by Shearer to provide Marietta Borough with letter of support for grant application; Second by Mariani; Motion carried.

7. Report of Committees / Officers: a. Emergency Management – No report. b. Bainbridge Fire Company – No report.

Page 1 of 2 c. NW Emergency Medical Services – (i) 9 calls in April; 70 calls year-to-date. d. Police – (i) Report is available. e. TMI – No report but Mohr reported sirens were activated and tested last week. f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator) – (i) Host fee for April 2016 $57,106.11 and 31035.93 Tons processed; (ii) 2015 – 2016 Comparison is available. g. Roads – (i) Verbal report by Chairman Mohr; typical road maintenance is being done; road mowing was done in time for Memorial Day. Mohr reported an individual ran over road signs from Maytown to Stackstown Road in Bainbridge with 18 being taken out in Conoy Township. SRPD is aware of individual’s. Township speed machine was hit but with little damage. Township employees went out at 1 a.m. to put up stop signs to prevent accidents. Mohr confirmed Marietta had two borrowed speed signs to use. h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – (i) Report is available; no permits issued in May 2016. i. Sanitary Sewer – (i) Working good except during heavy rains; calls sometimes received between midnight and 3 a.m. j. Stormwater Management – No report. k. Solicitor – (i) An appeal was filed by at least 3 individual parties to the granting of the Perdue air permit by DEP. Solicitor has copy of appeal and will review same and is requesting BOS authorization to intervene in the appeal if found to be in the best interest of the Township. Motion by Mariani to authorize intervention by Solicitor in appeal of Perdue air permit to Environmental Hearing Board; Second by Shearer; Motion carried. (ii) BOS to authorize Solicitor to attend Zoning Hearing once Fertrell application for expansion for a warehouse; separate driveway for trucks; on-lot or running line for sewage has been submitted. Motion by Mariani to authorize Solicitor to attend ZHB meeting to represent Township in Fertrell application; Second by McKain; Motion carried. l. Zoning Officer – (i) Report is available. m. Buildings – (i) Pickel brought up subject of thermostat at Salt Shaker building. BOS requested Pickel monitor situation and set thermostat in advance. n. Personnel – No business. o. Parks and Recreation – (i) Motion by Shearer to hire as Summer Playground Helper Sara Fuhrman at $9.36 an hour based on receipt of all necessary paperwork and clearances; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (ii) Music in the Park 5:30 p.m. Sunday June 26, 2016 at Conoy Park West. Pickel put up signs advertising the event and will hang the American flag for the event. p. Planning, Subdivision and Development – (i) PC reviewed preliminary plot plan from Fertrell.

8. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and Sewer Fund Deposit and General Check Detail reports for May 2016.

9. Motion by Mariani to pay bills (See Unpaid Bills Detail Reports for General Fund for 5/19/16 (2); 5/24/16; 5/26/16 and 6/9/16; and Sewer Fund for 5/24/16; 5/26/16 and 6/9/16.

10. Old Business: (i) NWLCRT Advisory Committee decision-making. Solicitor Hohenadel gave the opinion that the Advisory Committee has the authority to make decisions regarding use of the trail by large groups with members reporting back to their respective municipal boards. (ii) Zoning Ordinance Revised Final Draft given to Supervisors and was recommended for adoption by PC at 5/3/16 meeting, (iii) Current Planning Commission vacancy. Two possible candidates to fill the vacancy, discussed were Steve Rhoads and Darryl Smith (both live on Locust Grove Road). BOS waiting for response from another individual.

11. New Business: None.

12. Other Items and Public Participation: None.

13. Motion made by Mariani at 7:55 to adjourn; Second by Shearer; Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

John L. Shearer Secretary-Treasurer

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