St. Mary S Food Bank Alliance
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St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance Warehouse & Transportation Performance Evaluation
Employee’s Name: ______Evaluation Period:______Position Title: ______Hire Date: ______Department: ______Supervisor: ______
Performance Expectations Rating Scale: Evaluate the employee’s performance using the criteria listed below. For each category, write your numeric rating in the Rating Points column. Total the rating points on page 2 and then give an overall rating to the employee.
Categories Does Not Meet Somewhat Meets Meets Somewhat Exceeds Exceeds Expectations Rating Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Points
1 2 3 4 5
Quantity of work is Quantity of work Quantity of work Quantity of work Quantity of work inconsistent and accomplished accomplished accomplished accomplished Productivity below job frequently is in need consistently somewhat exceeds always exceeds requirements. of improvement. meets expectations with expectations and is Job productivity is expectations. positive results. consistent with positive unacceptable. results. Shows minimal Needs improvement Meets Motivated, completes Highly motivated. Self- initiative in work or on showing initiative Expectations in tasks with minimal starter. Completes tasks in seeking ways to and seeking ways to showing initiative supervision. on own. Exceeds Initiative improve job improve job Needs average Somewhat Exceeds expectations in seeking performance. performance. supervision. Most Expectations in ways to improve job Requires Does just enough to of the time seeks seeking ways to performance. continuous get by. Requires way to improve improve job supervision, which considerable job performance. performance. is unacceptable. supervision. Work is Quality of work is Work accuracy Work quality Quality of work consistently frequently below job neatness and somewhat exceeds Exceeds expectations. Quality of work inaccurate or standards, completeness is expectations and job Work is always neat, incomplete; falls inaccurate or satisfactory: requirements are accurate and complete. well below job incomplete. Needs Meets job usually above requirements and improvement. standards expectations. is unacceptable. Unacceptable, Needs improvement. Meets Somewhat exceeds Exceeds expectations excessive Often late, or expectations on expectations. on attendance. Attendance absences or Absent. Occasionally attendance. Rarely absent or late. Never absent or late. tardiness. Does not does not notify Usually present Always notifies notify manager. and on time. manager well in manager. Notifies manager advance about if late or absent. attendance issues. On the job safety is Needs improvement Meets Somewhat exceeds Exceeds expectations in at an unacceptable in on the job safety. requirements in expectations in job job safety. Always Safety level. carrying job duties safety. Usually performs job in a safe “Safety First” in a safe and performs job in a safe and effective manner effective manner. and effective manner. and encourages others. Regularly fails to Less than adequate Responsive and Very responsive to Extremely responsive follow chain of responsiveness and courteous to clients. Solves some and courteous to clients. command and courteousness to clients. Offers problems on own with Solves most problems rarely meets customers. solutions on viable solutions. on own with viable Customer customer Occasionally ignores routine matters. Great customer solutions. Customer Service skills expectations. problems. Doesn’t Refers unique service skills. Always astonishment. Frequently violates always inform problems to keeps manager company policies. supervisor. manager. Good informed. customer service. Always keeps manager informed. Regularly fails to Needs improvement Meets Somewhat exceeds Exceeds expectations meet decision regarding on the job expectations expectations making when making on the job making decision making.. when making on on the job decisions. decisions. Always takes Decision expectations. Occasionally takes the job decisions Usually takes ownership and holds Making & Rarely takes ownership for regularly. Takes ownership and holds one self accountable Problem ownership for actions. ownership and one self accountable Solving actions. holds one self accountable
Does Not Meet Somewhat Meets Meets Somewhat Exceeds Exceeds Expectations Rating Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations Points Categories 1 2 3 4 5
Uncooperative. Occasionally Cooperative and Great team player Always exceeds Unacceptable discourteous and courteous. Helps who usually exceeds expectations when behavior and uncooperative when others most of the expectations when working with others. Teamwork attitude when working with others. time and usually working with others. Cooperative and goes working with Needs improvement without being Cooperative in out of the way to help others. Sometimes in ability to help asked. helping others in most others. Excellent refuses to help others without being cases. Team player. others. asked.
Communication Communication skills Communications Communication skills Constantly conveys Communication skills are need improvement. skills are are good in most information effectively, Skills unacceptable, Information adequate. instances. Information completely and below standards, conveyed is often Information conveyed is complete accurately. Always asks leading to errors incomplete or conveyed is and accurate. questions when unsure. and confusion inaccurate. Does not generally Regularly asks ask questions when complete and questions when unsure. accurate. Usually unsure. asks questions when unsure. Values Focused Unacceptable Needs improvement Values are Values focused and Lives the Values on a Values focus. on practicing the adequately usually considers the daily basis and leads by Values are almost values on a daily demonstrated on Values in daily example. never practiced. basis. Often forgets a daily basis. decision-making Role model employee Disappointing to consider the process. for values and mission. employee. Values when Continuously goes performing job duties above and beyond.
Total rating points:
Rating Points Total Description Overall Rating 50-45 Exceeds Expectations 5 44-37 Somewhat Exceeds Expectations 4 36-29 Meets Expectations 3 28-21 Somewhat Meets Expectations 2 20 or below Does Not Meet Expectations 1
Employee Rating:
Summary of performance (include strengths & weaknesses): ______
Goals for the next evaluation period: ______
Staff Member Signature ______Date ______
Evaluator Signature/Title ______Date ______
Director/Manager Signature ______Date ______
Senior Staff Signature ______Date ______
Human Resources Signature ______Date ______
President and CEO Signature ______Date ______Note: Staff member and/or management may write any comments on back of page